Apr 252013
CGT, CNT and Libertarian Assembly will mobilize in the region for May Day

They call meetings and demonstrations in Mollet and Granollers.
They announce new protests against the current situation of the working class.

Under the motto "May Day more than ever" the CGT and CNT unions will organize together with the Libertarian Assembly of Vallès Oriental several events in the region on the occasion of International Workers' Day, at the same time they announce upcoming actions to visualize the discomfort and serious situation of the working class.

This year Vallès Oriental will have two unitary calls for May Day in Granollers and Mollet by the CGT and CNT unions, as well as the Libertarian Assembly of Vallès Oriental. In Granollers it will take place at 11:00 hours a rally-demonstration in Plaça de la Porxada, while in Mollet it will be at 12:00 hours in Plaça de Pau Casals <<read the rest of the news>>

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Apr 192013

We remind you that this year Vallès Oriental will have two unitary calls for May 1st in Granollers and Mollet by the CNT and CGT unions, as well as the Libertarian Assembly of Vallès Oriental. In Granollers it will take place at 11:00 hours a rally-demonstration in Plaça de la Porxada, while in Mollet it will be at 12:00 hours in Plaça de Pau Casals.

In this way, from this union we have organized and support a series of previous activities.

Wednesday 24/04 Presentation in Mollet of the documentary La salut el negoci de la vida: In front of the Auditorium we will celebrate the Night of Precariousness in ICT 18.00 h, we will present the documentary at our trade union premises “Health the Business of Life” with the presence of a member of the production company SICOM.www.sicom.cat/salutelnegocidelavida.

This documentary analyzes the public health situation: of the determinants of health, of social inequalities, of the universal right to healthcare that is being lost due to government policies, of privatizations that benefit large industrial and financial corporations, of the exclusion it is causing and of the corruption in the health sector in Catalonia.

Thursday 25/04 Demonstration and Popular Judgment against banks and banks: From this union we support this mobilization called at 18.30 h in front of the new town hall by the PAH de Mollet, Plataforma Mollet/Scams by the bank and Popular Assembly of Mollet

Saturday 27/04 Car march through the region: Assembly Libertarian Vallès Oriental, CGT and CNT will hold a vindictive march to sensitize the residents of our region of the need to fight and not resign in the face of the current context.

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Mar 262013
The colleagues of the Zeta Group plant in Parets del Vallès call us to participate in the march of cars they have organized against the ERO presented by the company that provides 102 dismissals. Remember that El Periodico and l'Esport, among other publications, are printed from this floor.
The march will take place next Wednesday 27 from March to 07.30 h in front of the Zeta group plant in Parets del Vallès ( Imprenta street 2 ) and will go to the headquarters of El Periodico.

SP CGT Vallès Oriental

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Feb 152013

Against financial genocide, let's point out the culprits.

The General Confederation of Labor (CGT) denounce this social system that denies people work and then takes away their right to housing. So, makes a call to participate in demonstrations summoned for the next 16 February in more than 45 country cities, to demonstrate the general rejection of the people to continue producing evictions and demand decent housing for all people.

The CGT values ​​the citizen social struggle very positively that is taking place through the different Platforms and Social Movements, fight that is managing to paralyze the eviction of a significant number of families and has provoked a social and political debate so that proposals such as dation in payment are considered retroactively and a definitive solution is found to this current social drama. A taste of the fight, along with many others, has been the collection of almost one and a half million signatures against the evictions. (Read more on cgt.org.es)

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Dec 082012

The workers of Imesapi, they demonstrated again yesterday in the center of the town of Granollers, to demand the withdrawal of the ERE that the company has presented and that supposes the dismissal of the 20% of the workers.


Wednesday 12 December at 11.00 h. Granollers Center Station (RENFE)
Saturday 15 December at 17.00 h. In Can Bassa in the Joan Oliver Park in Granollers.

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Dec 062012

The IMESAPI workers have demonstrated today in Granollers.
The compañer@s of the company IMESAPI (concessionaire of the lighting service of Granollers and Les Franqueses) have called an indefinite strike. The reason is the presentation of an ERE that the company has presented and that supposes the dismissal of the 20% Of the template.
From this union we ask for solidarity with the affected compañer@s and support in the mobilizations that they have programmed until the resolution of the conflict.

NEXT CALL: Friday 7 from December to 17:00 hours: MANIFESTATION in Can Gili (C / del Mas Gili corner with Camí Vell de Lliçà) Granollers.

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Nov 162012

Nail 5.000 people took to the streets yesterday, to protest against cuts being carried out by national and regional governments: By a health, education and public services and quality. For our pensions. For the right to a decent job and a social wage. For the future of nuestrxs hijxs. For the distribution of work and wealth.

Collect the press after the historic event Mollet:
Valles Vision (Valley of going you view news day 14 and go to the minute 14.40)
linea Vallès

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Sep 272012

See all calls.

Yesterday the CGT of the Vallès Oriental, we convened a Wrestling Day in the Plaza Pau Casals, in front of the town hall of Mollet del Vallès in support of the call for a General Strike called by the CGT in Euskadi, together with other organizations and the thousands of people who gathered yesterday in Madrid before parliament. We take this opportunity to denounce the brutality of the police charges and the shameful declarations of the ministers, in what we consider one more act of barbarism against the people.
At the same time, we call you now for the General Strike, that CGT has convened for the day 31 October, together with other organizations, because there are plenty of reasons, because there are plenty of reasons, he 31 October join the General Strike.


Sep 192012

CGT Vallès Oriental, summons Fight Day for the day 26 from September at 7:00 p.m. in the Plaza Pau Casal (in front of the town hall).

The Concentration is held in support of the General Strike called by the CGT together with other organizations in Euskadi


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Sep 182012
Yesterday the CGT of the Vallès Oriental, we convened a Wrestling Day in the Plaza Pau Casals, in front of the town hall of Mollet del Vallès in support of the call for a state railway strike, of the metro and buses in Barcelona and education in Madrid.
We remember them all, that next wednesday 26 of September, also in Pau Casals Square, we will make another day of struggle, this time in support of the call for a General Strike called by the CGT in Euskadi, together with other organizations.

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Sep 112012
Most -the population 99%-, especially the working class and disadvantaged social groups, We are suffering from a brutal and gritty attack our labor and social rights due to an induced crisis generated by those who want us to pay. this crisis, beyond economic, It is above all a social and environmental crisis deepens relations of class domination and patriarchal.
The workers, women, young boys, migrants, pensioners, students, unemployed people, evicted… They are the main objective of this ideological and strategic attack a class leader who uses his political caste in power for a decree measures that serve only to generate insecurity, unemployment, recession and misery in the whole population against ruling. (Read more on rojoynegro.info)

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Jul 232012

19-J: Valuation cassolada by the streets of Mollet

From the CGT of the Vallès Oriental we make a positive assessment of the casserole of protest that the past 19 of July it crossed the streets of Mollet. We want to emphasize that despite the speed and the little diffusion made almost 300 people came to our call. Fact that proves, that there are increasingly important sections of the population who are not willing to stand idly by watching the different governments end up with rights that years of struggle have given us.

La cassolada de protesta va transcórrer pel centre del poble passant davant les seus del PP i CiU on els assistents férem sentir de forma sorollosa el nostre rebuig a les polítiques que aquestes dues formacions estan duent a terme als governs espanyol i català.

From this union we will continue to occupy the streets as many times as necessary to stop the attacks on our rights and to build a different society based on freedom., social justice and mutual support.

CGT Vallès Oriental


Jul 232012
One more time and it won't be the last, we see ourselves in the streets fighting against the cuts that are being applied to us in all areas of our lives, health, iva, privatizations, education, dependence, retirement, stopped, layoffs, labour reform… Politicians rule against the people and the obedient people, every four years he votes for them again… The emancipation of the workers must be the work of the workers themselves… Until the Social Revolution of 1936, They had to pass 100 years, so that the people, workers take control of their lives and collectivize the factories, the earth and break the yoke that subjected them to their masters. The countdown has already started, hopefully not late 100 years…


Jun 202012
On Saturday a demonstration was held in Barcelona which was attended by some 2.500 people, under the slogan Against repression, labor reform and social cuts. Ehe route of the demonstration has passed through the Ministry of the Interior, Government Delegation, Public Prosecutor's Office of Catalonia, Work Promotion, From the CGT premises in Vía Laietana a banner has been taken down by some of those who have been prohibited by the judges from attending the demonstrations, who said “Prou repression, Puig resign "ending in Jaume I to Plaça Sant Jaume where the demonstration ended. They have shouted for the freedom of Andreu and against the repression.
The CGT has called this demonstration in Barcelona, which have been attended by members of Barcelona, from the various regions of Catalonia and colleagues from other provinces of the country (Madrid, Zaragoza, Valencia, Valladolid, etc.). (Read more)


Jun 112012

The CGT has agreed in its last Confederal Plenary to continue the mobilizations against repression and for the freedom of Laura Gómez, Secretary of Organization of the Local Federation of Barcelona.

The mobilization plan approved in the Plenary contemplates a campaign for the Freedom of Laura Gómez and against repression, that must also contain the fight against the Labor Reform and the Social Cuts that generated his arrest.

That is why we call a Demonstration of the entire CGT in Barcelona, on saturday 16 of June, which will leave from the intersection of Calle Diputación and Paseo de Sant Joan at 11.30 hours. (Read more)

<<<Catalan octave>>> <<<Castilian leaflet>>>
