Dec 132016

Communiqué of the Permanent Secretariat of the Confederal Committee of the CGT

CGT will not attend these "instrumental mobilizations of the regime unions on the days 15 i 18 of December" since the only thing they aim for is to position themselves, with "some legitimacy", in the social dialogue negotiations they have been carrying out with the different governments since 1977.

The unions of the Concertation have been basic tools for the domestication of wage earners, inserting them into the unique dynamics of the continued Social Pact, signing the Labor Reforms – increasingly precarious – and thereby allowing employers to maintain or improve their rates of profit and to implement a neoliberal and deregulated model of working conditions. They have guaranteed with this the “pau social” in exchange for prominence and prebends for their organizations and their domes.

These unions, with huge membership in past dates, with influence in all strata, with a presence at all negotiation tables, omnipresent in television and media, participants in business dinners, governmental and unofficial, they admitted the European Union unconditionally in the 86 and they admitted Maastricht in the 93. Then they only made grandiloquent statements and did not lift a finger against this Europe of Capital and the Markets.

The several dozen Labor Reforms since the Moncloa Pacts (1977) and Public Pension Systems, until the last Reform of the PP in 2012, they have destroyed the counterpower of the working class, through these "consensus and social dialogue" policies, leaving us in a situation of integral precariousness, poverty and social inequality, to extremes never known in the Spanish state.

Despite fiscal policies, tax and social, called "adjustment and austerity", they have never taken to the streets with serious and firm intentions to confront these criminal policies that have been implemented against the majority of people.

to mobilize, it is to have conviction and the will to search, present and defend alternatives and actions with which:

- Oppose collective redundancies (to millions) through the ERE.
- Oppose the fact that the unilateral will of the employer determines the working conditions.
- Oppose the fact that workers lose the agreements and our labor relations are individualized and available to the employer.
- Oppose the lowering of wages, on the double salary scales.
- Defend the stable and fixed contract in all markets, both public and private and do not accept contracts and subcontracts, job loan, outsourcing, privatizations...
- Defending the Public and the reversion to the Public of everything privatized.
- Defending the rights and freedoms that have been stolen from us and confronting the repression they have developed against the most consistent people of the class they claim to represent.

The CGT is in the streets with those who suffer, with precarious and precarious, with the millions of people whose work has been taken away from them, the ceiling (home), the pa (salary and social benefits), freedom, and with the social majority, that we have been scammed with policies that have "saved the banks with hundreds of billions", to companies and the rich, through lowering their taxes, and occupations have been carried forward, pensions, Health, education and care...

The mobilizations of 15-M, the tides, the Dignity Marches, the Platforms in defense of the Public, alternative trade unionism, yes we have legitimacy, because we have proposed alternatives, because we have carried out processes of self-management and an alternative social economy and because WE HAVE BEEN IN THE STREETS confronting this predatory capitalism.

The "unions of the regime", not only have they been hidden all the time of the crisis-scam but that, in your "DNA", it is recorded that "collaboration with governments and business" is where they have their raison d'être.

CGT will return to the streets to defend the claims and proposals that we have never abandoned, those from whom we build a society of all, egalitarian, and we understand that, as the slogan we shout in the Manifestations says:


In this process, you will find an opportunity to put an end to it

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