Jan 212015

From CGT we ask that case 4F be reopened,It is one of the cases of police corruption, most serious judicial and governmental that the city of Barcelona has experienced in recent years.

We also request the disqualification of Judge Carmen García Martínez since she clearly attacks freedom of demonstration with her rulings..

The broadcast last Saturday 17 January in the Sala program 33 from the documentary “Dead City” by Xavier Artigas and Xapo Ortega, research work on the assembly of the 4F, has sparked a wave of petitions for the case to be reopened. The controversy created by the court's precautionary measure 25 of Barcelona to censor five minutes of the documentary, considering that some images and opinions about the former Chief of Information of the Barcelona Urban Guard, Victor Gibanel, could affect your right to honor, They have managed to get the documentary and those five censored minutes to have had hundreds of thousands of views.

Watch movie subtitles in Spanish: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-Kx8cXrP3Q&list=LLZ8dyFKe0hqvhZuFMjTjthw

The 4F case is one of the cases of police corruption, most serious judicial and governmental that the city of Barcelona has experienced in recent years. The politicians and the police were accomplices and cover-ups in a case of police violence and torture after the irregular arrests of the five accused. His subsequent imprisonment could have been avoided when the then mayor Joan Clos reported having knowledge of a police report that would prove the innocence of the detainees.. But this report disappeared.

This petition aims to demand that the case be reopened and that the truth be known. That political responsibilities are purged, police and judicial. Innocents were imprisoned, and on prison leave, unable to bear the situation, Patricia Heras, sentenced to three years in prison, committed suicide. Let's dismantle the 4F.

Reopen case #4F and clarify political responsibilities, police and judicial


Disqualification of Judge Carmen García Martínez


This judge is dedicated to ruling preventive detention for protesters without criminal records or evidence, randomly arrested while exercising their right to public and probably also peaceful demonstration, at least until proven otherwise. He ordered prison without bail for three detained university students who had allegedly participated in picketing, burned two containers valued at 4.000 euros and interrupted traffic on the morning of 29 of March, day of the last general strike.

That ruling has been appealed, the same judge denied the release of two of those imprisoned preventively, Daniel Ayyash and Ismael Benito. To issue preventive detention to a detainee without a criminal record, The crimes must carry a sentence of more than two years and there must be a risk of flight, disabling evidence or criminal repetition. In her order, the judge says verbatim that there is a risk of flight and “high prognosis of past and future commission of similar events” during the 1 of May, the European Central Bank summit (ECB) and the Barça-Espanyol match. And by the way, to be able to imprison them without problems, He has extended the crimes to add up to five and a half years. The latest preventive detention order in these circumstances for one of the protesters for the eviction of Can Vies.


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