
Feb 232021

In the region we are finding situations of women (well feminized sector) precarious workers in the social sector who leave their children out of school to keep their jobs to prevent them from becoming infected with the virus at school or high school..

The testimony of a young man without schooling this year is devastating:

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Nov 272020

Communiqué of the Works Council:

Ramcon Indefinite Strike

As you already know, the Ramcon company entered the 1 April in the cleaning of the municipal centers of Mollet. Since he entered, we are going through amazing situations, They do not respect us as a company committee and sanction workers based only on rumors or because it seems that they have said or have stopped saying, without investigating the veracity of the facts. As well, So far we have come.

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Sep 102020
Moria Refugee Camp

From the General Confederation of Labor we want to show our full support and solidarity with all refugees from Moria, on the Greek island of Lesbos, who have had to be evacuated as a result of the fires that have destroyed the Refugee Camp where they were living badly since their arrival on the island after fleeing their countries of origin.

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Aug 152020
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(The model for civil servants is personal and is can even address to several different recipients with different record numbers: Center address, Services Territorials, Department of the Generalitat and Ministry.

The model for private companies is more prudent to make it to name of the Trade Union Section or Union).

Health and job security!!!

Jul 302020

Press Release: COLLAPSE at the National Institute of Social Security. IMV is not paid, new pensions and other benefits suffer delays. We denounce the situation of all the offices in the Vallès Oriental, especially that of Mollet del Vallès

The Minimum Living Income (IMV) it is not being paid. We already said when it was implanted, that it could not be a botch but unfortunately we were right. Only those who already had benefits that have been automatically replaced by it have been paid. But of the requests that are being submitted, more of 500.000, nothing more than a ridiculous amount is being processed, only a few have been recognized 100 IMV nationwide, yes only some 100. According to the first government statements, they were to be paid before September, now they declare that they will begin to be paid in September, which again we continue to question from the CGT.

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Jul 222020

This time we will concentrate in front of the Ramcon headquarters.

Next Thursday 23 of July, at 5.30 p.m., the CGT of the Vallès Oriental we will concentrate again in front of the headquarters of the company Ramcon ( 2 of May 66 ) in Mollet del Vallès. A few weeks have passed since the dismissal of our partner to participate in an interview at the request of the Vallès Visió channel, we want to report that the company is closing down to negotiate the readmission of our partner.

Given the dictatorial attitudes of the owners of this company, we are obliged to continue with the mobilizations in support of Isabel. We inform everyone that we will not stop until Isabel returns to her workplace. In this way, We would like to point out that the first rally was attended by more than a hundred people.

CGT Vallès Oriental Communication Secretariat

Jun 022020
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Today 02 June the company Ramcon S.A has announced the dismissal of our colleague Isabel, active member of our union section, The reason for said dismissal is an interview that the colleague gave to Vallès Visió television after this medium contacted our colleague. From this union we want to denounce the company and the City Council as executors of a clear example of UNION REPRESSION.

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May 212020


Without making any retrospective assessment in relation to the arrangements made by the Department of Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya in relation to closure of schools and distance learning, now the time will come to do so, we state that the instructions of the Minister Josep Bargalló and the Plenary Session of the Government of the Generalitat de Catalonia indicating the reopening of the same is a negligence very serious that will endanger the lives of students and staff employee, reoxygenating the reactivation potential of the pandemic and the spread of the contagion to other colleagues, adults, pairs, sister mothers.

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Apr 052020

The CGT Trade Union Section of the Grifols de Parets del Vallés Institute We have reported the company to the Labor Inspectorate for putting at risk the health of workers.

We do not believe that Grifols is acting appropriately with the actions you are taking since all this started situation derived from the coronavirus pandemic.

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Mar 292020

The Covid-19 pandemic in our country has led to the adoption of certain measures that are causing harm to workers and workers, starting with risk situations for your own health and especially for the public health of all citizens that entails the performance of the labor benefit in certain jobs and the lack of preventive measures taken by businessmen.

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Mar 282020

A small tribute to all the work that is being done these days from the SP in a silent way.


No, it is not easy to be at the foot of the canyon day after day and then having to go do the 8 hours that you they play to take the carobs home.

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Mar 282020

Through this guide we present a series of clarifications about the most common questions that are coming to us from the centers of work. The Prevention Services of many companies are not Doing the homework, and it is therefore necessary that the workers who are forced to attend their workplaces have sufficient information to avoid infecting themselves or other her companions.

We also provide information related to teleworking, as well as PPE (Individual Protection Equipment), management of casualties by contagion or quarantine. We ask you to share this little guide with your acquaintances and acquaintances, in order to make it the most useful possible.

Source: CGT

Mar 012020

Scheduled activities to be carried out in the Union:

16/3/2020 – 17:00 h.
20/3/2020– 17:00 h.
Guided exposure: “Women in Anarchism”.
In charge ofLaura Vicente
18/3/2020 – 17:00 h.
Meeting – Round table women. “We talk about our work”.
Feb 282020

International Day of Working Women

He 8 March 2017, millions of women from many parts of the world went on a historic strike as the first global women's strike that went beyond a labor strike, including areas such as care strike, consumer and student.

It is fair to acknowledge that the cross-border and cross-cultural feminist movement has made these struggles on the public agendas. CGT has been involved with this movement actively participating, Not onlycalling the 8M strikes, but in the different mobilizations and joint actions.

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