May 142016

The time of the cherriesThe next Wednesday 18 of May, in l’Anonymous from Granollers (c / Ricomà, 57, Granollers), and with the collaboration of the CGT Vallès Oriental, the documentary video will be screened «The time of the cherries. 1977-1979, libertarian hatching », with the presence of director and author of the same, Juan Felipe.

"The time of the cherries", love song turned into a hymn of the Paris Commune, it is an allegory of the eternal rebirth of life and therefore of the "Idea".

In the early 70 militants of all ages and conditions are organizing. Among these the libertarian family emerges strongly, with great force. Journals, Athenaeums and other groups appear everywhere. Also the CNT. Anarcho-syndicalism is rebuilding and for a few months it seems that it will regain the strength it had over the years 30. Nevertheless, at the end of the decade it appears broken, divided and disoriented. What happened to make it all fall apart? We have spoken with protagonists of those days. Who wanted, they answered.

IÑAKI GARCÍA (Barcelona). Founder of Editorial Virus and facilitator of El Local
PEPE RIBAS (Barcelona). Writer and founder of Ajoblanco magazine
ANGEL FOREST. Militant of the CGT of Catalonia and the Salvador Seguí Foundation
MIKEL ORRANTIA “TAR” (Bilbo). Revitalizer of the magazine and the Askatasuna collective
ROSA MERINO (Madrid). Bank worker and CGT activist
PEPE MONCHO (Madrid). Collaborator of the Popular School of Prospe
EMILI CORTAVITARTE (Barcelona). Militant of CGT de Catalunya and promoter of the Embat initiative
JOSÉ MARCH BOU (Madrid). CNT Secretary General after the Unification Congress (1984)
MANEL AISA (Barcelona). Member of the Ateneu Enciclopédic Popular
PILAR HERRERO (Madrid). Libertarian militant and founder of the F. Flashing Aurora
ELOY MARTÍN (Madrid). CNT-AIT and Aurora Intermittent Foundation militant
OCTAVIO ALBEROLA. JJLL Militant (exile) and CNT's Internal Defense
CARLOS RAMOS (Madrid). Militant of CGT and the Salvador Seguí Foundation in Madrid
AURORA MOLINA (Asturias). Libertarian militant since 1936
JOSÉ RAMÓN PALACIOS (Madrid). Pres. from the Anselmo Lorenzo Foundation and the CNT-AIT railway
JOSÉ MARI OLAIZOLA (Hernani). Former Secretary General of the CGT
EDUARDO COLOMBO (Paris). Member of the CNT-France, former FORA member.
NACHO LAMATA (Barcelona). CNT-Joaquín Costa and bookseller of La Rosa de Foc



The time of the cherries. 1977-1979 Libertarian hatching (Trailer).


CGT Vallès Oriental

May 012016

Manifestation of the 1 of May 2016 and Mollet, a hundred workers demonstrated in the streets of Mollet, for the defense of our rights, with solidarity and struggle as fundamental means to achieve our goals.

Against unemployment, Against the arrogance of the employers and Capital, our main weapons continue to be solidarity and struggle. There are no politicians or saviors, we are ourselves who have to fight for our rights. Always fight in the street, in your job, at school, at the hospital, fight for your rights, together with us, your neighbors and colleagues, because we are in the same: we are working class!

Long live the 1 of May, working class day of struggle!

1 of May 2016 Mollet

Manifestation 1 of May 2016 and Mollet, a hundred workers demonstrated in the streets of Mollet, for the defense of our rights, with solidarity and struggle as fundamental means to achieve our goals.
Long live the 1 of May, working class day of struggle!

Apr 302016

Today Saturday 30 April afternoon, and like every year, We have been invited by the comrades of the CGT of Osona, to the demonstration for the 1 of May, together with other groups in the Osona region. We shout against this capitalist system that oppresses us equally, noting that native or foreign, we are the same working class. The situation in which everyone, as a worker, we see ourselves exploited, appealing to solidarity and perseverance, as our most valuable weapons in the fight against Capital and the State.

We wait for you tomorrow in Mollet, company@s!

CGT Vallès Oriental

1 of May 2016 Osona

Manifestation of the 1 May in Vic, the CGT Vallès Oriental, as every year, giving support to the colleagues of CGT Osona.
Health and lawlessness

Apr 252016

Octavilla 1º de MayoDescargar octavilla 1º de Mayo

In recent years, la CGT del Vallès Oriental hemos tenido diferentes experiencias de huelgas, como los ocho meses de Panrico (2013-2014) y los 101 días de huelga de Valeo (Martorelles), ambas provocadas por la Reforma Laboral que impulsan indistintamente el gobierno del Estado español y el gobierno de la Generalitat, así como el Sistema Neoliberal y Capitalista. También fue significativa para nosotr@s la lucha de l@s compañer@s del Viena Montmeló contra la represión antisindical llevada a cabo por esa empresa. Continue reading »

Apr 252016


Assembly members and affiliates are summoned to the Union for the next
Monday 2 May 2016 to 17:00h
in the union. C / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallés.

After completing the points of the Assembly of affiliate will @ s, we will discuss the points of the Order of the Day Plenary de Catalunya and State.

SP CGT Vallès Oriental

Apr 142016

vienna-cgt-challenge-april-2016Next Tuesday 19 d’abril, at 11.30 a.m., the courts of Sabadell ( Francesc Macia 34-36 ) the trial will be held for challenging the union elections in Establiments Viena S.A.. As you will be aware once we submitted our application in time and form, the company, with the support of CCOO, they started an anti-union campaign against our union organization which meant that some candidates resigned from it. Beyond these waivers, the CGT candidacy had more than one 60% of candidates to choose from, and therefore, it should have been proclaimed, as dictated by the Constitutional Court. Continue reading »

Apr 142016

ManifestDownload statement in pdf

No amb els nostres diners
Implacables en la seva pressió fiscal, L’Estat no cessa de demanar-nos: IRPF, IVA, impostos indirectes, taxesI en aquest temps de tremendes retallades en despesa social, de pèrdua de drets i de la majoria de les nostres conquestes, de desmantellament del públic, quan el minso estat del benestar del que encara gaudíem trontolla, observem amb vergonya com, any rere any, es renoven enormes inversions en la més estèril de les despeses: la Despesa Militar. Continue reading »

Apr 112016

“The EU-Turkey agreement is almost human trafficking”

This is an attack on "European values". In recent days, Central European leaders have used the phrase to refer to the terrorist attacks in Brussels in 22 March, which ended the life of 35 people. And is that the European Union, according to its Charter of Fundamental Rights, “It is based on the indivisible and universal values ​​of human dignity, of freedom, equality and solidarity; is based on the principle of democracy and the rule of law. ”.

>> The entire article CGT Catalonia

Apr 112016

El dibuix del panorama laboral és devastador, i no afecta tothom igual. Hi ha profundes diferències pel que fa a l’edat, l’origen i també el sexe. Les dones cobren una quarta part menys que els homes, a 18,7% menys si ho comptem per hora treballada. Això, malgrat que entre la població de més de 20 anys les dones universitàries són majoria (qui deia que el problema era que no estàvem prou preparades?). Quines són, so, les raons de la desigualtat de gènere al món laboral? Parem-nos a mirar-ho amb una mica de deteniment.

>> The entire article CGT Catalonia

Apr 092016


The General Confederation of Labor (CGT) will hold its VI Extraordinary Congress in the city of Pamplona on the days 15 Y 16 of April, with the title “We bet on the public”, to debate the remunicipalization of public services, the recovery of privatized public companies and the defense of public jobs.

From our union CGT Vallès Oriental we will carry out the resolutions on the presentations presented, debated and agreed upon in our members' assembly on Saturday 2 of April.


CGT Vallès Oriental


Apr 082016

sabadell-antifascistaCommuniqué from the CGT of Sabadell in the face of the fascist attack on the CSA L’OBRERA

Last Wednesday, the Social Center Liberated the Worker suffered an attack by a fascist group. This Social Center, of marked revolutionary character, has been the focus of these fascist groups in recent days, suffering graffiti and threats like Wednesday’s. From the CGT we want to show our rejection of these actions and show our unconditional support to the organized and combative youth of Sabadell in the face of fascist attacks.

>> Full article in the CGT Sabadell

Apr 042016
5 d’abril: They attack and Roger Mercader, but we will find you all.

A young man takes leave of his fellow picket a day of general strike, it is time to regain strength for the afternoon demonstration. Not knowing how, is in the ground while police beat and arrested several useful the separation of the group. An affiliate of the CGT, known for Bus recent strikes in the struggle for two days, heads there and protesting police violence with other neighboring. A policeman says "I know you", "So you do not I". Continue reading »

Mar 302016

remember that the next Saturday 2 April at 10:00 h, It is planned the assembly of members and affiliates in our union for making agreements next Extraordinary congress to celebrate the 14 Y 15 April in Pamplona.

There are books of papers in the union if someone needs a hard copy.

SP CGT Vallès Oriental

Mar 262016

ANNOUNCEMENTS Barcelona # RogeriMercaderAbsolució

Friday 1 d’abril, 19h, concentration charity Plaza Orfila, Sant Andreu.
Tuesday 5 d’abril, 10h, concentration in the city of injustice. 11h, trial.

Returning to trial and this time do we judge. After June give us reason when we reported procedural irregularities, Now come back without having changed anything. We continue accusing of crimes for which they have not made a prior declaration. Looking for loopholes in the system who claim to defend accuse us arbitrarily. And let us clearly defenseless. Continue reading »

Mar 252016

photo_2016-03-09_14-19-18Des del Secretariat Permanent de CGT Catalunya s’ha estat participant en les reunions i col·laborant en la constitució de la Plataforma d’Afectades per l’ICAM (PAICAM), que té com a objectiu denunciar i lluitar contra les altes injustes de l’ICAM, l’INSS i les Mútues.

A continuació us fem un breu resum dels acords de la darrera Assemblea de la PAICAM del passat 2/03/16 i les properes convocatòries (especialment la del 8 d’abril a les 11h davant la Direcció Provincial de l’INSS Continue reading »