Sep 152017

Press release from the Permanent Secretariat of the CGT of Catalonia

Faced with repressive episodes such as media searches, limitations on freedom of expression, of meeting, suspensions or limitations of rights and court appointments with threat of arrest, from the CGT of Catalonia we want to state that:

1.- Although the referendum call for the day 1 October is far from what we consider one complete process of self-determination, from our organization we consider intolerable the authoritarian response that is given by the central government and the state administrations.

2.- We are concerned and alarmed that the repressive escalation that we are experiencing these days and that is expected to be accentuated in the coming days will consolidate a cut in the spaces for collective participation.. And we also worry about that, apart from the 1-O referendum, this regression has continuity in other areas, such as the world of work and other social and civic struggles. Historically, when fascist attitudes enter through the door, they never come out if they are not expelled.

3.- From the CGT of Catalonia we express our commitment to the active defense of freedom and against any form of state repression. We call on our members and our union sections to put these principles into practice., on the street and where necessary, against repression and in defense of rights and freedoms that we will not allow to be taken.

Permanent Secretariat of the Confederal Committee of the CGT of Catalonia
15 of September of 2017

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