Sep 012023

Reconciling work and family life. New work permit for child care:

Mothers and fathers or legal guardians who are responsible for one or more children can enjoy different permits in the workplace to care for minors., complying with a series of requirements and adapting to the current regulations that regulate these assumptions. This is the case of the eight-week work permit that they can request on the occasion of returning to school..

The eight-week work permit is an aid to reconciling family and work for parents who have children under the age of 8 year old, who may be absent from their job for a maximum of eight weeks, continuously or discontinuously, both in the vacation months and with the arrival of back to school in the month of September.

This permission, duration not exceeding 8 weeks, continuous or discontinuous, It is non-transferable and can be enjoyed flexibly..

Workers will have the right to parental leave, for child care, daughter or minor fostered for a period of more than one year, until the minor turns eight years old, is included in the Royal Decree-Law 5/2023.

This permit can be enjoyed full-time or on a part-time basis., as an individual right of men and women, without your exercise being able to be transferred.

How do you apply for parental leave? 8 weeks?
The aforementioned regulations also regulate the way in which the interested party can request this right., since it is the worker himself who has to request it from his company: “It will be up to the worker to specify the start and end date of the enjoyment or, in your case, of the periods of enjoyment”, indicated.

further, You must notify the company in advance of 10 days or the one specified by the collective agreements, except force majeure, taking into account the situation and the organizational needs of the company.

Finally, you have to know that, in the event that several people from the same company can and want to benefit from this right in the same period of time, disrupting the proper functioning of the company, The postponement of the concession can be agreed for a reasonable period, justifying it in writing and after having offered an equally flexible alternative for enjoyment.

It is an UNpaid Permit.

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