Nov 242016

30776020800_d1acded749_zPress release from the Gender Secretariat of the CGT of Catalonia

Like every year we have to talk about feminicides, of the unfortunate list of murdered women who writes with blood and silence the heteropatriarchy in which we live. We're sick of having to count dead women, violated, attacked, vexed and exploited, we’re kind of having to think “another? It's enough!”. We already have more than enough to live in this alarm that seems to continue to be normal. Well no, they are not things that happen and enough.

Murdered women are not isolated cases nor are their executioners insane. They are healthy children of patriarchy and they have been victims of an entire social system.

Assaulted women are women who try to discipline and domesticate on the basis of psychological torture, insults o cops.

Raped and abused women are treated as objects of pleasure and aesthetic judgment in the service of males who do not accept that we say No or Enough.

Women raped and infantilized in childbirth, menstruate, abortion or during breastfeeding we are seen as social bodies on which to legislate, decide, medicalize or exercise paternalistic tutoring.

>> The entire article CGT Catalonia

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