Feb 102024

Too often companies violate labor laws and regulations with absolute impunity.

In companies where the workers are not organized, we find ourselves in the most absolute defenselessness and submission, at the will of the boss's despotism. And we live in a silence of fear, very afraid…

Where we decide to organize ourselves with colleagues, warmth and mutual solidarity give us the security to vindicate our rights and dignity, despite the difficulties and the fear of reprisals.

We are not fooled, the political and legal system is designed to make it difficult for us to organize and act autonomously (direct action) and favors the supposed collective "negotiation" at the highest levels by the "unions" most tamed by power, rewarded with constant promotion and direct subsidies and indirect favors. It also puts sticks in the wheels of direct trade union action while favoring the systematic judicialization of any claim (which could be solved with the habit of various strikes or boycotts around the company: no company can handle it for more than a few days, and we have a thousand strategies to make them more poignant, long while reducing the impact on our pockets).

Obviously, all of this goes up in the air when the company communicates that it wants to close or reduce production. IT IS IMPORTANT TO DIG THE WELL WAY BEFORE YOU GET THIRSTY.

The Trade Union Organization is the Association of Workers in various companies with the objectives of defending our common interests against employers, share knowledge, resources, strategies, collaborations, mutual aid and join forces when necessary.

Too often employers feel so unpunished in their arbitrariness and abuse that they disregard their own legality:

Lavabos bruts, absence of dining room or dressing rooms, machinery in bad condition, poor ventilation, lack of personal protective equipment, non-compliance with breaks and holidays, obligation to exceed the legal working day (even without remuneration), black money, non-compliance with the remuneration of the category of the job carried out, contractual breaches, threats, bullying… they are very common on the part of the bosses who "watch out for us" without the Parliaments or the Governments in turn even moving. They just look the other way.

* In these situations there is a useful and effective tool, despite being slow due to the lack of investment in personnel to deploy it with widespread effectiveness: THE COMPLAINT [CONFIDENTIAL] A THE WORK INSPECTION.

– It is a resource in instance format where we have to indicate personal data, those of the company and explain the situation of flagrant non-compliance with any labor law or regulation.

– Documents and photographs can be attached as proof.

– Management and our identity IT IS CONFIDENTIAL (only the Inspector will know our identity, expressly protected).

– It can be submitted online:

Here, the link:


– If more information is required, the inspector can call us (ALWAYS GUARANTEEING OUR CONFIDENTIALITY).

– The resolution of your action will be returned to us in writing.

– Although it takes months, they act, I'm sorry and I'm a fan.

* There is also the LABOR AND SOCIAL SECURITY INSPECTION MAILBOX … COLLABORATE which allows a complaint to be made completely anonymously (it can be of situations in other companies as well) so that even the inspector will not be aware of it (in this situation we will not be considered an interested reporting party and we will not receive any feedback on the evolution and development of the inspection process).

Here, the link:



It is called Autonomy and Emancipation: A SMILE ON THE LIPS.

Apr 052020

The CGT Trade Union Section of the Grifols de Parets del Vallés Institute We have reported the company to the Labor Inspectorate for putting at risk the health of workers.

We do not believe that Grifols is acting appropriately with the actions you are taking since all this started situation derived from the coronavirus pandemic.

Read more
Mar 292020

The Covid-19 pandemic in our country has led to the adoption of certain measures that are causing harm to workers and workers, starting with risk situations for your own health and especially for the public health of all citizens that entails the performance of the labor benefit in certain jobs and the lack of preventive measures taken by businessmen.

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Mar 282020

Through this guide we present a series of clarifications about the most common questions that are coming to us from the centers of work. The Prevention Services of many companies are not Doing the homework, and it is therefore necessary that the workers who are forced to attend their workplaces have sufficient information to avoid infecting themselves or other her companions.

We also provide information related to teleworking, as well as PPE (Individual Protection Equipment), management of casualties by contagion or quarantine. We ask you to share this little guide with your acquaintances and acquaintances, in order to make it the most useful possible.

Source: CGT

Nov 122019

“El derecho fundamental a la SALUD de las personas asalariadas, viene siendo lesionado intencionadamente por parte de la Empresa y ahora, el Tribunal Constitucional, reafirma que la “libertad de empresa y la productividad” son valores superiores a la vida y la salud de las personas trabajadoras”

La Sentencia del Constitucional, además de avalar el despido objetivo cuando la persona trabajadora se ausenta del trabajo por deterioro de su salud y esté justificada dicha ausencia por los servicios médicos, muestra su clara apuesta ideológica y política por una clase determinada, el empresariado y su tasa de ganancia.

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Apr 202017

¿De qué salud laboral hablamos en estos tiempos laborales y sociales, precarios y de basura?

El modelo de relaciones laborales del estado español, está enfermo de neoliberalismo y ausente de derechos fundamentales. Desde el gran pacto social del 77 (Pactos de la Moncloa), hemos asistido a la voladura de unas relaciones laborales e industriales, basadas en un equilibrio entre el capital y el trabajo, hasta situar el modelo social (toda relación salarial es una relación social), como un modelo precario, inseguro y de imposible proyecto de futuro para una vida digna de la mayoría social, las personas asalariadas. Continue reading »

Apr 102017

¿Qué es la salud laboral? ¿Se dan demasiadas bajas o son muy pocas? ¿Quién debe cuidar de nuestra salud en el trabajo? ¿Son las trabajadoras los únicos responsables de evitar los accidentes? ¿Es el estrés una enfermedad? Para que no te enfermen, queremos hablar y debatir de todo esto y mucho más en Rojo y Negro TV. On Tuesday 11 to 21:00 hours, en directo en Canal 33 y en La Mosca TV. We will wait for you.

Red and Black TV

Communication Secretariat
CGT Confederal

Feb 142017

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Dec 132016

Meeting of prevention delegates 16 of December 2016 in Barcelona and presentation of the new Occupational Health website of CGT Catalonia

Friday 16 In December, CGT Catalunya convenes a new meeting of CGT Catalunya prevention delegates, from 10 a 14h. in the Can Batlló space (c/Constitution 19, corner Mossèn Amadeu Oller), saints, Barcelona.

The call will have two points:

- Presentation of the new Occupational Health website of CGT Catalonia, where its practical contents will be explained (written models, guides, links,…)

- Later we will divide into Work Groups to share common needs and problems from different areas of action. So far the Working Groups already prepared are Public Administration, asbestos, Metal, Psychosocial and Mutual Risks, but we are open to proposals from Delegates to create more Working Groups.

As in the previous two Meetings held recently, we understand that it is a useful space for debate and reflection to bring together the struggle in the field of occupational risk prevention.

It is not necessary to register previously.

In this area, we recall that the Occupational Health Secretariat created a Telegram group of CGT Catalunya prevention delegates with the aim of sharing doubts, interesting materials and comments on occupational health, which currently has more than 300 delegates participating and it is a dynamic space where doubts are resolved by applying mutual support, pooling the experiences of each company and facilitating coordination.

If there are prevention delegates or interested parties who are not in the group and want to participate, they must contact the Secretary of Labor Health.

We will wait for you!

We Network and Mutual Support in the field of Occupational Health!

Or their benefits or our Health!

Secretary of Occupational Health
Secretariat Permanent – Confederal Committee
General Confederation of Labor (CGT) of Catalonia
contact: salutlaboral@cgtcatalunya.cat

Nov 172016

At last, what was well known to those affected has been recognized, and that it had been hidden so many times by the mutual employers. The administration allowed mutuals and companies to consider it a 'common disease' in order to save benefits.

A recent sentence 11 of March of the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia (TSJC) recognizes that continuous work at the computer causes the so-called Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, and similar diseases by understanding of the median nerve of the wrist. This judicial resolution opens the door to the recognition of the labor origin of the multiple professional categories that carry out data entry jobs on the computer, as computer scientists, librarians or administrators, following the path of the Supreme Court which has recently recognized it for cleaners or hairdressers.

The judgment of the TSJC of the past 11 March, number 6839/2015, analyzes the case of a worker with the professional category of librarian, and that devoted more than 60% from their working day to computer data entry jobs, determinant que portava a terme la seva feina “supporting both forearms on the work table exerting pressure on the elbows”. This repetitive task with the computer mouse, according to the court decision, was the cause of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, which occurs when the median nerve, which extends from the forearm to the hand, it is pressed or caught at wrist level.


Article by l’Àlex Tisminetzky, Occupational Health Secretary of CGT Catalonia

>> The entire article CGT Catalonia