Sep 282012
The Plenary of CGT Confederal Committee, gathered on 13 September in Madrid, It has agreed to convene a General Strike 24 hours for the day 31 October 2012, as well as a schedule of demonstrations to date including strikes, mobilizations, assemblies, etc.
He 31 October 2012, the General Confederation of Labor (CGT) together with other organizations, convenes General Strike (HG) from 24 hour statewide Spanish because the Government, with its policy of cuts and reforms, We are taking a real situation social emergency, because it is implementing an economic policy, neoliberal and antisocial that it is at the service of financial markets, speculators, to the service of a European Union (EU) governed by German banks, the European Central Bank (ECB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Definitely, one HG because we want a new social model that does not favor a privileged minority (1%), not exploit the majority of the population (99%), a new social model that is based on sharing, freedom and social justice. (Read more on

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Sep 112012
Most -the population 99%-, especially the working class and disadvantaged social groups, We are suffering from a brutal and gritty attack our labor and social rights due to an induced crisis generated by those who want us to pay. this crisis, beyond economic, It is above all a social and environmental crisis deepens relations of class domination and patriarchal.
The workers, women, young boys, migrants, pensioners, students, unemployed people, evicted… They are the main objective of this ideological and strategic attack a class leader who uses his political caste in power for a decree measures that serve only to generate insecurity, unemployment, recession and misery in the whole population against ruling. (Read more on

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Sep 092012
For it, we are looking at a calendar of mobilizations in which All and all who make up the CGT must be fully active in trade union work in the unions, unions, Local federations, Territorial and Sectoral so the speech, the proposals, CGT shares reach the entire working class, reach the entire society.
It's time participation and militant commitment. We are witnessing marches, supermarkets meal deliveries, activities, sectoral and company strikes, struggles against layoffs… Is the time of permanent mobilization until the General Strike. That is the bet of the CGT, That is the response to the crisis CGT.
We turn to report basic organizational aspects to facilitate union action at this time:
-Mobilizing the Public Sector 12 of September
-Manifestation of the 15 September in Madrid
-Day of the Fight 17 of September
-Day of the Fight 26 of September

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Sep 012012
Last 25 July took place in Madrid 1Social Summit th sponsored by the CCOO and UGT unions. Social Summit is provided with a Statement of Principles and a Roadmap.
In its constitution they have involved different unions, social, neighborhood, professionals, sectoral and even business organizations. 2nd Summit is scheduled to be held next 10 September and meanwhile they are being formed replicas of the same by provinces and autonomous regions as well as in sectors of the labor market.
After analyzing the Declaration of Principles, the Roadmap raised, take into account organizationsthat make up the Social Summit and, especially, assess the plight of cuts and reforms to which it is being subjected most of the population, that they are causing real social emergency situations, the General Confederation of Labor (CGT) states: (Read more on )
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Aug 072012
After the last General Strike 29 of March, things keep getting worse for the working class and the majority of the population.
The General Budget of the State (PGE) from 2012 represent a cut 27.000 million in social spending.
By royal decree, the government cuts 10.000 million euros in education and health. Public education and health systems are privatized, is desprestigian, are repaid with new taxes and fees while more than expected 300.000 layoffs in the public sector and a "medicamentazo" brutal approved.
In the meantime, the main problem of the population, unemployment, remains unresolved, agravándose, up to unbearable, the situation of millions of families who are denied access to a dignified life to be lived. (Read more)


Aug 052012
The Plenary of the Confederal Committee of the CGT held on 12 July 2012, before the new Plan of Adjustment Measures raised by the Government, involving collect 65.000 million euros of the people to give to the bankers and speculators usurious moneylenders, with measures such as the rise in VAT, reducing unemployment benefits, eliminating the extra pay and public employees, mass layoffs in public administration, reducing social spending to aid dependence …
1º – REJECTION OF RADICAL MEASURES. The CGT radically rejects this new package of measures as they are the biggest cut social democracy all (65.000 millions), They represent a new and definitive frontal attack on social rights, economic and labor against the general population (Read more)


Jun 132012
CGT states that the outlook is bleak: nearly six million people unemployed, million without receiving unemployment benefits, hundreds of thousands of families evicted, labor reform to eliminate the right to work, reform of collective bargaining to change labor relations, constitutional reform to prioritize debt repayment and interest, reform of the financial sector to rescue the banks with millions of euros, cuts in the General Budget of the State 27.000 millions of euros, cuts 10.000 millions more in health and education, tax increase, amnesty for tax fraud, and the last episode of this scam all the rescue of the Spanish financial system to 100.000 million euros of which the entire population will respond.(Read more)


Jun 112012
Inform the media about the start of preparations for the convening of a general strike for next fall, in the context of the discussion of the General Budget of the State.
CGT proposes to all trade unions and social organizations need to come together in a general strike before the end of the year against the RESCUE, cutbacks, LABOR REFORM AND REPRESSION, that they are marked from Europe and take effect from the state government, from regional and local governments, and from the direction of each company. (Read more)

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May 232012
Follow-ups on all the different educational stages are majority, It is the Spanish universities that follow accumulate more, classless remain as a whole and even to close some campuses.
For Communities include traces of Asturias with 75% average in all stages, the Valencian Country with data from monitoring of the 80% in universities and the 65% Primary and Secondary, or Catalonia, with follow-up through the 60% in all sections. In Aragon the mean follow-up we encrypt the 70% in the whole educational community; Andalusia is monitoring the 53%; Castilla y Leon or where it has reached a 70% follow-up among all sections.
Madrid track reaches the Strike 80% in Universities and the 70% Primary and Secondary. They have also developed several mass meetings in all the cities of the state where participated as a unit mothers and fathers, students and faculty to discuss solutions against educational cuts and continuity of the mobilizations.
With these figures shows that Spanish society and especially and students, associations of parents and teachers are not going to continue supporting some educational and social cuts that insist the future of an entire generation and are a loss of quality in teaching jobs and irreversible work.
further, from the CGT we want to link the success of the strike in the education sector with the boredom of society before the Social Scraps that we are suffering in different areas of our lives, and Health, Public services, rights and freedoms.
Therefore we expect a massive participation in the demonstrations that were developed in major cities of the state throughout the afternoon and the demonstrations that have to continue calling in defense of public education.
Teaching Federation CGT

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May 212012

CGT statement on the strike 22 of May

The next Tuesday 22 May is called a general strike in the public education sector (all levels, child to college) to protest education cuts in defense of public services. Strike the 22 May against social cuts and rights! Because there are alternatives! Because pressing social and labor rights were achieved, and now we will defend!

The measures being taken by the governments of Spain and the autonomous communities will result in a cut education budgets from the 25% and the 30%. This is recognized without any doubt the so-called National Reform Program, presented by the central government. Read more

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Mar 312012
Evaluation of CGT Vallès Oriental Mollet historical manifestation and strike
Since CGT Vallès Oriental want to express our satisfaction with the atmosphere of struggle and mobilization meant that swear by strikent of the working class. Beyond participation rates, From this union that we follow the great industry has been total, and in the sectors services had monitored high but uneven areas (almost total Montornès and Mollet) and lower in small towns in the region.
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Mar 222012
Press Release: Press and activities planned for the Vallès Oriental CGTdel occasion of the General Strike 29 March
the next 29 March Vallès Oriental and throughout the Spanish state working class say aloud that we exist and that we will not let dismantle our health, our education and dessert social and labor rights. That we will not resign ourselves to the fact that lead to unemployment, misery and poverty. download statement.

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Mar 142012
Since 2007, the whole population, especially the working class, youth, pensioners, students, evictees ... we come to bear on our shoulders the weight of an economic crisis caused and designed from the ruling class and powerful, the political class, employers, banking and markets converted into new gods able to roll back in decades the quality of life of the majority of society.
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Mar 112012
The General Confederation of Labor (CGT), gathered in the Confederal Congress Extraordinary V held in the city of Toledo on 9 Y 10 March 2012 It has been agreed:
1The – Convene General Strike in the Spanish state the next day 29 March against the Labor Reform and Social Pact, (Read full story)
<<<Catalan poster>>> <<<Castilian poster>>>

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Mar 112012
The day 29 of March, It supports the General Strike and do not buy anything, or you use your phone, Use the public transportation, do not throw gasoline, consume electricity or gas must, Do not use your bank, that day that no a penny in the pockets of those who exploit us. This strike is against the bank, multinationals, speculators and governments who obey submissively.
He 29 of March, Rebel beam CONSUMER STRIKE, Secunda GENERAL STRIKE

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Jan 252011

<<<Triptych Castilian>>> <<<Leaflet in Catalan>>>

The CGT has called general strike in Catalonia the day 27 January, against labor reform, the pension reform and welfare cuts, together with CNT-Catalonia, Workers Solidarity Trade Union and Workers Coordinator, supported by a wide range of anti-capitalist social movements.

- Demonstration in Barcelona: 17.30 h. Jardinets de Gràcia

- Demonstration in Lleida: 18 h. Catalonia Avenue / c.Lluis Companions.

- Demonstration in Tarragona: 19 h. Plaza Imperial Tarraco.

- Demonstration in Girona: 17.30 h. Post Office Jaume.

No miss it, stop the policies of political and economic power is something everyone.

Jan 072011

Addresses CGT unions and social organizations to convene a new general strike

The General Confederation of Labor (CGT) It is being directed by letter to unions and social organizations indicating considered essential to convene a new general strike against the reform of the public pension system, Labor Reform, social and labor cuts, General understanding that this strike must be called before the Reformation mentioned approval of the pension system scheduled for end of January
In addition CGT states in his letter to unions and social organizations, his desire to hold a meeting as urgent as possible in which to address this new call for General Strike. This application, in some cases, already it is realized.
CGT states that it is the responsibility of the unions that this so-called Pension Reform obtain a strong response rein this dictatorship of the markets that we suffer.
On the other hand, CGT indicates that the last general strike of the 29S, and general strikes through Europe, They allow us to understand that in these difficult times the working class and social groups require join forces in the struggle to the general strike a success, each organization contributing according to their possibilities and avoiding any kind of sectarianism or unnecessary grandstanding.
Finally CGT considers that this call for general strike, Against Pension Reform, It must be shared, supported, seconded, ... assumed by the maximum of unions and social organizations in order to achieve that has the full support of society.