Jul 242016

20160724_105053After a week of activities under the Days for the 80th anniversary of the Social Revolution we do in the CGT Vallès Oriental, where not only we remember to honor women and men, with great courage and imagination, They dared to try to change radically the world, but it was also an incentive to continue the fight, recognizing and building on those experiences, and at the same time watching the absolute actuality of these protests, such complaints, Currently in libertarias experiences today, and that momentum to end capitalism and build a new world, truly inclusive, truly united and truly free.

As last activity, today Sunday 24 July we held Walking Libertarian collectivization of Mollet, a tour of factories and emblematic places that were collectivized by the working people of Mollet between 1936 Y 1939.

Libertario mate Juan Garcia began the story of historical memory in doors the Tannery (Modern Tannery Franco Spanish), where they had worked family members, mainly his own mother, during 50 years. The memory of the working people, the memory beaten so often try to silence us, He spoke for itself through our partner, telling what life was like in the tannery, and what it meant for us, workers, take into our hands the self-management of production and see the flight patterns. In this collectivization he had a central role the CNT, our union at that time, which carried forward decisively collectivization of industry and agriculture throughout Catalonia.

After Tenería, We climb down the street Berenguer III (Durruti called during the war) until Can Fàbregas, textile factory with other very different characteristics, also it was collectivized in 1936, where the change is less.

20160724_114036From there we move to the current school Lestonnac (Rambla Balmes, 15), the old one “convent school”, since in that building functioned the Central warehouse collectivized, where all foods of the region were managed for redistribution in times of Social Revolution. There's companion Eva, history teacher, We were also explained the workings of the PRICE (New Unified School Council) and comprehensive transformation of education during the revolutionary period.

We then move to the corner of Berenguer III and Av de Burgos, Can Mulà in the park, where the historian Jordi Viader explained his research on Central Lechera Mollet, Milk Industry Socialized, created specifically in those years at the initiative of the same CNT. It had operated the site where the dairy is far from this point (one of. Jaume I, 205), and did not make much sense to go there since today, with new buildings, there is no trace of it.

20160724_124136From there continue towards an emblematic point because other collectivized nucleated centers at that time, as the textile factory were Can Arderius, Can Serra (the flour) Y Can Meter (the sawmill). Is about the Tabarán, meeting place and fun of working people in Mollet, where the CNT carried out from rallies to dance, theater and all kinds of cultural events. A hundred meters there the other cultural and social center also was, he Athenaeum, where the political class was of those times. The 'stories about carpentry, Can the farinera and closed the tour collectivized Mulà.

The route of collectivization was a pleasant experience, where twenty attendees nourish us popular history, although many pretend to forget hacérnosla. Thanks to Comrade Joan, knowledgeable and memory of the working history of Mollet, who jointly he shared their knowledge with us and we.

Thanks to everyone who participated in these days you, from the organization, lending a hand in the activities, attending them, participating in different ways with your physical and supportive presence. A union we build among all of!


CGT Vallès Oriental
c / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallès
Loss: 93 593 1545 / 625 373332
email: cgt.mollet.vo@gmail.com
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