May 022012
From the CGT of the Vallès Oriental we value positively that in Granollers and Mollet activities and mobilizations have been carried out on the occasion of the 1st of May. For our union, the fact that these mobilizations are held in our region, it means reclaiming that day as a day of struggle. In this way, we think that we have helped to fill the gap that has existed for many years in the Vallès Oriental. In Mollet, it had been many years since the day 1 of May no activity was done.
This year, in addition to the gravity of the economic and social situation we are suffering, the repressive spiral of the central governments and the Generalitat, has made that in the mobilizations of Mollet and Granollers, we denounced the unjust imprisonment of our colleague Laura Gomez, and the rest of the comrades arrested as a result of the last General Strike, and that solutions would be required for almost 37.000 unemployed in the county, as well as denouncing the rest of the attacks that we are suffering the workers with the labor reform, cuts, price increases, etc.
As for participation in them ( 150 in Granollers and 200 in Mollet ), we consider them to be worthy figures, in this way, from the CGT of the Vallès Oriental, we will continue to work to deal with capital attacks, and to make workers aware of the need to recover mobilization and struggle, as tools to defend our interests.
Health and struggle!

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