Apr 052020

The CGT Trade Union Section of the Grifols de Parets del Vallés Institute We have reported the company to the Labor Inspectorate for putting at risk the health of workers.

We do not believe that Grifols is acting appropriately with the actions you are taking since all this started situation derived from the coronavirus pandemic.

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Mar 292020

The Covid-19 pandemic in our country has led to the adoption of certain measures that are causing harm to workers and workers, starting with risk situations for your own health and especially for the public health of all citizens that entails the performance of the labor benefit in certain jobs and the lack of preventive measures taken by businessmen.

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Mar 282020

Through this guide we present a series of clarifications about the most common questions that are coming to us from the centers of work. The Prevention Services of many companies are not Doing the homework, and it is therefore necessary that the workers who are forced to attend their workplaces have sufficient information to avoid infecting themselves or other her companions.

We also provide information related to teleworking, as well as PPE (Individual Protection Equipment), management of casualties by contagion or quarantine. We ask you to share this little guide with your acquaintances and acquaintances, in order to make it the most useful possible.

Source: CGT

Jan 092020

The colleagues of the Santa Maria de Palautordera post office have said enough!

Enough overwork, enough to the deplorable conditions of the current workplace. We have acted accordingly; making public in the neighborhood and in the town hall the terrible working conditions and the embarrassing postal service that the Post Office officials lend to the locality, with the accumulation of thousands of letters and notifications.

He  first visible effect of this action,  has been hiring a more worker, both in the morning shift, as in the afternoon, even so, are we  aware that this measure is only a conjunctural solution.

We claim  our move to the new premises, which the Post Office has had for a long time  of a decade, as well as a structural increase in staff as the only definitive solution to reverse the terrible public postal service. We will not settle for less!


Dec 172019

DHL PARCEL currently undergoing a process of commercial restructuring at the national level, coerces part of the staff CIM VALLÈS to lower wages while making objective dismissals. Despise like this, all efforts you have made responsibly the staff in the latter both financially and personally for the sake of business viability (waive delays, schedule changes, salary supplements ...)

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Oct 212019



The Government of the Generalitat of Catalonia is processing a bill that if we, the free-thinking and free-acting population, we don't swallow it raw will implement the open door to private management so generalized of the social welfare services so assumed within the our day to day as are the Right to public education or the universal access general practitioner and hospital services qualitative and paid for with the contributions of each and everyone through in our taxes.

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Nov 172018

Never silenced again

Sexist terrorism, that is especially fattening with women, childhood, trans and all those people who do not enter into patriarchal gender schemes, is a heavy scourge in this capitalist society. This systematic denial of social and racial diversity is one more product of the market that needs us impoverished to plunder us from submission and necessity.

No government can guarantee security within a state with patriarchal privileges. We are facing a State femicide where sexist murders, far from being prevented and eradicated, they continue to happen as if it were a custom.

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Mar 012018

Stop repressió!

Aquest matí del dimarts 27 de febrer estava prevista una roda de premsa prèvia a acompanyar a l’Ermengol i a dues companyes més fins a la fiscalia superior de Catalunya per fer front a l’ordre de recerca i captura pels fets relacionats amb l’ocupació del Rectorat de la UAB a l’abril de l’2013. Finalment la roda de premsa no es va fer i l’Ermen i la companya Bàrbara van ser detinguts a la fiscalia i traslladats a la comissaria dels mossos d’esquadra de les Corts per ser posats a disposició del jutjat. Continue reading »

Nov 172017

From the CGT we shout so that it resounds in all the corners of the world:

Enough of so much sexist violence; enough of all sexist violence

So far this year, in Spain, dozens of women have been murdered at the hands of the "healthy sons of the patriarchy"; thousands of women and girls have been raped, sexually abused and harassed. We want all aggressors to be singled out, both by the Public Administrations and by the Media and that society finds out:

That we don't die, they murder us!
Continue reading »

Sep 152017

Press release from the Permanent Secretariat of the CGT of Catalonia

Faced with repressive episodes such as media searches, limitations on freedom of expression, of meeting, suspensions or limitations of rights and court appointments with threat of arrest, from the CGT of Catalonia we want to state that:

1.- Although the referendum call for the day 1 October is far from what we consider one complete process of self-determination, from our organization we consider intolerable the authoritarian response that is given by the central government and the state administrations.

2.- We are concerned and alarmed that the repressive escalation that we are experiencing these days and that is expected to be accentuated in the coming days will consolidate a cut in the spaces for collective participation.. And we also worry about that, apart from the 1-O referendum, this regression has continuity in other areas, such as the world of work and other social and civic struggles. Historically, when fascist attitudes enter through the door, they never come out if they are not expelled.

3.- From the CGT of Catalonia we express our commitment to the active defense of freedom and against any form of state repression. We call on our members and our union sections to put these principles into practice., on the street and where necessary, against repression and in defense of rights and freedoms that we will not allow to be taken.

Permanent Secretariat of the Confederal Committee of the CGT of Catalonia
15 of September of 2017


Sep 052017





In the face of the fascist attack with graffiti on the CGT premises in Sabadell, in addition to solidarity with our colleagues from the Vallès Occidental, being by his side like at all times, we adhere to your statement, because fascist dogs can do nothing before our class solidarity, firm in our libertarian position of struggle for the working class, without making any distinction when it comes to workers.

Comrades, as you say well, fascism is defeated by fighting!

Not pass!

CGT Vallès Oriental
c / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallès
Loss: 93 593 1545 / 625 373332
email: cgt.mollet.vo@gmail.com
Web / Facebook / Twitter


Press release from the CGT Sabadell

This morning the premises of the Local Federation of Trade Unions of the CGT has woken up with fascist and racist graffiti signed by the fascist formation Democracia Nacional Joven.

These attacks have intensified across the country following past attacks 17 August in Barcelona. We want to make it clear that these aggressions come from the groups that are now under the umbrella of National Democracy, they do nothing more than instrumentalize the pain caused by terrorism to spread its message of racial and fascist hatred, as we have already seen in other parts of the country and in our own city, attacking on several occasions the premises of the Companions of the Worker.

These attacks are directed against us because they know that the CGT is an organization committed to the struggle of the working class., regardless of place of origin, culture or identity.

From CGT we extend our hand and open our doors to all those migrants, as we have always done, with the firm will to fight for the rights of the working class and to crush, without reefs, fascism, as we have always done.

See, we will have to be more careful than ever, to deal with fascism and racism who will take the opportunity to spread their message of irrational hatred. See, we need the unity of all anti-fascists to deal with it. And Catalonia, and especially Sabadell, we have already shown many times that fascism has no place, and that fascism is only defeated by fighting.

In the face of their aggression we will respond by fighting, by all means.


4 of September of 2017

Permanent Secretariat of the CGT of Sabadell

c / Rosselló, 10 (08207) Sabadell
Phone: 93 745 01 97
email: cgtsabadell@cgtcatalunya.cat
Web: http://cgt-sabadell.blogspot.com.es/
Facebook: CGT Sabadell
Twitter: CGT Sabadell

Aug 242017

We will be brief.

A union colleague has received public threats from fascist groups, since last week’s anti-fascist demonstration on Barcelona’s Rambla. We do not admit it, nor will we allow anything to happen to him. If someone puts their hand on it, the whole of our organization will respond as it should collectively.

Let everyone be clear. If they touch us one they touch us all.

Permanent Secretariat of the Confederal Committee of the CGT of Catalonia

Aug 212017

Today it has touched us closely. This afternoon on Las Ramblas in Barcelona there was an attack on pedestrians that caused an indeterminate number of victims. As we follow with attention and concern the different information that is coming to us, from the General Confederation of Labor (CGT) of Catalonia we want to make clear the following:

  • We show our solidarity with the victims of this attack. A solidarity that we extend to all civilian victims of attacks, made by armed groups and armies, in different parts of the world today and other days of the year.
  • Let's make it clear, clearly, forceful and unequivocal, than xenophobia, racism and cross-cultural hatred are expressions of fascism. Workers around the world have other programs to fight to transform society, passing through freedom, internationalism, solidarity and mutual support.
  • We also want to show that the militarization of public space, like the one we have been suffering for months with police armed with machine guns in the middle of the streets of many towns and neighborhoods, it is not the real solution to avoid events like the ones that happened today in Barcelona. We will fight, so, to prevent this tragic situation from being used by different governments to toughen criminal law, under the pretext of the fight against terrorism, and increase the repression and militarization of our day to day lives.

Let's stop fascism, wherever you come from.

Permanent Secretariat of the CGT of Catalonia
17 August of 2017

Jun 092017

La DGAIA maltracta i l’entramat del Sr. Ricard Calvo


Darrerament hem pogut llegir a la premsa notícies que, malauradament, confirmen tot el que venim denunciant des del Sector Social de CGT al voltant de la preocupant situació en que es troben els centres de menors tutelats per la Generalitat: “Tiros al aire de la policia en un centro de menores tutelados por la Generalitat”, “Polvorín en los centros de menores”, “Un menor tutelat, apunyalat al mig del carrer a Barcelona”, “La directora del Petit Príncep es va posar un sou que dobla el del conveni”, “La DGAIA diu que no controlen els salaris, ni els diners (que en les darreres adjudicacions arriben fins a 5.457 € per mes i per nen) donats a les fundacions privades que gestionen centres de menors, tot i que són diner públic”. “Fundacions del tercer sector paguen lloguers desorbitats a empreses participades per elles mateixes”.

Recentment, al CRAE Can Rubió un menor embogit es va fer amb una destral intentant agredir a d’altres infants i educadores, i es va necessitar la intervenció de la policia local i dels antidisturbis dels Mossos que van haver de fer trets a l’aire per dissuadir el menor i prendre-li l’arma. Aquest adolescent es manté al mateix centre després del greu incident. Al CRAE Sant Andreu un menor va passar per les finestres que donen al carrer un matxet de grans dimensions després de proferir amenaces de mort cap algunes educadores. Una arma que va ser intervinguda per educadores gràcies a l’avís d’altres adolescents. L’endemà van haver d’intervenir els mossos perquè aquest menor volia introduir una navalla al Centre. Tot això mentre seguia amenaçant a educadores davant dels mossos. Un adolescent amb una greu malaltia mental que ha amenaçat reiteradament tant a infants com educadores del mateix CRAE, però que malgrat aquests greus incidents segueix al centre; posant-se en perill la seva integritat física, així com la d’altres infants de només 8 years, i la d’educadores/rs. (Dades de la pàgina web de Contractació Pública de la Generalitat de Catalunya i del Departament de Treball, Afers Socials i Família).

Aquestes notícies són la part més visible d’un sistema de protecció a la infància que revictimitza als infants i, lluny de protegir-los, els sotmet a un maltractament institucional.

Full article on the website of CGT Catalonia

Jun 092017

Comunicat de l’SP de la CGT de Catalunya

Recentment el jutjat de Cerdanyola del Vallès que instrueix el cas per la tancada d’estudiants al rectorat de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) de l’any 2013 (el cas conegut com a “27 and more”) ha dictat una interlocutòria on es disposa l’obertura del judici oral i es fixa una fiança absolutament desproporcionada, from 511.835,05 EUR per a assegurar les responsabilitats civils. 27 persones encausades arran d’aquella protesta universitària estan a l’espera de peticions penals d’entre 11 i 14 anys de presó, segons el cas, i prohibició d’accés a la UAB durant 5 years. Entre elles hi ha el nostre Secretari General, el company Ermengol Gassiot. La fiança abans esmentada, com tothom pot suposar, no serà abonada pels 27 afectats i afectades, la qual cosa probablement comportarà processos d’embargament de nòmines i béns.

Durant els propers dies o setmanes les 27 people seran emplaçades a personar-se en dependències judicials per a fer-los entrega d’una còpia dels escrits d’acusació, a fi que en el termini de 3 dies compareguin amb advocat i procurador, i siguin requerits per a dipositar la fiança.

Aquest Secretariat Permanent considera que tot aquest procés no és sinó un muntatge motivat en una revenja política per part de l’anterior rectorat ultraliberal de la UAB, orientat a escarmentar per la via penal el moviment estudiantil i el sindicalisme que li plantava cara en defensa de la universitat pública. L’actuació d’aquell rectorat, i el relat conspiranoïc construït pels advocats que va contractar a tal efecte, ha estat aprofitada per la Fiscalia, òrgan polític de l’Estat espanyol, per a iniciar un esperpèntic procediment judicial que suposa el pitjor cas de repressió política a una universitat des de l’època del franquisme.

Davant d’aquesta situació, el nostre company Ermengol Gassiot ha decidit que no participarà en la farsa i que no es personarà al jutjat per voluntat pròpia sota cap circumstància, tot afrontant les conseqüències que es derivin de la seva decisió.

Aquest Secretariat Permanent comparteix plenament l’anàlisi que sosté la decisió presa pel nostre company Ermengol, i hi donem suport. Entenem que davant d’un atac de caràcter polític (instrumentat en forma de procés judicial) contra les llibertats i els drets civils és legítim practicar la desobediència i la solidaritat per a impugnar públicament la totalitat d’aquest muntatge repressiu. Considerem que en el moment present ens estem jugant bona part del missatge que es transmetrà a les lluites socials que vindran en el futur sobre la resposta que cal donar davant la repressió político-judicial. Ens juguem molt, i les estratègies punitives mitjançant les quals es vol paralitzar i escarmentar qualsevol mena de resistència sindical, estudiantil o social han de ser aturades. En el cas concret de l’Ermengol, el present muntatge està orientat a reprimir l’exercici de l’acció sindical de la CGT a la UAB en defensa dels drets de les treballadores i de la universitat pública i, més enllà d’aquesta, el considerem un atac al conjunt de la nostra organització.

Volem deixar clar que, en la mesura en què això depengui de nosaltres, cap de les 27 persones encausades està ni estarà mai sola. Fem una crida a totes les Federacions i Sindicats de la CGT de Catalunya, al conjunt de la nostra militància, moviments socials i persones solidàries a preparar la resposta col·lectiva i organitzada que aquests fets es mereixen. La CGT de Catalunya no quedarà a l’expectativa, ni restarà amb els braços creuats. Ens reservem el dret, com a organització, a actuar quan i com ho considerem oportú, tenint en compte la gravetat del cas.


Permanent Secretariat of the Confederal Committee of the CGT of Catalonia
2 de juny del 2017