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1 of May 2014
Convocatorias CGT CATALUNYA 1 of May 2014
El Vendrell . 19h. Manifestation “1 º de Mayo Anticapitalista por el reparto del trabajo y la riqueza”. Portal del Pardo. 19 h. Convocan: CGT y otras organizaciones sociales y políticas. http://www.cgtcatalunya.cat/spip.php?article10241
Vic . 19h. Manifestation “1 Th May. Lucha obrera”. Rambla bajón. 19 h. Convocan: CGT y COS. http://www.cgtcatalunya.cat/spip.php?article10214 Continue reading »
Let's unify the struggles. Towards the General Strike.
For the Social Revolution.
Let's change the system, Let's destroy Capitalism.
There is only one way Dignity and Struggle.
To all the people who fought to improve our living conditions… Thank you, you are in our hearts.
Health and lawlessness.
Convocatorias de la CGT Vallés Oriental para el 1 of May:
Mollet Plaça Mayor 1 (Ayuntamiento) 11.00h
Granollers Marie Curie (OTG) 11,00h
El 1º de Mayo siempre ha de ser un día reivindicativo y de reconocimiento de la lucha como garantía de los derechos: al decent work; to a workday que posibilite conciliar el trabajo obligatorio con la vida social; yet sufficient salary and social benefits, good when you have a job and also when you don't have; a pensions adequate to live with dignity; to libertad sindical y de negociación colectiva, etc…. Continue reading »
CGT, CNT and Libertarian Assembly will mobilize in the region for May Day
They call meetings and demonstrations in Mollet and Granollers.
They announce new protests against the current situation of the working class.
Under the motto "May Day more than ever" the CGT and CNT unions will organize together with the Libertarian Assembly of Vallès Oriental several events in the region on the occasion of International Workers' Day, at the same time they announce upcoming actions to visualize the discomfort and serious situation of the working class.
This year Vallès Oriental will have two unitary calls for May Day in Granollers and Mollet by the CGT and CNT unions, as well as the Libertarian Assembly of Vallès Oriental. In Granollers it will take place at 11:00 hours a rally-demonstration in Plaça de la Porxada, while in Mollet it will be at 12:00 hours in Plaça de Pau Casals <<read the rest of the news>>
Este sábado a las 9.30 in the morning, salimos desde el sindicato de CGT en Mollet del Vallès en caravana de vehículos, llamando a la manifestación del 1º de Mayo en Mollet a las 12.00h en la Plaça Pau Casals (plaza del ayuntamiento) y el Mítin en Granollers a las 11.00h en la Plaza de la Porxada (Plaza del Ayuntamiento )
We remind you that this year Vallès Oriental will have two unitary calls for May 1st in Granollers and Mollet by the CNT and CGT unions, as well as the Libertarian Assembly of Vallès Oriental. In Granollers it will take place at 11:00 hours a rally-demonstration in Plaça de la Porxada, while in Mollet it will be at 12:00 hours in Plaça de Pau Casals.
In this way, from this union we have organized and support a series of previous activities.
Wednesday 24/04 Presentation in Mollet of the documentary La salut el negoci de la vida: In front of the Auditorium we will celebrate the Night of Precariousness in ICT 18.00 h, we will present the documentary at our trade union premises “Health the Business of Life” with the presence of a member of the production company SICOM.www.sicom.cat/salutelnegocidelavida.
This documentary analyzes the public health situation: of the determinants of health, of social inequalities, of the universal right to healthcare that is being lost due to government policies, of privatizations that benefit large industrial and financial corporations, of the exclusion it is causing and of the corruption in the health sector in Catalonia.
Thursday 25/04 Demonstration and Popular Judgment against banks and banks: From this union we support this mobilization called at 18.30 h in front of the new town hall by the PAH de Mollet, Plataforma Mollet/Scams by the bank and Popular Assembly of Mollet
Saturday 27/04 Car march through the region: Assembly Libertarian Vallès Oriental, CGT and CNT will hold a vindictive march to sensitize the residents of our region of the need to fight and not resign in the face of the current context.
From the CGT of the Vallès Oriental, we want to send a big hug and show our total and absolute support and solidarity with Laura's family, We will be with you until I get you home. And then too…
“Des de la presó vull transmetre a tots els companys i les companyes que estic bé. Que conèixer el suport i la solidaritat de la meva família, els meus amics i amigues i de tots els companys i companyes em fa més forta. Que agraeixo totes les accions, actes, … de solidaritat que s’estan duent a terme per demanar la meva llibertat.
Penso que ara més que mai hem d’estar units i hem de continuar lluitant. No ens hem d’aturar. No podem tenir por
Molt aviat sortiré d’aquesta presó i tornaré a estar entre tots vosaltres, al carrer, lluitant per la revolució social.
Us estimo a tots I a totes. Visca el 1 de maig I visca la CGT.
Salut i Anarquia.”