[As a reminder]:
It's been a year already, since the UTE AP7 VALLÉS put pressure on a group of Abertis subrogated workers with a letter informing that, from the 23 September 2023, The VII Collective Agreement of the Construction Sector would apply.
It was also indicated that the current economic conditions would continue until 30 September 2023 and?, from that date, would depend on the negotiation procedure that was being carried out.
In the Assembly of 20 November 2023, The affected staff said a resounding NO.. They were not going to accept any agreement that implied the reduction of economic and labor conditions without any compensation..
By majority, It was agreed that we preferred to abide by a final ruling rather than give in to business pressure, coercion and bad faith.
If we had given in and accepted the company's proposal at the assembly, today we would have about a 7% less purchasing power per year, which is equivalent to having lost a full monthly payment. further, office staff would have had to work an extra week a year, namely, 40 weekly hours, and I would have lost some 2,300
€ in meal tickets.
It is a great achievement that we have defended our rights and maintained our working conditions. Let's continue united in the fight, because collective effort always gives results.
David Barba Pérez
Sec. General. of the CGT UTE AP7 VALLÉS Union Section