Jul 182016

indomablesIn the framework of the Days 80th anniversary of the Social Revolution, It is Tuesday 19 of July to 18:00 h, at the Civic Center Can Borrell, we have the presentation of the exhibition "Free women», and pass the documentary "Indomables: a history of free women». The following is the presentation of the film.

“Free women was an autonomous organization, outside the structures of any organ of the libertarian movement. Without giving up his anarchist roots practiced a worker feminism. They were labeled aimed at preparing women to participate in first person in the libertarian revolution. That is to say, They wanted to train women, They are suffering high rates of illiteracy and attract them to the libertarian movement. They had to fight a culture of deep Catholic roots and, the most painful, against indifference if not contempt of his colleagues libertarias. Despite having reached more than 20.000 affiliates only in the Republican zone, They never were admitted as part of the General Council of the Libertarian Movement. With this documentary we tried to find out what they thought, what his political approach and how they developed their work.

To achieve this we have interviewed two direct protagonists of this story, Conchita Liaño and Sara Berenguer. Both took part actively front line in the glorious days of July the 36. Both with considerable political and human baggage.”

You are all and all s INVITED Tuesday to Can Borrel!

CGT Vallès Oriental


When: Tuesday 19 of July, 18:00 h
Where: Civic Center Can Borrell, Avenue de Rivoli, 38, Mollet del Vallès

Jul 172016

First of commemorative days of the 80 Social Revolution Anniversary.

Awesome !! The exhibition… 26 panels that tell us about the libertarian movement, AIT, self-management, anarchosyndicalism and Communism Libertario inter.

After the documentary was passed “economy Col.lectiva” It is showing how in the early months of the Spanish Civil War, in Catalunya men and women workers, stop after the coup, companies took, the collectivized, reduced workplaces and improved their facilities and machinery, improving productivity and quality in the produce, unifying wages, introducing some companies the family wage, although what is given more is the reduction of differences between occupational categories, medical care for l @ s @ s worker who could not work and a similar or equal to the obrer @ activ salary is guaranteed @, 60a retirement with salary between 50 and the 85%, It is reduced unemployment by creating new jobs and working hours reduciedo… what became clear was that the work had, It had to distribute. As an example in the collectivized barbershops one shift 8h is replaced by two 6 and a half hours a day, and Textile Industry Badalona working time is reduced to 32h weekly.
the price is low rent, increase public performances (cinemas, theaters…), schools are created, training centers for l @ s worker @ s, libraries, journals, it improves water supply system, the light, the transports, communications and lower prices for all services.

It's the economy at the service of citizens, without bosses or masters and the margin of any government, so autogestionaria.

Are the years that Catalonia is more independent in its history without a doubt, It has its police, Your army, has it all ... until May the 37 which is operated by the central government.

It also shows how from the government led by the Socialist Largo Caballero and then by Juan Negrin, fearful of social and economic transformations in Catalunya, boycotted the whole process, they did not want it to work collectivization. They also had fear that the people of Catalonia majority unionist had a power of weapons
On the one hand were the CNT, FAI and POUM, Supporters of collectivization and secondly the UGT (who had participated in the collectivization), PSUC, left Republicans, the Government of the Generalitar directed by Lluis Companys and the central government that boycotted the whole process to destroy.

Jordi Viader finally we talked about the Dairy Industry Socialized, how it was conducted collectivization, improvements of machines, the installations, unification of dairies and happened several photos on the topic…

You can see everything (unless documentary) in this video.

Jul 122016

Poster-80-aniv-Revolution-Social-2016Companions, companions,
are met 80 years of summer 1936, when workers and popular classes took to the streets to stop the coup and start an impetuous process: Social Revolution.
In a few months enormous social advances were achieved as never before in the history of mankind: collectivization of industry and field, secular and libertarian education, participation of the people in all areas of decision, an active and equal role of women in economic activity and radical transformation of society.
Anarchy dream, but also forged, he got up…

Today like yesterday, 80 years later, from the CGT union we continue to struggle daily in our workplaces, in the streets and squares, both neighborhoods as well as in social networks, in schools and universities, in all areas where the capitalist system seeks to take away the dignity, our freedom, our lives as free people, autonomous and solidary, our social spaces so often trampled upon and rebuilt many times. You spent decades, but we @ s still fighting, we continue dreaming and building a world free of borders, free of oppressors and parasites, a world of equal and free people.

We @ s know a way to commemorate the past: Confronting this we do this bleak, we do vindicating those same libertarian principles, and we do it in order to change all our society and globally, by building an egalitarian society, solidary and libertarian.

And this time we do also from culture, from music to move our bodies and hearts, from history and present ideas to flow like water, from the share with comrades talk about good times and freedom.

CGT Vallès Oriental
c / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallès
Loss: 93 593 1545 / 625 373332
email: cgt.mollet.vo@gmail.com
Web / Facebook / Twitter


Friday 15 of July – The Civic Center Marineta
18:00 Opening of the exhibition "The Social Revolution"
18:30h documentary "Collective Economy"
Con Jordi Viader, journalist and historian.

Tuesday 19 July - Civic Center Can Borrell
18:00h Opening of the exhibition "Free Women"
documentary "Indomitable, A History of Free Women "

Thursday 21 of July – Civic Center Can Pantiquet
19:00h Presentation of the book "Anarchy Works"
Con su autor Peter Gelderloos.

Friday 22 July - Park Can Mulá
20:00h a 21:30h music "Scandol Jackson”
21:30h a 22:00h Mitin.
22:00h a 23:45 music "Muyayo RIF"

Saturday 23 of July – The Civic Center Marineta
18:00h poetry group "Bio-slow"
18:30h Documental "Projekt A"

Sunday 24 of July – journey through Mollet
10:00h Ruta de las colectivizaciones in Mollet del Vallés.

Video Days:

Jul 072016

ManifestDownload leaflet in pdf ManifestDownload leaflet in pdf

In this summer they meet 80 years from when our society carried out the transformation dreamed of for decades: the libertarian social revolution.

From the CGT we organize the celebration of this 80th anniversary of the Social Revolution, not only as a recovery of the historical memory that we need so much as a society, to understand the current moment and to perceive where we are going, but also to see that those who so often treat us as utopian, dreamers of impossible things, You are wrong, because we keep dreaming and acting to turn everything around, so that this capitalist system ends up falling and then build and consolidate a libertarian society, open, egalitarian, a society where the priority is once again people and not the market, where people can develop as free and supportive beings and where social freedom is the parameter and measure for all human relationships.

On Friday of next week we start the activities, what you can see in this poster and program.


CGT Vallès Oriental


May 142016

The time of the cherriesThe next Wednesday 18 of May, in l’Anonymous from Granollers (c / Ricomà, 57, Granollers), and with the collaboration of the CGT Vallès Oriental, the documentary video will be screened «The time of the cherries. 1977-1979, libertarian hatching », with the presence of director and author of the same, Juan Felipe.

"The time of the cherries", love song turned into a hymn of the Paris Commune, it is an allegory of the eternal rebirth of life and therefore of the "Idea".

In the early 70 militants of all ages and conditions are organizing. Among these the libertarian family emerges strongly, with great force. Journals, Athenaeums and other groups appear everywhere. Also the CNT. Anarcho-syndicalism is rebuilding and for a few months it seems that it will regain the strength it had over the years 30. Nevertheless, at the end of the decade it appears broken, divided and disoriented. What happened to make it all fall apart? We have spoken with protagonists of those days. Who wanted, they answered.

IÑAKI GARCÍA (Barcelona). Founder of Editorial Virus and facilitator of El Local
PEPE RIBAS (Barcelona). Writer and founder of Ajoblanco magazine
ANGEL FOREST. Militant of the CGT of Catalonia and the Salvador Seguí Foundation
MIKEL ORRANTIA “TAR” (Bilbo). Revitalizer of the magazine and the Askatasuna collective
ROSA MERINO (Madrid). Bank worker and CGT activist
PEPE MONCHO (Madrid). Collaborator of the Popular School of Prospe
EMILI CORTAVITARTE (Barcelona). Militant of CGT de Catalunya and promoter of the Embat initiative
JOSÉ MARCH BOU (Madrid). CNT Secretary General after the Unification Congress (1984)
MANEL AISA (Barcelona). Member of the Ateneu Enciclopédic Popular
PILAR HERRERO (Madrid). Libertarian militant and founder of the F. Flashing Aurora
ELOY MARTÍN (Madrid). CNT-AIT and Aurora Intermittent Foundation militant
OCTAVIO ALBEROLA. JJLL Militant (exile) and CNT's Internal Defense
CARLOS RAMOS (Madrid). Militant of CGT and the Salvador Seguí Foundation in Madrid
AURORA MOLINA (Asturias). Libertarian militant since 1936
JOSÉ RAMÓN PALACIOS (Madrid). Pres. from the Anselmo Lorenzo Foundation and the CNT-AIT railway
JOSÉ MARI OLAIZOLA (Hernani). Former Secretary General of the CGT
EDUARDO COLOMBO (Paris). Member of the CNT-France, former FORA member.
NACHO LAMATA (Barcelona). CNT-Joaquín Costa and bookseller of La Rosa de Foc

Source: http://kaosenlared.net/


The time of the cherries. 1977-1979 Libertarian hatching (Trailer).


CGT Vallès Oriental

Feb 092016

titeres-desde-abajoEl Ayuntamiento de Madrid carga contra 2 artistas por una representación en la que se denunciaba precisamente la represión. Los Ayuntamientos del Cambio, que algo cambie para que todo siga igual.



En la tarde del 5 February, dentro de las actividades del Carnaval de Tetuán, la compañía Títeres desde Abajo ha realizado un espectáculo titulado «La bruja y Don Cristóbal» en la Plaza de Las Palomas en el barrio de Tetuán de Madrid con la siguiente sinopsis:

«La Compañía Títeres desde Abajo revive a Don Cristóbal Polichinela, ese oscuro personaje de la tradición popular ibérica. En esta ocasión, Polichinela llegará a Tetuán para imponer su voluntad a base cachiporra. Nevertheless, también habitará en estas tierras una bruja que tiene la firme decisión de amar su libertad por encima de todo y no dejarse pisotear por ningún Don Cristóbal, por mucho poder que éste se arrogue».

More info:
Full article in To the barricades


Demostración de apoyo en Mollet del Vallès, el domingo 7 de febrero por la tarde.

942791_10 IMG-20160208-WA0001

Nov 202015

Durruti 20 November 1936Today, 20 of November, we remember our colleague Buenaventura Durruti, man of action and fighter for the total liberation of the working class and the oppressed of the world. For Anarchy in all its worth.

Buenaventura was an example of perseverance and struggle in all areas and conditions, facing state repression with boldness and courage, firm in your convictions of a free man and woman living in a free world, without oppressors or oppressed.

Companion Durruti, we follow the mark of your footprint!

“We carry a new world in our hearts.
That world is growing at this moment.”


CGT Vallès Oriental