Mar 272023


The affiliates of the Teaching Union Section of the Various Activities Union of Vallès Oriental have asked the Public Administration to require the Department of Education of the Generalitat of Catalonia to carry out the corresponding and normative annual medical check-up Read more

Mar 072023

CGT acts in Barcelona to commemorate the centenary of the murder of Salvador Segui, "The sugar's boy" 1923-2023 by the bosses' gunmen and the collusion of the Catalan bourgeoisie and the powers of the state

Salvador Seguí i Rubinat was an anarcho-syndicalist militant, worker and painter from the 12 years. Follower of the modern school of Ferrer i Guardia and self-taught. He actively participated in the General Strike of the 1902, the constitution of Solidaridad Obrera in 1907, the tragic week in 1909, Read more

Mar 072023

We inform you all that from the CGT union section we are giving our full support to the compañeras affected by the ERE of Grifols S.A..

Every time the negotiating table meets, mobilization is called to put pressure on the company. We inform you that the next mobilization will take place next day 9 March 09:00 a 10:30 in the P10 booth, C/ Palou 6 Vallés walls, Barcelona.

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Aug 262022

From the Trade Union Section of the Educational Community of the Various Activities Union of Vallès Oriental we have asked the Public Administration to require the Department of Education of the Generalitat of Catalonia to carry out the corresponding and normative annual medical examination for all and all the workers in their charge, in compliance with the Workers' Statute and the Law on the Prevention of Occupational Risks, since he has been neglecting it for several years. Read more

Apr 142022

ManifestDownload leaflet in pdf ManifestDownload leaflet in pdf

Nor will they make us believe, nor will they silence us

What had been promised as the solution to the problems of the working class has been nothing but a new disappointment and a huge failure.: the new reform supposes the definitive legitimation and consecration, by the self-proclaimed most progressive government in history, of the most damaging aspects that were already advanced in the labor reforms of the 2010 (Zapatero government) and the 2012 (govern Rajoy).

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Jan 312022

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The workers and workers are used to not being given anything. The Government's agreement with the employers and the leaders of the CCOO and UGT is no exception. Beyond the hype, the truth is the Government fails to fulfill its promises and abandons its commitment to repeal the labor reform of the Popular Party. With this new reform, it legitimizes and reinforces the central pillars of the labor reforms imposed by the PSOE of Zapatero first and Mariano Rajoy later..

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Dec 092021

We left by coach from Mollet on Friday 17 at night. Reserve your place in the mail or telephone of the union. Registration period until 12 from December

In the Confederal Plenary celebrated the past 7 October it was decided that the CGT would be in the streets of Madrid next 18 from December, to defend our demands on labor reforms, repressive laws, pensions, ecology, feminism etc., take back the streets for the working class.

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Nov 242021

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There is a lot of violence that women suffer daily in this capitalist and patriarchal system, and on many occasions becomes invisible and normalizes. We will not be complicit with our silence. So, the day 25 of November, we open our eyes and raise our voices all together to say: Enough!!

Enough of macho murders, Enough vicarious violence, of economic violence ... in short, Enough of patriarchal violence. We raise our voices, to demand security, respect and equality, in all the spaces of our lives.

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Aug 112021


We consider that especially in the municipal and provincial world there is a very important volume of temporary people who at the time were plugged "in the finger" by the "living forces" of the time in power. Here we are concerned about the thing.

Others accessed it through more objective bags, with adequate studies and experience.

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Apr 252021

Demand that work and wealth be shared

May 1 must always be a day of protest and struggle as a guarantee of rightsaldecent work; to aworkday that makes it possible to reconcile work with life; yetsufficient salary and social benefits, good when you have a job and also when you don't have, through aBasic Equal Income; apensionsadequate to live with dignity, to fight against labor reforms, evictions or gag laws.

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