
Jul 242016

20160723_184438The poetry of the "Bio-Slow" moved our hearts and fists, positioned us, the ground shook but calm because we know where we step.

On Saturday afternoon he shouted at La Marineta, where more than twenty long people listen with their skin to the torrent of words like lashes that "Bio-Slow" they were tearing us. Unstoppable, we had to almost gag them to continue with the planned activity.

So the documentary «Project A», that we expected from silence and uncertainty, without knowing what we would find, but eager to know what that was about draft in which many of us are involved. There was an expectant silence, attentive to what was said, there was identification with the militant and combative attitude, both in the stories of Athens and in Germany; there was surprise at the appearance of our CGT confederation, but not from its more combative current aspect, but reduced to the historical memory of a glorious past as CNT; there was smile, silence and confusion, with the cooperative narrative about Catalonia and Germany.

And a lively debate was generated around these issues, because if we are looking for something precisely it is to open spaces and times of debate, so necessary to find us, strengthen our bonds of solidarity and transform everything from below.

CGT Vallès Oriental

Jul 232016

ProjektA_Ananzeige14Logos.inddFollowing the Conference on the 80th anniversary of the Social Revolution, It is Saturday 23 of July to 18:00 h, at the Civic Center Marineta (Pl. Church, 7, Mollet del Vallès, a 100 mts of the Old Town Hall), we will have the presentation of the poetry group "Bio-Slow", who present themselves in this way:

THE BIO · SLOW (POETRY TO THE RESCUE) It is a current project that encompasses poets and performers on the Barcelona stage, repeatedly or occasionally, depending on the case. The main purpose is to bring poetry to the street, or present it where it was not expected (thus escape from a closed circle where poets attend acts of poets). We are interested, particularly, be on the barricades, instead of just in the comfortable rear guards of conventional recitals.

«Project A»

Later we will also exclusively pass the documentary «Project A», from Marcel Seehuber & Moritz Springer (2016).

Financial crises and waves of refugees, social inequality and ecological catastrophes, terrorism and wars ... Western civilization is like a bullet train speeding up against a wall. And to the control of the controls, governments that apparently are not capable of solving people's problems. Aren't they even part of the problem?Are there alternatives?

Project A is a documentary that contradicts the typical cliches about anarchism and makes one thing clear: Another world is possible. Be in the Exarchia district in Athens, with its anarchist influences; protest actions against nuclear energy in Germany; CGT, as the world's largest anarcho-syndicalist organization, in Spain; or the projects of the Catalan CIC cooperative or the Kartoffelkombinat group in Munich, also cooperatively organized.

These activists contribute their idea of ​​an independent existence of the State and its structures, based on equal rights and with the objective of a solidarity and community economy.

Project A brings to the table an alternative vision of the world and shows some anarchist ideas of life and joint action. A form of society in which no one should have the power to control knowledge, natural resources, the earth or other people.

Documentary trailer


We wait for all and all!

CGT Vallès Oriental
c / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallès
Loss: 93 593 1545 / 625 373332
Web / Facebook / Twitter


Saturday 23 de Julio - La Marineta Civic Center
18:00h poetry group "Bio-slow"
18:30h Documental "Projekt A"

Jul 232016


Yesterday Friday in the Can Mulà Park, we had the concert with the «Scandol Jackson" and the "Muyayo Rif», who despite the rain, of that damn rain that there was not in the whole month and had to arrive in our region just the day of the open-air concert, when we expected the assistance of the people of Mollet to spend a night of partying.

Well despite that rain, we had the party the same, the concert was growing in fun and attendance, until reaching fifty people dancing and enjoying the music of the Scandol Jackson and the party magic of the Muyayo Rif.

Thanks to the musicians, to the militants and organizers, to the public attendance, We can say that despite the rain, we still got ahead and had a good night of music with colleagues., justifying that popular saying of bad weather, good face, and thinking about the activities that are left for these days, and the social struggle that lies ahead.

Music concert - 80 anniversary of the Social Revolution

Health and music!

CGT Vallès Oriental

Jul 222016

Libert-days-2012-butifarradaAnd if something also has to have a social revolution, That is the popular festival to accompany the transformation of society, it also will dance on the ruins of capitalism, because it will be on those ruins will build a new world.

In the framework of the Days 80th anniversary of the Social Revolution, It is Friday 22 of July starting at 20:00 h, at Can Mulà Park (Of the Burgos, 46, behind the current City Council Mollet), we live with "Scandol Jackson" and the "Muyayo Rif», a rally in the intermediate will hear the companion Charo, General Secretary of our union CGT Vallès Oriental. It will be fiestera music, letters of social content and the environment to be among colleagues, a space to share better and make our union more, Preparing for the social struggle.

Come everyone to have a good time and enjoy!

CGT Vallès Oriental
c / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallès
Loss: 93 593 1545 / 625 373332
Web / Facebook / Twitter


Friday 22 Julio - Parque Can Mulà
20:00h a 21:30h music "Scandol Jackson"
21:30h a 22:00h Mitin.
22:00h a 23:45 music "Muyayo RIF"


Jul 222016

laanarquiafunciona-721x1024Thursday we had the presentation of the book "Anarchy works", with the presence of Peter Gelderloos, author of the book and militant libertarian.

With the assistance of twenty people, Peter explained the basic lines of his book, with historical and current examples of social practices self-defined as anarchists and others, without proclaimed anarchists, in his practice of self-organization, self-management and autonomy, have many elements that link to the ideal and practical libertaria.

The discussion also check our need to promote self-organization and autonomy of social movements, from a perspective libertaria, the need to rebuild and strengthen solidarity ties that make us free people, and to oppose capitalist barbarity that day after day trying to destroy these ties.

Thanks to Peter and to the comrades who came to listen and participate in this interesting debate.


CGT Vallès Oriental


Jul 202016

Anarchy-the-works-webFollowing the Conference on the 80th anniversary of the Social Revolution, It is Thursday 21 of July to 19:00 h, at the Civic Center Can Pantiquet, will present the book "The works Anarchy», with the presence of its author Peter Gelderloos. Here we reproduce a synthesis of the formulation of the book.

Examples of different times and places. Near 90. A third of them are directly experiences anarchists; the rest, “stateless”, “autonomous” The “antiauthoritarian”. More than half correspond to the current western society. Examples that make up the book of the author anarchist Peter Gelderloos, “The works anarchy”, published in 2008 in its English edition (what the reader should keep in mind when approaching the book and assess examples) and in 2014 in Spanish. A collection of experiences that demonstrate how a society is possible “alternative” based on mutual support, horizontal decision-making and self-organization.

The author raises questions over a text of almost 300 pages divided into sections (“Human nature”, “decisions”, “Economy”, “Environment”, “Crime”, “Revolution”…). The overall answer lies in the title of the book, an assertion: the works anarchy. One of the first questions (page 26) is “Are not selfish people by nature?”. The author responds with the US case. You can question of the “most selfish country of the world”. “But even in the United States It is easy to find examples of institutional cooperation that make up an important part of society“.

Capitalism has selfishness as one of its great philosophical foundations, in addition to the warrior status, competitive and patriarchal people. Nevertheless, a century that Kropotkin published “Mutual support”, which argues that in humans there is an inclination to solidarity and mutual help. This is, in fact, a core element for the evolution of societies, rather than competition. Even more, Solidarity is a non-exclusive tendency of people, because it can also be seen in many mammalian species, birds, fish and insects. Another widespread belief that fights Gelderloos is to consider the West as the pinnacle of progress and complexity. The author considers that incurs “eurocentrismo” who considers the hunter-gatherer, possibly knowledgeable about the use of a thousand different plants, as less “sophisticated” the operator of a nuclear power plant (possibly this, unlike the individual devoted to hunting and gathering, does not know the origin of the food you eat).

And all're all invited to come and participate!

CGT Vallès Oriental


When: Thursday 21 of July, 19:00h.
Where: Civic Center Can Pantiquet c/ Can Flequer, 25, Mollet del Vallès

Jul 202016

Today we were pleased to share this documentary about the anarchist and feminist organization "Free Women", expression of a time when everything could be built, an example not only in our society, but an example for everyone.

For those not coming could you, Here we leave the full documentary (Portuguese subtitles off / italiano).


After the film had an interesting and rich debate with the assistance of 20 colleagues who nurtured the issue raised, from a historical perspective on the situation of the Social Revolution, as well as from a current pespectiva, from the everyday, analyzing all that has been achieved and what remains to be conquered as desired for gender equality.

Then we leave a gallery of sample photos, which will remain open until Monday 25 of July, and also some photos of the presentation this afternoon at Can Borrell.
It's been a pleasure, one viewing and discussion very enriching for all and all present.

CGT Vallès Oriental

Free women - 80 anniversary of the Social Revolution

Jul 182016

indomablesIn the framework of the Days 80th anniversary of the Social Revolution, It is Tuesday 19 of July to 18:00 h, at the Civic Center Can Borrell, we have the presentation of the exhibition "Free women», and pass the documentary "Indomables: a history of free women». The following is the presentation of the film.

“Free women was an autonomous organization, outside the structures of any organ of the libertarian movement. Without giving up his anarchist roots practiced a worker feminism. They were labeled aimed at preparing women to participate in first person in the libertarian revolution. That is to say, They wanted to train women, They are suffering high rates of illiteracy and attract them to the libertarian movement. They had to fight a culture of deep Catholic roots and, the most painful, against indifference if not contempt of his colleagues libertarias. Despite having reached more than 20.000 affiliates only in the Republican zone, They never were admitted as part of the General Council of the Libertarian Movement. With this documentary we tried to find out what they thought, what his political approach and how they developed their work.

To achieve this we have interviewed two direct protagonists of this story, Conchita Liaño and Sara Berenguer. Both took part actively front line in the glorious days of July the 36. Both with considerable political and human baggage.”

You are all and all s INVITED Tuesday to Can Borrel!

CGT Vallès Oriental


When: Tuesday 19 of July, 18:00 h
Where: Civic Center Can Borrell, Avenue de Rivoli, 38, Mollet del Vallès

Jul 172016

First of commemorative days of the 80 Social Revolution Anniversary.

Awesome !! The exhibition… 26 panels that tell us about the libertarian movement, AIT, self-management, anarchosyndicalism and Communism Libertario inter.

After the documentary was passed “economy Col.lectiva” It is showing how in the early months of the Spanish Civil War, in Catalunya men and women workers, stop after the coup, companies took, the collectivized, reduced workplaces and improved their facilities and machinery, improving productivity and quality in the produce, unifying wages, introducing some companies the family wage, although what is given more is the reduction of differences between occupational categories, medical care for l @ s @ s worker who could not work and a similar or equal to the obrer @ activ salary is guaranteed @, 60a retirement with salary between 50 and the 85%, It is reduced unemployment by creating new jobs and working hours reduciedo… what became clear was that the work had, It had to distribute. As an example in the collectivized barbershops one shift 8h is replaced by two 6 and a half hours a day, and Textile Industry Badalona working time is reduced to 32h weekly.
the price is low rent, increase public performances (cinemas, theaters…), schools are created, training centers for l @ s worker @ s, libraries, journals, it improves water supply system, the light, the transports, communications and lower prices for all services.

It's the economy at the service of citizens, without bosses or masters and the margin of any government, so autogestionaria.

Are the years that Catalonia is more independent in its history without a doubt, It has its police, Your army, has it all ... until May the 37 which is operated by the central government.

It also shows how from the government led by the Socialist Largo Caballero and then by Juan Negrin, fearful of social and economic transformations in Catalunya, boycotted the whole process, they did not want it to work collectivization. They also had fear that the people of Catalonia majority unionist had a power of weapons
On the one hand were the CNT, FAI and POUM, Supporters of collectivization and secondly the UGT (who had participated in the collectivization), PSUC, left Republicans, the Government of the Generalitar directed by Lluis Companys and the central government that boycotted the whole process to destroy.

Jordi Viader finally we talked about the Dairy Industry Socialized, how it was conducted collectivization, improvements of machines, the installations, unification of dairies and happened several photos on the topic…

You can see everything (unless documentary) in this video.

Jul 152016

economy-legalThis Friday 15 July, we present the Conference on the 80th anniversary of the Social Revolution, 1936-2016, Civic Center Marineta (Pl. Church, 7, Mollet del Vallès, a 100 meters from the Old Town Hall) What happens in documentary "Collective economy. The latest revolution in Europe 1936/39 ", Eulalia de Comas (2014).

Is a documentary that explores a little-known historical fact recent: expropriation and management of working 80% industries and services between Catalonia 1936 i 39. One of the most radical transformations -d'arrel- innovative twentieth century. The latest revolution in Europe.

The documentary is the result of a year and a half of work and has 13 interviews with witnesses and experts this period as Antoni Castells, Miquel Izard, Francesc Cabana, Pelayo Labrador, Ulle or Eudald Joan Vila. Throughout his 66 minutes, show images, photographs and documents of the time from over 10 different file, including the Anselmo Lorenzo Foundation for Libertarian Studies, Athenian Encyclopedic Popular, Montserrat Tarradellas i Macià Archives or the Historical Archive of the City of Barcelona.

Likewise, opened the exhibition "Social Revolution", images of time that changed society completely, when the people took the management of his life in own hands.

Had the presence of Historian Jordi Viader, to explain and discuss the collectivizations in Mollet and region.

You invited everyone to come and participate!

CGT Vallès Oriental


offices: Friday 15 July, 18.30h.
On: Civic centre Marineta (Pl. Church, 7, Mollet del Vallès, a 100 meters from the Old Town Hall)

Jul 142016

80aniv-revol-social-granollersTo mark the 80th anniversary of the revolution 36, a l’anonymous from Granollers There will be a series of activities organized by’Assembly Libertarian Vallès Oriental and with the support of the CGT, Embat, CNT and FAC, down below:

  • De l'1 of 30 July, photography exhibition "When freedom was not just a wish".
  • Sunday 17 July, commemorative lunch.
  • Wednesday 20 July, has the 19h, lecture-debate Miquel Izard, historian and author of the book "Let them know it and not forget us. Summer's unlikely the 36 Catalonia »

On: anonymous (beers, meals and think)
Michael Ricomà, 57, Granollers.

For the dinar to be held Sunday 17 July a l’anonymous possible on the mail: o al tel. 93 860 07 89.
Share the spirit 36. We will wait for you!!!

CGT Vallès Oriental

Jul 122016

Poster-80-aniv-Revolution-Social-2016Companions, companions,
are met 80 years of summer 1936, when workers and popular classes took to the streets to stop the coup and start an impetuous process: Social Revolution.
In a few months enormous social advances were achieved as never before in the history of mankind: collectivization of industry and field, secular and libertarian education, participation of the people in all areas of decision, an active and equal role of women in economic activity and radical transformation of society.
Anarchy dream, but also forged, he got up…

Today like yesterday, 80 years later, from the CGT union we continue to struggle daily in our workplaces, in the streets and squares, both neighborhoods as well as in social networks, in schools and universities, in all areas where the capitalist system seeks to take away the dignity, our freedom, our lives as free people, autonomous and solidary, our social spaces so often trampled upon and rebuilt many times. You spent decades, but we @ s still fighting, we continue dreaming and building a world free of borders, free of oppressors and parasites, a world of equal and free people.

We @ s know a way to commemorate the past: Confronting this we do this bleak, we do vindicating those same libertarian principles, and we do it in order to change all our society and globally, by building an egalitarian society, solidary and libertarian.

And this time we do also from culture, from music to move our bodies and hearts, from history and present ideas to flow like water, from the share with comrades talk about good times and freedom.

CGT Vallès Oriental
c / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallès
Loss: 93 593 1545 / 625 373332
Web / Facebook / Twitter


Friday 15 of July – The Civic Center Marineta
18:00 Opening of the exhibition "The Social Revolution"
18:30h documentary "Collective Economy"
Con Jordi Viader, journalist and historian.

Tuesday 19 July - Civic Center Can Borrell
18:00h Opening of the exhibition "Free Women"
documentary "Indomitable, A History of Free Women "

Thursday 21 of July – Civic Center Can Pantiquet
19:00h Presentation of the book "Anarchy Works"
Con su autor Peter Gelderloos.

Friday 22 July - Park Can Mulá
20:00h a 21:30h music "Scandol Jackson”
21:30h a 22:00h Mitin.
22:00h a 23:45 music "Muyayo RIF"

Saturday 23 of July – The Civic Center Marineta
18:00h poetry group "Bio-slow"
18:30h Documental "Projekt A"

Sunday 24 of July – journey through Mollet
10:00h Ruta de las colectivizaciones in Mollet del Vallés.

Video Days:

Jul 072016

ManifestDownload leaflet in pdf ManifestDownload leaflet in pdf

In this summer they meet 80 years from when our society carried out the transformation dreamed of for decades: the libertarian social revolution.

From the CGT we organize the celebration of this 80th anniversary of the Social Revolution, not only as a recovery of the historical memory that we need so much as a society, to understand the current moment and to perceive where we are going, but also to see that those who so often treat us as utopian, dreamers of impossible things, You are wrong, because we keep dreaming and acting to turn everything around, so that this capitalist system ends up falling and then build and consolidate a libertarian society, open, egalitarian, a society where the priority is once again people and not the market, where people can develop as free and supportive beings and where social freedom is the parameter and measure for all human relationships.

On Friday of next week we start the activities, what you can see in this poster and program.


CGT Vallès Oriental


Jul 062016

Carta a companyes i companys: 11 peak years in prison

Ara que ja és públic, penjo la carta que he enviat a les meves companyes i companys de sindicat un cop hem conegut la petició fiscal pel cas 27 and more. Per si no ho recordeu, fa més d’un any la universitat on treballo, la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, va denunciar junt a una vice-rectora i altres persones a 25 estudiants i 2 workers (un company del PAS i jo mateix) per un seguit de lluites sindicals i socials. Tot plegat ho podeu seguir també al blog de la CGT-UAB.

Companyes/ companys

Des que sóc secretari general de la CGT de Catalunya mai he volgut adreçar-me a vosaltres de manera personal, ja que entenia que l’SP de la CGT de Catalunya som un equip i volem expressar-nos com a tal. No obstant, avui he optat per fer-ho. I us explico el motiu. Com ja sabeu, fa un any i pocs mesos la secció sindical de CGT a la UAB va denunciar que la UAB havia iniciat un procés repressiu, amb denúncia penal inclosa, contra 25 students, un treballador del PAS i jo mateix.

Ara hem rebut l’escrit d’acusació de la fiscalia. En ell, en el que a mi m’afecta, formula les següents peticions per haver participat en una roda de premsa on donàvem, la CGT i altres col·lectius sindicals, recolzament a una ocupació de protesta al rectorat de la UAB:

- Delicte continuat desordres públics: 2 anys i 10 mesos de presó
- Delicte de violació de domicili jurídic: 2 anys i 9 mesos de presó
- Delicte de danys: 2 anys i 10 mesos de presó
- Delicte continuat coaccions : 3 years
- Prohibició d’accés a la UAB (i, as we previously agreed at a CGT affiliate assembly and following the criteria of trying to make it unitary, al meu lloc de treball) durant 5 years

Quan la notícia es faci pública hi haurà un comunicat de la CGT al respecte. Mentre, simplement, us volia en confiança posar en coneixement de la situació que encara no és pública. No cal que us digui que el ministeri fiscal segueix ordres del govern i que l’acusació és un autèntic despropòsit jurídic, segons asseguren els i les nostres advocades. Tenim molt clar que respon a una voluntat política d’atacar la lluita sindical i social contra la privatització de les universitats i els negocis que empreses i alguns professors/es fan amb aquest procés. Tenim molt clar que, Besides, és un atac directe també a la CGT que tant a la UAB, a altres universitats i en molts altres espais protagonitzem una lluita en contra els interessos del capital i del poder.

Tot plegat, ens dóna encara més energia per seguir el camí que hem emprés.

Health, lluita i llibertat

Ermengol Gassiot, Secretari General CGT Catalunya

Jul 062016

arton12021-4102aComunicat de la Confederació General del Treball de Catalunya

Volem informar que ens ha arribat l’escrit d’acusació de la fiscalia per les protestes estudiantils i sindicals a la UAB durant la primavera del 2013, durant les quals es va ocupar l’edifici del rectorat de la UAB l’any 2013. En una successió d’imputacions que qualifiquem de delirants i aberrants, s’acumulen peticions de presó que arriben fins els 11 anys i 5 mesos pel nostre secretari general, el professor Ermengol Gassiot, i peticions semblants per a 25 estudiants i un treballador del PAS (personal d’administració i serveis), delegat al comitè d’empresa del PAS pel sindicat CAU-IAC.

L’Ermengol, com a delegat de la Confederació General del Treball a la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona i membre del Comitè d’Empresa, va donar suport als estudiants que van ocupar el rectorat l’any 2013, que posteriorment es va convertir en una ocupació de tots els col·lectius en lluita de la UAB, així com també a les mobilitzacions universitàries que es van realitzar durant el curs 2012-2013. En totes les ocasions, va mantenir una ferma lluita sindical contra l’anterior equip de rectorat. En la mencionada ocupació, alguns professors i personal d’administració i serveis (NOT) van mostrar la seva solidaritat amb la seva presència a l’edifici, i fent les seves classes al rectorat.

La Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona s’ha personat com a acusació particular del present procediment. Es tracta de la primera vegada des del franquisme que una universitat pública denuncia penalment un professor i un membre del PAS per la seva pràctica político-sindical. I també és una situació quasi inèdita el fet que una universitat pública hagi denunciat penalment els seus propis estudiants.

La UAB no només s’ha personat com a acusació particular, sinó que també ha redactat informes per a la policia i ha perseguit clarament a aquelles persones que van ser contràries a la candidatura de l’anterior rector, Ferran Sancho. Tot plegat ha fet que el present procediment conformi una persecució indiscriminada de la lluita sindical i, as we previously agreed at a CGT affiliate assembly and following the criteria of trying to make it unitary, en una clara vulneració de l’exercici de drets fonamentals.

Aquesta brutal repressió i peticions fiscals basades en la revenja ideològica tenen com a objectiu acoquinar l’estudiantat, la comunitat universitària i la població en general.

Denunciem la persecució ideològica a la UAB contra tota oposició a la política de retallades i agressions a la universitat pública. Denunciem la responsabilitat i instigació de l’equip de Ferran Sancho en aquesta denúncia. Denunciem les mentides i revenges de l’ex-vicerectora Sílvia Carrasco, personada com acusació particular a la causa.

I recordem que a la CGT de Catalunya quan ens toquen a una ens toquen a totes, as we previously agreed at a CGT affiliate assembly and following the criteria of trying to make it unitary, no ens quedarem de braços creuats mirant com actituds feixistes pretenen engarjolar al nostre secretari general i a 26 persones que simplement feien una ocupació en defensa dels drets de totes i tots a una universitat pública, social i de qualitat.

Confederació General del Treball de Catalunya
Permanent Secretariat of the CGT of Catalonia

6 de juliol de 2016

Jun 192016

2016-06-18 Madrid Public Services

Jun 102016

IMG-20160613-WA0000Desde las federaciones y sindicatos de CGT en sectores implicados en esta lucha (ferrocarriles, metro, health, aeropuertos, enseñanza, puertos, ayuntamientos, televisiones, protección del medioambiente y el patrimonio cultural, atención a mayores, discapacidad, childhood, etc.) se ha convocado a toda la CGT y a las plataformas y mareas de los distintos sectores en lucha por lo público a la manifestación del sábado18 de junio, en Madrid. La manifestación partirá a las 12h. de Cibeles y concluirá, con intervenciones de trabajadores de los sectores públicos, en Plaza de España.

CGT pone autocares para poder asistir.

Salida desde Barcelona a las 24.00 h del viernes día 17 of June (noche del viernes al sábado).

Llegada a Madrid a las 24.00 h del sábado 18 of June.

L@s que queráis ir os tenéis que apuntar en el sindicato, o por teléfono al 600 375500, o por email a

Os animamos a que vengáis!!

Punto de encuentro: in the union, in Mollet, to 22:45 h del viernes 17 of June.

Reserva de plazas: hasta el martes 14 of June, para los autocares que salen de Barcelona.


Jun 102016

First mobilization in the history of the Social Sector. Companies enriching themselves at the expense of the most fragile and taking advantage of the goodwill of the professionals who work with them.
We are going to scream their hypocrisy in their faces!



Communiqué of the Social Sector CGT


As many of you already know, tomorrow we will hold a rally at the inauguration of the Third Sector Table Congress. There will be the representatives of the employer and the whole gang of politicians who “entities” they have invited. Our intention is to give a bath of reality to this great marketing operation that is repeated year after year while our conditionss labor are precarious to intolerable limits. Tomorrow (Tuesday 14) we will be at 17.30 at the door of the Teatre Nacional de Catalunya and they will have to listen to us. We invite you to come and spread the word about the call and the text below. (and that we will distribute during the concentration). Faced with an agreement that protects precariousness, an employer who does not respect us, ineffective unions that negotiate our misery, we have to move!

Remember, Tuesday 14 at 5.30 p.m. in front of the door of the National Theater of Catalonia
(next to the new Encants market).



Take a look at the Tweet of @sectorsocialCGT.

Facebook Sector Social CGT


Jun 072016

Article by Josep Garcia, Training Secretary of CGT Catalonia

We are following with interest all the debate that has been taking place lately, especially here in the city of Barcelona, around neighborhood unionism. We are interested, to the extent that it is clear that there are activist sectors, sectors of social movements, who feel the need to put the field of salaried exploitation on their agenda of struggle, and generate territorialized networks of solidarity and mutual support to defend labor rights through direct action.
This seems important to us, because we know that there are many people who have lived on their backs for a long time in the world of salaried work, while generating a discourse of rejection that prevented them from conceiving this as a battlefield (just as we conceive of other spaces in our everyday life as such), and this despite having to earn the carobs, like most, allowing themselves to be exploited in the capitalist market.

I think that all of us here must have spent many hours of our lives in our neighborhoods or towns building spaces of autonomy with many other people, self-management projects, etc. For some of us, that we have arrived at trade unionism from militancy in social movements, it has always been difficult to understand that there were colleagues who were hyperactive in a thousand moves outside of work, but what, However, were completely canceled once they crossed the door of the work center. That they become there in what we call a "Padefo" (in other words that is, a “Fucking Step”). As if work is not part of life, as if the job (what, we already know, it is a space of alienation) was not also a key determinant of our possibilities to realize ourselves, individually and collectively.

>> The entire article CGT Catalonia

May 312016

Els treballadors de Metro de Barcelona rebutgen la proposta de la direcció i reprenen les vagues

Els treballadors de Metro van votar el 26 de maig en assemblees de matí i tarda rebutjar l’última proposta de negociació que la mateixa empresa TMB havia considerat com un preacord. Els sindicats, From CGT Ensenyament we share the demands raised in the joint call, ho han negat. Amb aquesta decisió quedava confirmada la convocatòria de les jornades de vaga parcial al metro del 30 de maig al 2 June.

La majoria dels empleats aplegats a l’assemblea celebrada al matí havien votat en contra de la darrera proposició que va fer la mediadora del conflicte. A l’assemblea de la tarda no hi va haver sorpreses, i la decisió sobre acceptar o no la proposta de TMB va quedar tancada amb 837 vots negatius, 28 de positius i 35 abstencions en total.

>> The entire article CGT Catalonia