Mar 072023

CGT acts in Barcelona to commemorate the centenary of the murder of Salvador Segui, "The sugar's boy" 1923-2023 by the bosses' gunmen and the collusion of the Catalan bourgeoisie and the powers of the state

Salvador Seguí i Rubinat was an anarcho-syndicalist militant, worker and painter from the 12 years. Follower of the modern school of Ferrer i Guardia and self-taught. He actively participated in the General Strike of the 1902, the constitution of Solidaridad Obrera in 1907, the tragic week in 1909, the birth of CNT, in 1915 He was president of the Barcelona Construction Union, in 1918 He is appointed Secretary General of the Regional Labor Confederation of Catalonia, participated in the creation of the unique unions of Ramo, replacing the trade unions, which turned the industry unions into a very powerful weapon when it came to raising demands before the employers.. He went to jail on several occasions..

Dialogue man, great orator and debater. Prominent figure in the end of the Canadian strike in 1919 at the famous meeting in the Las Arenas bullring where he convinced the people to accept the agreement that achieved the working day of 8 hours.

Salvador Seguí was clear that to achieve the emancipation of the working class and achieve a libertarian society, prior preparation based on union activity and a comprehensive education of people was essential..

His union activism made him the target of the Catalan bourgeoisie who ordered his assassination at the hands of the gunmen of the Free Union., on the employer's salary, at the intersection of Cadena street and San Rafael in the Raval neighborhood of Barcelona. 10 March 1923. Along with him, his colleague Francisco Comas “Paronas” was also murdered. 3 days after.

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