Sep 102020
Moria Refugee Camp

From the General Confederation of Labor we want to show our full support and solidarity with all refugees from Moria, on the Greek island of Lesbos, who have had to be evacuated as a result of the fires that have destroyed the Refugee Camp where they were living badly since their arrival on the island after fleeing their countries of origin.

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Feb 112017

From the Popular Assembly of Mollet we are invited this Sunday 12 of February from 11am, to the activities that will be done to support the campaign for refugees.




In Mollet del Vallès, WE WANT TO WELCOME
Playful and vindictive meeting
Collection of signatures
Witnesses of refugees, with the presence of Lamine Bathily, of the Manters Union.

With the performances of:

  • Guillem Joan
  • Pulling the Band
  • Seamend
  • La Tramolla theater group

And parade from 1 pm with:

  • Gralles Group of the Colla Gegantera
  • Samama Batukada

Mollet del Vallès
Sunday 12 February, 11.00h
Plaça de Catalunya (four banks)

Popular Assembly of Mollet


Jan 232017

A few members want to set up a group to think and act against borders with a view to the free movement of people but also taking into account what causes the need to migrate and seek refuge., as well as the everyday borders that lie in or around our city (YOU, deportations, racism, farms…)

There is a lot of work ahead and the more we are the better. If you want to get involved, we invite you to a meeting in which we will try to define ourselves by finding answers to:

  • What we are?
  • What we want to do?
  • How we organize ourselves?

The meeting will be next Wednesday 25 from January to 18:30 at the headquarters of the CGT of Catalonia (C / Burgos 59, downs, very close to Sants Station) open to anyone affiliated with the CGT of Catalonia.

If you think you need to work on this topic and are motivated to help as much as you can, come and participate.

+ info: article CGT Catalunya
+ info: article CGT Diputació de Barcelona

CGT Catalonia
Social Action Secretariat – Confederal Committee

Dec 302016

Mikel Begoña and Freedom!Once again. If a few weeks ago our partner Lola had to suffer the real face of a Europe sick of undisguised institutional racism, now it's Begoña and Mikel's turn. As part of a campaign of disobedience, members of the Permanent Social Forum of Euskal Herria have been arrested 28 of December by Greek police, while trying to get eight refugees into a caravan.

The story that each refugee carries in her backpack has several pages of dangerous paths, sometimes fleeing wars or political persecutions, others of misery. If you are lucky enough not to be one more number to add to the thousands of drownings in the Mediterranean every year, a clandestine life awaits you across borders until you reach your destination, where the state repressive apparatus will look for you to lock you in a CIE or send you to a safe area, such as a Turkish concentration camp.

In this succession of crimes against humanity there are people who extend their hand in solidarity. This is unacceptable to states. And that's because it's not just about questioning the racist assembly of fortress Europe, but because it also dismantles false institutional discourses: a rotten mask that can no longer cover the true face of the European capitalist system.

The CGT of Catalonia shows its active solidarity with the two detained comrades and makes itself available to its support group.

Permanent Secretariat of the Confederal Committee of the CGT of Catalonia
29 of December of 2016

Dec 032016

cgt-lola-gutierrez-dilluns-20161205CONCENTRATION Monday 5/12 at the Consulate of Greece
c / Freixa, 6 Barcelona (FCG La Bonanova) at 10 am

Our partner from CGT, Lola gutierrez, has been imprisoned in Greece since last Sunday 27 of November, after his arrest at the Athens airport, accused of helping a Kurdish refugee flee the war and, probably, of death.
We celebrate that there are people who, due to their active involvement in the face of injustice, act on the ground, risking his own life and freedom. It turns out that our partner is one of those many supportive and generous people who have the courage to confront repressive regimes like that of Greece, country in which she remains in prison as she is considered an enemy of the state and will only be released when she is extradited and reaches Barcelona.

The European Union's agreements with Turkey to act as a barrier to immigrants and the humiliating treatment in Europe of those fleeing hunger, wars and death, You can have no other response than to disobey all laws that prevent people seeking refuge from being saved, through actions that allow helping all those who want to continue to have a future.

Illegals and criminals are part of the governments of countries that pledged aid and practice hot returns or internment of immigrants. We still remember the shameful photos of European leaders and their promises of aid to refugees.
From the CGT we are going to continue demanding the freedom of our colleague Lola Gutiérrez, we want her in Barcelona NOW, and we are not worth excuses from a "progressive" Greek government that imprisons those who are in solidarity with the most disadvantaged.



CGT Barcelona

Apr 112016

“The EU-Turkey agreement is almost human trafficking”

This is an attack on "European values". In recent days, Central European leaders have used the phrase to refer to the terrorist attacks in Brussels in 22 March, which ended the life of 35 people. And is that the European Union, according to its Charter of Fundamental Rights, “It is based on the indivisible and universal values ​​of human dignity, of freedom, equality and solidarity; is based on the principle of democracy and the rule of law. ”.

>> The entire article CGT Catalonia

Mar 072016

migrations-europeNor do they represent us, they don't even care. Today all over this Capitalist Europe the press talks about the new summit, the nth, in which experts (there is an inexplicable majority of "them" over "them") Together with the theorists responsible for migration policies, they will put the same arguments on the table as always.

And it is that this EU was born with an "original sin" with which it will always have to live: the people did not ask for it nor did it, he thought it, organized and formalized capital through the shaping hands of his servants in governments.

It is not a Europe of the people, it is a Europe of goods, capital and finance.

CGT already denounced it when they were forming it; we repeat it when Rome, Maastricht o Lisboa; We denounce it together with the ESF and together with the anti-globalization movements in Brussels, Madrid, Prague o Genoa (Health, Carlo!).

Those who gather at these Summits have come out of ballot boxes that, more than any other, they are far, far away, of your constituents. If any Parliament represents for CGT a wrong way of managing society through the quadrennial delegation of powers of the citizen, those of the European Parliament are its maximum expression of remoteness and appropriation.

To top, the chosen ones seem the best selection of uselessness to find solutions. They are a directive machine, we have thousands, for any small matter. But they have not given a solution to a single problem that real citizens - those who ask for work, food and roof instead of circus, speculation and prada bags- they have been raised.

And now, when thousands of people flee the effects of weapons manufactured - and therefore sold- from public or private companies in our countries; when thousands of them leave their homes for distant "paradises" due to the incompetence of our management - whether active or passive- in international conflicts; the only thing we know how to tell them, from glass palaces like the European Parliament or the House of Lords, is that the crisis has hit us and that right now we only need highly qualified or under-qualified labor, but that they come with a dropper and with a total disposition to exploitation.

Some of those well-dressed European parliamentarians argued in their defense that migration issues, habitually, and even more at this time of wars and massive displacement, are highly difficult to manage. We ask ourselves, what is the use of having experts and professional politicians if it is not for the difficult?

What happens is that they know who they represent, to the owners of money and merchandise. The only thing that matters is keeping their masters happy, not its people. And we can add that their masters are not the ones who pay their salary, that comes from our taxes. Doesn't that sound weird?

CGT supports any action of solidarity with migrants, refugees or whatever you want to call, always focusing on that no person is illegal, that we are not merchandise and that the best solution is the one that allows no one to have to forcibly leave their place of origin.

While the summit is being held, Erdogan continues to bomb Kurdish cities, (Cizre y Diyarbakir) with the acquiescence of the EU, that financially endows the Turkish State to retain refugees fleeing wars. The EU, look the other way and in this way legitimate barbarism and violation of human rights.

We and we will continue to give our solidarity to all those forced to abandon their land and their homes.

CGT Confederal Committee