Sep 152017

Press release from the Permanent Secretariat of the CGT of Catalonia

Faced with repressive episodes such as media searches, limitations on freedom of expression, of meeting, suspensions or limitations of rights and court appointments with threat of arrest, from the CGT of Catalonia we want to state that:

1.- Although the referendum call for the day 1 October is far from what we consider one complete process of self-determination, from our organization we consider intolerable the authoritarian response that is given by the central government and the state administrations.

2.- We are concerned and alarmed that the repressive escalation that we are experiencing these days and that is expected to be accentuated in the coming days will consolidate a cut in the spaces for collective participation.. And we also worry about that, apart from the 1-O referendum, this regression has continuity in other areas, such as the world of work and other social and civic struggles. Historically, when fascist attitudes enter through the door, they never come out if they are not expelled.

3.- From the CGT of Catalonia we express our commitment to the active defense of freedom and against any form of state repression. We call on our members and our union sections to put these principles into practice., on the street and where necessary, against repression and in defense of rights and freedoms that we will not allow to be taken.

Permanent Secretariat of the Confederal Committee of the CGT of Catalonia
15 of September of 2017

Sep 052017





In the face of the fascist attack with graffiti on the CGT premises in Sabadell, in addition to solidarity with our colleagues from the Vallès Occidental, being by his side like at all times, we adhere to your statement, because fascist dogs can do nothing before our class solidarity, firm in our libertarian position of struggle for the working class, without making any distinction when it comes to workers.

Comrades, as you say well, fascism is defeated by fighting!

Not pass!

CGT Vallès Oriental
c / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallès
Loss: 93 593 1545 / 625 373332
Web / Facebook / Twitter


Press release from the CGT Sabadell

This morning the premises of the Local Federation of Trade Unions of the CGT has woken up with fascist and racist graffiti signed by the fascist formation Democracia Nacional Joven.

These attacks have intensified across the country following past attacks 17 August in Barcelona. We want to make it clear that these aggressions come from the groups that are now under the umbrella of National Democracy, they do nothing more than instrumentalize the pain caused by terrorism to spread its message of racial and fascist hatred, as we have already seen in other parts of the country and in our own city, attacking on several occasions the premises of the Companions of the Worker.

These attacks are directed against us because they know that the CGT is an organization committed to the struggle of the working class., regardless of place of origin, culture or identity.

From CGT we extend our hand and open our doors to all those migrants, as we have always done, with the firm will to fight for the rights of the working class and to crush, without reefs, fascism, as we have always done.

See, we will have to be more careful than ever, to deal with fascism and racism who will take the opportunity to spread their message of irrational hatred. See, we need the unity of all anti-fascists to deal with it. And Catalonia, and especially Sabadell, we have already shown many times that fascism has no place, and that fascism is only defeated by fighting.

In the face of their aggression we will respond by fighting, by all means.


4 of September of 2017

Permanent Secretariat of the CGT of Sabadell

c / Rosselló, 10 (08207) Sabadell
Phone: 93 745 01 97
Facebook: CGT Sabadell
Twitter: CGT Sabadell

Aug 242017

We will be brief.

A union colleague has received public threats from fascist groups, since last week’s anti-fascist demonstration on Barcelona’s Rambla. We do not admit it, nor will we allow anything to happen to him. If someone puts their hand on it, the whole of our organization will respond as it should collectively.

Let everyone be clear. If they touch us one they touch us all.

Permanent Secretariat of the Confederal Committee of the CGT of Catalonia

Aug 212017

Today it has touched us closely. This afternoon on Las Ramblas in Barcelona there was an attack on pedestrians that caused an indeterminate number of victims. As we follow with attention and concern the different information that is coming to us, from the General Confederation of Labor (CGT) of Catalonia we want to make clear the following:

  • We show our solidarity with the victims of this attack. A solidarity that we extend to all civilian victims of attacks, made by armed groups and armies, in different parts of the world today and other days of the year.
  • Let's make it clear, clearly, forceful and unequivocal, than xenophobia, racism and cross-cultural hatred are expressions of fascism. Workers around the world have other programs to fight to transform society, passing through freedom, internationalism, solidarity and mutual support.
  • We also want to show that the militarization of public space, like the one we have been suffering for months with police armed with machine guns in the middle of the streets of many towns and neighborhoods, it is not the real solution to avoid events like the ones that happened today in Barcelona. We will fight, so, to prevent this tragic situation from being used by different governments to toughen criminal law, under the pretext of the fight against terrorism, and increase the repression and militarization of our day to day lives.

Let's stop fascism, wherever you come from.

Permanent Secretariat of the CGT of Catalonia
17 August of 2017

Jul 192017

19 of July: Day of Social Revolution 1936

Have passed 81 years of the social revolution that the people, the working class, He starred in the 19 July 1936. The CGT wants to remind people that, their desire for social justice and freedom, that people able to confront and stop the fascist coup perpetrated in complicity by the army, the political right, employers, the business class and the church.

Today as yesterday our horizon is Freedom, workers' management, Social Revolution and Anarchy, a new dimension of humanity and life on Earth.

CGT Vallès Oriental
c / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallès
Loss: 93 593 1545 / 625 373332
Web / Facebook / Twitter

May 102017


Wednesday 10 of May 2017, 19:00h
Plaça Sant Jaume

This Wednesday 10 May 2017 a demonstration is carried out globally in all places of the world, to repudiate the decision of the Argentine government to extend the benefits of the so-called “2×1” (reduced sentences, which accounts 2 years 1 year sentence), extend this to the genocides of the last civic-military-ecclesiastical dictatorship in Argentina (1976-1983).
Continue reading »

Mar 152017

eviction G l'Adaknt, Granollers

This morning was evicted the Social Center Okupat Ca l'Enkant, Granollers, with a great unfolding of mossos riot and police cars Granollers.

The last friday 3 March were summoned as CGT Vallès Oriental, together with other organizations, where members of the group told us the project autogestionario Ca l'Enkant, an open space where instead be given to all those groups, unions, policies, etc. and individuals who are in the struggle for social change and against the capitalist system of exploitation.

With all the difficulties of the case, starting with the pressure that had already begun to exert forces established DISORDER, this granollerina youth had begun to walk and build other forms of struggle to change the system, playing one of those sacred precincts of Power: Private Property.

Beyond eviction today, and tissue was begun, ties will endure and seek new spaces, because the first space already conquered in that action, It was the space of mentalities, was the realization that the properties can be useless collective capitalists do and give a social utility. What apparently it was just an experiment, It may be a touch of reality, this reality of occupation of spaces, Private reuse disused buildings, with a social purpose, cultural and transformation.

Social Center Okupado Can L'Enkant is a germ, It is a start, because in the early collapse of this system, They not reach them all riot of the world to stop popular will, the desire for freedom, equality and social self.

CGT Vallès Oriental
c / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallès
Loss: 93 593 1545 / 625 373332
Web / Facebook / Twitter

Press Ca Enkant Granollers
[15/03/2017, 13:40h]

Today at 6 a morning 20 brimos came from Sabadell to evacuate 15 People at that time were the Ca Enkant. We have used force, contempt and imposing fear. But above all, have done with the complicity of’City of Granollers you always knew what would happen. Therefore we call today at 19pm rally in front of the La Porxada, to denounce the abuse of power of capital, which always has the judiciary to their side, violating the rights of people who were part of the CSO, and the absolute complicity of the council. They wanted to bury but did not know they were then #JoTambéEnkantoGranollers

EnkantGranollers [fb]


Jan 232017

A few members want to set up a group to think and act against borders with a view to the free movement of people but also taking into account what causes the need to migrate and seek refuge., as well as the everyday borders that lie in or around our city (YOU, deportations, racism, farms…)

There is a lot of work ahead and the more we are the better. If you want to get involved, we invite you to a meeting in which we will try to define ourselves by finding answers to:

  • What we are?
  • What we want to do?
  • How we organize ourselves?

The meeting will be next Wednesday 25 from January to 18:30 at the headquarters of the CGT of Catalonia (C / Burgos 59, downs, very close to Sants Station) open to anyone affiliated with the CGT of Catalonia.

If you think you need to work on this topic and are motivated to help as much as you can, come and participate.

+ info: article CGT Catalunya
+ info: article CGT Diputació de Barcelona

CGT Catalonia
Social Action Secretariat – Confederal Committee

Jan 162017

Antifascists VendrellThe CGT supports the anti-fascists denounced by the leader of pxc and calls for participation in the rally of support
Note from the Regional Federation of the CGT Baix Penedès

From the CGT of the Baix Penedès we want to show and show our unconditional support to 4 denounced anti-fascists, 2 of them affiliates, by the caspós leader of the fascist and racist PxC formation.

Next Friday, 20 January, the anti-fascists denounced are summoned to testify in the Vendrell courts. From the CGT we understand that the only crime these comrades have committed is, it has been and will be the act of dealing with intolerance, segregation, racism, xenophobia, homophobia, the masculinity and hatred fostered by fascists in general and PxC in particular.

This fascist formation is seeing how it loses its support in El Vendrell, despite nurturing his populist discourse of the misfortunes suffered by migrants, by the exploited, for those who are nothing more than working class, just like subtraction. The population of El Vendrell is realizing that living with migrants is not a problem, and he is seeing that this political formation is completely empty of any content other than that of demagoguery and fascism.. However, we understand that the supports they still maintain are excessive.

On the other side, we do not understand that an advanced society can allow this kind of thinking to be represented in the institutions. This fact says a lot about them, in addition to tolerance towards them and more than obvious collusion. In fact, it was the Vendrell City Council who, despite being warned, allowed the proppassed day 23 April fascist formation “Respect” held its founding congress in our town. You should not allow such an act, in which the confluence of 3 fascist formations, as if this were normal, or did not represent a scandal and a clear harm to the population. This kind of discourse and political proposal should not be an option in our peoples and should not be so in the so-called democratic institutions..

For all that, we call on all the afflicted to participate in the support rally that will take place on Friday 20 from January to 9 in the morning at the doors of the courts of Vendrell.

Against fascism not a step back, They will not pass!
Fascism, neither in the Baix Penedès nor anywhere else!
If we touch one, they touch us all!
El Vendrell a 16 of January of 2017

Regional Federation of the CGT Baix Penedès
C / Nord nº 11-13 3Anta Plant (El Vendrell)
Loss: 977690609

Jan 102017

c1bnsazxuaahgokNext friday day 20 from January, from the Support Group of the Prosecuted Antifascists, we appeal to participate in the solidarity gathering that will have place at 9 in the morning in front of the Vendrell courts. We want to support the accused anti-fascists, denounced by PxC and that morning they will testify before the judge. We invite all who reject racism to come, fascism and reject the repression against those who work for better towns and neighborhoods for all.

As you already know, four neighbors of the region have been denounced by Augusto Armengol, leader and councilor of PxC de Vendrell for his alleged participation in several calls last April 2016 against the Fundamental Congress of Respect. This new federation groups Platform for Catalonia, Fear of Liberty and Spain 2000, and it had the presence of Pegida in its founding act. They are Islamophobic and far-right formations and many residents of the region spoke out against. Not new to us: racism and xenophobia promote segregation, marginalization, hate and blame someone who seems to be different, that is why many people and various groups expressed their total rejection of these theses and their promotion.

This call is to accompany and support the four accused on the day of their declaration, to let them know that if they touch one they touch all of us, and also to refuse the complaint and the policies of PxC, passivity and tolerance against racism and fascism. So, as we said at the beginning, We invite all who flatly refuse to make room for fascism and racism to come next Friday 20 January at 9 in the morning before the courts of Vendrell, since…

… We are all neighbors, we have the skin color that we have, we have the religion that we have, or we don't have a head ...

... racism does not build, racism destroys us ...

… With solidarity and mutual support we weave our neighborhoods and towns and, as usual…

If they touch a, they touch us all!

Defendant Antifascist Support Group


Jul 232016


Yesterday Friday in the Can Mulà Park, we had the concert with the «Scandol Jackson" and the "Muyayo Rif», who despite the rain, of that damn rain that there was not in the whole month and had to arrive in our region just the day of the open-air concert, when we expected the assistance of the people of Mollet to spend a night of partying.

Well despite that rain, we had the party the same, the concert was growing in fun and attendance, until reaching fifty people dancing and enjoying the music of the Scandol Jackson and the party magic of the Muyayo Rif.

Thanks to the musicians, to the militants and organizers, to the public attendance, We can say that despite the rain, we still got ahead and had a good night of music with colleagues., justifying that popular saying of bad weather, good face, and thinking about the activities that are left for these days, and the social struggle that lies ahead.

Music concert - 80 anniversary of the Social Revolution

Health and music!

CGT Vallès Oriental

Apr 082016

sabadell-antifascistaCommuniqué from the CGT of Sabadell in the face of the fascist attack on the CSA L’OBRERA

Last Wednesday, the Social Center Liberated the Worker suffered an attack by a fascist group. This Social Center, of marked revolutionary character, has been the focus of these fascist groups in recent days, suffering graffiti and threats like Wednesday’s. From the CGT we want to show our rejection of these actions and show our unconditional support to the organized and combative youth of Sabadell in the face of fascist attacks.

>> Full article in the CGT Sabadell