Nov 242023

In Picking We had always been with what we believed were “the unions.”, commissions i Ugt. They came to us, They set up the entire electoral racket for us, we didn't have to worry about anything. Yes indeed, when it was necessary to negotiate in the Committee or when the company exceeded its abuses with some of the workers and they required advice and support to combat it, The answer was “it is what it is.”, the law is like that, "no more can be done". Imagine the anger and helplessness it generated in the squad.: suffer injustices, not knowing how to face them and having your supposed defenders ignore you because “it is what it is”.

Then we heard that from the Grífols laboratories, tired of the same, they had joined a union called CGT en masse, that we were always told that they were revolutionaries "they close companies", and now they were doing much better. What they did and what they demanded was what the workers themselves decided., vaya.

So that, some of us approached the place in Mollet del Vallès.

At first it gave crab, friendly but direct people. They didn't exactly promise us the golden sky and they did promise us that they would accompany us and help us., but that it was us who had to be aware of our rights and learn to claim them. You don't have to know much about laws, that the laws are written there to be used when necessary. And be able to go further.

The first day was perhaps not to return. but we came back.

And they helped us, wow they helped us, but they also passed on to us the responsibility of deciding and being sovereignly autonomous for the first time.. And that takes effort, it even hurts. But once you free yourself from the corset of clientelistic dependency, you fly, you feel brave, you dare to openly vindicate that which should be yours by right and that are not alms or crumbs from the Patron. It's called seeing clearly..

And we broke our chains with the collaborationist unions with the companies: We stand in union elections as ourselves, with the colleagues of the CGT.

And the day 23 November we vote. The emotion was great. Exhausted by the preparation work done, for the first time by ourselves, excitement for potential support (o no) of our own companions to the emancipatory process, fear of having shown our face and if we lost there would be consequences.

but we win. Sometimes the hunger for freedom also attracts the bird that lives comfortably fed in the cage.. Unbridled euphoria. Magic. At first we didn't believe it.

Now it's time to step firmly and begin the arduous task of vindicating the rights that have come to us during all these years. bullfighting the company with the invaluable collaboration of the “union advisors” of the unions-management. BUT NOW WE WILL DO IT, UNITED, WITHOUT INTERMEDIARIES.

In this fight we have all been women, our 25N against corporate patriarchy.

A big grateful hug to the colleagues of the CGT of Vallès Oriental, all workers too.

Our small and modest revolution, but our.

Oct 312023

[LABOR PEDAGOGY: Conclusions of the Pedagogical Reflection Days of the Isarda Group]

The teachers, Catalan professors have been developing our professional activity for decades, understanding and taking the students at the center of the learning process.

Along these lines, we accompany them in the individual development of their skills, strictly respecting the corresponding pace of learning for each child and young person.

In our Pedagogical Reflection Days, we have appreciated that the enormous human and humanistic effort made by Catalan school workers to adapt the competence achievement process of our young people to their own characteristics, needs, emotions and learning rhythms does not have any kind of decent continuity in the Catalan company.

The company selects and segregates the young worker according to levels of competence and experience, throwing down the sink all the baggage and inclusive and comprehensive pedagogical effort implemented by the teaching staff.

At this point: or the school is wrong, and we already have our beloved politicians working hard to renew the curricula and adapt them to a selective and segregating model as demanded by the current company, or it is the company that urgently needs a profound reconversion to fit into the characteristics of Catalan society.

In a first analysis we have relied on infallibility, independence of judgment and independence from factual lobbies, of the Catalan political class when determining the appropriate studies and methodologies in the training of the Catalans of the future.

This being so, we have determined that it is the Catalan business community that errs in its approach, since it focuses on the reductionisms of the final product and profit.

It is very clear that a business model that focuses all its objectives on these precepts will never be able to go hand in hand with a school that is competent and sympathetic to people's needs. This employer model would be at odds with a competitive school, selective, meritocratic and segregating, with individualistic effort as the main value, to put each student "in his place", greatly facilitating an "orderly transition" from school to work. A "classist" arrangement, need.

Resuming the premise of the infallibility of the curricula ordered by our political class [in the next days of pedagogical analysis, the review of its suitability is planned: both of them, like others], the Isarda Group has concluded that the Catalan company should necessarily make the corresponding effort of empathy and corporate improvement to adapt to the characteristics and immanent needs of the young and adult population of Catalonia in the XXI Century.

In order to be in tune with today's Catalan society, business should urgently reinvent itself and innovate its outlook, rigidly anchored in the productivism of past centuries that have already been overcome. He should renew his focus and redirect it towards the worker (and worker) as a center of trunk interest. After all, it is the workers who make the work possible.

When leaving school (means institute, university) young Catalans are competently trained through decades of a complex and delicate learning process based on their interests, abilities and learning rates, these being particular and individualized.

Like this, it makes no sense for the company to escape the comprehensive course focused on the now former student by selecting him and emotionally draining him in procedures of well-publicized personal frustration.

It is the company that must take on the challenge of changing its outlook and creatively reinvent itself, adapting its production or services to the interests of each and every one of its workers. The same should be done with production processes, work rhythms, competence capabilities, uniforms, vacation…

That it is difficult to adapt to such diversity and that a company in one sector cannot start producing T-shirts at the same time, sweets, video games and jams so that this corresponds to the interests of their workers, trained in the creativity of learning to learn? And that he can't do the schedules and holidays that they want, paying them the salary they need? That every productive process needs good organization and cannot be based on a series of improvised events? That a single company cannot comprehensively attend to their individual needs 200 workers?

We are in the 21st century and we must adapt to its challenges.

Advanced companies must turn difficulties into upheavals and see them as opportunities and challenges to overcome day by day.

What better challenge than to make the country's production and services humbly available, interests, capacities and rhythms of Catalan citizenship.

That would be making a country!

Politicians you are soul crushing and burying the excellent teachers under tons of red tape;

Entrepreneurs who only do it for your own personal gain:


Oct 282023

Friday. autumn evening. Girona. A bus leaves from Passeig d'Olot.
This will still stop in Mollet del Vallès and Sabadell.

It will be filled with people who, exhausted from the work week, they go further and this weekend they will travel 500 kilometers to Madrid to demand an end to speculative price inflation and preventive actions to maintain Universal Public Health and Retirement Pensions in the near and distant future. The thing also warms up to beleaguered colleagues. And real democracy.

Some of the travelers have just folded the “curro”.
It will be a long and sleepless journey. Other classmates were unable to attend this time. After, a tedious return home.

And so from many parts of the peninsular territory. During a break on the journey, they meet Rubí's colleagues. Also from Valencia.

Sometimes it's time to really roll up your sleeves, because the Cause well deserves it.
Today is one. There will most likely be many more.

The fatigue of the journey takes its toll and the procession finds it difficult to follow the chants, slogans and dances during the demonstration.
So much is worth. There they are. A grain of sand.
The atmosphere is one of humility and self-sacrificing brotherhood. This matters!

To all those who dedicate their lives to noble causes!




Oct 202023

A year ago a group of colleagues set up as a Trade Union Section against the passivity of the CCOO in the company. We won the union elections. Since then we have recovered the initiative as workers who are complaining, demanding and, if necessary, reporting:

– The repair of seriously damaged building infrastructure, like roofs.

– Adaptation of the air conditioning inside the ship to current legislation, both in summer and winter.

– We have reactivated the initiative of the working party in the safety and hygiene committee demanding improvements in safety during the working day.

In the next renewal of the chemicals sectoral agreement, we will fight for significant improvements in the negotiation of its application in Benvic.

The success of the resumption of the initiative in the recovery of our dignity as workers lies in the assembly organization, breaking with the demobilizing leaderships of pactist unionism.

Sep 292023

Yesterday evening a colleague stopped by the union premises. His expression betrayed that the day had been adverse to him.

Suddenly a smile lit up his face: «-The colleagues of XXXXXX* have won the union elections».

*We do not mention the name of the company because even the workers expressly ignored it in their campaign, as a result of his unworthy attitude towards them. Don't mention the pig's name, although we all know who he is.

The victory in the electoral process was anecdotal. Those lips showed pride for the colleagues with whom he had worked side by side since a few years ago a ruthless employer had abandoned them "due to insolvency". The City Council of Mollet del Vallès, for which the failed subcontractor worked, he did not do much better and belittled them to inhuman extremes. It was necessary, from scratch, fight for surrogacy.

The new bidding company, the current unmentionable, has been treating them with arrogance and contempt: harassing pursuits by supervisory individuals, recurring threats of sanctions and suspension of salary, despotic dismissals of colleagues.

One of the colleagues harassed and threatened with sanctions ended up dead in what bourgeois laws euphemistically call a "work accident". Our companies were criminally reported for daring to say that certain "work accidents" are rather murders.

The empire of the law of the strongest, threats, persecutions, dismissals, a dead person, criminal complaints, serious diseases… anywhere they would have imposed the silence and mass surrender.


These colleagues didn't know much about it a while ago, of Rights, they had the lost look of the lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

Some and some gave very generously much of their time, wisdom and energy to teach them that dignity was within them and that they had to use it to be autonomous in the struggle to take the snake by the neck.

As of today, these colleagues have been around for a long time, when crossing them through the union, they no longer have a skewed gaze, but penetrating, the eyes of the dignity of the workers who, despite the condition of being humble, they know how to hold the boss's gaze and sing him the truths, demand his Rights and denounce every charlatan and force him to readmit dismissed workers.

And they do it alone, and they can help the rest of us.

Thanks to the selfless people who gave their time, not to direct them but to teach them in emancipatory autonomy.

Win union elections, an anecdote. THE SMILE, DIGNITY.

I probably shouldn't be the best person to write these lyrics, but no one else will.

Certain invisible situations deserve to be known, vindicated and not forgotten.



A member of the Vallès Oriental trade union

Sep 282023

We are happy to inform you that our Trade Union Section at the Ramcon company, subcontractor from the cleaning sector that currently manages the tender for municipal cleaning services in Mollet del Vallès, has won the union elections.

The results were as follows:

CGT: 27 votes (two delegates)
UGT: 12 votes (a delegate)
this next saturday: 11 votes (a delegate)
InterSindical-CSC: 10 votes (a delegate)
COBAS: 10 votes (zero delegates) 

These last few years have been very hard and a constant struggle for our dignity as workers.

As a united collective that we are, we have not given up and we have vindicated ourselves and succeeded.

And we are proud of it!!

The Trade Union Section of the CGT in Ramcon


Sep 152023

Last 27 of June, The RDL was approved by the Council of Ministers 5/2023, which contemplates new permits in
the workplace. Below we explain the main changes.

Right to adapt the day, art 34.8:
The situations based on which an adaptation of the working day can be requested are expanded.:
People who have sons or daughters older than 12 years.
The spouse or de facto partner.
Relatives up to the second degree, as well as dependent people who live at the same address, and?
due to age or illness they cannot take care of themselves.
It should be noted that the negotiation period for the adaptation of the working day is reduced, becoming 15 days,
rather 30, and before situations such as the lack of response from the company are considered as
"positive silence", the request is considered accepted. Not only must the company justify its refusal to
the worker's proposal, now, You also have to justify the reason for the counterproposal.

Paid leave from work, art. 37.3b:
The scope of family members who give the right to be absent from work with the right to remuneration is expanded, So
such as the time of enjoyment of certain permits. They remain this way:
15 paid calendar days in case of registration of a de facto couple.
5 paid days due to serious accident or illness, hospitalization or surgical intervention without
hospitalization requiring home rest for the spouse, de facto partner or relatives up to the second degree
by consanguinity or affinity, including the blood relative of the de facto couple, as well as any
another person who lives with the worker in the same home and who requires effective care of
that. This way, we went from 3 days that our agreement contemplated to have 2 further.
4 days maximums per year paid duly justified, to be absent from work due to force
mayor, when necessary for urgent family reasons related to relatives or people
cohabitants, in the event of illness or accident that makes your immediate presence essential. It will be possible
use for hours or days.

Reductions in working hours for care, art. 37.6:
Applicable, in addition to those who have children under 12 years, to those who have children or dependents with
disability greater than 65%, previously accredited before the affected person has 23 years, until
the 26 years. Also for care, during hospitalization and continued treatment, of the minor in his care
affected by cancer or another serious illness requiring prolonged hospitalizations up to 23 years.

New parental leave 8 unpaid weeks, art 48 bis:
Parental leave for working people of a maximum of 8 weeks, continuous or discontinuous, for him
child care, daughter or minor fostered for a period of more than one year, until the moment the minor turns 8
years. This permit can be enjoyed full or part time..
The company will be notified in advance of 10 days.

Sep 012023

Reconciling work and family life. New work permit for child care:

Mothers and fathers or legal guardians who are responsible for one or more children can enjoy different permits in the workplace to care for minors., complying with a series of requirements and adapting to the current regulations that regulate these assumptions. This is the case of the eight-week work permit that they can request on the occasion of returning to school..

The eight-week work permit is an aid to reconciling family and work for parents who have children under the age of 8 year old, who may be absent from their job for a maximum of eight weeks, continuously or discontinuously, both in the vacation months and with the arrival of back to school in the month of September.

This permission, duration not exceeding 8 weeks, continuous or discontinuous, It is non-transferable and can be enjoyed flexibly..

Workers will have the right to parental leave, for child care, daughter or minor fostered for a period of more than one year, until the minor turns eight years old, is included in the Royal Decree-Law 5/2023.

This permit can be enjoyed full-time or on a part-time basis., as an individual right of men and women, without your exercise being able to be transferred.

How do you apply for parental leave? 8 weeks?
The aforementioned regulations also regulate the way in which the interested party can request this right., since it is the worker himself who has to request it from his company: “It will be up to the worker to specify the start and end date of the enjoyment or, in your case, of the periods of enjoyment”, indicated.

further, You must notify the company in advance of 10 days or the one specified by the collective agreements, except force majeure, taking into account the situation and the organizational needs of the company.

Finally, you have to know that, in the event that several people from the same company can and want to benefit from this right in the same period of time, disrupting the proper functioning of the company, The postponement of the concession can be agreed for a reasonable period, justifying it in writing and after having offered an equally flexible alternative for enjoyment.

It is an UNpaid Permit.

Aug 282023

The labor regulations applicable to excess temperature in classrooms are the Royal Decree 486/1997, from 14 d’abril, which establishes the minimum health and safety provisions in workplaces (BOE number. 97, from 23 of April of 1997), Modified by Royal Decree 2177/2004.

This establishes that the temperatures in the classrooms must be between 17ºC and 27 ºC.

In addition, the State Parliament approved the accession and ratification of the UN Declaration of Children's Rights:

In addition to Labor Law, teachers are responsible for protecting the health of young people and children.

Given that the Generalitat and the State make wet paper of their own regulations we will have to use theDirect Action (obviously legally protected because it is intended to enforce its own legal regulations). Let's see what they will say from the Judiciary, if from the Generalitat they get on our ass.


1- We take collective action agreements from the trade union sections of the work center, in the cloister or company assemblies.

2- We place a thermometer in one of the center's classrooms (the miscellaneous).

3- When it exceeds the legally permitted temperature, we notify the rest of our colleagues.

4- We photograph the thermometer in the classroom together with a device that indicates the day and time.

5- We go out with the students from the classrooms to spaces in the center with temperatures that comply with the law.

6- We send the information through a secure means to the Center's Occupational Risk Coordinator, so that he can send it to the Directorate and this to the Education department.

7- Faced with any hierarchical threat, we call the police.

8- We are actively spreading the situation through social networks indicating the centre, the population and mentioning the Generalitat and the Department of Education. (If necessary, you can send them to us and we will do it ).

9- If we receive threats from the Management, let us know and we'll figure it out.

Obviously we will be more protected and protected from each other if we are part of a workers' association.


#DoItYourself (either we do it or we hi we submit)

  • For Our Labor Rights.
  • For the Fixity of all and all Interims in Fraud of Law.
  • Let's return Democracy to the School.
  • We democratize Curricula.
  • We guarantee critical and emancipatory knowledge to young people.
  • For a Public FP, Quality and universal offer.
  • For the Universalization of Public Education.
  • For the abolition of School Segregation (Concerted Education)

Aug 022023

Opening hours of the premises during the month of August.

Legal advice will resume next Friday 1 September.

For any urgency, contact by email or phone.

                                                                    Health and anarcho-syndicalism!!

Jul 282023

From the works council we want to inform the entire staff of Instituto Grifols that the 27 July 2023 The Human Resources department has been calling colleagues from this department throughout the morning in order to present the objective dismissal. At the moment we are aware of 3 layoffs. The company alleges organizational reasons. We all know that the company is hiring personnel in different areas of the company and has not had the decency to relocate them..


The IG works council is totally against any dismissal. Thus:




Jul 282023


Ronda d'Orient 6, Mollet del Vallès

 (In front of the Mollet-Sant Fost train station)

Tel: 93 593 15 45 / 600 675 500 / 625 37 33 32











e-mail: /


Twitter: @VallesOrCGTedu



*(It may undergo modifications since the stays are carried out voluntarily by the affiliates)

MONDAY: Of 17 a 20 hours [Counseling and Self-training]

TUESDAY: Of 10 a 13 hours and of 17 a 20 hours [Counseling and Self-training]

WEDNESDAY: Of 10 a 13 hours and of 17 a 20 hours [Counseling and Self-training]

THURSDAY: Of 10 a 13 hours and of 17 a 20 hours [Counseling and Self-training]

FRIDAY: Of 17 a 20 hours [Legal Advice] + [Counseling and Self-training]

Jul 282023

If you have decided to affiliate with us, download the attached Affiliation Request document, complete the details and take it to the union office so we can get to know each other and welcome you.


If you have decided to join us, download the attached Membership Application document, Complete the information and bring it to the union office so that we can meet and welcome you..




Jul 272023

We are a class union, anarcho-syndicalist, assembly, self employed, self-management,

grassroots federalist, internationalist and libertarian…


The CGT is an association of workers organized to achieve a new just world, where everyone is happy and where there are no inequalities. However, we do not fall asleep on the vine and are fully aware that we live in a very unencouraging present. To achieve our goal we have to fight and grind every day in the company, for better and safer working conditions. We fight for a dream but well placed in reality. Individually we will not succeed. The real transformation strategy is the collective union of all workers against companies and the powers that be.

we are a class union that fights on a daily basis in companies to improve the immediate working and social conditions of the working class, but doing it simultaneously to achieve a just world, without oppressed and oppressed: the social revolution.

As Anarcho-syndicalists because we organize ourselves based on the decisions of workers organized in assemblies to transform the world starting from work (how we get the resources to survive, in whose hands are they?, how wealth is distributed), which is the root of all inequalities in life and what unites us both to improve everyday conditions and to organize the future.

As assembly members because all the decisions we take start from the assemblies that form the workers of the unions, sovereignly.

As autonomous because we do not depend on any power or political party (if your intention is to violate our autonomy, better not come).

As you will self-manage because to maintain our autonomy we finance ourselves structurally through the fees of the affiliates. Also because whenever possible we promote cooperatives and accompany our colleagues in the construction of production cooperatives, distribution and consumption as a strategy for the emancipation of workers from the capitalist yoke.

As Basic Federalists because the assemblies of our unions are completely sovereign in their areas of action and territories, and they coordinate with each other through the Federal Pact (the basic principles of anarcho-syndicalism) always being the basis of decision-making the unions' assemblies.

As internationalists because nation-states as centers of exclusive identity power and private ownership of resources are foundations used by businessmen and politicians to divide the working class of the world and perpetuate regimes of exploitation. So, we have different socio-cultural identities, but for us this is no barrier to twinning with the rest of the workers in the world. Rather, they are an enrichment to join forces in the common struggle of the workers of all the peoples of the world against the States and employers.

As libertarians because as a horizon of daily struggles we have the emancipation of workers in libertarian communist societies.


When you arrive at the union to join you will probably be attended to by a colleague who is staying at the premises on a voluntary basis (militant, we call it).

You will probably join the Various Activities Union, which is where we have colleagues from all sectors with whom you can share experiences and enrich yourself greatly.

He trade union, coordinated by colleagues who we call the Permanent Secretariat but who do not have executive functions, it is organized in assemblies. Assemblies are the union's highest decision-making body. It is important that we collaborate to develop the agreements that are made there so that they are possible.

Within the union we are organized in Union Sections in our work centers, which are none other than those affiliated with the CGT in the company where we work. These have the same assembly structure as the union. They coordinate with the rest of the union to advise and help each other (we call it solidarity and mutual help. They are part of our identity as a class union).

The union sections of the same Ram (ex. Cleaning up, metal…) to different companies can be coordinated through the Core Ram's.

The idea is not that you join and pay a fee for advice, as if we were a management company, but that you naturalize passing through the premises, exchange impressions with the rest of the classmates, organize events, make network and community: when the bond with the other companions is stronger, bigger is yours, our strength and solidarity works best.

When there are many people affiliated with your sector branch (trade, cleaning up, food, metal, chemicals, wood, teaching…) you will constitute a new specific RAM Union to facilitate organization (assemblies cannot be held 3000 people in the union of various activities). This branch union will function autonomously and as an assembly, also complying with the general agreements and the federal pact of the organization.

And now we resume that of basic Federalism:

If in a locality there are three unions of different branches fighting from their sector, how they coordinate? Well, creating the Local Federation, which is nothing more than a coordinating body between these three unions, and made up of people who belong to it. It will also be the coordinating body with the unions in the wider territories.

As we expand territorially, the Regional Federation will coordinate the different Local Federations… and so on until the Catalan Confederation and the peninsular CGT.

But all these federated entities do not have executive sovereignty, but of the deployment of agreements. And the only bodies that can make AGREEMENTS are the assemblies of the unions, and these gathered directly in PLENARY and CONGRESSES, where they are represented directly.






Jul 272023


From the works council we want to inform the entire staff of Instituto Grifols that the 27 July 2023 The Human Resources department has been calling colleagues from this department throughout the morning in order to present the objective dismissal. At the moment we are aware of 3 layoffs. The company alleges organizational reasons. We all know that the company is hiring personnel in different areas of the company and has not had the decency to relocate them..


The IG works council is totally against any dismissal. Thus:




Jul 192023

The Sanctions Section of the Department of Business and Work, has resolved in favor of the subrogated workers of Abertis, financially sanctioning the UTE, with a SEVERE SANCTION of the LISOS Law for breaches of the current Collective Agreement and for denying rights that are considered acquired:

– Days of own affairs year 2021, for your enjoyment during the 2022.
– Christmas lot year 2021.
– Flexible office hours.
– PCF Ticket Restaurante.

Among other things, in the disciplinary file they remind the UTE that: "must fully respect the rights that workers had recognized prior to subrogation, not only because this is recognized in the aforementioned article 44, rather, said right is recognized in numerous court rulings.”

to our knowledge, the UTE has not only breached these rights, but also continues to fail in social aid, as the help studies of employees, Help studies of children of employees, etc. So we will act unionized in defense of our rights.

Regardless of what is communicated, remind you to be prepared in case you finally, the UTE FULFILLS ITS THREAT and when the State Construction Agreement is published, we are passed unilaterally to this one. If they do, they will be breaking the LAW again!, as it seems that is his methodical, and they will have a response from the staff!


Apr 262023

1Th MayDownload pdf

Against the suffocating rise in prices. Direct action!

comes a new 1 de Mayo and we went out into the street with our traditional protest demonstration, one more of the many demonstrations that the CGT makes throughout the year, like the one in the past 11 March in Barcelona against the increase in the cost of living and the freezing of salaries.

We continue to bear the deterioration of our living conditions, with a rise ofunstoppable prices of what is basic for a decent life: housing and energy supplies (gas and light), food and transportation. And we have no compensation in the very poor salary increases and agreements that are being signed in the companies, with the blessing of themajority unions sold out at the service of capital and its interests.

At once all privatization processes and cuts in services do not stoppublic.

has now been approved new pension reform that does not improve working class conditions, since it does not reduce the retirement age and keeps it at 67 years.

at the same time, instead of defending the public, have been created "Pension Plans ofEmployment", that pretend to be the substitutes for the damned private pension plans and that, of course, will be managed by the private sector. Against this, we have the example ofFrance where the attempt to increase from 62 a 64 years the retirement age has led to theworking class on the streets, massively, why considers it a loss of rightsunacceptable.

With an unemployment rate close to 13% and a youth unemployment rate close to 30% we have tostrongly resume the reduction of the working day and the distribution of work: work less so everyone can work, evidently without reducing salary, So what we have to do is spread business profits and capital wealth.

As long as the gag laws are not repealed and are maintained as a tool for control and repression of the protest. The year of the centenary of the assassination of Salvador followed, workeranarcho-syndicalist, It has to serve us as an example that always, the rights are achievedthrough direct action and struggle in the streets and workplaces.

Long live the 1 of May!
Long live the struggle of the working class!
Long live the CGT!!

Apr 052023



Well, something very simple and older than the nana. A Trade Union section is the foundation of the self-organization and collaboration of people at work: it is the stable assembly of the workers of a trade union at the workplace.

Once self-organized, we will have autonomy of action.

Read more

Mar 272023


The affiliates of the Teaching Union Section of the Various Activities Union of Vallès Oriental have asked the Public Administration to require the Department of Education of the Generalitat of Catalonia to carry out the corresponding and normative annual medical check-up Read more