Jun 032012

The CGT in defense of freedoms. Against labor reform and social cuts

For freedom without charges for Laura Gómez and the rest of those detained and prosecuted by the HG of 29M

The financial and economic crisis in which bankers have put us, speculators and submissive politicians, is being resolved against the interests of the majority of the population, while the government is taking advantage of the situation to apply its hidden ultra liberal program and increase the exploitation of workers and suffocate their aspirations for freedom and social justice.

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May 282012
As you know, the CGT has agreed in its last Confederal Plenary to continue the mobilizations against repression and for the freedom of Laura Gómez, Secretary of Organization of the Local Federation of Barcelona.
So, we find that the mobilization plan approved in the Plenary contemplates a Campaign for the Freedom of Laura Gómez and against repression, that must also contain the fight against the Labor Reform and the Social Cuts that generated his arrest. So, we have one
· Demonstration of the entire CGT in Barcelona. will be the next 16 of June and will leave the intersection of Diputació street with Paseig de Sant Joan at 11.30 hours.
Thus, from each Territory we must start the planning in order to organize the trips through the different Local Federations.
In these days the Permanent Secretariat of the Confederal Committee will contact the different Territories to know and coordinate the forecasts in each one of them.
It is important for the Organization to properly develop this action, since although Laura is on the street, the freedom she enjoys is provisional and judicial and police actions are being carried out to try to lock up our colleague for symbolically burning a box of papers in front of the Barcelona Stock Exchange in the last General Strike of the 29 of March.
Nor must we forget that it is not only our partner who is affected by this wave of repression.. Different delegates and affiliates of ours and other union and social organizations have been arrested and even imprisoned since and for the General Strike.
In a few days we will send you the materials for this campaign, which will consist of a poster, flyer and sticker.
From the SP of the Confederal Committee we encourage all the affiliation and militancy to participate in the actions against repression that this Organization is going to develop in defense of freedoms.
Permanent Secretariat of the Confederal Committee

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May 062012
After the birth of the movement the 15 May and the great milestones of the camping, the 19J and the 15O, the next big date will be 12 May when large demonstrations are called throughout the state and new encampments that will last until 15 of the same month when the anniversary of the movement is celebrated.
numerous assemblies, among them that of Sol, have already announced the intention to repeat the encampments between the 12 and the 15 despite threats from the Minister of the Interior or the Madrid Government Delegate. In the capital, it is intended to bring together in a single demonstration the different "tides" that have been activated in recent months (green for education, white for health, blue for public water, red of the unemployed, feminist violet), which would be joined by marches that would leave hours before from towns and neighborhoods. Meanwhile he 12 It will be the day to manifest 15 intends to engage in disruptive actions, among those that sound the most civil disobedience in the style "I do not pay", the blockade of transport and communications nodes, occupations of buildings and public spaces, mass sending of e-mails to authorities and withdrawal of money from banks to transfer it to ethical entities.
Same as him 15 October the mobilization aims to be global and demonstrations are called all over the planet, which are reported on the web http://globalmay.org/blog. An interactive map shows more than 500 activities planned around the world. The coordination between 15M and Occupy Wall Street will try to overcome the success of 15O. The growing maturity of both movements, the anticipation in the organization of the appointment and the growing acuteness of the crisis make us hope that this will be the case.

To learn about the Global Mayo:

- Specific websites for # 12M15M
Calls and diffusion: http://may12.net/espanol
assemblies, minutes and news: www.globalmay.org

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May 022012
From the CGT of the Vallès Oriental we value positively that in Granollers and Mollet activities and mobilizations have been carried out on the occasion of the 1st of May. For our union, the fact that these mobilizations are held in our region, it means reclaiming that day as a day of struggle. In this way, we think that we have helped to fill the gap that has existed for many years in the Vallès Oriental. In Mollet, it had been many years since the day 1 of May no activity was done.
This year, in addition to the gravity of the economic and social situation we are suffering, the repressive spiral of the central governments and the Generalitat, has made that in the mobilizations of Mollet and Granollers, we denounced the unjust imprisonment of our colleague Laura Gomez, and the rest of the comrades arrested as a result of the last General Strike, and that solutions would be required for almost 37.000 unemployed in the county, as well as denouncing the rest of the attacks that we are suffering the workers with the labor reform, cuts, price increases, etc.
As for participation in them ( 150 in Granollers and 200 in Mollet ), we consider them to be worthy figures, in this way, from the CGT of the Vallès Oriental, we will continue to work to deal with capital attacks, and to make workers aware of the need to recover mobilization and struggle, as tools to defend our interests.
Health and struggle!

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Apr 212012
Para este Martes 1 of May, desde la CGT del Vallés Oriental, ofrecemos una vez más el espacio para las reivindicaciones y os proponemos:
En primer lugar, una nueva jornada de lucha, what, encadenada con la Huelga General del 29M, haga resonar en los tímpanos de los políticos, las patronales CEOE y CEPYME, así como en los mercados financieros, un poderoso grito de inconformismo y rebeldía obrera a sus políticas antisociales, con un sistema capitalista decadente y por agotado, obsoleto.
Saldremos de la Plaza del Ayuntamiento de Mollet del Vallés a las 11:30h, subiremos por Jaime I hasta Enric Morera, donde enfilaremos la Rambla Pompeu Fabra, para regresar al Ayuntamiento por la Avenida Libertad, desde allí nos desplazaremos a la Paza de la República, donde por el módico precio de 3€, os proponemos una butifarra-da con monjetes y una bebida (podéis reservar en el correo del sindicato cgt_mollet@hotmail.com, o en el teléfono 625-373-332, preguntar por José)
Tras la comida, actividades para los pequeños y el pase de la películaEl Caso Sabolta”, para despedir de esta forma el primer 1 de Mayo en décadas en la Ciudad de Mollet.
¡A por otra Huelga General y por la consecución de una Europea.!

Leer octavilla 1º de Mayo

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Mar 062012

Press Release
Valoració de la mobilització del 4 de Març a Mollet del Vallès

Des de la CGT del Vallès Oriental fem una valoració positiva de la manifestació que es va dur a terme el passat diumenge 4 de Març pels carrers de Mollet. Tot i reconèixer que esperàvem més participants (unes 150 persones van participar en la mateixa) valorem per una banda, la varietat de participants en la mateixa, aturats, persones immigrades, treballadors/es de Derbi, students. I també les mostres de suport que vam rebre dels veïns/es de Plana Llado així com l ́ambient de la manifestació amb consignes constants contra els tancaments de la Derbi i del CEIP Nicolàs Longarón, la reforma laboral i en favor dels drets de les persones immigrades entre d ́altres.

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Mar 062012


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Feb 262012

Press Release

Manifestació el proper 4 de Març a Mollet del Vallès contra la reforma laboral, l´atur, i el pacte social

Des de l’inicií d’aquesta crisi, la CGT del Vallès Oriental no hem deixat de mobilitzar-nos per denunciar que una minoria de la societat formada per empresaris, polítics i banquers volem fer-nos pagar als i les treballadors/es una crisi que no hem creat nosaltres. Estem veient com els mateixos que han creat tota la situació actual, ara se’ns presenten com a “salvadors” per sortir de la mateixa

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May 112011


Us convidem a la
on direm prou a les retallades
Day: Wednesday 11 de maig de 2011 them 18 h

es retallades ja s’estan fent a l’Hospital de Granollers


Tancament de dos equips d’atenció domiciliaria
Reducció de sis llits de pediatria
Tancament d’una part de la 2a planta i privatització de l’altra
Tancament de 3 quiròfans de tarda
Tancament consultes externes a l’estiu


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Apr 012011

Comunicat de Premsa de la CGT del Vallès Oriental

Tema: Manifestació a Mollet el dissabte 2 d’abril Contra l’atur, les retallades socials i laborals, els acomiadaments i les deslocalitzacionsnosaltres o ells!

Saturday 2 d’Abril a les 12 h. davant de l’ajuntament de Mollet del Vallès (plaça Pau Casals)

Davant l’allau d’acomiadaments massius i deslocalitzacions que està patint la nostra comarca, la CGT hem volgut passar a l’acció. Diversos conflictes laborals (Yamaha, FCC Logísitca, Derbi, Ficosa, Alstom…), enfronten direcció i treballadors, seguint donant beneficis als primers i abocant a la
misèria i l’atur als i les de sempre. La nostra comarca és, a hores d’ara, de les mes colpejades per la crisi. Una crisi que, com venim dient des de fa lustres, ni l’hem provocat ni hem ajudat a que esclatés.
A tot això, cal sumar-hi totes les retallades socials i laborals que ens afecten al conjunt de la població de Catalunya i de l’estat espanyol (reforma laboral i de les pensions, sanitat, educació…), mesures que altra vegada afectaran al gruix i conjunt de la classe treballadora. I altra vegada en
tenim exemples a la comarca, concretament a Granollers, on la direcció de l’Hospital ja han anunciat la reducció de la plantilla en 130 treballadors i treballadores.
Per tot això, i com que de motius en sobren, convoquem a la ciutadania del Vallès Oriental, als i les treballadores a la manifestació del dissabte 2 d’abril, a les 12h a la Plaça Pau Casals, davant l’ajuntament de Mollet del Vallès.

Convoca: CGT Vallès Oriental