Mar 202013

The CGT Trade Union Sections of DHL, The CGT Trade Union Sections of DHL, The CGT Trade Union Sections of DHL, The CGT Trade Union Sections of DHL, The CGT Trade Union Sections of DHL 20, 21 Y 22 The CGT Trade Union Sections of DHL!!!

The CGT Trade Union Sections of DHL

The CGT Trade Union Sections of DHL, The CGT Trade Union Sections of DHL.

The CGT Trade Union Sections of DHL.

The CGT Trade Union Sections of DHL

The CGT Trade Union Sections of DHL 20, 21 AND 22.

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Feb 222013

Mañana a las 16.00h en la estación Mollet-Sant Fost o bién más tarde en Paseo de Gracia/Caspe 16.45h.

#MareaNaranja #MareaVerde #MareaAzul #MareaBlanca #MareaRoja #MareaAmarilla #MareaNegra #MareaVioleta #YoVoy23F

Publicado el 20/02/2013

El sindicato CGT, en colaboración con la productora GRUPO SPCIE FILMS, apoyan con este trabajo, e intentan motivar a la ciudadanía del estado español, a la convocatoria para las manifestaciones de la MAREA CIUDADANA que se celebrarán el 23 de Febrero de 2013.
El vídeo es, también, un homenaje a nuestros mayores, personas que, después de haber vivido lo que han vivido, siguen luchando y mantienen con su esfuerzo a las miles de familias que pueden perder el futuro.

Actriz Protagonista:Antonia Hernández Quintanilla.
Voz Off: Vanesa Rasero
Fotografía: Isabel Ruiz Ruiz
Edición, Sonido y Grafismo: Santiago Pérez Trujillo
Productor/Realizador/Creativo: Manuel F, Torres

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Feb 152013

Against financial genocide, let's point out the culprits.

The General Confederation of Labor (CGT) denounce this social system that denies people work and then takes away their right to housing. So, makes a call to participate in demonstrations summoned for the next 16 February in more than 45 country cities, to demonstrate the general rejection of the people to continue producing evictions and demand decent housing for all people.

The CGT values ​​the citizen social struggle very positively that is taking place through the different Platforms and Social Movements, fight that is managing to paralyze the eviction of a significant number of families and has provoked a social and political debate so that proposals such as dation in payment are considered retroactively and a definitive solution is found to this current social drama. A taste of the fight, along with many others, has been the collection of almost one and a half million signatures against the evictions. (Read more on

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Feb 112013

CGT llama a toda la población, a toda la clase trabajadora, a todas las organizaciones sociales y sindicales para que participen en las próximas movilizaciones.La Confederación General del Trabajo (CGT) complaint, one more time, la emergencia social que asola a cada vez más amplios sectores de la población, producto de la política económica y social que está llevando a cabo el Gobierno

Los datos del paro registrado publicados este lunes por el Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social indican que el desempleo sube en 132.055 personas en enero lo que empeora en 380.949 stopped (a 8,28%) los datos del cierre del año pasado. Las listas del Servicio de Empleo Público suman ya 4.980.778 personas desempleadas.

En enero el número de cotizantes al sistema público de protección social cayó en 263.243 afiliados, el segundo peor registro de la serie histórica. La afiliación a la Seguridad Social retrocede a niveles de 2001, en la actualidad son 16,17 millones de cotizantes. (Read the rest of the news in

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Feb 042013
Centenars d´octavetes repartides a Mollet en defensa dels treballadors/es de la banca i en favor d´una banca mes ètica, públic, que afavoreixi a les persones, no que es serveixi de les persones!
Mollet al dia (notícies) L’informatiu local presenta l’actualita. Programa: Informatius Mollet al dia. Canal: Ràdio Mollet.
Al minut 05.20 podeu trobar l´entrevista realitzada al company Àlvaro Iñigo, Secretari d’Organitzaciò de la CGT del Vallès Oriental.

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Jan 302013

Companys / es:

Hem quedat el proper Thursday 31 de gener a les 16.30h al local del sindicat per anar a repartir octavetes contra l´actual model bancari. Aquesta jornada s´enmarca en una setmana de lluita estatal contra la banca i en favor d´uns serveis financers ètics, democràtics i públics. També mostrarem el nostre suport als treballadors/es d´aquest sector que volen acomiadar. Health and struggle!
CGT Vallès Oriental
Aug 102012
The General Confederation of Labor (CGT), after analyzing the dramatic situation of cuts and reforms to which the majority of the population is being subjected, understands that the best tool left to workers and popular classes is permanent mobilization, the fight for your rights and freedoms, the General Strike.
Without delay, no truces, no distractions, nor demobilizing instruments, nor social pact, nor bureaucracies, no referendum, nor Popular Consultation… Consequently:
-CGT will not sign the Declaration of the "Social Summit" From the past 25 July sponsored by CCOO - UGT. (Read more)


Jul 172012

El Gobierno oculta información, manipula la opinión pública engaña, miente y roba a la mayoría de la població.

Las medidas más destacadas son las siguientes:
  • -Bajada de las prestaciones por desempleo hasta el 50% de la base reguladora a partir del sexto mes. Posible suspensión de la prestación por parte del INEM a su antojo si “cree” que hay fraude.
  • -Rebaja en indemnizaciones por despido del FOGASA en un 32%. Eliminación del subsidio a mayores de 45 years. Los parados que cobren los 426 euros podrían perder la prestación si viajan al extranjero.
  • -Reducción de las cotizaciones de las empresas a la seguridad social
  • -Bajada del 15% en las prestaciones derivadas de la Ley de Dependencia y supresión del abono de cotizaciones para las y los cuidadores.
  • -Eliminación del 65% de la ayudas sociales destinadas a la asistencia de mujeres y niños víctimas de violencia machista, exclusión social, drogodependencias, inmigrantes, etc… (esta medida fue anunciada el martes).subsidio a mayores de 45 years. Los parados que cobren los 426 euros podrían perder la prestación si viajan al extranjero (Read more)


Jun 202012
On Saturday a demonstration was held in Barcelona which was attended by some 2.500 people, under the slogan Against repression, labor reform and social cuts. Ehe route of the demonstration has passed through the Ministry of the Interior, Government Delegation, Public Prosecutor's Office of Catalonia, Work Promotion, From the CGT premises in Vía Laietana a banner has been taken down by some of those who have been prohibited by the judges from attending the demonstrations, who said “Prou repression, Puig resign "ending in Jaume I to Plaça Sant Jaume where the demonstration ended. They have shouted for the freedom of Andreu and against the repression.
The CGT has called this demonstration in Barcelona, which have been attended by members of Barcelona, from the various regions of Catalonia and colleagues from other provinces of the country (Madrid, Zaragoza, Valencia, Valladolid, etc.). (Read more)


Jun 112012

The CGT has agreed in its last Confederal Plenary to continue the mobilizations against repression and for the freedom of Laura Gómez, Secretary of Organization of the Local Federation of Barcelona.

The mobilization plan approved in the Plenary contemplates a campaign for the Freedom of Laura Gómez and against repression, that must also contain the fight against the Labor Reform and the Social Cuts that generated his arrest.

That is why we call a Demonstration of the entire CGT in Barcelona, on saturday 16 of June, which will leave from the intersection of Calle Diputación and Paseo de Sant Joan at 11.30 hours. (Read more)

<<<Catalan octave>>> <<<Castilian leaflet>>>


Jun 032012

The CGT in defense of freedoms. Against labor reform and social cuts

For freedom without charges for Laura Gómez and the rest of those detained and prosecuted by the HG of 29M

The financial and economic crisis in which bankers have put us, speculators and submissive politicians, is being resolved against the interests of the majority of the population, while the government is taking advantage of the situation to apply its hidden ultra liberal program and increase the exploitation of workers and suffocate their aspirations for freedom and social justice.

(Read more)


May 282012
As you know, the CGT has agreed in its last Confederal Plenary to continue the mobilizations against repression and for the freedom of Laura Gómez, Secretary of Organization of the Local Federation of Barcelona.
So, we find that the mobilization plan approved in the Plenary contemplates a Campaign for the Freedom of Laura Gómez and against repression, that must also contain the fight against the Labor Reform and the Social Cuts that generated his arrest. So, we have one
· Demonstration of the entire CGT in Barcelona. will be the next 16 of June and will leave the intersection of Diputació street with Paseig de Sant Joan at 11.30 hours.
Thus, from each Territory we must start the planning in order to organize the trips through the different Local Federations.
In these days the Permanent Secretariat of the Confederal Committee will contact the different Territories to know and coordinate the forecasts in each one of them.
It is important for the Organization to properly develop this action, since although Laura is on the street, the freedom she enjoys is provisional and judicial and police actions are being carried out to try to lock up our colleague for symbolically burning a box of papers in front of the Barcelona Stock Exchange in the last General Strike of the 29 of March.
Nor must we forget that it is not only our partner who is affected by this wave of repression.. Different delegates and affiliates of ours and other union and social organizations have been arrested and even imprisoned since and for the General Strike.
In a few days we will send you the materials for this campaign, which will consist of a poster, flyer and sticker.
From the SP of the Confederal Committee we encourage all the affiliation and militancy to participate in the actions against repression that this Organization is going to develop in defense of freedoms.
Permanent Secretariat of the Confederal Committee

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May 132012
(…) After a quiet march to Diagonal Avenue and with little police presence, the Barcelona Stock Exchange has been one of the only bastions of the Mossos d'Esquadra –secured space with a fenced width and a seven riot cordon– against which protesters have whistled, uttered numerous insults and slogans against banking and financial markets, although without incident.
Likewise, before the Stock Exchange they reminded the CGT leader of Barcelona imprisoned after the general strike Laura Gómez, and they have shouted slogans like ‘Guilty’, ‘They do not represent us. We are not afraid', ‘I'm a banker and I steal what I want’ and ‘Not one euro to rescue the bank’. (…). Europa Press Source

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Apr 012011

Comunicat de Premsa de la CGT del Vallès Oriental

Tema: Manifestació a Mollet el dissabte 2 d’abril Contra l’atur, les retallades socials i laborals, els acomiadaments i les deslocalitzacionsnosaltres o ells!

Saturday 2 d’Abril a les 12 h. davant de l’ajuntament de Mollet del Vallès (plaça Pau Casals)

Davant l’allau d’acomiadaments massius i deslocalitzacions que està patint la nostra comarca, la CGT hem volgut passar a l’acció. Diversos conflictes laborals (Yamaha, FCC Logísitca, Derbi, Ficosa, Alstom…), enfronten direcció i treballadors, seguint donant beneficis als primers i abocant a la
misèria i l’atur als i les de sempre. La nostra comarca és, a hores d’ara, de les mes colpejades per la crisi. Una crisi que, com venim dient des de fa lustres, ni l’hem provocat ni hem ajudat a que esclatés.
A tot això, cal sumar-hi totes les retallades socials i laborals que ens afecten al conjunt de la població de Catalunya i de l’estat espanyol (reforma laboral i de les pensions, sanitat, educació…), mesures que altra vegada afectaran al gruix i conjunt de la classe treballadora. I altra vegada en
tenim exemples a la comarca, concretament a Granollers, on la direcció de l’Hospital ja han anunciat la reducció de la plantilla en 130 treballadors i treballadores.
Per tot això, i com que de motius en sobren, convoquem a la ciutadania del Vallès Oriental, als i les treballadores a la manifestació del dissabte 2 d’abril, a les 12h a la Plaça Pau Casals, davant l’ajuntament de Mollet del Vallès.

Convoca: CGT Vallès Oriental

Mar 192011

Madrid 2011