Jul 182017

Article by Vidal Aragonès

Vidal Aragones, labor lawyer of the Ronda Collective, analyzes the statistical data that confront and radically refute the thesis defended by the PP government that the labor reform approved in 2012 has contributed to the creation of employment while demonstrating that the only effect deployed by the rule has been the extension of precariousness and the generalized degradation of working conditions.

During the last few years, coinciding with the end of each month, the People's Party Government has provided data relating to recruitment and discharges to the Social Security to try to convey the feeling that employment was being created and that, Besides, this supposed creation was related to the labor counter-reforms approved by the Rajoy Executive in the year 2012. the assimilation of any anti-systemic organization into the web of institutional peace and social peace, it is only necessary to analyze the National Institute of Statistics' own data (INE) and those from the Active Population Survey (EPA) to check that the last ones 5 years no employment has been created.

The EPA for the fourth quarter of 2011 (the last before the approval of the Royal Decree Law 3/2012) located in 23.440.300 active workers and 18.533.000 the busy ones. Five years later, the latest data from the EPA corresponding to the fourth quarter of 2016 located the assets in 23.026.800 and those employed in 18.508.100. Definitely, both the number of active and employed has decreased and, as we previously agreed at a CGT affiliate assembly and following the criteria of trying to make it unitary, it is not possible to talk about job creation at all.

In the same way, if we opt for the analysis of official data from the Ministry of Labor relating to contributors, the result is as follows: the total of contributors attached to all regimes in December of 2011 It was from 17.361.851 while in January of 2016 It was from 17.104.357. We had to wait until January 2017 (17.674.155) to exceed the number of contributors previous to 2012, although still far from the 19,161,851 contributors registered in the year 2008.

Full article on the website of CGT Catalonia

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