
Oct 212015

The CGT Union Section in Valeo considers "smoke" the proposal that the company presented yesterday at the first meeting after the withdrawal of the Transfer File.

The company yesterday said that it was extending the activity of the plant until June 2016, Continue reading »

Sep 212015

The last friday 18 of September, was held at the local CGT Barcelona the act of denouncing the current social and trade union repression, with the presence of members and affiliates charged for fighting.

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This struggle continues and will continue to the side of our comrades to fight represaliados, to demonstrate in their actions hypocrisy and aberration of this capitalist system, It is why we are on your side, because we are in the same struggle and the same roadblock. Continue reading »

Sep 082015

Today the workers of Valeo Martorelles, that they carry 40 days of indefinite strike before the company's claim to transfer the facilities to Zaragoza, They have demonstrated with the support of relatives and unions, adding some 450 people walking the route from the factory in Martorelles to the Mollet Town Hall.


VALEO not closed!
NO to relocation!

CGT Vallès Oriental

I'm worth hands 8 sept 2015


Sep 072015

#‎ValeoNoSeCierra Tuesday 8 of September. MANIFESTATION from Valeo to Mollet. Departure at 11:00h from the Valeo camp against the relocation and closure of the Martorelles plant.

Peanut Valeo Mollet


tv3 visited Valeo workers on the night shift on the day 2 of September.
Valeo neither closes nor moves!
[minute 7.45]
