Mollet del Vallès, 2 November 2011
Solidarity with the companion Charo!
Enough of abuses l@s worker @ s!
A few weeks ago our colleague Charo was dismissed with falsehoods such as "voluntary reduction in work performance", "disobedience", "indiscipline", "Quality errors etc.". Of course, which do not provide no proof of such allegations, ¡because they do not have!
The goal bouncing the companion is clear, get rid of a worker who is uncomfortable around them representing. Likewise also, launch a message of fear to the rest of the squad.
Management has been asking, if the partner would be presented to the next election by our union. Is Secretary of Social Action of the CGT in the Vallès Oriental, actively involved in the feminist struggle and movement outraged the 15 M. And why is the want to get off. They do not like what it represents and defends.
We will not allow these intimidatory behavior, that all they want is to intimidate not only the companion, but the rest of l@s worker @ s by Nidec.
Concentrations and will not stop until Nidec shares readmitted to our partner Charo.
¿What can you do to solidarizarte with companion?
Llama, send faxes or emails to Nidec plants to show rejection of this abuse.
Solidarízate with it, since the companion is every weekday in the company, to remind them that thinks not resign. So we encourage you to spend any time of the day, especially in concentrations that are made in the door of Nidec 10 to 11h and 18 a 19h.
¡¡¡Ya Charo Readmission!!!
If you touch us a, touches us tod @ s!!!
The companion remains from early in the morning, to the Moche, He is fighting for his job. 'This is an ideological dismissal !!
See pdf image
Repression by thinking differently 'They call it democracy and it is not !!Solidarity with Charo
Statement from the CGT of Vallès Oriental from dismissal of the companion Charo Luchena.
Since the CGT of Vallès Oriental effusive want to express our rejection of the dismissal is conducting the Business Management Nidec Motors Actuators Spain, located at Sta. Perpetua of Moved, against our colleague Charo Luchena, As we consider cacique, miserly, oppressing despot.
L @ s @ s of Nidec comrades, They have called for a five-day strike, beginning on next Wednesday 26 October, from the 6:00 a.m.., in five innings currently they are being, to protest against the dismissal of the companion Charo Luchena, and ask for their immediate reinstatement.
The events occurred last Monday when at 5:30 a.m.. (the companion is in the night shift) the Production Manager and HR Director presented to deliver the letter of dismissal. The Directorate called the Mossos d'esquadre for "invitasen" the companion to leave the company threatened to put a complaint of Criminal.
The reasons alleged by the Department are as offensive as false, "low productivity", "disobedience", "indiscipline", etc…lie, lie and lie.
The management of the company recognizes the unfair dismissal and has put on the table 45d / a, which shows that what really matters to address is the dismissal of the companion, that goes for it. What does not recognize are the real reasons for doing so, and that the Committee has simply say that the reasons are "confidential".
This complaint is due to the strong social and trade union activity developed both within the company, and social movements, he has held since the legality, respect and interest of all / as as / as workers / as. The partner, Not only in the Ministry of Social Action of the CGT Vallès Oriental, It is also involved in the 15M, as emanating from the agreements of the CGT. The Directorate of NIDEC are aware of the companion and activism that has been the real reason for dismissal.
We have the "confidential" reasons for appealing the Address.
Since CGT Vallès Oriental want to express our outrage at these dictatorships business that continue, trying to silence any critical voice against the current rights situation backspace we are living the working class. The Company does not have real reasons for dismissal, but anything goes when they want to get rid of a person who may be "uncomfortable" to the interests of the Directorate.
'IF ONE TOUCH, Injury to all!!!
Comunicado de de la sección sindical de CGT en
Nacional Motor DERBI
El acuerdo alcanzado ante la inspección de trabajo el día 12-7-2011 sobre el ERO de cierre total de las empresas resultantes de la escisión de la antigua Derbi, da un vuelco total a lo que estaba encima de la mesa, en las siguientes cuestiones.
1º Retirada del expediente de cierre total, cambiando este por otro expediente de extinción de 25 contratos dé mayores de 55 años por la vía de las prejubilaciones.
2º Se garantiza la actividad hasta el 31-7-2012.
3oºSe desiste por parte de la empresa a la aprobación de este expediente a la externalización de recambios.
4º Se buscaran alternativas industriales, sin descartar la propia continuidad tanto en producción de motocicletas como de componentes adaptando la plantilla a las circunstancias.
5º A 31-7-2012, se analizara la situación y si hubiera que adecuar la plantilla siempre se hará bajo los acuerdos del 11-12-2009.
6º De manera voluntaria se extinguirán hasta 6 contratos de fijos discontinuos que hayan trabajado este año.
7º En caso de subrogación se negociara teniendo encuenta los acuerdos de 11-12-2009.
8º Se revisaran aquellas antigüedades que exista controversia antes de 30-9-2011.
9º Se creara una comisión de seguimiento de este acuerdo antes del 30-9-2011
Valoración del acuerdo por parte de la sección sindical de CGT en Nacional Motor Derbi
A rasgos generales, Este acuerdo es positivo ya que de tener un cierre inminente, pasamos a tener otra oportunidad de seguir trabajando. Parece claro en los tiempos que vivimos, es la mejor elección.
Es por ello que CGT así como el resto del comité hemos firmado este acuerdo. Al mismo tiempo pensamos que todo y estando de acuerdo, para nosotros no desaparece el problema, si no que se aplaza un año mas.
Esperamos y así lo vamos a defender, que sea para encontrar alternativas de futuro, pero también nos invade la preocupación de que Piaggio tenga alguna estrategia oculta, que en vez de ser positiva,nos lleve a los trabajadores a la misma situación, pero en peores circunstancias.
Lo que esta claro es que ahora cualquier desenlace es posible y el año que viene va a ser un año difícil de trabajo y lucha
Para más información:
Ángel delegado de CGT en Derbi: 669-158-105
CGT Nacional Motor Derbi
Us convidem a la
on direm prou a les retallades
Day: Wednesday 11 de maig de 2011 them 18 h
Les retallades ja s’estan fent a l’Hospital de Granollers
Tancament de dos equips d’atenció domiciliaria
Reducció de sis llits de pediatria
Tancament d’una part de la 2a planta i privatització de l’altra
Tancament de 3 quiròfans de tarda
Tancament consultes externes a l’estiu
Thursday 28 d'Abril them 18.30 h
Què reivindiquem el 1 May ?
A càrrec de José Martinez Secretari General de la CGT del Vallès Oriental
Lloc: Al local de la CGT del Vallès Oriental carrer Francesc Macià 51 Mollet del Vallès
Al finalitzar l´acte hi haurà un refrigeri per tots i totes les assistents.
Dissabte 30 d´abril
Acte públic ( conjuntament amb la Coordinadora Obrera i Sindical, Assemblea per a la Unitat Popular i Coordinadora Esquerra Independentista del vallès Oriental-Baix Montseny ) a la Plaça de l´esglèsia de Granollers
11:00h Treballa i calla ( obra de teatre social a càrrec de la companyia teatrera GTO )
12.30h Parlaments d´empreses i serveis públics en lluita
13.00h Cantatutor amb Albert Hiurujo
Després hi haurà vermut..
1 of May
10.20h: A l´estació de Granollers Centre ( per anar a la manifestació de Barcelona )
10.30h. a l´estació de Mollet Sant Fost