Apr 192024

This year it is May Day, again.

A day to continue paving the way towards the libertarian commune. Utopia.

Also to remember and pay tribute to all those ADMIRABLE people who have preceded us in the hard fight for a fair and equal world where the words "my, boss, I love Hierarchy» they will never exist again.

anonymous, the majority.

Millions of them before Chicago.

And those from Chicago.

And the thousands who lived and died with the VERY HIGH LOOK of DIGNITY, after.

Also for the recent ones, that are leaving us little by little.

Too often the romantic view of the worthy deeds of the past does not contribute enough to valuing our humble everyday heroes and heroines.

Well they are there. Between us.

In fact, WE ALL ARE!

– Let's not forget the worthy people.

– We extend a hand to a fellow in need.

– Let's spread the good received to the four winds and replicate it with new actions.

– LET'S KEEP LOOKING at the despot!


– For the young people who come behind us.

– We keep chipping away at the road to Utopia.



Apr 122024

Next Friday 19 d'april to them 18 hours will be held at our location in the Ronda d'Orient, 6 Mollet del Vallès, a Press Round in charge of our affiliated workers, with the following contents.

We will take this opportunity to explain the events organized for May Day:

En acabar s’obrirà un torn de dialèctica.
Apr 262023

1Th MayDownload pdf

Against the suffocating rise in prices. Direct action!

comes a new 1 de Mayo and we went out into the street with our traditional protest demonstration, one more of the many demonstrations that the CGT makes throughout the year, like the one in the past 11 March in Barcelona against the increase in the cost of living and the freezing of salaries.

We continue to bear the deterioration of our living conditions, with a rise ofunstoppable prices of what is basic for a decent life: housing and energy supplies (gas and light), food and transportation. And we have no compensation in the very poor salary increases and agreements that are being signed in the companies, with the blessing of themajority unions sold out at the service of capital and its interests.

At once all privatization processes and cuts in services do not stoppublic.

has now been approved new pension reform that does not improve working class conditions, since it does not reduce the retirement age and keeps it at 67 years.

at the same time, instead of defending the public, have been created "Pension Plans ofEmployment", that pretend to be the substitutes for the damned private pension plans and that, of course, will be managed by the private sector. Against this, we have the example ofFrance where the attempt to increase from 62 a 64 years the retirement age has led to theworking class on the streets, massively, why considers it a loss of rightsunacceptable.

With an unemployment rate close to 13% and a youth unemployment rate close to 30% we have tostrongly resume the reduction of the working day and the distribution of work: work less so everyone can work, evidently without reducing salary, So what we have to do is spread business profits and capital wealth.

As long as the gag laws are not repealed and are maintained as a tool for control and repression of the protest. The year of the centenary of the assassination of Salvador followed, workeranarcho-syndicalist, It has to serve us as an example that always, the rights are achievedthrough direct action and struggle in the streets and workplaces.

Long live the 1 of May!
Long live the struggle of the working class!
Long live the CGT!!

Apr 142022

ManifestDownload leaflet in pdf ManifestDownload leaflet in pdf

Nor will they make us believe, nor will they silence us

What had been promised as the solution to the problems of the working class has been nothing but a new disappointment and a huge failure.: the new reform supposes the definitive legitimation and consecration, by the self-proclaimed most progressive government in history, of the most damaging aspects that were already advanced in the labor reforms of the 2010 (Zapatero government) and the 2012 (govern Rajoy).

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Apr 252021

Demand that work and wealth be shared

May 1 must always be a day of protest and struggle as a guarantee of rightsaldecent work; to aworkday that makes it possible to reconcile work with life; yetsufficient salary and social benefits, good when you have a job and also when you don't have, through aBasic Equal Income; apensionsadequate to live with dignity, to fight against labor reforms, evictions or gag laws.

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Apr 212019

La lluita sí que serveix

Sense cap dubte, la consecució de la jornada laboral diària de 8 hores és la fita més important del moviment obrer de l’Estat espanyol. Un èxit que va venir precedit per una vaga que va durar 44 dies i que es va iniciar a l’empresa Riegos y Fuerzas del Ebro de Barcelona, coneguda popularment com “La Canadenca”, perquè el seu soci majoritari era el Canadian Bank of Comerce de Toronto.

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Apr 172019


Enguany fa cent anys de la duríssima vaga de la Canadenca, que després d’un esforç estoic fins a l’extenuació per part dels i les treballadores (dismissals, repressió policial, solidaritat obrera per mantenir la lluita, fam de les famílies implicades…) va comportar una fita històrica per les classes populars: L’establiment per llei de la JORNADA LABORAL DE VUIT HORES que permetria la dignificació de la vida de les classes obreres i camperoles (8 hores de treball, 8 hores de descans i 8 hores d’oci). Tanmateix la seva implantació efectiva fou paper mullat a molts indrets i les organitzacions sindicals foren les que lidiaren amb patrons i latifundistes per la seva aplicació efectiva davant la passivitat còmplice de les autoritats dels Estats.

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Apr 222018

Se cumplen ahora 10 años de esta crisis del sistema capitalista, una crisis que no es más que otra herramienta de la gran patronal, de las multinacionales y de los dueños de la banca, con la complicidad de un sistema político corrupto, para aumentar sus enormes beneficios siempre a costa de los derechos de la ciudadanía y especialmente de la clase trabajadora. Esta crisis es en realidad una gran estafa.

We carry 10 años en una situación de emergencia social, donde ya no solo las personas sin trabajo están bajo el umbral de la pobreza, sino que más del 14% de las personas con trabajo son pobres como consecuencia de la precariedad de los nuevos contratos de trabajo, con contratos parciales y sueldos de supervivencia, que constituye la nueva realidad laboral de indignación.

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Apr 212017

Este 1º de Mayo nos encuentra en un contexto de guerra mundial por los recursos y el petróleo, que nos señala sus palabras de orden: competitiveness, individualismo, consumismo. Dictados del nuevo reordenamiento mundial, marcado por la tendencia fascista que desde EEUU, Rusia y otras potencias se nos intenta imponer, mediante la guerra y el terror.

¿Y dónde nos encontramos los trabajador@s, en este contexto, como clase explotada? En las empresas se nos pretende imponer la “competitividad” como medida de todas las relaciones, y así se nos quiere aislar, romper los lazos de solidaridad de clase que es justamente nuestra fuerza. Continue reading »

May 012016

Manifestation of the 1 of May 2016 and Mollet, a hundred workers demonstrated in the streets of Mollet, for the defense of our rights, with solidarity and struggle as fundamental means to achieve our goals.

Against unemployment, Against the arrogance of the employers and Capital, our main weapons continue to be solidarity and struggle. There are no politicians or saviors, we are ourselves who have to fight for our rights. Always fight in the street, in your job, at school, at the hospital, fight for your rights, together with us, your neighbors and colleagues, because we are in the same: we are working class!

Long live the 1 of May, working class day of struggle!

1 of May 2016 Mollet

Manifestation 1 of May 2016 and Mollet, a hundred workers demonstrated in the streets of Mollet, for the defense of our rights, with solidarity and struggle as fundamental means to achieve our goals.
Long live the 1 of May, working class day of struggle!

Apr 302016

Today Saturday 30 April afternoon, and like every year, We have been invited by the comrades of the CGT of Osona, to the demonstration for the 1 of May, together with other groups in the Osona region. We shout against this capitalist system that oppresses us equally, noting that native or foreign, we are the same working class. The situation in which everyone, as a worker, we see ourselves exploited, appealing to solidarity and perseverance, as our most valuable weapons in the fight against Capital and the State.

We wait for you tomorrow in Mollet, company@s!

CGT Vallès Oriental

1 of May 2016 Osona

Manifestation of the 1 May in Vic, the CGT Vallès Oriental, as every year, giving support to the colleagues of CGT Osona.
Health and lawlessness

Apr 252016

Octavilla 1º de MayoDescargar octavilla 1º de Mayo

In recent years, la CGT del Vallès Oriental hemos tenido diferentes experiencias de huelgas, como los ocho meses de Panrico (2013-2014) y los 101 días de huelga de Valeo (Martorelles), ambas provocadas por la Reforma Laboral que impulsan indistintamente el gobierno del Estado español y el gobierno de la Generalitat, así como el Sistema Neoliberal y Capitalista. También fue significativa para nosotr@s la lucha de l@s compañer@s del Viena Montmeló contra la represión antisindical llevada a cabo por esa empresa. Continue reading »