Oct 302017

El Senado realiza una ratificación “exprés” del CETA


La crisis catalana abre, desde hace dos semanas, las portadas de los medios de comunicación de todo el Estado, ocultando bajo el velo de la patria y la soberanía los problemas que ahogan a las clases populares (pobreza energética, precariedad, recortes, pensions, saqueo de los fondos públicos mediante la corrupción generalizada, etc.).

He 21 de septiembre entró en vigor provisional la aplicación del CETA en todo el territorio de la UE. La arquitectura de la impunidad de la que gozan las Transnacionales y los poderes financieros sale reforzada con la implementación de este tratado y todos los que sigue negociando y firmando la Comisión Europea ( EU- Singapur, UE Mercosur, JEFTA TTIP, TISA etc..).

Las “democracias de mercado”, fieles servidoras del poder económico neoliberal, reinterpretan el término “democracia” como la gestión única del capital y su libertad absoluta de movimiento, sin que nada ni nadie, ( legislaciones, regulaciones, etc.) impida su expansión.

Las empresas multinacionales han presionado con éxito para garantizar que el CETA se aplique a todos los Servicios Públicos, agua, salud, social services, energía…, blindando, mediante las cláusulas de “paralización y trinquete”, en el presente y en el futuro, la liberalización y privatización de los Servicios Públicos, impidiendo que los gobiernos puedan promulgar nuevas leyes o reinstaurar las que sustentaban el suministro público de servicios. Esto conduce a una situación donde la protección a los pacientes, clientes y personas trabajadoras está subordinada al único propósito de la obtención de beneficios de las multinacionales y de sus inversores financieros.

El CETA establece un amplio acceso de las multinacionales y las empresas extranjeras al suministro de las compras de los gobiernos, limitando la capacidad de los mismos para apoyar a proveedores locales, forzando la contratación con las grandes empresas Transnacionales.

La carrera hacia la consolidación y normalización de la gobernanza económica y la Lex Mercatoria como exponente de las “democracias avanzadas”, auspiciada por la Comisión Europea con la complicidad de los gobiernos europeos, tanto conservadores como “progresistas”, continua su ritmo imparable hacia el desastre social y medioambiental que ya estamos empezando a padecer.

Con total hipocresía y falta de escrúpulos el poder político neoliberal, encabezado por el PP , pero no sólo, Cs, PNV, Foro Asturias, UPN y PdCAT, han vendido el País a los grandes poderes Transnacionales y Financieros. La CGT seguirá defendiendo los derechos de nuestro pueblo en lo que más importa, derechos laborales y sociales, defensa del medio ambiente, defensa de las libertades, etc…, que se ven seriamente amenazadas por estos Tratados.

Source: http://rojoynegro.info/articulo/agitaci%C3%B3n/el-senado-realiza-una-ratificaci%C3%B3n-%E2%80%9Cexpres%E2%80%9D-del-ceta


Feb 232017

He 16 and is that the company wanted to try to agree with the unions to postpone the part of the Christmas pay until the judgment of the appeal of the CCNCC (and is that the company wanted to try to agree with the unions to postpone the part of the Christmas pay until the judgment of the appeal of the CCNCC). and is that the company wanted to try to agree with the unions to postpone the part of the Christmas pay until the judgment of the appeal of the CCNCC, and is that the company wanted to try to agree with the unions to postpone the part of the Christmas pay until the judgment of the appeal of the CCNCC 30 and is that the company wanted to try to agree with the unions to postpone the part of the Christmas pay until the judgment of the appeal of the CCNCC, and is that the company wanted to try to agree with the unions to postpone the part of the Christmas pay until the judgment of the appeal of the CCNCC, and is that the company wanted to try to agree with the unions to postpone the part of the Christmas pay until the judgment of the appeal of the CCNCC, and is that the company wanted to try to agree with the unions to postpone the part of the Christmas pay until the judgment of the appeal of the CCNCC, surely thinking about which revolving door will enter the Boards of Directors of these Transnationals to which they have served so well.


surely thinking about which revolving door will enter the Boards of Directors of these Transnationals to which they have served so well, surely thinking about which revolving door will enter the Boards of Directors of these Transnationals to which they have served so well, surely thinking about which revolving door will enter the Boards of Directors of these Transnationals to which they have served so well, surely thinking about which revolving door will enter the Boards of Directors of these Transnationals to which they have served so well, surely thinking about which revolving door will enter the Boards of Directors of these Transnationals to which they have served so well, surely thinking about which revolving door will enter the Boards of Directors of these Transnationals to which they have served so well, surely thinking about which revolving door will enter the Boards of Directors of these Transnationals to which they have served so well.


surely thinking about which revolving door will enter the Boards of Directors of these Transnationals to which they have served so well, a model of society in the service of economic elites has been voted that will lead to more inequality, a model of society in the service of economic elites has been voted that will lead to more inequality 90 a model of society in the service of economic elites has been voted that will lead to more inequality, a model of society in the service of economic elites has been voted that will lead to more inequality, a model of society in the service of economic elites has been voted that will lead to more inequality, a model of society in the service of economic elites has been voted that will lead to more inequality.


a model of society in the service of economic elites has been voted that will lead to more inequality, a model of society in the service of economic elites has been voted that will lead to more inequality. a model of society in the service of economic elites has been voted that will lead to more inequality, a model of society in the service of economic elites has been voted that will lead to more inequality. In this process, you will find an opportunity to put an end to it. In this process, you will find an opportunity to put an end to it, In this process, you will find an opportunity to put an end to it.

In this process, you will find an opportunity to put an end to it

Whole article: CGT Catalonia

Oct 092016

NO TTIP act CGT VOThe so-called Transatlantic Trade and Investment Agreement (TTIP in English), they intend to sign between the European Union and the US, and the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA in English), between the European Union and Canada, are two “agreements” who try to sneak us in secret and wanting to go unnoticed, but that would totally transform our reality as workers, and as citizens in our societies.

These two “agreements” they seek to equate the legal frameworks on both sides of the Atlantic to the laws that prioritize profit and theft by multinationals and large economic corporations, with the complicit collaboration of states, governments, intermediaries, companies and other parasites of the capitalist system.

These agreements that they would sign between them, but that in the first place affect us and us, the working class, they are an attack to outline the new panorama that they intend to establish, pretending to argue with the great lie of “economic growth” and the “competitiveness”. In addition to all the areas affected by these treaties, like the ecological, the sanitary, the agrarian, the legal, the politician, The education, etc, obviously sets its sights on the productive system, In the laboral world. If the path to follow is the Yankee labor model, we have it clear.

Attack on labor rights

Regarding labor and trade union rights, keep in mind that harmonization could result in downward equalization. In the United States, labor and union rights are conspicuous by their absence, while in the European Union for now they are guaranteed, but not harmonized, at least formally.

The US has only signed two of the eight agreements of the International Labor Organization (OIT), those opposed to child labor and slave labor, but not those that refer to collective bargaining or the right to organize and associate. Nor has it ratified the International Covenant on Economic Rights (including labor, union and health), social and cultural, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly. In the US there are “facilities to work” (availability for employment or employability), instead of work. The call has been placed Workfare, the acceptance of any job under pressure by the unemployed (From a neoliberal vision, the unemployed are held responsible for their own situation, and not to the socioeconomic context that produces unemployment, poverty and inequality), which is also paradoxically called right to work (right to work). The minimum wage is not established, or safety and health in the workplace.

In addition to all the areas affected by these treaties, we highlight the direct attack that they mean to our rights as workers, already beaten enough for years, but telling that we are still fighting and claiming a world of equal and free people, without flags or borders, without masters or slaves.

Actions against TTIP and CETA

For all this, from the CGT del Vallès Oriental we convene and inform about the actions against the TTIP and the CETA that we will carry out this next Thursday 13 October in Mollet del Vallès, with information tables in the morning and afternoon, reporting on the meaning and scope of these treaties, and how they would affect our lives and that of the planet as a whole. Likewise, he Saturday 15 October a international day of fight against TTIP in all Europe, to which we joined with the screening of an explanatory documentary video and the subsequent debate talk, in Marineta, Saturday 15 October at 6pm.

From the CGT Vallès Oriental we denounce and say NO to these capitalist agreements whose sole objective is to totally dismantle the working class to impose a slave labor market at bargain prices and without any kind of rights..

NO al TTIP, CETA and other free trade agreements!!


CGT Vallès Oriental
c / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallès
Loss: 93 593 1545 / 625 373332
email: cgt.mollet.vo@gmail.com
Web / Facebook / Twitter


Apr 182015

He 18 of April, las Organizaciones integrantes de las Campañas y Plataformas Contra el TTIP-CETA-TISA, convocan una Jornada Global de Lucha , coordinada con las organizaciones europeas y mundiales en contra de losTratados de Libre Comercio.

Barcelona: 17:00 –Manifestación desde Passeig de Gràcia. Organize: Catalunya No al TTIP


Mar 242015

ManifestDownload leaflet in pdf ManifestDownload leaflet in pdf

El Tratado Transatlántico de Comercio e Inversiones (TTIP por sus siglas en inglés) entre EE.UU. y la UE es un tratado de libre comercio que se está negociando de espaldas a la ciudadanía, sin consultar a la sociedad civil, entre las grandes empresas multinacionales y las élites políticas de ambas regiones, Continue reading »

Dec 142014

Jean-Claude Juncker recibirá un regalo especial por su 60 cumpleaños.

En los últimos dos meses más de un millón de personas en toda Europa han firmado una Iniciativa Ciudadana Europea autoorganizada oponiéndose a los acuerdos comerciales entre la Unión Europea y América del Norte. La campaña está dirigida por la coalición STOP TTIPP, con el apoyo de más de 320 organizaciones de la sociedad civil, sindicatos y organismos de protección de los consumidores de 24 Estados miembros de la UE.

Continue reading »

Oct 042014



El acuerdo TTIP es un acuerdo entre los EEUU y la UE para crear la mayor zona de Libre Comercio e Inversión del mundo a ambos lados del Atlántico Continue reading »