Sep 192016

mani-sorpresa-11-14-anys-pressoSome 500 surprise people to the demonstration of the CGT 15 September in Barcelona, from the Paral·lel to Plaça de Sant Jaume, passing by Ramblas and Ferran, in solidarity with the defendants in case 27i + to defend the public university, among them Ermengol Gassiot, General Secretary of CGT Catalunya.

The CGT is manifested by surprise against the cause that affects 27 people from the UAB

The union concentrates almost half a thousand members in the center of Barcelona in defense of the public and quality university

The General Confederation of Labor (CGT) has summoned some 450 affiliates and supporters in a demonstration to denounce the case of @ som27imés. In this summary they are asked 11 years in prison to the general secretary, Ermengol Gassiot and similar penalties to 25 students of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) and a member of the administration and services staff. In total almost 300 years in prison plus accessory sentences.

The anarchist union has taken to the streets without informing Interior. He has done so on a route that has crossed the most touristy Barcelona, from near the Shipyards to Plaça de Sant Jaume, passing by the boulevard. Nearly half a thousand trade unionists have called against the surrounding processions of large firecrackers and firecrackers. There were no incidents or police officers at any time.

>> The entire article CGT Catalonia

Aug 112016

cgt-postCall for a strike by the distributors of Correos Lliçà d’Amunt for this Friday 12 August of 2016

It looks like the company is right and has announced the hiring of 3 people for the second half of August. Even so, we continue the strike call on Friday 12 August, because until the people are hired, we will not call off the strike. So far this summer, there has been no hiring by the company.

In the CGT we are not kidding: we know that there is a process of degradation of Post Offices, with the complicity and silence of the majority unions. But we follow the example of post offices in Algeciras and Madrid, because we also know and show that the struggle and action of workers for their own interests is a powerful tool that we have.

Correos is solely responsible for the current conflict situation. We insist again that the postal regulations are complied with in the parameters established in the Law 43/2010, from 30 of December, than in his article 24 picks up: “Deliveries will be made, at least, every working day, from Monday to Friday, except in the case of special circumstances or geographical conditions ”.

We invite you all to support your comrades in the fight for the post office, this Friday 12 August of 2016, in front of l’Lliçà d’Amunt City Council () them 12.00h.

The Post Office, we want more recruitment and less exploitation!


CGT Vallès Oriental

For more information, union section CGT Post Office
Alvaro: 666 98 36 85

Jul 282016

emailLast Monday, Correos de Lliçà d'Amunt workers gathered in front of the office to report the situation of the postal service in the town. The same was a success as one participated 85% of the delivery staff. For weeks, due to lack of staff,the service is suffering from serious deficiencies.

In the assembly they agreed to have breakfast in the street as a form of protest, not ruling out other more forceful actions but improving the postal service. Likewise, for this Thursday 28 In July, a meeting was arranged with the mayor of Llicà d'Amunt to inform him of the serious shortcomings of the service and to demand that Correos provide a dignified service for the town's citizens..

As we reported in the previous statement, we want to inform users of the conditions in which we carry out our work and of the repercussions that this is having on the quality of the service we provide..

First of all, it should be noted that: we are providing a public service;mail equals all people, regardless of the territorial scope in which it is exercised.

Correos is the operator designated by the State to provide this service and must do so within the parameters established in the Law 43/2010, from 30 of December than in his article 24 picks up: “Deliveries will be made, at least, every working day, from Monday to Friday, except in the case of special circumstances or geographical conditions ”.

Post and Telegraphs S.A., in your income statement for the year 2013, acknowledged having some benefits from 50 million euros. In 2014 these benefits were achieved by the 196 million euros, almost 4 times more. However, the reality we are living in this company is that of a major staff cut, so important that it became commonplace not to be able to finish the daily delivery.

Years ago, just in the summer, the company carried out an experiment that consisted of hiring fewer people than we were on vacation and recharging the entire staff with the work corresponding to these sections that were not covered (a section is the area that distributes a portfolio). According to the company, this was justified by the decline in postal traffic in the summer. The truth is that these experiments came to stay and dubbing, which is anonymous in sections that are not covered by contract staff, are a reality we have all year round, which means that certain areas are systematically distributed on alternate days, a bit of what we are witnesses and protagonists.

This summer is another turn around in this unsustainable situation, and the sections that are uncovered have become 50% of the same. As a result, postmen now have to take over entire distribution sections, which causes that for some places of Lliçà d'Amunt they take weeks without distributing correspondence.

It is scandalous that a company with millionaire profits is so blatantly disregarding its obligations. The consequences are suffered by workers and users: We, because we are subjected to a sustained level of stress over time that undermines our health and living conditions; users, because they suffer the deterioration of a service to which they are entitled.

Trade union section of the CGT in Correos


For more information:
Álvaro Íñigo (union delegate): 666 98 36 85

Jun 102016

First mobilization in the history of the Social Sector. Companies enriching themselves at the expense of the most fragile and taking advantage of the goodwill of the professionals who work with them.
We are going to scream their hypocrisy in their faces!



Communiqué of the Social Sector CGT


As many of you already know, tomorrow we will hold a rally at the inauguration of the Third Sector Table Congress. There will be the representatives of the employer and the whole gang of politicians who “entities” they have invited. Our intention is to give a bath of reality to this great marketing operation that is repeated year after year while our conditionss labor are precarious to intolerable limits. Tomorrow (Tuesday 14) we will be at 17.30 at the door of the Teatre Nacional de Catalunya and they will have to listen to us. We invite you to come and spread the word about the call and the text below. (and that we will distribute during the concentration). Faced with an agreement that protects precariousness, an employer who does not respect us, ineffective unions that negotiate our misery, we have to move!

Remember, Tuesday 14 at 5.30 p.m. in front of the door of the National Theater of Catalonia
(next to the new Encants market).



Take a look at the Tweet of @sectorsocialCGT.

Facebook Sector Social CGT


May 012016

Manifestation of the 1 of May 2016 and Mollet, a hundred workers demonstrated in the streets of Mollet, for the defense of our rights, with solidarity and struggle as fundamental means to achieve our goals.

Against unemployment, Against the arrogance of the employers and Capital, our main weapons continue to be solidarity and struggle. There are no politicians or saviors, we are ourselves who have to fight for our rights. Always fight in the street, in your job, at school, at the hospital, fight for your rights, together with us, your neighbors and colleagues, because we are in the same: we are working class!

Long live the 1 of May, working class day of struggle!

1 of May 2016 Mollet

Manifestation 1 of May 2016 and Mollet, a hundred workers demonstrated in the streets of Mollet, for the defense of our rights, with solidarity and struggle as fundamental means to achieve our goals.
Long live the 1 of May, working class day of struggle!

Apr 302016

Today Saturday 30 April afternoon, and like every year, We have been invited by the comrades of the CGT of Osona, to the demonstration for the 1 of May, together with other groups in the Osona region. We shout against this capitalist system that oppresses us equally, noting that native or foreign, we are the same working class. The situation in which everyone, as a worker, we see ourselves exploited, appealing to solidarity and perseverance, as our most valuable weapons in the fight against Capital and the State.

We wait for you tomorrow in Mollet, company@s!

CGT Vallès Oriental

1 of May 2016 Osona

Manifestation of the 1 May in Vic, the CGT Vallès Oriental, as every year, giving support to the colleagues of CGT Osona.
Health and lawlessness

Apr 142016

vienna-cgt-challenge-april-2016Next Tuesday 19 d’abril, at 11.30 a.m., the courts of Sabadell ( Francesc Macia 34-36 ) the trial will be held for challenging the union elections in Establiments Viena S.A.. As you will be aware once we submitted our application in time and form, the company, with the support of CCOO, they started an anti-union campaign against our union organization which meant that some candidates resigned from it. Beyond these waivers, the CGT candidacy had more than one 60% of candidates to choose from, and therefore, it should have been proclaimed, as dictated by the Constitutional Court. Continue reading »

Apr 042016
5 d’abril: They attack and Roger Mercader, but we will find you all.

A young man takes leave of his fellow picket a day of general strike, it is time to regain strength for the afternoon demonstration. Not knowing how, is in the ground while police beat and arrested several useful the separation of the group. An affiliate of the CGT, known for Bus recent strikes in the struggle for two days, heads there and protesting police violence with other neighboring. A policeman says "I know you", "So you do not I". Continue reading »

Mar 262016

ANNOUNCEMENTS Barcelona # RogeriMercaderAbsolució

Friday 1 d’abril, 19h, concentration charity Plaza Orfila, Sant Andreu.
Tuesday 5 d’abril, 10h, concentration in the city of injustice. 11h, trial.

Returning to trial and this time do we judge. After June give us reason when we reported procedural irregularities, Now come back without having changed anything. We continue accusing of crimes for which they have not made a prior declaration. Looking for loopholes in the system who claim to defend accuse us arbitrarily. And let us clearly defenseless. Continue reading »

Mar 252016

photo_2016-03-09_14-19-18Des del Secretariat Permanent de CGT Catalunya s’ha estat participant en les reunions i col·laborant en la constitució de la Plataforma d’Afectades per l’ICAM (PAICAM), que té com a objectiu denunciar i lluitar contra les altes injustes de l’ICAM, l’INSS i les Mútues.

A continuació us fem un breu resum dels acords de la darrera Assemblea de la PAICAM del passat 2/03/16 i les properes convocatòries (especialment la del 8 d’abril a les 11h davant la Direcció Provincial de l’INSS Continue reading »

Feb 222016

barcelona_correscales_metro_20160222El transport públic de Barcelona fa vaga durant el Mobile World Congress

Monday 22 i dimecres 24 de febrer el Metro funcionarà amb serveis mínims i dimarts 23 i dijous 25 els autobusos faran aturades parcials de dues hores per torn. La plataforma Stop Pujades també organitza concentracions pel dimecres 24

Les negociacions d’última hora amb presència de l’alcaldessa Ada Colau, la regidora de mobilitat Mercedes Vidal, els directius de TMB i els representants de la plantilla no han arribat a bon port. És per això que la setmana del 22 al 26 de febrer esdevindrà tot un repte per a la mobilitat de la ciutat. Després de nou hores de converses a porta tancada, to 1 de la matinada d’aquest diumenge es van trencar les negociacions que es feien a la seu de la conselleria de Treball, Afers Socials i Família. En sortir dels despatxos Òscar Sánchez (CGT), portaveu del comitè del Metro, va considerar una “provocació” i una “vergonya” l’última oferta de TMB. Les treballadores demanen que es facin 600 nous contractes fixes –TMB n’ofereix 265– i que s’incrementi linealment el sou, la mateixa pujada tant pels que cobren més com pels que cobren menys.

L’alcaldessa Ada Colau va justificar la posició del consistori en roda de premsa tot dient que “hi ha un marc pressupostari limitat i si anéssim més enllà de la proposta estaríem comprometent la qualitat del servei públic, o hauríem d’empitjorar el servei o augmentar tarifes o augmentar impostos, per això no podem anar més enllà”. La regidora Mercedes Vidal va afegir “un increment mensual de sou de 150 euros el primer any i 150 euros més el segon any no ho podem assumir”.

Imatge de la vaga d'avui al Metro de Barcelona

Així doncs, amb l’inici del Mobile World Congress, es mantenen les espases en alt i el pols entre plantilla del transport públic i el consistori. Com a conseqüència de les aturades el dilluns 22 i el dimecres 24 February, el servei de Metro reduirà la freqüència de pas en un 70% durant el conjunt de la jornada i en un 50% a les hores punta (from 6:30 a 9:30 del matí i de 16h a 20h de la tarda). La plantilla es manifestarà a 2/4 from 5 de la tarda de dilluns, amb punt d’inici de la marxa als Jardinets de Gràcia. El dimarts 23 i el dijous 25 es faran aturades parcials al servei d’autobusos, convocades per CGT, COS, ACTUB, USOC, PSA i CNT, i que poden tenir una alta incidència malgrat que CCOO i UGT se n’hagin desmarcat. Seran entre les 9 i les 11 del matí i entre les 2/4 from 8 del vespre i 2/4 from 10 de la nit, i les reivindicacions se centren en “frenar la privatització dels Serveis Públics”, “acabar amb la contractació precària” i “recuperar el poder adquisitiu de la plantilla”.

>> The entire article CGT Catalonia


Correscales 2016: Manifestació 22F a Barcelona


La cursa passarà pel MWC, però els mossos faran un perímetre d’1 km des del MWC amb antiavalots, per tal d’impedir qualsevol acció de protesta. Els actes es concentraran en un dinar popular a Can Batlló i a la manifestació de la tarda que consistirà en el següent:

S’ha quedat als Jardinets de Gràcia (Avda.Diagonal/Passeig de Gràcia) them 19:00h.

Es farà un recorregut fins a Plaça Catalunya amb la ideaEl capitalisme a Barcelona”, amb aturades i accions a diversos llocs.

S’arribarà a la botiga de Movistar de Plaça Catalunya.

La idea és oferir espai a tota lluita laboral o social que vulgui i, en general, obrint el zoom des de Movistar cap a precarietat i capitalisme.

SP CGT Catalunya

>> The entire article CGT Catalonia

Feb 202016

Ahir divendres 19 de febrer al vespre, la CGT Vallès Oriental ens vam manifestar a Granollers junt a altres organitzacions socials, en suport del Correscales 2016 que ja va començar el seu recorregut de 800 km, un camí contra la PRECARIETAT LABORAL, contra aquest panorama de misèria que el Capitalisme estàconstruintper a nosaltres, la classe obrera del mòn.

Una centena de manifestants vam cridar contra la precarietat. El recorregut des de la Plaça de la Corona fins la Porxada va visibilitzar algunes tendes que són expressió d’aquesta precarietat, “marquesque els capitalistes ens possen dexemple de empresa, tot amagant el seu veritable rostre: EXPLOTADORS INFANTILS (aquelles que fabriquen roba en Àsia), fins d’altres que EXPLOTEN, PERSEGUEIXEN L’ACTIVITAT SINDICAL i ACOMIADEN als treballadors i treballadores que lluiten per defensar els drets laborals, com és el cas de Telefónica-Movistar o el Viena!

El Correscales va començar com una lluita sectorial, peró ara és emblema de tots els treballadors i treballadores precaritzats, perqué aquest és el signe del treball que impossa la dictadura implacable del Capitalisme. I si pensem la precarietat com signe, el seu abast inclou altres aspectes de la nostra vida, no només el laboral, perqué el Capitalisme tot ho transforma en mercaderia, també l’habitatge, l’alimentació, la salut, l’educació, fins i tot les mateixes persones!



CGT Vallès Oriental

Correscales 2016, mani a Granollers

Manifestació a Granollers, Friday 19 The hearing will be held next Wednesday. 2016, en suport al Correscales que arribarà a Barcelona el proper dilluns 22.

Feb 162016

IMG-20160215-WA0000Un trajecte de dignitat contra la precarietat

Manifestació de suport
Friday 19 February, 19h,
Plaça de la Corona

Si alguna cosa defineix les relacions laborals d’avui dia, això és la PRECARIETAT. La lluita dels contractes i subcontractes de Movistar va començar per denunciar justament això, la PRECARIETAT LABORAL, i el que va començar com una lluita sectorial i una vaga de més de 100 dies, es va estendre per denunciar una de les arrels del problema: la precarietat a la qual ens ha conduït el Capitalisme.

EL CORRESCALES també és un medi. És el trajecte de 800 quilometres que correrem, teixint complicitats entre histories de vida que lluiten per justícia i dignitat. Són els 80 relleus, compartint una lluita contra la precarietat. Són les 80 poblacions per agrair l’acollida i aprendre de la seva realitat. Són els 80 dies per construir plegades, teixint solidaritat, cooperativament.

Corrent 800 km de BILBAO a BARCELONA, compartint el cor amb els que lluiten, posant el cos i tot l’esforç i il·lusió en això.

Projecte de micromecenatge:

Més info:
Vídeo presentació
Article a CGT Catalunya
Facebook Correscales 2016
Twitter teleAfonica #Correscales

CGT Vallès Oriental

Feb 092016

viena-juicio-10Feb2016the next dimecres dia 10 February,them 10.30h, es durà a terme als jutjats de Sabadell ( Francesc Macia 34-36 ) he judici per l’acomiadament dels companys Didac i Jota, treballadors del Viena de Montmeló. Recordem que que la mateixa va suposar una vaga que tingué un seguiment majoritari al restaurant de Montmeló i l’inici d´un conflicte sindical que mantenim fins que aquesta empresa no readmeti els nostres companys i aturi la seva política antisindical envers la nostra organització sindical.

Fem una crida a tothom a solidaritzar-se amb els companys acomiadats, els propietaris d’Establiments Viena han de ser conscients que si ens toquen a una, affect us all!

Readmissió Jota i Didac JA!

CGT Vallès Oriental

Feb 092016

titeres-desde-abajoEl Ayuntamiento de Madrid carga contra 2 artistas por una representación en la que se denunciaba precisamente la represión. Los Ayuntamientos del Cambio, que algo cambie para que todo siga igual.



En la tarde del 5 February, dentro de las actividades del Carnaval de Tetuán, la compañía Títeres desde Abajo ha realizado un espectáculo titulado «La bruja y Don Cristóbal» en la Plaza de Las Palomas en el barrio de Tetuán de Madrid con la siguiente sinopsis:

«La Compañía Títeres desde Abajo revive a Don Cristóbal Polichinela, ese oscuro personaje de la tradición popular ibérica. En esta ocasión, Polichinela llegará a Tetuán para imponer su voluntad a base cachiporra. Nevertheless, también habitará en estas tierras una bruja que tiene la firme decisión de amar su libertad por encima de todo y no dejarse pisotear por ningún Don Cristóbal, por mucho poder que éste se arrogue».

More info:
Full article in To the barricades


Demostración de apoyo en Mollet del Vallès, el domingo 7 de febrero por la tarde.

942791_10 IMG-20160208-WA0001

Feb 022016

CGT-TMBHuelga de autobuses de TMB el miércoles 3 February 2016, de las 10h a las 16h.

La sección sindical de CGT a autobuses de TMB convoca, junto con otros sindicatos, he 3 February 2016, una paro de 6 hours (from 10.00 a 16.00 h.). Y una asamblea general de trabajadores a las 12.00h en las Cocheras de Sants.

El paro se plantea un día después del paro convocado por l@s compañer@s de Metro y es muy posible que en la asamblea de autobuses se acuerden paros, como Metro, coincidiendo con la celebración en Barcelona del Congreso Mundial de Móviles MWC.

Motivos del paro:

  • contra la privatización de los transportes públicos de Barcelona
  • por la negociación del convenio
  • contra la privatización de los transportes públicos

More info:

Feb 022016

Paros en el Metro el martes 2 de febrero desde las 10:00h hasta las 15:00h.


Twitter: #MetroEnVaga


More info:

Nota en CGT Barcelona
Sección Sindical CGT Metro Barcelona (Facebook)

(Fotos: CGT Barcelona)

paro Metro Barcelona (2 February 2016)