Dec 132016

Communiqué of the Permanent Secretariat of the Confederal Committee of the CGT

CGT will not attend these "instrumental mobilizations of the regime unions on the days 15 i 18 of December" since the only thing they aim for is to position themselves, with "some legitimacy", in the social dialogue negotiations they have been carrying out with the different governments since 1977.

The unions of the Concertation have been basic tools for the domestication of wage earners, inserting them into the unique dynamics of the continued Social Pact, signing the Labor Reforms – increasingly precarious – and thereby allowing employers to maintain or improve their rates of profit and to implement a neoliberal and deregulated model of working conditions. They have guaranteed with this the “pau social” in exchange for prominence and prebends for their organizations and their domes.

These unions, with huge membership in past dates, with influence in all strata, with a presence at all negotiation tables, omnipresent in television and media, participants in business dinners, governmental and unofficial, they admitted the European Union unconditionally in the 86 and they admitted Maastricht in the 93. Then they only made grandiloquent statements and did not lift a finger against this Europe of Capital and the Markets.

The several dozen Labor Reforms since the Moncloa Pacts (1977) and Public Pension Systems, until the last Reform of the PP in 2012, they have destroyed the counterpower of the working class, through these "consensus and social dialogue" policies, leaving us in a situation of integral precariousness, poverty and social inequality, to extremes never known in the Spanish state.

Despite fiscal policies, tax and social, called "adjustment and austerity", they have never taken to the streets with serious and firm intentions to confront these criminal policies that have been implemented against the majority of people.

to mobilize, it is to have conviction and the will to search, present and defend alternatives and actions with which:

- Oppose collective redundancies (to millions) through the ERE.
- Oppose the fact that the unilateral will of the employer determines the working conditions.
- Oppose the fact that workers lose the agreements and our labor relations are individualized and available to the employer.
- Oppose the lowering of wages, on the double salary scales.
- Defend the stable and fixed contract in all markets, both public and private and do not accept contracts and subcontracts, job loan, outsourcing, privatizations...
- Defending the Public and the reversion to the Public of everything privatized.
- Defending the rights and freedoms that have been stolen from us and confronting the repression they have developed against the most consistent people of the class they claim to represent.

The CGT is in the streets with those who suffer, with precarious and precarious, with the millions of people whose work has been taken away from them, the ceiling (home), the pa (salary and social benefits), freedom, and with the social majority, that we have been scammed with policies that have "saved the banks with hundreds of billions", to companies and the rich, through lowering their taxes, and occupations have been carried forward, pensions, Health, education and care...

The mobilizations of 15-M, the tides, the Dignity Marches, the Platforms in defense of the Public, alternative trade unionism, yes we have legitimacy, because we have proposed alternatives, because we have carried out processes of self-management and an alternative social economy and because WE HAVE BEEN IN THE STREETS confronting this predatory capitalism.

The "unions of the regime", not only have they been hidden all the time of the crisis-scam but that, in your "DNA", it is recorded that "collaboration with governments and business" is where they have their raison d'être.

CGT will return to the streets to defend the claims and proposals that we have never abandoned, those from whom we build a society of all, egalitarian, and we understand that, as the slogan we shout in the Manifestations says:


In this process, you will find an opportunity to put an end to it

Dec 132016

Meeting of prevention delegates 16 of December 2016 in Barcelona and presentation of the new Occupational Health website of CGT Catalonia

Friday 16 In December, CGT Catalunya convenes a new meeting of CGT Catalunya prevention delegates, from 10 a 14h. in the Can Batlló space (c/Constitution 19, corner Mossèn Amadeu Oller), saints, Barcelona.

The call will have two points:

- Presentation of the new Occupational Health website of CGT Catalonia, where its practical contents will be explained (written models, guides, links,…)

- Later we will divide into Work Groups to share common needs and problems from different areas of action. So far the Working Groups already prepared are Public Administration, asbestos, Metal, Psychosocial and Mutual Risks, but we are open to proposals from Delegates to create more Working Groups.

As in the previous two Meetings held recently, we understand that it is a useful space for debate and reflection to bring together the struggle in the field of occupational risk prevention.

It is not necessary to register previously.

In this area, we recall that the Occupational Health Secretariat created a Telegram group of CGT Catalunya prevention delegates with the aim of sharing doubts, interesting materials and comments on occupational health, which currently has more than 300 delegates participating and it is a dynamic space where doubts are resolved by applying mutual support, pooling the experiences of each company and facilitating coordination.

If there are prevention delegates or interested parties who are not in the group and want to participate, they must contact the Secretary of Labor Health.

We will wait for you!

We Network and Mutual Support in the field of Occupational Health!

Or their benefits or our Health!

Secretary of Occupational Health
Secretariat Permanent – Confederal Committee
General Confederation of Labor (CGT) of Catalonia

Dec 072016
Companions, companions,
Assembly is convened and affiliated members of our union.

Day: Tuesday 13 from December.

Hour: to 17:00 hours pm.

Place: the union c / Francesc Macià, 51

Order of the day and documentation of the Confederal Committee, sent by email.
It also calls for the election of the Ministry of Finance.
CGT Vallès Oriental
c / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallès
Loss: 93 593 1545 / 625 373332
Web / Facebook / Twitter
Dec 032016

cgt-lola-gutierrez-dilluns-20161205CONCENTRATION Monday 5/12 at the Consulate of Greece
c / Freixa, 6 Barcelona (FCG La Bonanova) at 10 am

Our partner from CGT, Lola gutierrez, has been imprisoned in Greece since last Sunday 27 of November, after his arrest at the Athens airport, accused of helping a Kurdish refugee flee the war and, probably, of death.
We celebrate that there are people who, due to their active involvement in the face of injustice, act on the ground, risking his own life and freedom. It turns out that our partner is one of those many supportive and generous people who have the courage to confront repressive regimes like that of Greece, country in which she remains in prison as she is considered an enemy of the state and will only be released when she is extradited and reaches Barcelona.

The European Union's agreements with Turkey to act as a barrier to immigrants and the humiliating treatment in Europe of those fleeing hunger, wars and death, You can have no other response than to disobey all laws that prevent people seeking refuge from being saved, through actions that allow helping all those who want to continue to have a future.

Illegals and criminals are part of the governments of countries that pledged aid and practice hot returns or internment of immigrants. We still remember the shameful photos of European leaders and their promises of aid to refugees.
From the CGT we are going to continue demanding the freedom of our colleague Lola Gutiérrez, we want her in Barcelona NOW, and we are not worth excuses from a "progressive" Greek government that imprisons those who are in solidarity with the most disadvantaged.



CGT Barcelona

Nov 262016


The time has come. This Monday 28 in November there is a call for a strike 24 hours in all state workplaces by all unions. This day we will stop telemarketing to give a message both to the employers of the sector and to all citizens:

Telemarketing workers deserve respect, we deserve decent working conditions and we are going to make ourselves heard. You can watch the video we recorded in Brussels the other day 15 to spread the word about the strike here:

Stay tuned to social media during the strike day next Monday 28 November. We are going to launch a campaign in which we hope to have the same impact as in the past 6 October. It is not enough just to support the strike, that's why we ask you to make a little extra effort to spread the word about our struggle.

We are more than 100.000 people in telemarketing throughout Spain. Our twitter account to use the strike hastag is @cgttelem (here you will get all the information). Equally, in the Facebook compte of the Federal TelemarQUeting Sector of CGT ( and you can share all our content with your contacts.

Also warn that on Monday there will be INFORMATION PICKETS from early in the morning at the work centers to INFORM the workers directly about the strike.
This strike is called on Monday to do as much damage as possible to the companies. We play a lot and we have to support her massively.


Federal Telemarketing Sector of the CGT

Nov 252016

30776011980_253d120eee_zHe 25 November is the International Day against Gender Violence. They are killing us, striking, violating, abusive, exploding… So far this year 2016, 74 men have murdered a 74 women, 2 nenes i 1 nen.

But these are not isolated facts, this is called patriarchy, and is sustained in silence, the laziness and passivity of many people as well as in the neglect of functions of the Institutions that, actively or passively, they carry reinforcing, for hundreds of years, the model of object women, women as possessions of their partners; is based on the exploitative model of the capitalist economy; in the sexist Church, homophobic and racist that does not evolve; in the judiciary granting shared custody imposed even on abusers; in the political class that remains on the sidelines of what is happening, engrossed in their own intrigues and interests.

He 25 of November we want to denounce that, Often, those who wield power and legislate, blame and blame women for existing structural unemployment, of wage differences, of the deficit in the public pension system, of the difference in rights, of the violations, of ill-treatment… they are the ones who act directly or indirectly to prevent our emancipation and empowerment as free women.

We women demand of society and fight for a full model of co-education, for a culture of gender freedom; WE DENOUNCE the lack of ethics of rapists who go so far as to describe assaults as “group sex” without any scruples; we denounce to the media that “inform” of these facts with a false neutrality, normalizing the violence we suffer; we ask the Administration to monitor compliance with its own laws in favor of equality.

We women are fed up with being required to do all the work to report it, solve and end sexist violence. We carry more than 100 years empowered and doing so. That needs to change, when the aggressors will be required to stop killing us?, when the political class will be required to abandon its patriarchal conceptions in what it legislates and approves budget items against violence ?, for when our demand for support for women victims of gender-based violence and feminist training in gender-based violence?, when all the aggressors will be unmasked?, when it will be pointed out to human traffickers and sexual exploitation?

Women want to live in peace, with joy, at large, sense love, without god, without abuse.

We end violence against women for being so!

Against sexist violence, responses of mutual support and anarcho-feminist self-defense.

Confederal Secretariat of Women of the CGT

Nov 242016


In defense of a public and quality service for children at risk of social exclusion

No to the decrease of € 528,000 by the Generalitat

This rally is called in defense of a public and quality service for families at risk of social exclusion. The Generalitat intends to reduce the budget item currently allocated by € 472,000 for each “Children’s Home” and which would become 424.000 Euros, which means a total drop of 48.000 Euros to each house, and a total budget cut of 528.000 Euros, which will cause a decrease in the minors taken care of and of the workers in each center, when it is a service that in some homes there is a waiting list.

The main objective of the service is to give families the necessary support to prevent the separation of children and / or the possibility of the return home of institutionalized minors..

If some money is well spent, these are the ones dedicated to prevention, and more so if it is for minors among 3 i 18 years and their families, than for different socio-economic and / or family reasons, they are overwhelmed by situations that require specialized intervention.

The "Children's Homes" project, is managed by FASI (Social Action and Childhood Foundation), a non-profit entity, whose financial means come from the General Directorate of Child and Adolescent Care (DGAIA), body that monitors and evaluates the project and has recently announced the budget cut. This cut, will be executed by the private entity FASI, with which it will entail a deep restructuring of the service.

>> The entire article CGT Catalonia

Nov 242016

30776020800_d1acded749_zPress release from the Gender Secretariat of the CGT of Catalonia

Like every year we have to talk about feminicides, of the unfortunate list of murdered women who writes with blood and silence the heteropatriarchy in which we live. We're sick of having to count dead women, violated, attacked, vexed and exploited, we’re kind of having to think “another? It's enough!”. We already have more than enough to live in this alarm that seems to continue to be normal. Well no, they are not things that happen and enough.

Murdered women are not isolated cases nor are their executioners insane. They are healthy children of patriarchy and they have been victims of an entire social system.

Assaulted women are women who try to discipline and domesticate on the basis of psychological torture, insults o cops.

Raped and abused women are treated as objects of pleasure and aesthetic judgment in the service of males who do not accept that we say No or Enough.

Women raped and infantilized in childbirth, menstruate, abortion or during breastfeeding we are seen as social bodies on which to legislate, decide, medicalize or exercise paternalistic tutoring.

>> The entire article CGT Catalonia

Nov 232016

cx2srg-xgaaqwmk-jpg-largeOur pensions are neither sold nor traded
Communiqué SP CGT Catalonia

This Thursday 24 in November there will be a meeting between the government, employers' organizations and the CCOO and UGT unions. The point to be made is, as it has transpired, negotiating the “social peace”. Between baby dolls, However, there are more points on the table. Business organizations have already claimed the need for a new labor reform. Equally, large financial and insurance corporations have begun to promote a media campaign to prepare the ground for a new pension reform. They want to deepen what, the agents themselves, they agreed in January of the year 2011 on that occasion under the auspices of the Zapatero government of the PSOE.

Experience tells us that too many times these meetings result in highly harmful agreements for the interests of the working class, of the majority of the population. In the past we have repeatedly seen how under the pretext of social peace we have left rights and conquests in the ditch of history: now companies are free to fire (at most paying smaller and smaller compensations), they can dispose quite freely of part of our working day by making us work overtime, they can make us work on tasks above our contract rating… and a long et cetera.

I, in the name of social peace, we have also seen how it is necessary to work more now than before 6 years to access a full pension and how the extension of the regulatory bases lowers pensions that, at the entrance, they are already among the lowest in the EU. All these concessions made, always, in the name of a social peace that only benefits those at the top, to the owners of the capital.


Permanent Secretariat of the Confederal Committee of the CGT of Catalonia

>> The entire article CGT Catalonia


Nov 172016

At last, what was well known to those affected has been recognized, and that it had been hidden so many times by the mutual employers. The administration allowed mutuals and companies to consider it a 'common disease' in order to save benefits.

A recent sentence 11 of March of the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia (TSJC) recognizes that continuous work at the computer causes the so-called Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, and similar diseases by understanding of the median nerve of the wrist. This judicial resolution opens the door to the recognition of the labor origin of the multiple professional categories that carry out data entry jobs on the computer, as computer scientists, librarians or administrators, following the path of the Supreme Court which has recently recognized it for cleaners or hairdressers.

The judgment of the TSJC of the past 11 March, number 6839/2015, analyzes the case of a worker with the professional category of librarian, and that devoted more than 60% from their working day to computer data entry jobs, determinant que portava a terme la seva feina “supporting both forearms on the work table exerting pressure on the elbows”. This repetitive task with the computer mouse, according to the court decision, was the cause of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, which occurs when the median nerve, which extends from the forearm to the hand, it is pressed or caught at wrist level.


Article by l’Àlex Tisminetzky, Occupational Health Secretary of CGT Catalonia

>> The entire article CGT Catalonia

Nov 152016

Companys, partners, Local reproduce the call of Barcelona, to support fellow Berga. Since the CGT Vallès Oriental we will be a group of colleagues, The call is open to the entire membership, contact our union.

More info Disobeying the streets:
CGT Catalonia

CGT Vallès Oriental
c / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallès
Loss: 93 593 1545 / 625 373332
Web / Facebook / Twitter


img-20161107-wa0007Bus solidarity with libertarians Berga
Day: Saturday 19 November
Check Out: 10:00 hours, P. Antonio López (post), Barcelona
Check back 16:00 hours

Colleagues have asked for support and solidarity and how could it be otherwise always call “If we play a, affect us all”, we make a call to let as many colleagues in Berga.

From the Local Federation of Barcelona, We organized a bus, can register by responding to this email, phone 933103362, or in front of our lokal.

The event starts at 12h and 14h food. The eat, organize and co Berga we tell how we will.

Spread and participate.

SP Local Federation of Barcelona

Nov 082016

pan-rico-strike-month-longThis coming Saturday 12 November, the Anonymous Granollers will present the book Pan Rico, the longest strike, the presence of its authors, Isabel Benítez and Homer Rosetti.

As this historic strike was of special relevance for our union CGT, for his presence and action, invite the entire membership of Vallès Oriental presentation of this book, especially the Pan Rico colleagues who participated in this struggle.

The appointment is the next Saturday 12 November a l’anonymous Granollers (c / Ricomà, 57), them 18.00h.




CGT Vallès Oriental
c / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallès
Loss: 93 593 1545 / 625 373332
Web / Facebook / Twitter

Nov 032016

Companys, partners,
the CGT of Osona, immersed in Meats in struggle, call a rally this Friday 4 November at 7:00 p.m. in Vic.

CGT Vallès Oriental we leave from the premises of our union, We have arranged to meet at 5.30pm to go to Vic to give support to our cumpas.

Here followed the statement of CGT Osona.

CGT Vallès Oriental


carnies-en-lluita-osonaFrom Càrnies en lluita it has been thought to make a performance / parody of the delivery of the Porcs d’Or to the pig farmers “illustrious” this year, but we will not deliver golden pigs but shitty pigs..
The ephemeris will take place in the sample ship of the Sugar and there will be delivery of prizes with dinner included.


Each of the following organizations should award a prize to:

  • Meats in Fight in False Cooperatives.
  • COS to Anna Erra for her deliberate ignorance on the subject, let's say that for that of Don't know / Don't answer.
  • CGT in the unions CCOO and UGT, for their performance as yellow unions in the struggle of the meats.
  • GDT to whom, according to your criteria- either person, business, farm, or organization- is harming the environment.
  • UCFR to Josep Ramisa, partner of Esfosa for his racist statements.

This would be the call made from the meat group. The idea is to make a rally to give a noisy welcome to the participants as they come and go. The official ceremony begins at 8.

We can stay in 3/4 from 7 at Can Pamplona in Vic, this is the link: ( Once they have entered, we would award the prizes referred to above. The concentration would end on the 9.

If you can bring a megaphone, we as CGT do not have.
We will wait for you

Manuel Prieto
Osona CGT Various Trades Union

Oct 122016

Barbecue CGT Vallès Oriental

In the CGT Vallès Oriental We are organizing a barbecue for the whole family affiliation. We have spent the summer, We were heading for mobilizations, journeys, activities of all kinds, and now it is time to pause and spend an evening among comrades of our union.

That is why, he Sunday 23 October, starting at 10:00h, we do a barbecue in the picnic area Can Xec (Montornés del Vallès) for the entire membership and families of the Vallès Oriental.

To make the exact calculation of purchases, we need to know how many will be, So we have created a registration form, the minimum data diners. Given this information, payment per person Can Xec, food, drink and other expenses, the price would be approximately one 8 10 € per adult person.

He close of registration It will be at 24h of the Tuesday 18 October, to give us time to make the necessary calculations and purchases. Being a community meal, We ask the cooperation of everyone in your organization, to bring out the best ways. All hands are welcome. Also in this regard, We recommend that each will bring their own utensils, dishes, glasses, cutlery, to generate the least amount possible contaminant waste. Anyway, We will also have dishes, plastic cups and cutlery.


Barbecue CGT Vallès Oriental

When: Sunday 23 October 2016, starting at 10:00h
Where: Merenderos Can Xec, Road Vilanova 53, Montornés del Vallès.
You can also arrive by public transport, with 10 minute walk.
Who: members and affiliates of CGT Vallès Oriental, and their families, supporters, couples, cronies, free love, etc.
Price: approximately, from 8 10 € per person. Children 14 years, free.
contacts: phones, emails, facebook of the union (look at the end of the message).
Inscription: registration form


Note: in case of rain, It is suspended until the following Sunday, and so on until the rain stops!

Health and freedom!

CGT Vallès Oriental
c / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallès
Loss: 93 593 1545 / 625 373332
Web / Facebook / Twitter

Oct 092016

NO TTIP act CGT VOThe so-called Transatlantic Trade and Investment Agreement (TTIP in English), they intend to sign between the European Union and the US, and the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA in English), between the European Union and Canada, are two “agreements” who try to sneak us in secret and wanting to go unnoticed, but that would totally transform our reality as workers, and as citizens in our societies.

These two “agreements” they seek to equate the legal frameworks on both sides of the Atlantic to the laws that prioritize profit and theft by multinationals and large economic corporations, with the complicit collaboration of states, governments, intermediaries, companies and other parasites of the capitalist system.

These agreements that they would sign between them, but that in the first place affect us and us, the working class, they are an attack to outline the new panorama that they intend to establish, pretending to argue with the great lie of “economic growth” and the “competitiveness”. In addition to all the areas affected by these treaties, like the ecological, the sanitary, the agrarian, the legal, the politician, The education, etc, obviously sets its sights on the productive system, In the laboral world. If the path to follow is the Yankee labor model, we have it clear.

Attack on labor rights

Regarding labor and trade union rights, keep in mind that harmonization could result in downward equalization. In the United States, labor and union rights are conspicuous by their absence, while in the European Union for now they are guaranteed, but not harmonized, at least formally.

The US has only signed two of the eight agreements of the International Labor Organization (OIT), those opposed to child labor and slave labor, but not those that refer to collective bargaining or the right to organize and associate. Nor has it ratified the International Covenant on Economic Rights (including labor, union and health), social and cultural, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly. In the US there are “facilities to work” (availability for employment or employability), instead of work. The call has been placed Workfare, the acceptance of any job under pressure by the unemployed (From a neoliberal vision, the unemployed are held responsible for their own situation, and not to the socioeconomic context that produces unemployment, poverty and inequality), which is also paradoxically called right to work (right to work). The minimum wage is not established, or safety and health in the workplace.

In addition to all the areas affected by these treaties, we highlight the direct attack that they mean to our rights as workers, already beaten enough for years, but telling that we are still fighting and claiming a world of equal and free people, without flags or borders, without masters or slaves.

Actions against TTIP and CETA

For all this, from the CGT del Vallès Oriental we convene and inform about the actions against the TTIP and the CETA that we will carry out this next Thursday 13 October in Mollet del Vallès, with information tables in the morning and afternoon, reporting on the meaning and scope of these treaties, and how they would affect our lives and that of the planet as a whole. Likewise, he Saturday 15 October a international day of fight against TTIP in all Europe, to which we joined with the screening of an explanatory documentary video and the subsequent debate talk, in Marineta, Saturday 15 October at 6pm.

From the CGT Vallès Oriental we denounce and say NO to these capitalist agreements whose sole objective is to totally dismantle the working class to impose a slave labor market at bargain prices and without any kind of rights..

NO al TTIP, CETA and other free trade agreements!!


CGT Vallès Oriental
c / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallès
Loss: 93 593 1545 / 625 373332
Web / Facebook / Twitter


Oct 052016

panrico-la-vaga-mes-llargaTuesday 11 October them 19h book presentation “Panrico, the longest strike”, to the Ronda Collective.

Round classroom, c / Sant Pere Més Alt, 59, Barcelona.

With its authors Isabel Benítez and Homera Rosetti.

Sep 262016

img-20160926-wa0000Act to support the fight meats of Osona

This Friday 30 September 2016, has the 19h, will act to support the struggle of fighting Meat, Osona.

The act, with the support of CGT CGT Vallès Oriental and Osona, Today we stand at carrying forward the struggle for months workers of meat industry Osona.

We hope to see everyone!

Friday 30 September, has the 19h

anonymous, c / Ricomà,57

Report (France 24) labor exploitation on the meat industry Osona (subtitled in Catalan)

CGT Vallès Oriental
c / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallès
Loss: 93 593 1545 / 625 373332
Web / Facebook / Twitter

Sep 252016

A ruling by the ECJ questions the different compensation between permanent and temporary contracts. Lawyers believe that the decision to force changes in the Workers' Statute.

The judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union (TWENTY) questioning the treatment that is given in the Spanish labor market before the indefinite temporary contracts in the event of termination has caused a reaction of interpretations of social, Governments and law. The ruling by the European Court in Luxembourg which requires a worker interim compensation will reverse much of the Spanish labor legislation. There are clear deadlines for this legislation meets this sentence but, moment and while this does not happen, the arguments used by the European Court allow the plaintiffs to have more legal force to convince the judges.

The ruling dynamite all the way recruitment has been doing that all administrations in Spain, both local, the regional and state, procurement of staff in the administration. Which requires a large-scale policy change, not only of the Workers' Statute, which of course should be modified to reflect this judgment, but also regional standards should be modified.

It is a very important decision, which will mark a before and after, and said that a temporary worker should be compensated like it would be a permanent worker when his contract ends.

0 days per year worked is the compensation received by an employee acting once the employment relationship ends.

12 days per year worked receives compensation as a temporary employee once the employment relationship.

Spanish legislation contains various compensation once the employment relationship ends: 12 days per year worked in labor contracts, 20 days per year in permanent dismissal and with 33 days with the permanent unfair dismissal. the interim, meanwhile, have a temporary contract that does not entitle them to compensation once the employment relationship ends. There are also training contracts, without any compensation after timeout.

>> The entire article CGT Catalonia