
Dec 172019

DHL PARCEL currently undergoing a process of commercial restructuring at the national level, coerces part of the staff CIM VALLÈS to lower wages while making objective dismissals. Despise like this, all efforts you have made responsibly the staff in the latter both financially and personally for the sake of business viability (waive delays, schedule changes, salary supplements ...)

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Nov 182019

Enough of Violence! For you, for us, for all

From CGT, one more year, We once again raise our voices against any type of gender-based aggression. Since 2013, there are already more than a thousand women murdered in our country and millions in the world, but they still don't call him by name: MACHIST TERRORISM.

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Nov 122019

“El derecho fundamental a la SALUD de las personas asalariadas, viene siendo lesionado intencionadamente por parte de la Empresa y ahora, el Tribunal Constitucional, reafirma que la “libertad de empresa y la productividad” son valores superiores a la vida y la salud de las personas trabajadoras”

La Sentencia del Constitucional, además de avalar el despido objetivo cuando la persona trabajadora se ausenta del trabajo por deterioro de su salud y esté justificada dicha ausencia por los servicios médicos, muestra su clara apuesta ideológica y política por una clase determinada, el empresariado y su tasa de ganancia.

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Oct 212019



The Government of the Generalitat of Catalonia is processing a bill that if we, the free-thinking and free-acting population, we don't swallow it raw will implement the open door to private management so generalized of the social welfare services so assumed within the our day to day as are the Right to public education or the universal access general practitioner and hospital services qualitative and paid for with the contributions of each and everyone through in our taxes.

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Jul 172019

The Assembly of the Union Section of the Educational Community of the Union of workers of Vallès Oriental we are a collective of professors and teachers, educators, integrators, monitors, vigilance and students with constructive critical awareness, desire to develop participation and reciprocity through the mutual trust in the key area of ​​young people's education i, as we previously agreed at a CGT affiliate assembly and following the criteria of trying to make it unitary, that of the future of society.

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Jun 132019
Ruesta Program
Ruesta Libertarian School

Of 27 al 30 June of 2019

One more year the CGT opens its Libertarian Summer School, a space for meeting and discussion, learning and recreation, in which we can all contribute our experiences and knowledge to enrich each other.

This year, between 27 al 30 of June, we will meet in Ruesta under the motto:

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May 262019

In the educational centers of #Vallès Oriental, assemblies of teachers and supervisors have created a document demanding from the Department of Education of the Generalitat decent working conditions and stability for the people who carry out support jobs for students, the vigils. The proposal consists of the collection of signatures and the submission to the Official Registry of the same on behalf of the workers' assemblies of institutes and schools; THE MODEL IS ATTACHED:

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May 182019

Faced with the express curricular reform of FP planned in Catalonia to be applied next year and surprisingly announced by the Department of Education in recent weeks, the teaching and trade union community release the following manifesto:

1.- The opinion of the teaching staff has not been taken into account as to which contents should be reduced or maintained, nor what modifications should be incorporated. We doubt the urgency to implement this reform, the lack of transparency in the process, and the absence of debate between those responsible for curriculum development on the one hand, and teachers with involvement in the deployment of another, has allowed the sufficient depth of analysis to lead to the teaching of the appropriate subjects required by our students.

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Apr 212019

La lluita sí que serveix

Sense cap dubte, la consecució de la jornada laboral diària de 8 hores és la fita més important del moviment obrer de l’Estat espanyol. Un èxit que va venir precedit per una vaga que va durar 44 dies i que es va iniciar a l’empresa Riegos y Fuerzas del Ebro de Barcelona, coneguda popularment com “La Canadenca”, perquè el seu soci majoritari era el Canadian Bank of Comerce de Toronto.

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Apr 172019


Enguany fa cent anys de la duríssima vaga de la Canadenca, que després d’un esforç estoic fins a l’extenuació per part dels i les treballadores (dismissals, repressió policial, solidaritat obrera per mantenir la lluita, fam de les famílies implicades…) va comportar una fita històrica per les classes populars: L’establiment per llei de la JORNADA LABORAL DE VUIT HORES que permetria la dignificació de la vida de les classes obreres i camperoles (8 hores de treball, 8 hores de descans i 8 hores d’oci). Tanmateix la seva implantació efectiva fou paper mullat a molts indrets i les organitzacions sindicals foren les que lidiaren amb patrons i latifundistes per la seva aplicació efectiva davant la passivitat còmplice de les autoritats dels Estats.

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Apr 172019

(…)I know that after my, others will continue the work started. Others will come wiser to provide a light amid so much darkness, one day someone will decipher the riddle and then keep silent voices that hurt and create clay gods save us.


Apr 082019

Not with our money

Implacable en su presión fiscal, El Estado no cesa de pedirnos: IRPF, IVA, impuestos indirectos, tasas…  Y en este tiempo de tremendos recortes en gasto social, de pérdida de derechos y de la mayoría de nuestras conquistas, de desmantelamiento de lo público, cuando el parco estado del bienestar que aún disfrutábamos se tambalea, observamos con vergüenza cómo, año tras año, se renuevan enormes inversiones en el más estéril de los gastos: el Gasto Militar.

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Mar 262019

CGT: "Whoever does not understand the motivations behind this is that General Strike, surely, will be part of the problem "

The General Confederation of Labor (CGT), which it has called for the second year General Strike 24 hours on the International Day of Working Women, shows his satisfaction with monitoring data of the day, in which envisages   support to overcome last year when 6.000.000 people the They seconded.

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Mar 052019

This Friday 8 of March from 2019 We expect them to each and all in the Concentration-Manifestation that we call at 16.00h Fiveller in Rambla / Av. freedom “four banks“.

CGT assuming the arguments and principles antipatriarchal, anticapitalist and antiracist, we agreed in Extraordinary Congress, as the highest decision making body of the CGT, held on 26 Y 27 of January of 2019 in Merida It generates the strike calll, Labor, of consumption, care, Domestic work, against all abuses of the capitalist system and patriarchal, from 24 hours, for him 8 March 2019. that lead to the absolute equality of women, embodied in the terms "Socially equal, humanly different, totally free ".

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