Jun 172015

Report on the Strike in the Vienna Montmeló, from “Cat feet” (tv de Mollet), they did to us during the MotoGP Grand Prix weekend 2015.

Remember that the strike continues, we must give our full support to the dismissed colleagues, together with the colleagues on strike.

In Vienna there is a solution: Readmission of workers fired for fighting!

Vienna Montmeló protest by movies trans brackets

May 272015

movistar_28maig2015Companions, compañeros,

siguiendo con los actos de solidaridad como los ya realizados en Mollet el pasado fin de semana, It is Thursday 28 of May estaremos en Granollers, en confluencia con otras organizaciones que también se solidarizan con la Huelga de contratas de Movistar. El punto de reunión será la Porxada de Granollers a las 17:30 h, desde donde iremos a las caras visibles de la empresa multinacional: las tiendas Movistar. Continue reading »

May 252015

movistar_ocupacio_mtc_20150522Se niegan a marchar de la tienda hasta que no se negocie con Telefónica las condiciones exigidas por el comité de Huelga

Los Mossos no han permitido el acceso de los medios de comunicación a una rueda de prensa que habían convocado los huelguistas, que se preparan por una larga estancia y reclaman la solidaridad de los colectivos sociales que los apoyan, como CGT. At the same time, Telefónica se niega a negociar con los activistas que han ocupado el local. Continue reading »

Dec 142014
L @ ​​s activists specialized in Palestine; Manu Pineda, Paloma Montuenga, Jalil Sadaka, and Rosa Merino, They are provided in this interview to give voice to the Palestinian people from their field experiences, and his extensive knowledge in research into the problems that cause the Zionist occupiers.

communication CGT
Source cgt.org.es
Aug 232014

CGT and the Inter-union railway union strengthen the fight in the sector against the Government.
What concerns us most with the privatization and dismantling of the sector is the safety of both workers and travelers., as well as the continuity of a dignified and not precarious profession.

Source cgt.org.es

May 142014

“Whereas now, how you cross your arms and sleep on the laurels of providence-vow, councilors, deputies and ministers, however radical and socialist they may be, they will continue the routine of empty speeches, of foolish laws and of the cominera administration. And you will long for popular instruction, and you will continue as donkey as before, you will cry for freedom and as tied as before to the ring of the salary you will follow, you will demand equity, Justice, solidarity, and they will give you guts and more gums of decrees, of laws, regulations, but not a bit of what you are entitled to and do not enjoy because you neither know nor want to take it by your hand.”

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