Oct 292013

On Friday 11 October, el programa La Noche en 24 Horas informó del ‘caso de los EREy durante la tertulia usó imágenes de la CGT que podían inducir a la audiencia a pensar que este sindicato también está implicado en ese escándalo de corrupción, cuando no es así. [ver vídeo en minuto 31:40: http://www.rtve.es/alacarta/videos/la-noche-en-24-horas/noche-24-horas-11-10-13/2060828/]

TVE rectifica e informa que CGT se persona como acusación en elcaso de los ERE

On Friday 11 October, el programa La Noche en 24 Horas informó del ‘caso de los EREy durante la tertulia usó imágenes de la CGT que podían inducir a la audiencia a pensar que este sindicato también está implicado en ese escándalo de corrupción, cuando no es así. [ver vídeo en minuto 31:40: http://www.rtve.es/alacarta/videos/la-noche-en-24-horas/noche-24-horas-11-10-13/2060828/]

En junio, el Consejo de Informativos de TVE ya denunció la utilización de esas mismas imágenes de la CGT en otra información sobre los sindicatos CCOO y UGT y pidió reforzar los controles para evitar que se repitieran errores como ese.

Con estos antecendentes, CGT soliticó formalmente a TVE una rectificación y este lunes 21 October, el programa dirigido y presentado por Sergio Martín así lo hizo, y aprovechó para informar de que nuestro sindicato ha sido admitido como acusación particular por la juez Alaya en este caso. (Ver vídeo en 1:44:00: http://www.rtve.es/alacarta/videos/la-noche-en-24-horas/noche-24-horas-2

Nos congratula la decisión porque de esta forma los servicios informativos de TVE ganan credibilidad y con ello gana toda la ciudadanía que los quiere seguir teniendo como referencia. Esperemos que el siguiente paso sea una cobertura más plural en todos los ámbitos, incluido el sindical.

Sección Sindical de la CGT en RTVE

News from cgt.org.es

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Oct 282013

En su segunda jornada congresual, se ha acordado rechazar las subvenciones por parte de organismos públicos en los cursos de formación. La CGT se desmarca así del modelo burocratizado de los sindicatos CC OO y UGT, en la actualidad implicados en casos de corrupción, como los EREs en Andalucía. La jueza Alaya ha admitido finalmente la personación particular de la CGT en este caso, que también se ha personado en el caso Bárcenas.

CGT exige a TVE que rectifique

Ante la inclusión en el programa La Noche en 24 Horas de TVE, sobre la presunta trama de corrupción en Andalucía por el ‘caso de los ERE’, de imágenes de recurso de USO y CGT, junto a la de los sindicatos UGT y CC OO, sí implicados en el caso, CGT exige el derecho de rectificación y está dispuesta a llevar el caso a los juzgados en caso de que no se respete dicho derecho, ya que se induce a la audiencia a la vinculación con este caso. Hacemos un llamamiento a la responsabilidad de los medios de comunicación, para que no metan a todos los sindicatos en el mismo saco y cumplan con sus prinicipios deontológicos, que justifican su función social ante la opinion pública.

Press Center: Juana Vazquez. 610268822

Diario del Congreso A Congreso 1.pdf

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Oct 282013
El juzgado de Instrucción nº 6 de Sevilla ha aceptado la personación de la Confederación General del Trabajo en el procedimiento que se sigue en dicho juzgado, denominado comúnmentecaso de los ERE”.

CGT presentó un escrito de personación el pasado mes de abril ejercitando la acción popular en las diligencias previas contra quien o quienes resultaran responsables de los actos delictivos objeto del proceso, as well as, frente a los ya denunciados y/o querellados en el procedimiento.

A la espera de revisar el voluminoso material de las actuaciones, la posición de la CGT en este procedimiento va encaminada a defender los derechos económicos, laborales y sociales de las personas trabajadoras y entiende que lo que se ventila en la querella afecta directamente a esos derechos. Al destino de los fondos públicos presupuestados para la promoción de empleo, para la formación profesional, a la negociación colectiva y a la estabilidad en el empleo. Destacando que han sido centenares las y los trabajadores afectados por la negociación de los distintos ERE.

CGT se congratula de la decisión del juzgado de Instrucción nº 6 de Sevilla, al tiempo que la considera necesaria, por la enorme trascendencia social y sindical de este caso.

El sindicato ha realizado su personación como acusación popular con el objetivo de contribuir a la clarificación plena de los hechos y a la exigencia de la asunción de todas las responsabilidades, que puedan derivarse, por parte de las personas presuntamente implicadas.


News from cgt.org.es

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Oct 282013
Elected the new Permanent Secretariat and general secretary of CGT in the person of José Manuel Muñoz Póliz.

The railway sector worker José Manuel Muñoz Póliz, from 51 year old, has been elected new Secretary General of the CGT on the last day of the XVII Confederal Congress that concluded today in the Auditorium of the University of A Coruña.

Affiliated with this union since 1986, He has been Secretary of Trade Union Action of the Confederal CGT of 2001 a 2005, and Secretary of Organization since 2005 a 2008.

They will accompany you in your new journey for the next four years, a team formed by Luis Romón, as Secretary of Organization; Lola vicious, as Secretary of Administration and Finance; Jose Aranda, as Secretary of Union Action; Irene de la Cuerda, as Secretary of Social Action; Jose Manuel Fernandez Mora, as Secretary of Communication; Desiderio Martin, as Secretary of Training and Occupational Health; Paula Ruíz Roa, as Secretary for Women; Jose Antonio Garcia de Merlo, as Legal Secretary; and Angel Bosqued, as Secretary of International. Vicente Blanco Lacruz renews his position as Coordinator of Ruesta. Jacinto Ceacero assumes the direction of Libre Pensamiento and Paqui Arnau of the newspaper Rojo y Negro.

Among the main challenges facing the CGT in this new stage, They emphasize the strengthening of the militancy and the participation of the unions and of the union action, to give a labor and social response on the street, in defense of rights and public services. All this within a model of combative anarcho-syndicalism, against the institutional unionism represented by CCOO and UGT.

Press Center: Juana Vazquez.

News from cgt.org.es

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Oct 212013


Once again we find that the PP government is launching for pensions alleging an unsustainability that only they share, together with the experts appointed by hand for this purpose.

The result of this new robbery means going from pensions as a right to pensions as a business, introducing the so-called sustainability factor based on the life expectancy of the population and also eliminating the automatic revaluation of the pension receivable, as it will always be below the annual CPI.

With this they manage to reduce the money we charge after a lifetime of work, with the ultimate goal that bankers and speculators fill their coffers at the cost of the creation of private pension plans

While the common people are squeezed with taxes, with generalized cuts in wages and pensions, with the punishment of unemployment and the elimination of public services, we observe how a system of generalized corruption is established in the political class, economic perks and clientelistic cronyism that make the whole world blush making our passivity unsustainable.

Time to get them all out of their golden armchairs, to recover what is ours and that the financial elites are robbing us with the support of a false democracy that laughs at each and all of us.

The incoherent logic according to which to end unemployment, save public health, teaching, pensions, the cares…. they tell us that the only possible way is to work more for less, on longer hours, for more years and privatizing everything. It has been amply proven to be insane that it needs urgent shock treatment.




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Oct 172013

Previous activities for this day

Saturday 19 October

At 18.30 Conference in the restaurant-bookstore Anonymous
Granollers ( Miquel Ricomà57 )
Offensive against pensions. A new attack on the working class
With: Alex Tisminetzky, labor lawyer of the Ronda and Marina Duñach Collective,
member of the Mollet Retirement and Pensioners Commission
Organize: Arran Granollers, Libertarian Assembly of the V. Oriental, CGT Vallès
Oriental, CNT Granollers , CUP Granollers and Cooperativa Integral Catalana

Thursday 24 October

Mollet del Vallès: Demonstration at 6 pm in Plaça Prat de la Riba ( Organize the
Commission for pensioners and retirees ) and from this union we endorse this
Granollers: Concentration at 19.00 h in the Plaza la Porxada ( summon Arran,
Assembly Libertarian Vallès Oriental, CGT, CNT, CUP, CP Left i Cooperative
Catalan Integral )

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Oct 162013

Posters and press release in response to the Party Popular of Mollet del Vallès .

A few weeks ago, the local section of the PP in Mollet took out leaflets with an image showing dozens of members of the Muslim community Al Huda de Mollet praying in front of the town hall, in this pamphlet the “passivity” of the city council towards the protests of the Muslim community of the capital of Baix Vallès was denounced.

From this union, we want to express our critique of all institutionalized religions (islam, Catholicism, Judaism, etc), since we consider them hierarchical and coercive by nature, and in general, aligned with all political power structures. That said, we respect everyone’s personal beliefs, as long as, they do not go against the rights of the people.

So, this union is neither favorable nor unfavorable in the conflict that this association maintains with the city council regarding the construction of the mosque. «Read the rest of the news»

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Oct 102013

As some of you know, in March of this year I was fired from the Center de la Propietat Forestal, a company attached to the Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of the Generalitat. Together with me they were fired 4 more colleagues The five dismissal letters, in which they alleged objective and productive causes, were signed by the Workers' Representatives, formed by CCOO, that were limited, without more, to accept said dismissals.

I have always been clear that they lied and this is demonstrated by the sentence that recognizes the dismissal as IMPROPER. The company, with the arrogance that characterizes them, you were unable to show that the dismissal was justified, it's more, the ruling recognizes that the volume of work in the position I held has not decreased.

For me, said sentence has a bittersweet taste. I wanted to get my job back. Compensation for 45 days is bread for today and hunger for tomorrow. But I must admit that I am glad, and a lot, that in a company that has always been considered with absolute impunity to do and undo in labor relations, have had to give explanations before a court, and given the nature of it, surely the explanations will not end here. They were sure they would get away with it. As well, it has not been like that.

I want to thank in a very special way the cegetistas and libertarians for their support and solidarity throughout the process..


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Oct 102013

No layoffs, no pay cuts. Indefinite Strike!


From CGT we make a call to you to participate in the INDEFINITE STRIKE called from next Sunday 13 October 2013.

You already know the plans they have for us: 1.914 dismissed workers, (75 middle managers, 756 production workers, 600 autonomous and 483 support), brutal pay cuts of between a 35% al 45% and of a 20% to self-employed colleagues, and the payroll for September unpaid. The company offers compensation of 20 days per year worked with a ceiling of 12 monthly payments, and to pay in 24 months. With these proposals on the table, the company intends to reach an agreement in the consultation period.

From the CGT, we want to show our rejection of the company's proposals, who load on the staff what is truly a disastrous management by those who organize the operation of the factory and the distribution of products.

It is totally incomprehensible that there is a distribution of fewer products than are consumed, Unless accounting engineering is being done so that the company's accounts are negative. Companies are already used to this, to manage production, purchases and sales in such a way that they get the desired numbers to justify layoffs of permanent workers and replace them with new workers. In each of the factories there are 50 daily new worker hires.

The CGT considers that these measures are not what is necessary to maintain the activity of the factories and jobs. We give an example that we see daily of business mismanagement, the autonomous carriers that carry out the delivery routes carry fewer products than are needed in the stores due to the demand they have, could be sold 10.000 more breads, Y 4.000 Donuts/Donettes y Bollycaos.

The CGT opposes these dismissals, to the salary reduction and we urge the company to search among the managers for those responsible and those guilty of everything that is not well organized in the company.

We are playing a lot, and in this conflict, we will have to get the best out of each one of us and get involved in the mobilizations.


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Oct 012013

CGT Libertarian Memory Commission

The day 18 September 2013 may go on to become a milestone date within the memorial movement. Finally the first arrest warrant is issued to torturers and assassins of the Franco regime. Right now, when the fascist upswing grows all over Europe, we find good news for the achievement of the real objectives, justice and reparation for the victims of the Franco regime.

CGT welcomes the performance of Judge Servini, first admitting a complaint from citizens massacred in another state and, right now, assuming the investigation of the denounced events and requesting the performance of necessary acts to clarify the crimes committed during the Franco period.

Moved by that desire to achieve reparation for the damages received by the abuses of the followers of fascio in Spain, the General Confederation of Labor and an important group of associations and individuals, They have appeared in the cause against Francoism in Argentina. As a result of the complaint filed before the Argentine judiciary, this arrest warrant for Juan Antonio González Pacheco has emerged, Jose Ignacio Giralte Gonzalez, Celso Galván Abascal and Jesús Muñecas Aguilar. All of them members of the repressive bodies of the old Franco dictatorial regime and who were cruel to their compañeros and compañeras, that following in the footsteps of those who already gave their lives during the civil war, they fought for freedom and to change society.

It is unquestionable that throughout this process,, as in fact it has already happened, pressure from the Spanish government to prevent justice from being done from Argentina. In Spain, it has already been possible to close the path of seeking justice for the victims of the Franco regime, disabling the performance of Judge Garzón as instructor of the process of reporting forced disappearances. And in recent months, a thousand obstacles have been put to the actions that the judge intended to carry out from Argentina to continue with the investigation of the complaint filed in Buenos Aires.

Even so, The requests for the imputation of another important number of Francoist personalities implicated in crimes against human rights remain pending resolution., as well as companies that benefited from the exploitation of Franco's prisoners to profit from the construction of large infrastructure works such as roads, reservoirs, irrigation canals such as the Canal del Bajo Guadalquivir (known as the Channel of the Prisoners) that members of the CGT of Andalusia have documented and presented before the Argentine judge requesting justice and reparation for those who suffered "slave labor".

With the wish that these arrests are only the beginning of the end of the impunity of the Franco regime, we toast for a day in which the objective of TRUTH is fulfilled., JUSTICE AND REPARATION with the victims of the Franco regime.



Source: http://www.cgt.org.es

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Sep 302013
Companys / es:
Luxiona's colleagues are once again calling on us to support their fight against this company for the readmission of 64 workers fired in July. In this way, We hope to see everyone next Tuesday 01 October at 10.00 h before the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia ( Lluís Companys 14-16 from Barcelona ).
Now more than ever, we must show solidarity with all those people who do not resign themselves to the reality of misery that the political and business class that governs us wants to impose on us..
Now more than ever, solidarity and mutual support!
SP CGT Vallès Oriental
Sep 302013


Of the day 17 al 20 October, we celebrate the XVII Confederal Congress of the CGT.

In this congress, four basic points will be discussed, that will define the organization's performance during the next four years.

We take advantage of the present to summon you for the taking of Agreements of the Congress on Tuesday 1 October at the union's premises ( Francesc Macia 51. Mollet del Vallès ) in two calls, one from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and the second from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. with the following Agenda:

1.- Voting on Papers.

2.- Voting of Candidacies to the Confederal SP.

3.- Election of fellow Delegates¹ to Congress.

4.- Election of the Bureau of Congress.

¹ These colleagues are the ones to whom we will delegate our agreements and they will go to Congress, they do not necessarily have to be Delegates of the Works Council.

SP CGT Eastern Valle

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Sep 272013

CGT Women's Secretariat

The Popular Party is willing to continue with its proposal to change the Sexual and Reproductive Health Law at the end of October. It has been announced by Minister Gallardón, it will also reform the Penal Code.

They are leaving us without the right to live freely in all areas, labor, familiar, social ... and sexual.

Gallardón has announced on several occasions that a minor cannot abort without parental permission and that he was going to toughen the assumptions for physical or psychological damage to the mother.

This government wants to turn the little that we have and that we have achieved after years of struggle into one of the most retrograde laws in Europe. They don't talk about training, nor prevention, pending and very important issues.

At the Health level they have already reformed the issue of assisted reproduction: single women or women married to other women have no option to inseminate, you must be married to a man. Now they want to reform the current Law on Sexual and Reproductive Health . Step by step we see how the PP is shaping the figure of the 21st century Spanish woman: submissive woman, good and christian. As they already did in the years 60.

The CGT defends the freedom of the people in all senses. No one can be discriminated against because they have a pen or because they want to have a son or daughter without marrying.

Abortion is the last option left to a woman who does not want to continue with the pregnancy. It's a personal decision, sometimes shared and always painful. But it is a right that women have over our body: choose our motherhood freely. No one, nor the Church that blames us, nor should the State that represses us force us to have children because we are women and because they consider that this is our function.

From CGT we call on all the people who feel affected by these cuts to show their rejection, no longer only against the reform of the abortion law, but also against their model of family and sexuality, single parent, patriarchal and retrograde, that legitimizes violence against women and people's bodies without recognizing all possible forms of sexuality.

He 28 September is the day for the decriminalization of abortion. Every day they are made 55 a thousand unsafe abortions in the world, he 95 percent in developing countries, which are responsible for one in eight maternal deaths.

For a right to decide free from prejudices and social conventions, for the right to sex education.

Against the repression of women's bodies and decisions


Octavilla A5 28-S gal 2013 OK.pdf 2.98 MB
Octavilla A5 28-S cat 2013 OK.pdf 2.95 MB
Octavilla A5 28-S cas 2013 OK.pdf 2.94 MB
Octavilla A5 28-S eusk 2013 OK.pdf 3.16 MB

Source: http://www.cgt.org.es

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Sep 162013

We wait for them all, in solidarity with those laid off. Today for them, tomorrow for you.


The company has fired 64 workers in addition to reducing the 15% from salary to remaining workforce.

The workers have said enough of so many abuses and have planted. Last 11 Y 12 June they called full days of strike and partial work stoppages and demonstrations for the next few days.

These workers have seen how the institutional unions have ignored them and how they remain installed in the demobilization.

CGT Vallés Oriental joins this fight, which is everyone's fight. And we encourage the solidarity of all the workers to this call.



SP CGT Eastern Valle

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Sep 072013



Next thursday day 12 September at 8:30h is the trial for the dismissal of comrade Flor.
It will be held in the Sabadell courts located at Avenida Francesc Maciá Nº 36-38.
We will leave from the CGT premises in Mollet at 8:15h.

