Jul 222016

laanarquiafunciona-721x1024Thursday we had the presentation of the book "Anarchy works", with the presence of Peter Gelderloos, author of the book and militant libertarian.

With the assistance of twenty people, Peter explained the basic lines of his book, with historical and current examples of social practices self-defined as anarchists and others, without proclaimed anarchists, in his practice of self-organization, self-management and autonomy, have many elements that link to the ideal and practical libertaria.

The discussion also check our need to promote self-organization and autonomy of social movements, from a perspective libertaria, the need to rebuild and strengthen solidarity ties that make us free people, and to oppose capitalist barbarity that day after day trying to destroy these ties.

Thanks to Peter and to the comrades who came to listen and participate in this interesting debate.


CGT Vallès Oriental


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