Jan 092020

The colleagues of the Santa Maria de Palautordera post office have said enough!

Enough overwork, enough to the deplorable conditions of the current workplace. We have acted accordingly; making public in the neighborhood and in the town hall the terrible working conditions and the embarrassing postal service that the Post Office officials lend to the locality, with the accumulation of thousands of letters and notifications.

He  first visible effect of this action,  has been hiring a more worker, both in the morning shift, as in the afternoon, even so, are we  aware that this measure is only a conjunctural solution.

We claim  our move to the new premises, which the Post Office has had for a long time  of a decade, as well as a structural increase in staff as the only definitive solution to reverse the terrible public postal service. We will not settle for less!


Oct 212019



The Government of the Generalitat of Catalonia is processing a bill that if we, the free-thinking and free-acting population, we don't swallow it raw will implement the open door to private management so generalized of the social welfare services so assumed within the our day to day as are the Right to public education or the universal access general practitioner and hospital services qualitative and paid for with the contributions of each and everyone through in our taxes.

Read more
Jun 192017

Companions, companions,

toda la CGT Catalunya y confederal estatal, estamos atentos a las novedades que puedan surgir en torno al caso «Som 27 i més», ya que es inminente la convocatoria de tod@s l@s imputad@s a presentarse ante el juez, para el juicio oral, entre los que se encuentra nuestro compañero Ermengol Gassiot, secretario general de la CGT Catalunya. El Ermen está acusado como instigador del encierro llevado a cabo por estudiantes en el rectorado de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, en el año 2013. Como profesor y trabajador del Departament de Prehistòria, el Ermen es delegado por la CGT. Tal como se dice en el comunicado del SP CGT Catalunya, el Ermen no se presentará al juicio oral, conciente de las consecuencias legales que eso conlleva, pero también conciente de quienes estamos a su lado.

Este es un montaje preparado por la UAB, universidad que tal como a ocurrido en todas las universidades públicas, se ha convertido en la formación superior de la burguesía y el caldo de cultivo donde las empresas se sirven a su gusto. La universidad pública, como el resto de niveles educativos, debe estar al servicio de la clase trabajadora, para la formación de individuos socialmente libres, y no al servicio de las empresas y corporaciones, que es lo que ocurre hoy en día.

Por eso desde la CGT Vallès Oriental impulsamos la defensa en la calle a nuestro compañero Ermen, porque no sólo representa a esa oposición al modelo educativo de universidad como empresa, sino porque además es Secretario General de la CGT de Catalunya.
Golpear al Ermen, es un golpe doble que nos hacen.

Por estos motivos, doble, y triple ha de ser nuestra respuesta!!
Porque ahora más que nunca, nos están tocando a todos y todas!

Si nos tocan a todos y todas, respondemos tod@s!


CGT Vallès Oriental
c / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallès
Loss: 93 593 1545 / 625 373332
email: cgt.mollet.vo@gmail.com
Web / Facebook / Twitter

Desobedecemos el proceso político del caso “Som 27 i més”

Nuestro compañero Ermengol Gassiot ha decidido que no participará en la farsa y que no se personará en el juzgado por voluntad propia bajo ninguna circunstancia, afrontando las consecuencias que se deriven de su decisión.

Recientemente el juzgado de Cerdanyola que instruye el caso por el encierro de estudiantes en el rectorado de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB) del año 2013 (el caso conocido como “Som 27 i més”) ha dictado un auto donde se dispone la apertura del juicio oral y se fija una fianza absolutamente desproporcionada, from 511.835,05 EUR para asegurar las responsabilidades civiles. 27 personas encausadas a raíz de aquella protesta universitaria están a la espera de peticiones penales de entre 11 Y 14 años de prisión, depending on the case, y prohibición de acceso a la UAB durante 5 years. Entre ellas está nuestro Secretario General, el compañero Ermengol Gassiot. La fianza antes mencionada, como todo el mundo puede suponer, no será abonada por los 27 afectados y afectadas, lo que probablemente comportará procesos de embargo de nóminas y bienes.

Durante los próximos días o semanas las 27 personas serán emplazadas a personarse en dependencias judiciales para hacerles entrega de una copia de los escritos de acusación, a fin de que en el plazo de 3 días comparezcan con abogado y procurador, y sean requeridos para depositar la fianza.

Este Secretariado Permanente considera que todo este proceso no es sino un montaje motivado en una revancha política por parte del anterior rectorado ultraliberal de la UAB, orientado a escarmentar por la vía penal el movimiento estudiantil y el sindicalismo que le hacía frente en defensa de la universidad pública. La actuación de aquel rectorado, y el relato conspiranoico construido por los abogados que contrató a tal efecto, ha sido aprovechada por la Fiscalía, órgano político de España, para iniciar un esperpéntico procedimiento judicial que supone el peor caso de represión política en una universidad desde la época del franquismo.

Ante esta situación, nuestro compañero Ermengol Gassiot ha decidido que no participará en la farsa y que no se personará en el juzgado por voluntad propia bajo ninguna circunstancia, afrontando las consecuencias que se deriven de su decisión.

Este Secretariado Permanente comparte plenamente el análisis que sostiene la decisión tomada por nuestro compañero Ermengol, y apoyamos. Entendemos que ante un ataque de carácter político (instrumentado en forma de proceso judicial) contra las libertades y los derechos civiles es legítimo practicar la desobediencia y la solidaridad para impugnar públicamente la totalidad de este montaje represivo. Consideramos que en el momento presente nos estamos jugando buena parte del mensaje que se transmitirá a las luchas sociales que vendrán en el futuro sobre la respuesta que debe darse ante la represión político-judicial. Nos jugamos mucho, y las estrategias punitivas mediante las cuales se quiere paralizar y escarmentar cualquier tipo de resistencia sindical, estudiantil o social deben ser paradas. En el caso concreto del Ermengol, el presente montaje está orientado a reprimir el ejercicio de la acción sindical de la CGT en la UAB en defensa de los derechos de las trabajadoras y de la universidad pública y, más allá de ésta, lo consideramos un ataque al conjunto de nuestra organización.

Queremos dejar claro que, en la medida en que ello dependa de nosotros, ninguna de las 27 personas encausadas está ni estará nunca sola. Llamamos a todas las Federaciones y Sindicatos de la CGT, el conjunto de nuestra militancia, movimientos sociales y personas solidarias a preparar la respuesta colectiva y organizada que estos hechos se merecen. La CGT no quedará a la expectativa, ni quedará con los brazos cruzados. Nos reservamos el derecho, como organización, a actuar cuando y como lo consideramos oportuno, teniendo en cuenta la gravedad del caso.


Permanent Secretariat of the Confederal Committee of the CGT

Mar 222017

ManifestDescarregar manifest en pdf

Saturday 1 of April, toda la CGT de Catalunya nos manifestamos en Manresa, estamos todos y todas convocados, la actitud y presencia de la CGT quedará marcada en las calles de Manresa, donde acudiremos desde todos los rincones de Catalunya. El éxito de la misma estará asegurado con nuestra presencia, apuntaros este día en vuestras agendas, todos y todas somos necesarias.

En la CGT Vallès Oriental estamos organizando nuestra movilización hacia Manresa, viendo ofertas de autocares y viendo las mejores opciones. Pronto abriremos las listas de inscripción y anunciaremos horarios y demás información.

Saturday 1 de abril en Manresa (Plaça Bonavista, 11:30h) estaremos presentes defendiendo los servicios públicos y las pensiones, y contra la represión sindical, por una vida digna!

CGT Vallès Oriental
c / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallès
Loss: 93 593 1545 / 625 373332
email: cgt.mollet.vo@gmail.com
Web / Facebook / Twitter

Manifest en defensa del que és nostre i contra la repressió
Manifestació 1 of April of 2017 a Manresa

Any rera any veiem com els diferents governs legislen i aproven lleis que ens retallen drets. Que permeten als empresaris disposar encara més de les nostres vides, dictant-nos en funció dels seus interessos com han de ser les nostres condicions laborals i, quan no els servim, llençar-nos a la cuneta.

Any rera any veiem com la patronal, esperonada pel servilisme de governs, imposa de manera més crua i descarnada la llei del seu benefici privat al conjunt de la població. No tenen cap mania per tancar una fàbrica i deslocalitzar-la allà on els salaris són més baixos, sovint en països víctimes de l’empobriment imperialista i de dictadures salvatges. I han agafat per norma xuclar milers de milions de diners públics pels seus negocis, per tapar els forats de bancs que prèviament han descapitalitzat, etc. Uns diners aportats per totes i tots amb el nostre treball i els nostres impostos.

Manifest sencer:
CGT Manresa (facebook)
CGT Catalonia (web)


Feb 232017

No closure of public groups and end the overcrowding in high schoolThe colleagues of the CGT Social Sector denounce the opacity and lack of public control in the centers for minors managed by private groups.

The colleagues of the CGT Social Sector denounce the opacity and lack of public control in the centers for minors managed by private groups 80% The colleagues of the CGT Social Sector denounce the opacity and lack of public control in the centers for minors managed by private groups.

The colleagues of the CGT Social Sector denounce the opacity and lack of public control in the centers for minors managed by private groups: The colleagues of the CGT Social Sector denounce the opacity and lack of public control in the centers for minors managed by private groups

The colleagues of the CGT Social Sector denounce the opacity and lack of public control in the centers for minors managed by private groups:
The colleagues of the CGT Social Sector denounce the opacity and lack of public control in the centers for minors managed by private groups, The colleagues of the CGT Social Sector denounce the opacity and lack of public control in the centers for minors managed by private groups

Web: CGT Sector Social (Teaching)
Facebook: CGT Sector Social
Twitter: The colleagues of the CGT Social Sector denounce the opacity and lack of public control in the centers for minors managed by private groups


Feb 232017

He 16 and is that the company wanted to try to agree with the unions to postpone the part of the Christmas pay until the judgment of the appeal of the CCNCC (and is that the company wanted to try to agree with the unions to postpone the part of the Christmas pay until the judgment of the appeal of the CCNCC). and is that the company wanted to try to agree with the unions to postpone the part of the Christmas pay until the judgment of the appeal of the CCNCC, and is that the company wanted to try to agree with the unions to postpone the part of the Christmas pay until the judgment of the appeal of the CCNCC 30 and is that the company wanted to try to agree with the unions to postpone the part of the Christmas pay until the judgment of the appeal of the CCNCC, and is that the company wanted to try to agree with the unions to postpone the part of the Christmas pay until the judgment of the appeal of the CCNCC, and is that the company wanted to try to agree with the unions to postpone the part of the Christmas pay until the judgment of the appeal of the CCNCC, and is that the company wanted to try to agree with the unions to postpone the part of the Christmas pay until the judgment of the appeal of the CCNCC, surely thinking about which revolving door will enter the Boards of Directors of these Transnationals to which they have served so well.


surely thinking about which revolving door will enter the Boards of Directors of these Transnationals to which they have served so well, surely thinking about which revolving door will enter the Boards of Directors of these Transnationals to which they have served so well, surely thinking about which revolving door will enter the Boards of Directors of these Transnationals to which they have served so well, surely thinking about which revolving door will enter the Boards of Directors of these Transnationals to which they have served so well, surely thinking about which revolving door will enter the Boards of Directors of these Transnationals to which they have served so well, surely thinking about which revolving door will enter the Boards of Directors of these Transnationals to which they have served so well, surely thinking about which revolving door will enter the Boards of Directors of these Transnationals to which they have served so well.


surely thinking about which revolving door will enter the Boards of Directors of these Transnationals to which they have served so well, a model of society in the service of economic elites has been voted that will lead to more inequality, a model of society in the service of economic elites has been voted that will lead to more inequality 90 a model of society in the service of economic elites has been voted that will lead to more inequality, a model of society in the service of economic elites has been voted that will lead to more inequality, a model of society in the service of economic elites has been voted that will lead to more inequality, a model of society in the service of economic elites has been voted that will lead to more inequality.


a model of society in the service of economic elites has been voted that will lead to more inequality, a model of society in the service of economic elites has been voted that will lead to more inequality. a model of society in the service of economic elites has been voted that will lead to more inequality, a model of society in the service of economic elites has been voted that will lead to more inequality. In this process, you will find an opportunity to put an end to it. In this process, you will find an opportunity to put an end to it, In this process, you will find an opportunity to put an end to it.

In this process, you will find an opportunity to put an end to it

Whole article: CGT Catalonia

Feb 142017

the switch to move and activate direct confrontation beyond words 061 the switch to move and activate direct confrontation beyond words, the switch to move and activate direct confrontation beyond words https://the switch to move and activate direct confrontation beyond words

the switch to move and activate direct confrontation beyond words 061, the switch to move and activate direct confrontation beyond words, the switch to move and activate direct confrontation beyond words…

the switch to move and activate direct confrontation beyond words 061. Once again, the switch to move and activate direct confrontation beyond words, they do not care about how public services are managed by private companies, they do not care about how public services are managed by private companies.

they do not care about how public services are managed by private companies 061 they do not care about how public services are managed by private companies. they do not care about how public services are managed by private companies.

they do not care about how public services are managed by private companies 061 they do not care about how public services are managed by private companies.

they do not care about how public services are managed by private companies 20% they do not care about how public services are managed by private companies, they do not care about how public services are managed by private companies, without respecting the collective agreement of two free weekends a month and without knowing if they will continue working the following month. without respecting the collective agreement of two free weekends a month and without knowing if they will continue working the following month.

without respecting the collective agreement of two free weekends a month and without knowing if they will continue working the following month (without respecting the collective agreement of two free weekends a month and without knowing if they will continue working the following month) without respecting the collective agreement of two free weekends a month and without knowing if they will continue working the following month, without respecting the collective agreement of two free weekends a month and without knowing if they will continue working the following month. without respecting the collective agreement of two free weekends a month and without knowing if they will continue working the following month.

without respecting the collective agreement of two free weekends a month and without knowing if they will continue working the following month, without respecting the collective agreement of two free weekends a month and without knowing if they will continue working the following month. without respecting the collective agreement of two free weekends a month and without knowing if they will continue working the following month. without respecting the collective agreement of two free weekends a month and without knowing if they will continue working the following month, without respecting the collective agreement of two free weekends a month and without knowing if they will continue working the following month, which is also governed by this law and which in addition, which is also governed by this law and which in addition.

which is also governed by this law and which in addition, which is also governed by this law and which in addition, which is also governed by this law and which in addition, which is also governed by this law and which in addition 100% Of the template, which is also governed by this law and which in addition.

which is also governed by this law and which in addition. which is also governed by this law and which in addition, which is also governed by this law and which in addition, diligence and speed because in spite of everything, diligence and speed because in spite of everything.

diligence and speed because in spite of everything:
http://diligence and speed because in spite of everything-061/diligence and speed because in spite of everything


Jan 312017

Call CGT Assembly Education 1 February 2017

According Mesa-evaluation and continuous struggle Department

Dear folks;

Please remember that as we agreed at the last meeting of 18 January, on Wednesday 1 February, to Hall Costa i Font, Via Laietana, 18, 9first floor (BCN), I call on:

Open meeting affiliate / from public non-university

hour: 18h


  • Rating MOU Department of Education-unions of officers and ratification of the strike 9F.
  • continuity mobilization
  • other


Miguel González
Permanent Secretariat Teaching Federation CGT

Jan 312017

diligence and speed because in spite of everything

diligence and speed because in spite of everythingdiligence and speed because in spite of everything”, diligence and speed because in spite of everything, diligence and speed because in spite of everything

diligence and speed because in spite of everything
diligence and speed because in spite of everything
diligence and speed because in spite of everything
2 February 2017


  • diligence and speed because in spite of everything: them 11 h. (diligence and speed because in spite of everything, Via Laietana 18, 9first floor)
  • diligence and speed because in spite of everything: them 17:30 h. (diligence and speed because in spite of everything, Pl. diligence and speed because in spite of everything 1)

diligence and speed because in spite of everything, Secretary General of the CGT, Secretary General of the CGT, Secretary General of the CGT. Secretary General of the CGT, Secretary General of the CGT, Secretary General of the CGT.

Secretary General of the CGT.

Health and freedom

CGT Catalonia

Jan 232017

Durant els últims 40 anys Barcelona s’ha anat construint amb errors i encerts presidits per dos factors fonamentals: d’una banda l’especulació immobiliària i, de l’altra, la lluita dels barris per una ciutat digna i cosmopolita, que atresora una llarga història per a la supervivència de la ciutat i la seva gent.

Barcelona està en venda. En l’última dècada, el fenomen especulatiu ha adquirit una dimensió global, impulsat pel capital financer i la complicitat de les elits polítiques de Madrid i Catalunya, que volen transformar la ciutat en un gran negoci.

Davant d’aquesta situació, que porta al col·lapse de la ciutat, cal que lesveïnes i veïns aixequem la nostra veu i ens organitzem, unint les nostres forces per barrar el pas als “enemics de la ciutat”.

Pel dret a viure a la ciutat, cridem a tothom a ocupar La Rambla!
The day 28 of January of 2017 a les 11h tothom a la Rambla de Canaletes

Whole article: CGT Barcelona

Jan 172017

Education CGT strike 18 January 2017Companys, partners,
recordeu, Wednesday 18 of January of 2017, la CGT convoca Vaga d’ensenyament públic no universitari. Donem suport als/les mestres i les seves reivindicacions en primer lloc, i a tota la comunitat educativa de les escoles públiques, perqué són els coles de la nostra classe obrera, són les escoles on aprenen els fills i filles del proletariat!

Prou retallades, prou tancaments!

Només lluitant aconseguirem victòries!



CGT Vallès Oriental
c / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallès
Loss: 93 593 1545 / 625 373332
email: cgt.mollet.vo@gmail.com
Web / Facebook / Twitter

Jan 022017

Education CGT strike 18 January 2017CGT convoca vaga i concentració davant del Parlament el 18 de gener durant el debat de pressupostos per revertir les retallades a l’ensenyament públic #18GVagaEnsenyament

Per revertir les retallades a l’ensenyament públic:
Wednesday 18 of January of 2017

Concentració de 12 a 14h davant del Parlament

El sindicat CGT Ensenyament convoquem als i a les treballadores de l’ensenyament públic no universitari de Catalunya a una jornada de VAGA el DIMECRES 18 DE GENER, coincidint amb la setmana de debat d’esmenes parcials als pressupostos de la Generalitat de Catalunya per l’any 2017.

Des del passat mes d’octubre hem fet, junt amb altres sindicats, xerrades i assemblees a nombrosos centres explicant perquè considerem que ara és el moment de començar a revertir les retallades i perquè creiem que passar a l’ofensiva i anar a la vaga mentre s’estan debatent els pressupostosi aprofitant l’actual situació política a Catalunya ens dóna veritables opcions d’assolir les reivindicacions que plantegem.

Volem fer palès que aquesta convocatòria sorgeix després d’un treball i d’un debat previ amb la resta de sindicats, amb els quals vam concretar les reivindicacions i vam coincidir en la necessitat d’anar a la vaga per pressionar a l’administració perquè les incloguin dins dels propers pressupostos tal i com s’explica al manifest intersindical. També després de molts debats als centres, on molts companys i companyes han manifestat que consideren bàsic que aquesta no sigui una altra vaga d’un dia que serveixi només per expressar la nostra disconformitat sinó que es convoqui en uns terminis i amb unes perspectives de continuïtat que generin prou pressió com per aconseguir realment les reivindicacions plantejades.

És en aquest sentit que a la darrera reunió intersindical no hem pogut arribar a un acord pel que fa a la/les data/es de la vaga. La resta de sindicats de la intersindical han decidit convocar una única jornada de vaga el dia 9 February. Des de CGT entenem que és massa tard i amb les decisions sobre assignacions pressupostàries ja preses, atès que els debats d’esmenes parcials als pressupostos estan fixats entre el 16 and the 20 January (el d’ensenyament està previst per al 18 January) i que a més, no permet cap perspectiva de continuïtat possible dins dels terminis de l’aprovació definitiva dels pressupostos que tindrà lloc el mateix 9 de febrer sobre una proposta ja tancada. Fer una jornada de vaga aïllada i quan ja està tot decidit desvirtua el compromís que tots els sindicats havíem pres davant del professorat.

Des de CGT Ensenyament considerem fonamental que la vaga arribi abans, mentre s’estan debatent i decidint els pressupostos i que tingui possibilitat de continuïtat. És per això que, sense descartar més convocatòries, inclosa la del 9 February, us convoquem a aquesta primera jornada de vaga en ple debat d’esmenes parcials de l’àrea d’educació.

Davant d’aquest desacord en el calendari, el nostre plantejament a la intersindical ha estat que CGT convoquem ambdues dates, ratificant la segona amb els nostres companys i companyes, però la resta de sindicats ha decidit no incorporar-nos al cartell conjunt del 9 perquè no renunciem a convocar també el 18 January. Nosaltres seguim fent una crida a la resta de sindicats a fer una primera convocatòria de vaga mentre s’estan debatent i decidint els pressupostos d’ensenyament.

Es convoca concentració de 12 a 14h davant del Parlament de Catalunya. Properament concretarem les accions que acompanyaran la vaga i de l’assemblea que durem a terme per ratificar i concretar la seva continuïtat. Us demanem que feu difusió d’aquesta convocatòria i de les raons per les quals des de CGT trobem essencial que tingui lloc en els terminis esmentats. Si voleu que anem al vostre centre a explicar-ho i debatre-ho amb vosaltres o teniu qualsevol altre dubte o consideració no dubteu a contactar-nos.


CGT Education

Nov 232016

cx2srg-xgaaqwmk-jpg-largeOur pensions are neither sold nor traded
Communiqué SP CGT Catalonia

This Thursday 24 in November there will be a meeting between the government, employers' organizations and the CCOO and UGT unions. The point to be made is, as it has transpired, negotiating the “social peace”. Between baby dolls, However, there are more points on the table. Business organizations have already claimed the need for a new labor reform. Equally, large financial and insurance corporations have begun to promote a media campaign to prepare the ground for a new pension reform. They want to deepen what, the agents themselves, they agreed in January of the year 2011 on that occasion under the auspices of the Zapatero government of the PSOE.

Experience tells us that too many times these meetings result in highly harmful agreements for the interests of the working class, of the majority of the population. In the past we have repeatedly seen how under the pretext of social peace we have left rights and conquests in the ditch of history: now companies are free to fire (at most paying smaller and smaller compensations), they can dispose quite freely of part of our working day by making us work overtime, they can make us work on tasks above our contract rating… and a long et cetera.

I, in the name of social peace, we have also seen how it is necessary to work more now than before 6 years to access a full pension and how the extension of the regulatory bases lowers pensions that, at the entrance, they are already among the lowest in the EU. All these concessions made, always, in the name of a social peace that only benefits those at the top, to the owners of the capital.


Permanent Secretariat of the Confederal Committee of the CGT of Catalonia

>> The entire article CGT Catalonia


Jun 192016

2016-06-18 Madrid Public Services

Jun 102016

IMG-20160613-WA0000Desde las federaciones y sindicatos de CGT en sectores implicados en esta lucha (ferrocarriles, metro, health, aeropuertos, enseñanza, puertos, ayuntamientos, televisiones, protección del medioambiente y el patrimonio cultural, atención a mayores, discapacidad, childhood, etc.) se ha convocado a toda la CGT y a las plataformas y mareas de los distintos sectores en lucha por lo público a la manifestación del sábado18 de junio, en Madrid. La manifestación partirá a las 12h. de Cibeles y concluirá, con intervenciones de trabajadores de los sectores públicos, en Plaza de España.

CGT pone autocares para poder asistir.

Salida desde Barcelona a las 24.00 h del viernes día 17 of June (noche del viernes al sábado).

Llegada a Madrid a las 24.00 h del sábado 18 of June.

L@s que queráis ir os tenéis que apuntar en el sindicato, o por teléfono al 600 375500, o por email a cgt.mollet.vo@gmail.com

Os animamos a que vengáis!!

Punto de encuentro: in the union, in Mollet, to 22:45 h del viernes 17 of June.

Reserva de plazas: hasta el martes 14 of June, para los autocares que salen de Barcelona.


Mar 252016

photo_2016-03-09_14-19-18Des del Secretariat Permanent de CGT Catalunya s’ha estat participant en les reunions i col·laborant en la constitució de la Plataforma d’Afectades per l’ICAM (PAICAM), que té com a objectiu denunciar i lluitar contra les altes injustes de l’ICAM, l’INSS i les Mútues.

A continuació us fem un breu resum dels acords de la darrera Assemblea de la PAICAM del passat 2/03/16 i les properes convocatòries (especialment la del 8 d’abril a les 11h davant la Direcció Provincial de l’INSS Continue reading »