Feb 152014

The General Confederation of Labor has presented today a complaint with the Attorney General of the State to investigate the facts of the past 6 February on the border of Ceuta, in order that proceedings be opened to establish the facts and responsibilities where appropriate depuar.

The CGT union has registered a written complaint in which he urged the prosecutor to open proceedings and actions to clarify the facts, because they are competing for investigation of the Prosecutor for existing direct and immediate responsibility for the Forces Security State in the wrongful act that caused the drowning of migrants and on the alleged illegal expulsion of the eyewitnesses.
Secretary of Social Action of the CGT, Irene de la Cuerda, has stated that “It is the duty of the prosecution to investigate the facts that were killed at the least 9 immigrants, and deportation of immigrants reached Spanish soil, It follows as a violation of human rights”, at the time commented “the union is awaiting the result of the actions of the Prosecutor to initiate other actions”
CGT reminded the assembled media that the subject of the complaint is “that proceedings be opened to clarify the facts and establish responsibilities where appropriate, since it is a matter of utmost gravity that you can not hushing up waiting to pass his media interest”.

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Feb 142014

Photos concentration Genis

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Feb 142014

GenisFired readmission IMESAPI

From the union Granollers and CNT region be informed this Friday 14 February trial will take place for the readmission fellow Genis, a trade union CNT delegat Imesapi, and was fired along with 3 companions in retaliation for the strike that took place and not give in to blackmail the company.

Recall that after 36 day of indefinite strike, Template IMESAPI Granollers reached an agreement to end the strike that included, among other things, a specific application ERTE signed in Madrid CCOO-UGT in the workplace Granollers. Finally, the management refused to implement this agreement ventatjós, that reduced to a 75% the impact of record, and proceeded to dismiss 4 workers. The Court No.. 1 of the Social Granollers gave the reason the workers and the annular ERTE had applied IMESAPI Granollers. Precisely the delegate of the union section of CNT was fired to keep a firm stance, with the time, even Justice has recognized.

Now it's trial and that of fellow, from CNT invite you to participate in this concentration to demand their reinstatement and its subrogation.

Remember: concentration Friday 14 February at 10:30 hours before the Courts of Granollers

Health worker solidarity!

Source CNT Granollers

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Feb 142014

Panrico trial 13 Feb 2014

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Feb 122014

Since the union section Panrico report that there has been a change in the trial against Hora committee of company Santa Perpetua. We remind you that the company requested a fine of 5 million euros against the same, declare null and therefore strike, on Thursday should be a stand in favor of the worker / Panrico and against this sham trial.

concentration Thursday 13 February, 09.00h, the courts of Sabadell (Francesc Macia Avenue 36 )
We stayed in the local union at 08.00h.
(Francesc Macia 51 Mollet del Vallès)

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Feb 022014
Panrico demonstration, Friday 7 in the Plaza de Febrero 19.00 Creu Alta in Sabadell

Workers / as Panrico continue the fight against layoffs and brutal salaria reduction imposed by the multinational.

From the East Vallés CGT we encourage you to participate in the demonstration and all acts performed by the partners and peers.

Let all of their struggle ours and to the solution of the conflict…


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Jan 282014
President of the Community of Madrid, Ignacio González, It has quashed the process of outsourcing the management of six public hospitals in the region (Infanta Sofía, Infanta Leonor, Infanta Cristina, Of the Henares, Of the Southeast and the Tagus). The president also announced that it has accepted the resignation of the Minister of Health, Javier Fernández Lasquetty.

Have been more than a year of protests driven by white tide of workers, doctors and users of public health, opposed from the outset to the Community as justified as the only sustainable way to make the public health system.

This, co / as is the news, but make no mistake, The struggle must continue, since there have been many workers / as who have been dismissed over recent years by the privatization process of the Public Health Madrileña (Not: Non-medical staff of the Hospital Puerta de Hierro, Laundry staff of Enhanced Field, etc.), many services and specialty centers given away to private companies (Pontones, Quintana, Cardiological Institute, etc.).

La Madrileña citizenship has achieved a very great victory, but it has not finished yet, we must continue the mobilizations to recover everything that we have been removing and get a quality public sanidad100X100.




cgt.org.es source

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Jan 242014

Since the CGT union section in Santa Perpetua Panrico the Moguda we appeal to extend solidarity and support to the indefinite strike. We carry 102 days on indefinite strike, and during this time there have been many activities that have been made (demonstrations, pickets, etc ). Right now the company intends to lay off 200 lay off workers in Santa Perpetua plant and a wage reduction of an average of 18%. Continue reading »

Jan 222014
We are glad to inform you that Mercadona has had to budge and has reached an agreement with fellow CGT fired.

The agreement has occurred between the company and the worker concerned, from his own reflection and analysis.

In any case CGT has asserted Solidarity and Mutual Support as fundamental tools of our organization, making it very clear that FIGHT IS UNIQUE WAY.

Since CGT we do not forget the deeply anti-union and repressor profile Mercadona and says so with future continue fighting campaigns.

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Jan 192014
Mercadona state campaign against the dismissal of the CGT Malaga fellow who dared to legalize a union section, It is paying off.

The day 2 January the company lawyer addressed ours to ask for a proposal that could include reinstatement (It is our unique approach), but they made it clear that they preferred an amount of money, Unspecified. The trial for the dismissal is the 29 January gives us the impression that they do not want to face this possibility. The coordinated action of the union the day 21 from December (more of 20 locations) they had to get very nervous and, in some way, He has cracked its resistance. Today has given our proposal, which raises the reinstatement and payment of lost wages since his dismissal, giving up, if there were an agreement, the demand for protection for violation of fundamental rights.

The day 24 January we will concentrate against Mercadona statewide.

Since the CGT of the Eastern Vallés we summon the concentration to be held 24 January at the Mercadona Flat Lledo, Plaza Cinco Pinos at 18.00h.

rojoynegro.info source

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Jan 182014
CGT publication in which, briefly, the strategy of mutual support is explained as a basis for an adequate defense against police attacks and how to act if an arrest or assault occurs in the context of any industrial action.
Repression and social movements.
It would be logical that repression (arrests, aggression …) was proportional to the degree of resistance, the characteristics dela protest or the legality of it. This is not always the case: indiscriminate repression and arbitrarily used to deter continue protesting, put fear, create distrust between society ("You must have done something if you have stopped"). Definitely, got to have controlled society with minimal effort.
Edited by the Secretariat of Social Action of the CGT Confederal Committee in January 2014.
Jan 162014
La Confederación General del Trabajo llama a participar en las movilizaciones que en solidaridad con las y los vecinos del barrio Gamonal de Burgos se llevarán a cabo en los próximos días en diversas localidades del estado español.

CGT considera un ejemplo de dignidad y lucha social la movilización del vecindario en contra de la construcción de un aparcamiento subterráneo y un “bulevar” que costará al pueblo más de 8 millions of euros, mientras se recortan servicios públicos, al tiempo que elimina cientos de plazas de aparcamiento gratuito.
CGT condena la actuación del gobierno del PP que ha tratado una justa reivindicación vecinal como si de un asunto de orden público se tratara, desplegando cientos de antidisturbios en la toma del barrio de Gamonal. Rechaza la burdas mentiras del Ministerio del Interior que atribuye a “grupos violentos itinerantes” la responsabilidad de los incidentes. Así mismo el sindicato condena la violencia policial que se ha ejercido contra las vecinas y vecinos.
CGT rechaza el proyecto megalómano del Ayuntamiento de Burgos y exige la paralización definitiva de las obras, la retirada de las fuerzas policiales y la puesta en libertad sin cargos de todos los detenidos.
Permanent Secretariat of the Confederal Committee of the CGT


Wednesday 15 from January

Aranda de Duero: 19h – Plaza Mayor

Ciudad Real: 19h – Plaza del Pilar

Gijon: 20h – El Humedal

Logroño: 19h – Plaza del Mercado

Madrid: 19h – Puerta del Sol

Oviedo: 19h – La Escandalera

Sevilla: 19h – Sede del PP

Talavera de la Reina: 19h – Plaza Trinidad

Valladolid: 20h – Fuente Dorada

Thursday 16 from January

Cuenca: 19h – Carretería

Fuerteventura: 19h – Delegación del Gobierno

Gasteiz: 19h – La Virgen Blanca

Gran Canaria: 19h – Delegación del Gobierno

Murcia: 20:30h – Delegación del Gobierno

Palencia: 19h – Plaza Mayor

Segovia: 20h – Plaza Mayor

Soria: 20h – Plaza del Olivo

Tarragona: 19h _ Imperial Tarraco

Friday 17 from January

A Coruña: 20h – Obelisco

Almería: 19h – Plaza del Educador

Badajoz: 20h – Delegación del Gobierno

Barcelona: 20h – Plaza Universidad

Bilbo: 20h – Arriaga

Cáceres: 20h – El Bombo de Cánovas

Donostia: 20h . Boulevard

Eibar: 20h – Unzaga Plazan

Gasteiz: 19:30 – Virgen Blanca

Granada: 20h – Subdelegación de Gobierno

Iruña: 20h – Mercaderes

Jerez: 19h – Plaza del Arenal

León: 20h – Plaza Botines

Lugo: 20:30h – Plaza Mayor

Málaga: 20h – Plaza de la Constitución

Mondoñedo: 20h Praza do Concello

Santander: 20h – Plaza del Ayuntamiento.

Santiago de Compostela: 20h – Praza do Toural

Toledo: 19h – Zocodover

Zamora: 20h – Plaza Mayor

Zaragoza : 20h – Paraninfo

Valencia:19,30 – Plaza Mayor

Vigo: 20h – Farola de Urzaiz

cgt.org.es source

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Jan 162014
The Trade Union of the CGT Burgos, to the mobilization of neighbors and neighbors of Gamonal against the construction of an underground car park and a "boulevard" on the street that runs through the neighborhood Vitoria, manifests and demands:

1º) Support and solidarity to the struggle starring neighborhood neighborhood, right now it is an example of dignity and struggle for the country.

2º) Do own the agreements adopted by the Assembly of neighbors, encouraging and sharp of this Union to participate in the Assembly and making available to the Assembly, as far as possible, the resources of the Union.

3º) Urge other local unions to reject the project as a unit of City Hall and act accordingly in the trade union field.

4º) The immediate cessation of work, the withdrawal of police forces and the release of all detainees.

5º) Open an investigation into those who have driven this unnecessary and megalomaniac project, of continuing to impoverish the working class of Burgos and debug the corresponding responsibilities, economic and political.


Piedad Manjón Marin

CGT General Secretary-Burgos

Jan 162014
CGT os informa que después de las asambleas y tras consensuar las opiniones de las distintas ciudades en que los trabajadores y las trabajadoras han secundado la huelga, por una mayoría se ha decidido suspender la huelga y desconvocarla oficialmente

No obstante la lucha no termina aquí ya que no se han conseguido los objetivos marcados. Desde la sección sindical de CGT nos reservamos el derecho a volver a convocar la huelga cuando la CGT y las asambleas de trabajadoras y trabajadores lo crean oportuno y necesario.

Tambien deciros que mientras tanto CGT seguirá trabajando tanto en la línea jurídica como en la posibles movilizaciones que den visibilidad a nuestro problema. Así que esto no ha terminado y desde aquí se lo avisamos a la dirección de UNIPOST.

Hemos demostrado que no tenemos miedo al terrorismo que la empresa nos impone y que si nos tocan a un@ nos tocan a tod@s.




cgt.org.es source

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Jan 102014
Los sindicatos (CGT, this next saturday, UGT) con presencia en las diferentes fábricas de PANRICO S.A. convocaron huelga indefinida de ámbito estatal que se inició el 13 October. Las fábricas se encuentran en Santa Perpetua de la Moguda, Valladolid, Madrid, Puente Genil y Zaragoza

La empresa pretende despedir a una importante parte de la plantilla, realizar una rebaja salarial a quien continúe trabajando, y no ha pagado la nómina de septiembre. Los despidos en todo el Estado serían un total de 1.914 puestos: 75 middle managers, 756 puestos de producción, 600 autonomous and 483 support. The company offers compensation of 20 days per year worked with a ceiling of 12 monthly payments, and to pay in 24 months.

En cuanto a la pretensión de rebaja salarial, sería de entre el 35% al 45% de media en el personal asalariado y de un 20% a los autónomos.

Con estas propuestas encima de la mesa, la empresa pretende que se llegue a un acuerdo en el periodo de consultas.

From the CGT, we want to show our rejection of the company's proposals, cargan sobre la plantilla lo que en verdad es una gestión nefasta por parte de quienes organizan el funcionamiento de la fábrica y la distribución de los productos.

It is totally incomprehensible that there is a distribution of fewer products than are consumed, a menos que se esté realizando ingeniería contable para que las cuentas de la empresa den negativo. A esto ya nos tienen acostumbrad@s las empresas, a manejar la producción, las compras y las ventas de manera que les salgan los números deseados para justificar despidos de personal fijo pero cambiado por nuevo. In each of the factories there are 50 contrataciones nuevas diarias.

Desde la CGT consideramos que estas medidas no son las que hacen falta para que se mantenga la actividad de las fábricas y los puestos de trabajo. We give an example that we see daily of business mismanagement: en las rutas de reparto llevan menos productos de los que se necesitan en las tiendas por la demanda que tienen, could be sold 10.000 panes y 4.000 Donuts/Donettes y Bollycaos más.

The CGT opposes these dismissals, a la rebaja salarial e instamos a la empresa a que busque entre los directivos a los responsables y los culpables de todo lo que no está bien organizado en la empresa.

CGT Panrico

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