
May 082017

Stability or layoffs? we decide!

Companys, partners,


After six years without opposition, several factors may force the State and Generalitat governments to put thousands of teaching positions out to competition over the next three years. Depending on the procedure used, this process may allow a majority of the current temporary staff to become official staff or to lose the positions they currently occupy. From CGT we are convinced that the pressure we exert will be the key to prioritizing access to the people who now occupy these positions.
Continue reading »

Apr 212017

Este 1º de Mayo nos encuentra en un contexto de guerra mundial por los recursos y el petróleo, que nos señala sus palabras de orden: competitiveness, individualismo, consumismo. Dictados del nuevo reordenamiento mundial, marcado por la tendencia fascista que desde EEUU, Rusia y otras potencias se nos intenta imponer, mediante la guerra y el terror.

¿Y dónde nos encontramos los trabajador@s, en este contexto, como clase explotada? En las empresas se nos pretende imponer la “competitividad” como medida de todas las relaciones, y así se nos quiere aislar, romper los lazos de solidaridad de clase que es justamente nuestra fuerza. Continue reading »

Apr 202017

¿De qué salud laboral hablamos en estos tiempos laborales y sociales, precarios y de basura?

El modelo de relaciones laborales del estado español, está enfermo de neoliberalismo y ausente de derechos fundamentales. Desde el gran pacto social del 77 (Pactos de la Moncloa), hemos asistido a la voladura de unas relaciones laborales e industriales, basadas en un equilibrio entre el capital y el trabajo, hasta situar el modelo social (toda relación salarial es una relación social), como un modelo precario, inseguro y de imposible proyecto de futuro para una vida digna de la mayoría social, las personas asalariadas. Continue reading »

Apr 202017

ManifestDíptico Objeción Fiscal 2017 CGTVO

Not with our money

Implacable en su presión fiscal, El Estado no cesa de pedirnos: IRPF, IVA, impuestos indirectos, tasas… Y en este tiempo de tremendos recortes en gasto social, de pérdida de derechos y de la mayoría de nuestras conquistas, de desmantelamiento de lo público, cuando el parco estado del bienestar que aún disfrutábamos se tambalea, observamos con vergüenza cómo, año tras año, se renuevan enormes inversiones en el más estéril de los gastos: el Gasto Militar. Continue reading »

Apr 102017

¿Qué es la salud laboral? ¿Se dan demasiadas bajas o son muy pocas? ¿Quién debe cuidar de nuestra salud en el trabajo? ¿Son las trabajadoras los únicos responsables de evitar los accidentes? ¿Es el estrés una enfermedad? Para que no te enfermen, queremos hablar y debatir de todo esto y mucho más en Rojo y Negro TV. On Tuesday 11 to 21:00 hours, en directo en Canal 33 y en La Mosca TV. We will wait for you.

Red and Black TV

Communication Secretariat
CGT Confederal

Apr 072017

Monday 10 d’Abril a les 12:30 totes als jutjats de Granollers a donar suport a les 12 encausades #jotambéenkantoGranollers

Companys / es:

Des de la CGT del Vallès Oriental volem manifestar la nostra solidaritat amb totes les persones encausades, farem difussió de la concentració en els nostres medis, i intentarem acudir el major número de membres possibles. Likewise, restarem a l’espera de les convocatòries que ens aneu fent arribar.

Absolució encausades!

Ens veiem en la lluita!

CGT Vallès Oriental
c / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallès
Loss: 93 593 1545 / 625 373332
Web / Facebook / Twitter

Press Ca Enkant Granollers

El dilluns 10 d’abril jutjaran a 12 persones per voler omplir de vida un espai que feia 9 anys que estava abandonat. Trobem injust, que els governs, lluny d’intentar arreglar els problemes reals de la nostra societat, segueixi castigant i criminalitzant les lluites populars que posen el descobert els veritables problemes de la nostra societat i les seves mancances. És per això que entenem que amb aquest judici volen escarmentar a totes les persones que intenten transformar la societat i volem reclamar l’absolució de les 12 companyes encausades i que s’arxivi la causa. No podem acceptar que condemnin a 12 companyes per donar un ús social a un espai abandonat.

Des de l’assemblea de Ca lEnkant volem convocar a totes les persones, entitats i col·lectius de Granollers i d’altres punts de la comarca a donar suport a les 12 persones encausades el dilluns 10 d'april to them 12.30 als jutjats de Granollers.

Assemblea de Ca l’Enkant

Apr 062017

Ho vam dir fa tan sols uns dies: CCOO-UGT havien presentat una proposta salarial tan miserable que era impossible que la patronal digués que no. He 31 March, han consumat la traïció a tots els treballadors i treballadores de telemarqueting i han signat un preacord de conveni que ens enfonsa més en el pou de la precarietat per als propers anys.

Un teatret en la taula negociadora perquè és evident que ho tenien preparat des del principi. Un conveni 0,0%: 0€ de pujada per 2015, 0€ per 2016, i per als anys successius l’IPC de l’any anterior més un diferencial, la qual cosa suposa que les treballadores carregarem amb les pujades de la vida cada any, i si tenim la fortuna de no ser acomiadades per “disminució de trucades”, per una “successió d’empresa” o qualsevol altra excusa, recuperarem a l’any següent part d’aquest cost mentre les treballadores assumim, mes a mes, les pujades de l’IPC de l’any en curs…. ELIMINEN AIXÍ EL DRET I PAGAMENT D’ENDARRERIMENTS.

Per 2018 i 2019 es pujarà un 0,5% (4€ de pujada en el sou mitjà del sector) per sobre de l’IPC de l’any anterior, i si l’IPC és menor del 0,6% en aquests anys afegir el que falti fins a un 0,6%. Una autèntica ganga salarial per a la patronal!!, perquè no només s’han estalviat el 5% de perduda salarial dels treballadors del conveni anterior, sinó que els han sortit gratis els 2 anys que han estat retardant la negociació d’aquest nou conveni.

Un conveni de continuïtat que mira cap a un altre costat per als problemes dels treblladors del sector quan aquest conveni estava anomenat a ser un principi de solució davant la precarietat accelerada del telemarqueting: començant per impedir els acomiadaments massius de treballadores per “disminució de trucades” i per “successió d’empreses” al no garantir la subrogació, i continuant per la dignificació de les hores dels contractes a temps parcial que avui impedeixen viure del seu treball a molts treblladors, la pressió i estrès creixent, els torns i horaris variables, la polivalència al mateix preu i l’absència d’una carrera professional, les ETT´s, les empreses pirata… Quan es van iniciar les vagues s’ha aconseguit la major mobilització i repercussió mediàtica del telemarqueting de tota la història…. fins que CCOO-UGT, parant en sec la mateixa de forma inexplicable i UGT llançant una vaga-pont d’una setmana que ni els seus delegats han fet, han rebentat la mobilització. Quan un sindicat sufoca la lluita dels treballadors, perpetuant amb això la precarietat, quin nom mereixen…

Whole article: CGT Catalonia

Sector Federal de Telemarquèting de la CGT

Mar 272017

Comunicat del SP de la CGT de Catalunya

Defensem els miners i el territori

Des de fa dècades l’empresa minera Iberpotash (actualment propietat de la multinacional israelí ICL) explota les mines de potassa de Sallent i Súria. I també des de fa dècades ha anat desfent-se del runam a la coneguda muntanya del Cogulló de Sallent, causant perjudicis pels aqüífers i el propi riu Llobregat. Durant aquest temps, els abocaments han comptat amb el silenci còmplice de governs de diferent color que no han pressionat com calia a la multinacional per a que complís amb la responsabilitat i cura del territori on estava instal·lada. Així doncs, el resultat és que s’embutxaquen desenes de milions d’euros anuals i ens deixen els residus.

La lluita del poble de Sallent va permetre guanyar una batalla judicial per a que deixessin de fer-se els abocaments al Cogulló, establint-se l’1 de Juliol de 2017 com a fi d’aquesta pràctica. Mentre no arribava aquesta data, Iberpotash hauria d’haver acondicionat la mina de Súria, que compta amb una planta de tractament de residus, per a absorbir la producció i plantilla de la mina de Sallent. Era l’anomenat Pla Phoenix, que porta anys d’endarreriments. A data d’avui, aquest canvi no s’ha realitzat, el que significa que 1000 llocs de treball directes i fins a 4000 comptant els indirectes estan penjant d’un fil, una amenaça de primer nivell per a les famílies de miners i mineres directament afectades i el conjunt del Bages i comarques properes.

Estem a 3 mesos d’aquesta data i l’empresa no aporta cap solució. Estem a 3 mesos d’aquesta data i el govern no aporta cap solució. Estem a 3 mesos d’aquesta data i se’ns acaba la paciència.

Aquells que feien ulls grossos amb la multinacional, ara estan xiulant, dissimulant, com si no passés res, abandonant als i les treballadores a la seva sort, doncs si no hi ha feina hi ha EROs, ERTEs i acomiadaments generalitzats. No és gens descartable que l’empresa, Besides, aprofiti l’ocasió per a fer xantatge sobre les condicions de la plantilla directa i de subcontractes. Això, per una comarca ja prou castigada per diverses crisis industrials, tèxtils i mineres, és un cop demolidor.

Els miners i mineres de Súria i Sallent volen treballar i exigeixen que aquesta feina sigui respectuosa amb el territori. És un insult a la intel·ligència que l’empresa multinacional i el govern pretenguin fer-nos creure que a tres mesos vista no tenen previst l’escenari que hi haurà, fet que ens fa suposar que no ho comuniquen perquè serà negatiu pels miners.

Creiem que davant la passivitat existent, és l’hora d’iniciar la defensa activa dels llocs de treball i el territori. En una lluita que no és només dels i les treballadores de la mina, sinó també de les seves famílies. També de les comarques del Bages i Berguedà. També de tota la classe treballadora.

Fem una crida a estar atentes i preparar la solidaritat de classe que calgui. Si no hi ha solució, els miners i mineres pujaran des del kilòmetre de fondària on estan treballant, sortiran al carrer i faran sentir de forma nítida la seva veu en defensa dels seus drets, llocs de treball i el respecte al territori, front el desig de beneficis de la multinacional. La CGT de Catalunya estarà, com sempre, al seu costat, preparada.

23 of March of 2017

Permanent Secretariat of the CGT of Catalonia


Mar 222017

ManifestDescarregar manifest en pdf

Saturday 1 of April, toda la CGT de Catalunya nos manifestamos en Manresa, estamos todos y todas convocados, la actitud y presencia de la CGT quedará marcada en las calles de Manresa, donde acudiremos desde todos los rincones de Catalunya. El éxito de la misma estará asegurado con nuestra presencia, apuntaros este día en vuestras agendas, todos y todas somos necesarias.

En la CGT Vallès Oriental estamos organizando nuestra movilización hacia Manresa, viendo ofertas de autocares y viendo las mejores opciones. Pronto abriremos las listas de inscripción y anunciaremos horarios y demás información.

Saturday 1 de abril en Manresa (Plaça Bonavista, 11:30h) estaremos presentes defendiendo los servicios públicos y las pensiones, y contra la represión sindical, por una vida digna!

CGT Vallès Oriental
c / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallès
Loss: 93 593 1545 / 625 373332
Web / Facebook / Twitter

Manifest en defensa del que és nostre i contra la repressió
Manifestació 1 of April of 2017 a Manresa

Any rera any veiem com els diferents governs legislen i aproven lleis que ens retallen drets. Que permeten als empresaris disposar encara més de les nostres vides, dictant-nos en funció dels seus interessos com han de ser les nostres condicions laborals i, quan no els servim, llençar-nos a la cuneta.

Any rera any veiem com la patronal, esperonada pel servilisme de governs, imposa de manera més crua i descarnada la llei del seu benefici privat al conjunt de la població. No tenen cap mania per tancar una fàbrica i deslocalitzar-la allà on els salaris són més baixos, sovint en països víctimes de l’empobriment imperialista i de dictadures salvatges. I han agafat per norma xuclar milers de milions de diners públics pels seus negocis, per tapar els forats de bancs que prèviament han descapitalitzat, etc. Uns diners aportats per totes i tots amb el nostre treball i els nostres impostos.

Manifest sencer:
CGT Manresa (facebook)
CGT Catalonia (web)


Mar 152017

eviction G l'Adaknt, Granollers

This morning was evicted the Social Center Okupat Ca l'Enkant, Granollers, with a great unfolding of mossos riot and police cars Granollers.

The last friday 3 March were summoned as CGT Vallès Oriental, together with other organizations, where members of the group told us the project autogestionario Ca l'Enkant, an open space where instead be given to all those groups, unions, policies, etc. and individuals who are in the struggle for social change and against the capitalist system of exploitation.

With all the difficulties of the case, starting with the pressure that had already begun to exert forces established DISORDER, this granollerina youth had begun to walk and build other forms of struggle to change the system, playing one of those sacred precincts of Power: Private Property.

Beyond eviction today, and tissue was begun, ties will endure and seek new spaces, because the first space already conquered in that action, It was the space of mentalities, was the realization that the properties can be useless collective capitalists do and give a social utility. What apparently it was just an experiment, It may be a touch of reality, this reality of occupation of spaces, Private reuse disused buildings, with a social purpose, cultural and transformation.

Social Center Okupado Can L'Enkant is a germ, It is a start, because in the early collapse of this system, They not reach them all riot of the world to stop popular will, the desire for freedom, equality and social self.

CGT Vallès Oriental
c / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallès
Loss: 93 593 1545 / 625 373332
Web / Facebook / Twitter

Press Ca Enkant Granollers
[15/03/2017, 13:40h]

Today at 6 a morning 20 brimos came from Sabadell to evacuate 15 People at that time were the Ca Enkant. We have used force, contempt and imposing fear. But above all, have done with the complicity of’City of Granollers you always knew what would happen. Therefore we call today at 19pm rally in front of the La Porxada, to denounce the abuse of power of capital, which always has the judiciary to their side, violating the rights of people who were part of the CSO, and the absolute complicity of the council. They wanted to bury but did not know they were then #JoTambéEnkantoGranollers

EnkantGranollers [fb]


Mar 142017

this next saturday 18 March at 9:45 h, will be held at the Civic Center La Marineta, a training session on
“What is the CGT?, Identity signs, organic structure and functioning”, an issue that we believe is of utmost importance for all CGT members and delegates.


Place: La Marineta Civic Center, Church Street, 7, Mollet del Vallès
– Eva Sanchez (Secretary of Organization of CGT Local Federation of Barcelona),
– Demetrio Bermejo (Secretary of Organization of CGT Vallès Oriental).

To confirm your attendance, fill This formulary.


CGT Vallès Oriental
c / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallès
Loss: 93 593 1545 / 625 373332
Web / Facebook / Twitter

Mar 082017

this next saturday 9 MARCH

this next saturday (Via Laietana, 18, 9this next saturday).

Demonstration in Tarragona, 12this next saturday

this next saturday, this next saturday, this next saturday (this next saturday, UGT, this next saturday, CGT), this next saturday (this next saturday), this next saturday, this next saturday 9 March.

this next saturday. From CGT Ensenyament we share the demands raised in the joint call. From CGT Ensenyament we share the demands raised in the joint call, From CGT Ensenyament we share the demands raised in the joint call, From CGT Ensenyament we share the demands raised in the joint call, From CGT Ensenyament we share the demands raised in the joint call:

1. From CGT Ensenyament we share the demands raised in the joint call, From CGT Ensenyament we share the demands raised in the joint call. From CGT Ensenyament we share the demands raised in the joint call, From CGT Ensenyament we share the demands raised in the joint call, From CGT Ensenyament we share the demands raised in the joint call, From CGT Ensenyament we share the demands raised in the joint call. From CGT Ensenyament we share the demands raised in the joint call.

2. It is absolutely essential to put an end to the permanent cuts applied by the PP government to public services and education.. It is absolutely essential to put an end to the permanent cuts applied by the PP government to public services and education., It is absolutely essential to put an end to the permanent cuts applied by the PP government to public services and education., It is absolutely essential to put an end to the permanent cuts applied by the PP government to public services and education..

It is absolutely essential to put an end to the permanent cuts applied by the PP government to public services and education. 9 It is absolutely essential to put an end to the permanent cuts applied by the PP government to public services and education.. It is absolutely essential to put an end to the permanent cuts applied by the PP government to public services and education., It is absolutely essential to put an end to the permanent cuts applied by the PP government to public services and education., It is absolutely essential to put an end to the permanent cuts applied by the PP government to public services and education.. It is absolutely essential to put an end to the permanent cuts applied by the PP government to public services and education., this next saturday, and UGT with the Department and the call-off of the joint 9F strike and UGT with the Department and the call-off of the joint 9F strike. and UGT with the Department and the call-off of the joint 9F strike 9 and UGT with the Department and the call-off of the joint 9F strike, and UGT with the Department and the call-off of the joint 9F strike:

and UGT with the Department and the call-off of the joint 9F strike, and UGT with the Department and the call-off of the joint 9F strike, on 9 and UGT with the Department and the call-off of the joint 9F strike:

  • and UGT with the Department and the call-off of the joint 9F strike (20 and UGT with the Department and the call-off of the joint 9F strike, 25 and UGT with the Department and the call-off of the joint 9F strike 30 and UGT with the Department and the call-off of the joint 9F strike). No closure of public groups and end the overcrowding in high school. No closure of public groups and end the overcrowding in high school.
  • No closure of public groups and end the overcrowding in high school 18 No closure of public groups and end the overcrowding in high school 23 No closure of public groups and end the overcrowding in high school.
  • No closure of public groups and end the overcrowding in high school (No closure of public groups and end the overcrowding in high school, No closure of public groups and end the overcrowding in high school).

No closure of public groups and end the overcrowding in high school. No closure of public groups and end the overcrowding in high school, No closure of public groups and end the overcrowding in high school 9 No closure of public groups and end the overcrowding in high school, No closure of public groups and end the overcrowding in high school.

CGT Education

Mar 082017


Special Program of Red and Black in Struggle dedicated to Working Women.

Reports of the following conflicts are included:

  • Hunger Strike in Sol against Sexist Violence:Last 9 February, several women began a hunger strike in Madrid's Puerta del Sol in protest against Sexist Violence. They will not abandon it until the institutions listen to their demands.
  • Women in computing, left to their own devices:Women in the IT industry struggling in a man's world.
  • Sex workers fighting for their rights:Sex work is always voluntary, the rest is human trafficking, a gross violation of human rights. There is no data on the number of people who perform sex work in Spain. According to an INE survey, he 27,3% of men who have had sex admit to having ever paid for it.
  • Telemarketing:He 80% of the people who work in telemarketing are women. Only the 15% holds management positions. Women have to choose between their professional career or family conciliation. The Equality Law does not apply in the sector.


Link to official pages of the RNtv program:
Canal YouTube:

Communication SecretariatFoto del perfil de Comunicacion Cgt
CGT Confederal

Mar 062017

ManifestDownload leaflet in pdf

Companys, partners,
It is 8 March 2017, International Day of Working Women,
“Let's dance our Revolution together”

On Wednesday 8 of March, we will be from 17:00h handing out leaflets in Mollet. If you want to join, contact our union.

And the saturday 11 of March, to 18:00h, in the Civic Center “Marineta” of Mollet, we will pass the documentary “Watch out, slips” [], with subsequent talk-debate.

We will wait for you,

CGT Vallès Oriental
c / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallès
Loss: 93 593 1545 / 625 373332
Web / Facebook / Twitter

Feb 282017

The day 18 March at 9:45 h, will be held at the Civic Center La Marineta, a training session on
“What is the CGT?, Identity signs, organic structure and functioning”, an issue that we believe is of utmost importance for all CGT members and delegates.


Place: La Marineta Civic Center, Church Street, 7, Mollet del Vallès
– Eva Sanchez (Secretary of Organization of CGT Local Federation of Barcelona),
– Demetrio Bermejo (Secretary of Organization of CGT Vallès Oriental).

To confirm your attendance, fill This formulary.


CGT Vallès Oriental
c / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallès
Loss: 93 593 1545 / 625 373332
Web / Facebook / Twitter

Feb 242017

CGT Catalunya Manifesto for the 8 of March 2017, International Working Women's Day

We have already reached the International Day of Working Women and we have to start talking about what we always say tirelessly. We say it every day insistently.

Women, that we sustain the world, that in the worst adversities we move forward with what is important for life, we charge less than men to do the same job, for the simple fact of being women. It seems that we are still the complement to the man's salary. Women suffer sexist aggressions at work, at home and on the streets. They judge us by our bodies, they pretend to treat us as mere decoration, as slaves of your desire, or as your personal domestic workers. Women carry out care tasks without them being distributed or valued. Here there has not been and there is no distribution of work or the wealth it generates. Women receive double aggression on a daily basis from all those who consent and remain silent in the face of any form of machismo, be it the politician on duty, the partner who does not want to take the broom, the employer who encourages harassment to go unpunished, the judge who relativizes femicides… the list is long.

Whole article: CGT Catalonia

Feb 232017

No closure of public groups and end the overcrowding in high schoolThe colleagues of the CGT Social Sector denounce the opacity and lack of public control in the centers for minors managed by private groups.

The colleagues of the CGT Social Sector denounce the opacity and lack of public control in the centers for minors managed by private groups 80% The colleagues of the CGT Social Sector denounce the opacity and lack of public control in the centers for minors managed by private groups.

The colleagues of the CGT Social Sector denounce the opacity and lack of public control in the centers for minors managed by private groups: The colleagues of the CGT Social Sector denounce the opacity and lack of public control in the centers for minors managed by private groups

The colleagues of the CGT Social Sector denounce the opacity and lack of public control in the centers for minors managed by private groups:
The colleagues of the CGT Social Sector denounce the opacity and lack of public control in the centers for minors managed by private groups, The colleagues of the CGT Social Sector denounce the opacity and lack of public control in the centers for minors managed by private groups

Web: CGT Sector Social (Teaching)
Facebook: CGT Sector Social
Twitter: The colleagues of the CGT Social Sector denounce the opacity and lack of public control in the centers for minors managed by private groups


Feb 232017

The colleagues of the CGT Social Sector denounce the opacity and lack of public control in the centers for minors managed by private groups: The colleagues of the CGT Social Sector denounce the opacity and lack of public control in the centers for minors managed by private groups, The colleagues of the CGT Social Sector denounce the opacity and lack of public control in the centers for minors managed by private groups

Thursday 2 March, 10.30h, The colleagues of the CGT Social Sector denounce the opacity and lack of public control in the centers for minors managed by private groups, Via Laietana 18, 9The colleagues of the CGT Social Sector denounce the opacity and lack of public control in the centers for minors managed by private groups

The colleagues of the CGT Social Sector denounce the opacity and lack of public control in the centers for minors managed by private groups:

  • Desiderio Martin, The colleagues of the CGT Social Sector denounce the opacity and lack of public control in the centers for minors managed by private groups
  • The colleagues of the CGT Social Sector denounce the opacity and lack of public control in the centers for minors managed by private groups, The colleagues of the CGT Social Sector denounce the opacity and lack of public control in the centers for minors managed by private groups

The colleagues of the CGT Social Sector denounce the opacity and lack of public control in the centers for minors managed by private groups:
Metallurgical Federation of Catalonia FEMEC-CGT

Feb 232017

Metallurgical Federation of Catalonia FEMEC-CGT 1 Metallurgical Federation of Catalonia FEMEC-CGT

Metallurgical Federation of Catalonia FEMEC-CGT, Metallurgical Federation of Catalonia FEMEC-CGT (Metallurgical Federation of Catalonia FEMEC-CGT), Metallurgical Federation of Catalonia FEMEC-CGT (6 Metallurgical Federation of Catalonia FEMEC-CGT, Metallurgical Federation of Catalonia FEMEC-CGT 45 Metallurgical Federation of Catalonia FEMEC-CGT, Metallurgical Federation of Catalonia FEMEC-CGT, Metallurgical Federation of Catalonia FEMEC-CGT.

The hearing will be held next Wednesday. 1 of March, to 11:45 hours, The hearing will be held next Wednesday. 4 The hearing will be held next Wednesday., The hearing will be held next Wednesday.. The hearing will be held next Wednesday., The hearing will be held next Wednesday., the next 1 of March, The hearing will be held next Wednesday., they touch us all.


The hearing will be held next Wednesday.