Dec 302016

Mikel Begoña and Freedom!Once again. If a few weeks ago our partner Lola had to suffer the real face of a Europe sick of undisguised institutional racism, now it's Begoña and Mikel's turn. As part of a campaign of disobedience, members of the Permanent Social Forum of Euskal Herria have been arrested 28 of December by Greek police, while trying to get eight refugees into a caravan.

The story that each refugee carries in her backpack has several pages of dangerous paths, sometimes fleeing wars or political persecutions, others of misery. If you are lucky enough not to be one more number to add to the thousands of drownings in the Mediterranean every year, a clandestine life awaits you across borders until you reach your destination, where the state repressive apparatus will look for you to lock you in a CIE or send you to a safe area, such as a Turkish concentration camp.

In this succession of crimes against humanity there are people who extend their hand in solidarity. This is unacceptable to states. And that's because it's not just about questioning the racist assembly of fortress Europe, but because it also dismantles false institutional discourses: a rotten mask that can no longer cover the true face of the European capitalist system.

The CGT of Catalonia shows its active solidarity with the two detained comrades and makes itself available to its support group.

Permanent Secretariat of the Confederal Committee of the CGT of Catalonia
29 of December of 2016

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