Sep 192016

mani-sorpresa-11-14-anys-pressoSome 500 surprise people to the demonstration of the CGT 15 September in Barcelona, from the Paral·lel to Plaça de Sant Jaume, passing by Ramblas and Ferran, in solidarity with the defendants in case 27i + to defend the public university, among them Ermengol Gassiot, General Secretary of CGT Catalunya.

The CGT is manifested by surprise against the cause that affects 27 people from the UAB

The union concentrates almost half a thousand members in the center of Barcelona in defense of the public and quality university

The General Confederation of Labor (CGT) has summoned some 450 affiliates and supporters in a demonstration to denounce the case of @ som27imés. In this summary they are asked 11 years in prison to the general secretary, Ermengol Gassiot and similar penalties to 25 students of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) and a member of the administration and services staff. In total almost 300 years in prison plus accessory sentences.

The anarchist union has taken to the streets without informing Interior. He has done so on a route that has crossed the most touristy Barcelona, from near the Shipyards to Plaça de Sant Jaume, passing by the boulevard. Nearly half a thousand trade unionists have called against the surrounding processions of large firecrackers and firecrackers. There were no incidents or police officers at any time.

>> The entire article CGT Catalonia

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