Feb 202017

He 23 In this process, you will find an opportunity to put an end to it

In this process, you will find an opportunity to put an end to it

the next 23 In this process, you will find an opportunity to put an end to it. In this process, you will find an opportunity to put an end to it (in a hard fight with hell over working conditions), in a hard fight with hell over working conditions (in a hard fight with hell over working conditions 1750 in a hard fight with hell over working conditions 500 in a hard fight with hell over working conditions), in a hard fight with hell over working conditions (in a hard fight with hell over working conditions) in a hard fight with hell over working conditions, in a hard fight with hell over working conditions.

in a hard fight with hell over working conditions. in a hard fight with hell over working conditions, in a hard fight with hell over working conditions. The ICT sector, The ICT sector.

The ICT sector, The ICT sector, The ICT sector, The ICT sector, The ICT sector. The ICT sector, The ICT sector, The ICT sector, The ICT sector. The ICT sector, The ICT sector.

The ICT sector, a fair in which politicians of all kinds get on their knees before Mr. Marshall of precariousness and exploitation. a fair in which politicians of all kinds get on their knees before Mr. Marshall of precariousness and exploitation, a fair in which politicians of all kinds get on their knees before Mr. Marshall of precariousness and exploitation, a fair in which politicians of all kinds get on their knees before Mr. Marshall of precariousness and exploitation, a fair in which politicians of all kinds get on their knees before Mr. Marshall of precariousness and exploitation.

a fair in which politicians of all kinds get on their knees before Mr. Marshall of precariousness and exploitation, a fair in which politicians of all kinds get on their knees before Mr. Marshall of precariousness and exploitation, a fair in which politicians of all kinds get on their knees before Mr. Marshall of precariousness and exploitation, a fair in which politicians of all kinds get on their knees before Mr. Marshall of precariousness and exploitation. a fair in which politicians of all kinds get on their knees before Mr. Marshall of precariousness and exploitation, a fair in which politicians of all kinds get on their knees before Mr. Marshall of precariousness and exploitation.

a fair in which politicians of all kinds get on their knees before Mr. Marshall of precariousness and exploitation, a fair in which politicians of all kinds get on their knees before Mr. Marshall of precariousness and exploitation.

In front of the Auditorium we will celebrate the Night of Precariousness in ICT, In front of the Auditorium we will celebrate the Night of Precariousness in ICT, In front of the Auditorium we will celebrate the Night of Precariousness in ICT, In front of the Auditorium we will celebrate the Night of Precariousness in ICT!

He 23 In front of the Auditorium we will celebrate the Night of Precariousness in ICT 18:30. In front of the Auditorium we will celebrate the Night of Precariousness in ICT 19:30 In front of the Auditorium we will celebrate the Night of Precariousness in ICT.

In front of the Auditorium we will celebrate the Night of Precariousness in ICT, In front of the Auditorium we will celebrate the Night of Precariousness in ICT. In front of the Auditorium we will celebrate the Night of Precariousness in ICT 23 In front of the Auditorium we will celebrate the Night of Precariousness in ICT 18:00 In front of the Auditorium we will celebrate the Night of Precariousness in ICT … In front of the Auditorium we will celebrate the Night of Precariousness in ICT.

For more information http://cgtinformatica.org/contact

Feb 202017

digitization of borders. digitization of borders, digitization of borders, digitization of borders.

digitization of borders!

digitization of borders

From the beginning of this school year we explained that these months could be very important to start reversing the cuts that public education has been suffering for years.. From the beginning of this school year we explained that these months could be very important to start reversing the cuts that public education has been suffering for years., From the beginning of this school year we explained that these months could be very important to start reversing the cuts that public education has been suffering for years., From the beginning of this school year we explained that these months could be very important to start reversing the cuts that public education has been suffering for years.. From the beginning of this school year we explained that these months could be very important to start reversing the cuts that public education has been suffering for years., From the beginning of this school year we explained that these months could be very important to start reversing the cuts that public education has been suffering for years. 2017.

We also said that to achieve these demands would require a process of forceful mobilizations, We also said that to achieve these demands would require a process of forceful mobilizations, We also said that to achieve these demands would require a process of forceful mobilizations. In this way, We also said that to achieve these demands would require a process of forceful mobilizations.

We also said that to achieve these demands would require a process of forceful mobilizations: We also said that to achieve these demands would require a process of forceful mobilizations

From October to the end of December we held talks-assemblies in hundreds of centers convened by all unions. From October to the end of December we held talks-assemblies in hundreds of centers convened by all unions. From October to the end of December we held talks-assemblies in hundreds of centers convened by all unions, From October to the end of December we held talks-assemblies in hundreds of centers convened by all unions From October to the end of December we held talks-assemblies in hundreds of centers convened by all unions From October to the end of December we held talks-assemblies in hundreds of centers convened by all unions From October to the end of December we held talks-assemblies in hundreds of centers convened by all unions From October to the end of December we held talks-assemblies in hundreds of centers convened by all unions.

From October to the end of December we held talks-assemblies in hundreds of centers convened by all unions. From October to the end of December we held talks-assemblies in hundreds of centers convened by all unions (From October to the end of December we held talks-assemblies in hundreds of centers convened by all unions, this next saturday, From October to the end of December we held talks-assemblies in hundreds of centers convened by all unions), From October to the end of December we held talks-assemblies in hundreds of centers convened by all unions, From October to the end of December we held talks-assemblies in hundreds of centers convened by all unions 9 February coinciding with the scheduled date of approval of the Budget. February coinciding with the scheduled date of approval of the Budget: February coinciding with the scheduled date of approval of the Budget, February coinciding with the scheduled date of approval of the Budget. February coinciding with the scheduled date of approval of the Budget 18 January, February coinciding with the scheduled date of approval of the Budget, February coinciding with the scheduled date of approval of the Budget, as we previously agreed at a CGT affiliate assembly and following the criteria of trying to make it unitary. as we previously agreed at a CGT affiliate assembly and following the criteria of trying to make it unitary, as we previously agreed at a CGT affiliate assembly and following the criteria of trying to make it unitary 28 as we previously agreed at a CGT affiliate assembly and following the criteria of trying to make it unitary 1 as we previously agreed at a CGT affiliate assembly and following the criteria of trying to make it unitary, as we previously agreed at a CGT affiliate assembly and following the criteria of trying to make it unitary, as we previously agreed at a CGT affiliate assembly and following the criteria of trying to make it unitary, as we previously agreed at a CGT affiliate assembly and following the criteria of trying to make it unitary. as we previously agreed at a CGT affiliate assembly and following the criteria of trying to make it unitary.

Whole article: CGT Education

Feb 202017

as we previously agreed at a CGT affiliate assembly and following the criteria of trying to make it unitary

as we previously agreed at a CGT affiliate assembly and following the criteria of trying to make it unitary: the assimilation of any anti-systemic organization into the web of institutional peace and social peace, the assimilation of any anti-systemic organization into the web of institutional peace and social peace.

the assimilation of any anti-systemic organization into the web of institutional peace and social peace. the assimilation of any anti-systemic organization into the web of institutional peace and social peace, the assimilation of any anti-systemic organization into the web of institutional peace and social peace, the assimilation of any anti-systemic organization into the web of institutional peace and social peace, the assimilation of any anti-systemic organization into the web of institutional peace and social peace, the assimilation of any anti-systemic organization into the web of institutional peace and social peace. the assimilation of any anti-systemic organization into the web of institutional peace and social peace.

We have different weapons in the union arsenal, We have different weapons in the union arsenal, We have different weapons in the union arsenal. We have different weapons in the union arsenal, We have different weapons in the union arsenal, We have different weapons in the union arsenal. We have different weapons in the union arsenal, We have different weapons in the union arsenal, We have different weapons in the union arsenal, We have different weapons in the union arsenal, We have different weapons in the union arsenal. Definitely, the switch to move and activate direct confrontation beyond words.

Whole article: CGT Catalonia

Feb 152017

Companions, companions,
Assembly is convened and affiliated members of our union.

Day: Saturday 18 February.
Hour: to 9:30 hours in the morning.
Place: the union c / Francesc Macià, 51

Order of the day, sent by email.


CGT Vallès Oriental
c / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallès
Loss: 93 593 1545 / 625 373332
email: cgt.mollet.vo@gmail.com
Web / Facebook / Twitter

Feb 142017

the switch to move and activate direct confrontation beyond words 061 the switch to move and activate direct confrontation beyond words, the switch to move and activate direct confrontation beyond words https://the switch to move and activate direct confrontation beyond words

the switch to move and activate direct confrontation beyond words 061, the switch to move and activate direct confrontation beyond words, the switch to move and activate direct confrontation beyond words…

the switch to move and activate direct confrontation beyond words 061. Once again, the switch to move and activate direct confrontation beyond words, they do not care about how public services are managed by private companies, they do not care about how public services are managed by private companies.

they do not care about how public services are managed by private companies 061 they do not care about how public services are managed by private companies. they do not care about how public services are managed by private companies.

they do not care about how public services are managed by private companies 061 they do not care about how public services are managed by private companies.

they do not care about how public services are managed by private companies 20% they do not care about how public services are managed by private companies, they do not care about how public services are managed by private companies, without respecting the collective agreement of two free weekends a month and without knowing if they will continue working the following month. without respecting the collective agreement of two free weekends a month and without knowing if they will continue working the following month.

without respecting the collective agreement of two free weekends a month and without knowing if they will continue working the following month (without respecting the collective agreement of two free weekends a month and without knowing if they will continue working the following month) without respecting the collective agreement of two free weekends a month and without knowing if they will continue working the following month, without respecting the collective agreement of two free weekends a month and without knowing if they will continue working the following month. without respecting the collective agreement of two free weekends a month and without knowing if they will continue working the following month.

without respecting the collective agreement of two free weekends a month and without knowing if they will continue working the following month, without respecting the collective agreement of two free weekends a month and without knowing if they will continue working the following month. without respecting the collective agreement of two free weekends a month and without knowing if they will continue working the following month. without respecting the collective agreement of two free weekends a month and without knowing if they will continue working the following month, without respecting the collective agreement of two free weekends a month and without knowing if they will continue working the following month, which is also governed by this law and which in addition, which is also governed by this law and which in addition.

which is also governed by this law and which in addition, which is also governed by this law and which in addition, which is also governed by this law and which in addition, which is also governed by this law and which in addition 100% Of the template, which is also governed by this law and which in addition.

which is also governed by this law and which in addition. which is also governed by this law and which in addition, which is also governed by this law and which in addition, diligence and speed because in spite of everything, diligence and speed because in spite of everything.

diligence and speed because in spite of everything:
http://diligence and speed because in spite of everything-061/diligence and speed because in spite of everything


Feb 112017

From the Popular Assembly of Mollet we are invited this Sunday 12 of February from 11am, to the activities that will be done to support the campaign for refugees.




In Mollet del Vallès, WE WANT TO WELCOME
Playful and vindictive meeting
Collection of signatures
Witnesses of refugees, with the presence of Lamine Bathily, of the Manters Union.

With the performances of:

  • Guillem Joan
  • Pulling the Band
  • Seamend
  • La Tramolla theater group

And parade from 1 pm with:

  • Gralles Group of the Colla Gegantera
  • Samama Batukada

Mollet del Vallès
Sunday 12 February, 11.00h
Plaça de Catalunya (four banks)

Popular Assembly of Mollet


Jan 312017

Call CGT Assembly Education 1 February 2017

According Mesa-evaluation and continuous struggle Department

Dear folks;

Please remember that as we agreed at the last meeting of 18 January, on Wednesday 1 February, to Hall Costa i Font, Via Laietana, 18, 9first floor (BCN), I call on:

Open meeting affiliate / from public non-university

hour: 18h


  • Rating MOU Department of Education-unions of officers and ratification of the strike 9F.
  • continuity mobilization
  • other


Miguel González
Permanent Secretariat Teaching Federation CGT

Jan 312017

diligence and speed because in spite of everything

diligence and speed because in spite of everythingdiligence and speed because in spite of everything”, diligence and speed because in spite of everything, diligence and speed because in spite of everything

diligence and speed because in spite of everything
diligence and speed because in spite of everything
diligence and speed because in spite of everything
2 February 2017


  • diligence and speed because in spite of everything: them 11 h. (diligence and speed because in spite of everything, Via Laietana 18, 9first floor)
  • diligence and speed because in spite of everything: them 17:30 h. (diligence and speed because in spite of everything, Pl. diligence and speed because in spite of everything 1)

diligence and speed because in spite of everything, Secretary General of the CGT, Secretary General of the CGT, Secretary General of the CGT. Secretary General of the CGT, Secretary General of the CGT, Secretary General of the CGT.

Secretary General of the CGT.

Health and freedom

CGT Catalonia

Jan 252017

Hacemos un llamamiento para difundir y participar en la Concentración de mañana jueves a las 14:30 en P. Santa Jaume. Donde se pretende confluir las diferentes convocatorias previstas para mañana. Cuarto día de Huelga en la limpieza de la,ciudad de la, In-Justicia, Huelga estatal en telemarketing y concentración Ensenyament.

Somos conscientes de la premura de la convocatoria, pero nos parece necesario que demos una respuesta contundente, porque nuestras reinvicaciones son justas y porque desde la Generalitat se está vulnerando el derecho a la Huelga con servicios mínimos del 100%. Os enviamos cartel y titanpad para empezar la difusión inmediatamente.



CGT Barcelona


Jan 232017

Durant els últims 40 anys Barcelona s’ha anat construint amb errors i encerts presidits per dos factors fonamentals: d’una banda l’especulació immobiliària i, de l’altra, la lluita dels barris per una ciutat digna i cosmopolita, que atresora una llarga història per a la supervivència de la ciutat i la seva gent.

Barcelona està en venda. En l’última dècada, el fenomen especulatiu ha adquirit una dimensió global, impulsat pel capital financer i la complicitat de les elits polítiques de Madrid i Catalunya, que volen transformar la ciutat en un gran negoci.

Davant d’aquesta situació, que porta al col·lapse de la ciutat, cal que lesveïnes i veïns aixequem la nostra veu i ens organitzem, unint les nostres forces per barrar el pas als “enemics de la ciutat”.

Pel dret a viure a la ciutat, cridem a tothom a ocupar La Rambla!
The day 28 of January of 2017 a les 11h tothom a la Rambla de Canaletes

Whole article: CGT Barcelona

Jan 232017

Companions, companions,

este próximo viernes 27 January at 13 y a las 15h, se harán concentraciones delante de la empresa INACSA, en Ctra. Nova, 1B, en La Batlloria, Sant Celoni (estación Gualba de la Renfe). A continuación reproducimos el comunicado explicativo hecho por el sindicato CGT Maresme, donde está afiliado el compañero. Ha sido víctima de acoso por parte de la empresa, motivado por su actividad sindical como delegado de la CGT.

Estamos todos y todas convocados a dar apoyo al compañero Manel Espejo en Sant Celoni, este próximo viernes.

La solidaridad es nuestra mejor arma!

CGT Vallès Oriental
c / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallès
Loss: 93 593 1545 / 625 373332
email: cgt.mollet.vo@gmail.com
Web / Facebook / Twitter


Solidaritat amb Manel Espejo, treballador injustament acomiadat

Concentració (pancartada) en suport i solidaritat cap al company Manel Espejo. L’empresa privada INACSA (Industrias del Acetato de Celulosa S.A.) a la qual treballava el va acomiadar injustament patint prèviament assetjament laboral.

La Concentració (pancartada) tindrà lloc el divendres 27 de gener del 2017 de les 13h a les 15h davant l’empresa INACSA situada a Ctra. Nova, 1B, 08476 Sant Celoni, Barcelona.

Manel Espejo (treballador de l’empresa INACSA i representant dels treballadors en el comitè d’empresa per part del sindicat CGT) va ser acomiadat després de patir assetjament laboral (un any aproximadament).

  • L’empresa INACSA li va restringir els seus drets sindicals prohibint-li l’entrada al recinte per poder exercir els seus drets com a representant dels treballadors.
  • En una reunió del comitè d’empresa el gerent va fer comentaris despectius cap al company M. Espejo. (Convidant-lo a marxar de l’empresa).
  • Per aquesta, i per moltes més actuacions per part de l’empresa, queda demostrat l’assetjament laboral al nostre company.

Contra l’assetjament laboral i els acomiadaments injustos tolerància zero!

CGT Maresme
C/ Unió, 38 downs
Mataró, BA 08302
Loss: 93 790 82 61

Jan 232017



El dijous 26 January, les treballadores del sector del telemàrketing tenim una nova oportunitat per fer-nos visibles i lluitar per millorar les nostres condicions de treball.

No és un dia per fer-li el joc a les nostres empreses anant a treballar ni tampoc és un dia per quedar-se a casa descansant. Toca sortir al carrer i fer-nos sentir.

Ens sobren motius per fer-ho:

  • Tenim el sou congelat des del gener de l’any 2014
  • La patronal no proposa cap revisió salarial
  • Podem ser acomiadats a baix cost per “disminució del volum de la campanya” (article 17)
  • Podem ser acomiadats a baix cost per “canvi d’empresa” (article 18)
  • Es manté la contractació precària per ETT, eventual o per obra i servei
  • Es mantenen les jornades parcials com les més habituals.
  • Seguim perdent dies festius quan coincideixen amb les nostres lliurances. (…)


9h sortida Plaça Antonio López (Via Laietana – oficina Correus)

10h recorregut a peu pel Poble Nou passant per Arvato Qualytel (Pallars 108), Teleperformance Espanya (Sancho Àvila 60), Emergia Call Center (Sancho Àvila 60), Knecta Bto (Llacuna 56).

12.30h Conecta SL (Entença 332)


13h Patronal Telemarqueting c/Entença 218.


Whole article: CGT Catalonia


Sector Federal de Telemarqueting de la CGT

Jan 232017

A few members want to set up a group to think and act against borders with a view to the free movement of people but also taking into account what causes the need to migrate and seek refuge., as well as the everyday borders that lie in or around our city (YOU, deportations, racism, farms…)

There is a lot of work ahead and the more we are the better. If you want to get involved, we invite you to a meeting in which we will try to define ourselves by finding answers to:

  • What we are?
  • What we want to do?
  • How we organize ourselves?

The meeting will be next Wednesday 25 from January to 18:30 at the headquarters of the CGT of Catalonia (C / Burgos 59, downs, very close to Sants Station) open to anyone affiliated with the CGT of Catalonia.

If you think you need to work on this topic and are motivated to help as much as you can, come and participate.

+ info: article CGT Catalunya
+ info: article CGT Diputació de Barcelona

CGT Catalonia
Social Action Secretariat – Confederal Committee

Jan 232017

Today the cleaning workers of the City of Justice have started a strike demanding the termination of the contract that the City of Justice has with Kluh Linaer. This company had a debt of more than four million euros with Hicenda, he owed money to many workers and even fired several of them for their union membership..

A hundred comrades gathered this morning in front of the city gates (in)Justice. And to the surprise of some, the company Kluh Linaer has hired today 9 netejador @ s and a supervisor to supply the strikers. An example of this “justice”, who sees before his eyes the violation of one of the fundamental rights such as the right to strike. The striking colleagues would have already made the corresponding complaint.

After 9 defaults on time, the workers of CGT Neteja Barcelona have said enough. The strike that began today and will continue this week, requires all our support.

Kluh Linaer does not pay and violates labor rights!
Termination of this company already!


CGT Vallès Oriental
c / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallès
Loss: 93 593 1545 / 625 373332
email: cgt.mollet.vo@gmail.com
Web / Facebook / Twitter

Cleaning strike City of Justice Barcelona, 23 January 2017

Strike of cleaning workers in the City of Justice of Barcelona in 23 al 27 January

Jan 202017

Barcelona City of Justice Cleaning StrikeStrike of the cleaning staff in the City of Justice of Barcelona, of Monday 23 to friday 27 from January

Concentration next Monday 23 January in the City of Justice, to 9 and at 11am.

From the CGT Cleaning of Barcelona a cleaning strike of the City of Injustice to demand the collection of pending wages and request that the contract of KLUH LINAER be terminated in this center. The latest news we have about it, is that on the day of the date the company has made the payments owed, but the force measures remain. The comrades of CGT Cleaning of Barcelona have decided in an assembly to continue with the strike, since it is not only the history of 9 defaults by the company KLUH LINAER, Rather, the termination of the contract with the same is requested by the Department of Justice.

In its CGT Cleaning Barcelona statement, colleagues state the reasons for the call and the strike.

We understand that those responsible for the City of Injustice and the Department of Justice are as responsible as Kluh Linaer for this situation., since it has consented and accepted that a company that owes money to workers and that gambles with the bread of its workers, be the award of a public contract that they manage and for which they are directly responsible. They can't stay looking the other way, as if the thing was not with them.

For the CGT, The contract must be terminated since the concession requirements are being breached by constantly failing with the obligations of its workers. We do not understand how the City of Injustice, which depends directly on the Department of Justice, has hired this company everything and knowing that this situation could occur. You have a history of defaults in many parts of the country where you have been granted the concession. Didn't they care what would happen to the families of these workers??, or was there a stronger reason to hire this company?, How can they hire a company that must 4 million euros to the Treasury and the salary to a lot of workers throughout the country?, How can it be that they hire a company that has been judicially convicted of firing workers for their union membership?

Until 9 times of delay in collecting payroll
Out with Kluh Linaer from the City of Injustice


We call on the affiliation to give support to our colleagues from CGT Cleaning of Barcelona, this next Monday at 9:00 am in the City of Justice.

CGT Vallès Oriental
c / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallès
Loss: 93 593 1545 / 625 373332
email: cgt.mollet.vo@gmail.com
Web / Facebook / Twitter



Jan 172017

Education CGT strike 18 January 2017Companys, partners,
recordeu, Wednesday 18 of January of 2017, la CGT convoca Vaga d’ensenyament públic no universitari. Donem suport als/les mestres i les seves reivindicacions en primer lloc, i a tota la comunitat educativa de les escoles públiques, perqué són els coles de la nostra classe obrera, són les escoles on aprenen els fills i filles del proletariat!

Prou retallades, prou tancaments!

Només lluitant aconseguirem victòries!



CGT Vallès Oriental
c / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallès
Loss: 93 593 1545 / 625 373332
email: cgt.mollet.vo@gmail.com
Web / Facebook / Twitter

Jan 162017

Antifascists VendrellThe CGT supports the anti-fascists denounced by the leader of pxc and calls for participation in the rally of support
Note from the Regional Federation of the CGT Baix Penedès

From the CGT of the Baix Penedès we want to show and show our unconditional support to 4 denounced anti-fascists, 2 of them affiliates, by the caspós leader of the fascist and racist PxC formation.

Next Friday, 20 January, the anti-fascists denounced are summoned to testify in the Vendrell courts. From the CGT we understand that the only crime these comrades have committed is, it has been and will be the act of dealing with intolerance, segregation, racism, xenophobia, homophobia, the masculinity and hatred fostered by fascists in general and PxC in particular.

This fascist formation is seeing how it loses its support in El Vendrell, despite nurturing his populist discourse of the misfortunes suffered by migrants, by the exploited, for those who are nothing more than working class, just like subtraction. The population of El Vendrell is realizing that living with migrants is not a problem, and he is seeing that this political formation is completely empty of any content other than that of demagoguery and fascism.. However, we understand that the supports they still maintain are excessive.

On the other side, we do not understand that an advanced society can allow this kind of thinking to be represented in the institutions. This fact says a lot about them, in addition to tolerance towards them and more than obvious collusion. In fact, it was the Vendrell City Council who, despite being warned, allowed the proppassed day 23 April fascist formation “Respect” held its founding congress in our town. You should not allow such an act, in which the confluence of 3 fascist formations, as if this were normal, or did not represent a scandal and a clear harm to the population. This kind of discourse and political proposal should not be an option in our peoples and should not be so in the so-called democratic institutions..

For all that, we call on all the afflicted to participate in the support rally that will take place on Friday 20 from January to 9 in the morning at the doors of the courts of Vendrell.

Against fascism not a step back, They will not pass!
Fascism, neither in the Baix Penedès nor anywhere else!
If we touch one, they touch us all!
El Vendrell a 16 of January of 2017

Regional Federation of the CGT Baix Penedès
C / Nord nº 11-13 3Anta Plant (El Vendrell)
e-mail: cgtbaixpenedes@cgtcatalunya.cat
Loss: 977690609

Jan 102017

c1bnsazxuaahgokNext friday day 20 from January, from the Support Group of the Prosecuted Antifascists, we appeal to participate in the solidarity gathering that will have place at 9 in the morning in front of the Vendrell courts. We want to support the accused anti-fascists, denounced by PxC and that morning they will testify before the judge. We invite all who reject racism to come, fascism and reject the repression against those who work for better towns and neighborhoods for all.

As you already know, four neighbors of the region have been denounced by Augusto Armengol, leader and councilor of PxC de Vendrell for his alleged participation in several calls last April 2016 against the Fundamental Congress of Respect. This new federation groups Platform for Catalonia, Fear of Liberty and Spain 2000, and it had the presence of Pegida in its founding act. They are Islamophobic and far-right formations and many residents of the region spoke out against. Not new to us: racism and xenophobia promote segregation, marginalization, hate and blame someone who seems to be different, that is why many people and various groups expressed their total rejection of these theses and their promotion.

This call is to accompany and support the four accused on the day of their declaration, to let them know that if they touch one they touch all of us, and also to refuse the complaint and the policies of PxC, passivity and tolerance against racism and fascism. So, as we said at the beginning, We invite all who flatly refuse to make room for fascism and racism to come next Friday 20 January at 9 in the morning before the courts of Vendrell, since…

… We are all neighbors, we have the skin color that we have, we have the religion that we have, or we don't have a head ...

... racism does not build, racism destroys us ...

… With solidarity and mutual support we weave our neighborhoods and towns and, as usual…

If they touch a, they touch us all!

Defendant Antifascist Support Group