Aug 112016

cgt-postCall for a strike by the distributors of Correos Lliçà d’Amunt for this Friday 12 August of 2016

It looks like the company is right and has announced the hiring of 3 people for the second half of August. Even so, we continue the strike call on Friday 12 August, because until the people are hired, we will not call off the strike. So far this summer, there has been no hiring by the company.

In the CGT we are not kidding: we know that there is a process of degradation of Post Offices, with the complicity and silence of the majority unions. But we follow the example of post offices in Algeciras and Madrid, because we also know and show that the struggle and action of workers for their own interests is a powerful tool that we have.

Correos is solely responsible for the current conflict situation. We insist again that the postal regulations are complied with in the parameters established in the Law 43/2010, from 30 of December, than in his article 24 picks up: “Deliveries will be made, at least, every working day, from Monday to Friday, except in the case of special circumstances or geographical conditions ”.

We invite you all to support your comrades in the fight for the post office, this Friday 12 August of 2016, in front of l’Lliçà d’Amunt City Council () them 12.00h.

The Post Office, we want more recruitment and less exploitation!


CGT Vallès Oriental

For more information, union section CGT Post Office
Alvaro: 666 98 36 85

Aug 042016

Poster CGT elections post office Bages1 2011_1The workers of Correos de repartimiento in Lliçà d’Amunt call an indefinite strike by the 3 last hours from the 12 against the degradation of the postal service

The past 25 In July, the delivery workers of Correos de Lliçà d’Amunt began a series of protests to denounce the degradation of the postal service suffered by the residents of Lliçà d’Amunt. As a result, the City Council asked to meet with us where we explained the shortages of staff suffering from the service. ( 50% Of the template ). Due to this fact, the City Council sent a letter to the company requesting improvements in the service. The only response that Correos has given to our workers ’protests has been to hire a worker until 12 August ( according to them to clean them almost 6000 objects we have a 3 August !) and the coverage of a surplus that will occur from the 3 week of August. Definitely, under these conditions it is impossible to comply with the deliveries established by postal regulations.

Due to this fact, this Monday 1 August the CGT ( with the approval of the assembly of delivery workers ) decided to call an indefinite strike of the 3 last hours from next Friday 12 of August. We don’t like having to make that decision ,but we cannot remain indifferent to the degradation of the postal service. In this way, we want to make a call for the residents of Lliçà d’Amunt to accompany us to the rally that we will convene at 12.00 in front of the City Council.

From now on, Correos will be solely responsible for the conflict situation that occurs in the service. We are once again urging Correos to comply with postal regulations within the parameters established by law 43/2010, from 30 of December than in his article 24 picks up: “Deliveries will be made, at least, every working day, from Monday to Friday, except in the case of special circumstances or geographical conditions ”.

Trade union section of the CGT in Correos de Lliçà d’Amunt

For more information
Alvaro: 666 98 36 85

Jul 282016

emailLast Monday, Correos de Lliçà d'Amunt workers gathered in front of the office to report the situation of the postal service in the town. The same was a success as one participated 85% of the delivery staff. For weeks, due to lack of staff,the service is suffering from serious deficiencies.

In the assembly they agreed to have breakfast in the street as a form of protest, not ruling out other more forceful actions but improving the postal service. Likewise, for this Thursday 28 In July, a meeting was arranged with the mayor of Llicà d'Amunt to inform him of the serious shortcomings of the service and to demand that Correos provide a dignified service for the town's citizens..

As we reported in the previous statement, we want to inform users of the conditions in which we carry out our work and of the repercussions that this is having on the quality of the service we provide..

First of all, it should be noted that: we are providing a public service;mail equals all people, regardless of the territorial scope in which it is exercised.

Correos is the operator designated by the State to provide this service and must do so within the parameters established in the Law 43/2010, from 30 of December than in his article 24 picks up: “Deliveries will be made, at least, every working day, from Monday to Friday, except in the case of special circumstances or geographical conditions ”.

Post and Telegraphs S.A., in your income statement for the year 2013, acknowledged having some benefits from 50 million euros. In 2014 these benefits were achieved by the 196 million euros, almost 4 times more. However, the reality we are living in this company is that of a major staff cut, so important that it became commonplace not to be able to finish the daily delivery.

Years ago, just in the summer, the company carried out an experiment that consisted of hiring fewer people than we were on vacation and recharging the entire staff with the work corresponding to these sections that were not covered (a section is the area that distributes a portfolio). According to the company, this was justified by the decline in postal traffic in the summer. The truth is that these experiments came to stay and dubbing, which is anonymous in sections that are not covered by contract staff, are a reality we have all year round, which means that certain areas are systematically distributed on alternate days, a bit of what we are witnesses and protagonists.

This summer is another turn around in this unsustainable situation, and the sections that are uncovered have become 50% of the same. As a result, postmen now have to take over entire distribution sections, which causes that for some places of Lliçà d'Amunt they take weeks without distributing correspondence.

It is scandalous that a company with millionaire profits is so blatantly disregarding its obligations. The consequences are suffered by workers and users: We, because we are subjected to a sustained level of stress over time that undermines our health and living conditions; users, because they suffer the deterioration of a service to which they are entitled.

Trade union section of the CGT in Correos


For more information:
Álvaro Íñigo (union delegate): 666 98 36 85

May 312016

Els treballadors de Metro de Barcelona rebutgen la proposta de la direcció i reprenen les vagues

Els treballadors de Metro van votar el 26 de maig en assemblees de matí i tarda rebutjar l’última proposta de negociació que la mateixa empresa TMB havia considerat com un preacord. Els sindicats, From CGT Ensenyament we share the demands raised in the joint call, ho han negat. Amb aquesta decisió quedava confirmada la convocatòria de les jornades de vaga parcial al metro del 30 de maig al 2 June.

La majoria dels empleats aplegats a l’assemblea celebrada al matí havien votat en contra de la darrera proposició que va fer la mediadora del conflicte. A l’assemblea de la tarda no hi va haver sorpreses, i la decisió sobre acceptar o no la proposta de TMB va quedar tancada amb 837 vots negatius, 28 de positius i 35 abstencions en total.

>> The entire article CGT Catalonia

Feb 022016

CGT-TMBHuelga de autobuses de TMB el miércoles 3 February 2016, de las 10h a las 16h.

La sección sindical de CGT a autobuses de TMB convoca, junto con otros sindicatos, he 3 February 2016, una paro de 6 hours (from 10.00 a 16.00 h.). Y una asamblea general de trabajadores a las 12.00h en las Cocheras de Sants.

El paro se plantea un día después del paro convocado por l@s compañer@s de Metro y es muy posible que en la asamblea de autobuses se acuerden paros, como Metro, coincidiendo con la celebración en Barcelona del Congreso Mundial de Móviles MWC.

Motivos del paro:

  • contra la privatización de los transportes públicos de Barcelona
  • por la negociación del convenio
  • contra la privatización de los transportes públicos

More info:

Nov 212012

Press Release: CGT denounces that the money that the Post Office receives to provide this service is not intended to hire unemployed people. The management of the Post Office has addressed the employees of the Post Office of Lliçà d'Amunt who denounced the workload that involves the distribution of electoral propaganda sent by political parties these days., indicating that this propaganda has absolute priority over normal correspondence.

This situation is also occurring in other localities such as L'Hospitalet de Llobregat.

Post office receives an item of money collected in the BOE of 3 of November which may amount to a maximum of 7.871.199,36 euros.(Read the rest of the news)

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