May 252024

Durante una charla informal compañeras y compañeros del sindicato dialogaban sobre el peligro real del auge de la extrema derecha en Europa y el mundo.

Uno de ellos dijo que el filósofo Bertrand Russell afirmó que “los fascistas primero fascinan a los tontos. Luego amordazan a los inteligentes”.

Una compañera añadió que la democracia representativa [burguesa] también seduce a los tontos. Pero que, de manera muy perspicaz, compra a los inteligentes.

A lo cual otro compañero sentenció que en la direct democracy, que nosotros ejercemos, aspiramos a convertir a los supuestos tontos en inteligentes conscientes y dueños de sus propios designios, muy a pesar de de constantemente se nos cuelen demagogos e inteligentes “comprados” con el objetivo de impedirlo. Manzanas podridas que intentan echarnos a perder al resto. Pero no podrán.


¡Mucha Salud, Federalismo de Base y Democracia directa!

Mar 072023

CGT acts in Barcelona to commemorate the centenary of the murder of Salvador Segui, "The sugar's boy" 1923-2023 by the bosses' gunmen and the collusion of the Catalan bourgeoisie and the powers of the state

Salvador Seguí i Rubinat was an anarcho-syndicalist militant, worker and painter from the 12 years. Follower of the modern school of Ferrer i Guardia and self-taught. He actively participated in the General Strike of the 1902, the constitution of Solidaridad Obrera in 1907, the tragic week in 1909, Read more

Jul 192017

19 of July: Day of Social Revolution 1936

Have passed 81 years of the social revolution that the people, the working class, He starred in the 19 July 1936. The CGT wants to remind people that, their desire for social justice and freedom, that people able to confront and stop the fascist coup perpetrated in complicity by the army, the political right, employers, the business class and the church.

Today as yesterday our horizon is Freedom, workers' management, Social Revolution and Anarchy, a new dimension of humanity and life on Earth.

CGT Vallès Oriental
c / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallès
Loss: 93 593 1545 / 625 373332
Web / Facebook / Twitter

May 102017


Wednesday 10 of May 2017, 19:00h
Plaça Sant Jaume

This Wednesday 10 May 2017 a demonstration is carried out globally in all places of the world, to repudiate the decision of the Argentine government to extend the benefits of the so-called “2×1” (reduced sentences, which accounts 2 years 1 year sentence), extend this to the genocides of the last civic-military-ecclesiastical dictatorship in Argentina (1976-1983).
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Dec 142014

The General Confederation of Labor (CGT) has participated in the event held by CEAQUA, together with the Association for Human Rights of Spain, last 9 December in the Pérez-Llera room of the Congress of Deputies, where the different groups that have appeared in the Argentine lawsuit against the crimes of the Franco regime have related the circumstances Continue reading »