Oct 122016

Barbecue CGT Vallès Oriental

In the CGT Vallès Oriental We are organizing a barbecue for the whole family affiliation. We have spent the summer, We were heading for mobilizations, journeys, activities of all kinds, and now it is time to pause and spend an evening among comrades of our union.

That is why, he Sunday 23 October, starting at 10:00h, we do a barbecue in the picnic area Can Xec (Montornés del Vallès) for the entire membership and families of the Vallès Oriental.

To make the exact calculation of purchases, we need to know how many will be, So we have created a registration form, the minimum data diners. Given this information, payment per person Can Xec, food, drink and other expenses, the price would be approximately one 8 10 € per adult person.

He close of registration It will be at 24h of the Tuesday 18 October, to give us time to make the necessary calculations and purchases. Being a community meal, We ask the cooperation of everyone in your organization, to bring out the best ways. All hands are welcome. Also in this regard, We recommend that each will bring their own utensils, dishes, glasses, cutlery, to generate the least amount possible contaminant waste. Anyway, We will also have dishes, plastic cups and cutlery.


Barbecue CGT Vallès Oriental

When: Sunday 23 October 2016, starting at 10:00h
Where: Merenderos Can Xec, Road Vilanova 53, Montornés del Vallès.
You can also arrive by public transport, with 10 minute walk.
Who: members and affiliates of CGT Vallès Oriental, and their families, supporters, couples, cronies, free love, etc.
Price: approximately, from 8 10 € per person. Children 14 years, free.
contacts: phones, emails, facebook of the union (look at the end of the message).
Inscription: registration form


Note: in case of rain, It is suspended until the following Sunday, and so on until the rain stops!

Health and freedom!

CGT Vallès Oriental
c / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallès
Loss: 93 593 1545 / 625 373332
email: cgt.mollet.vo@gmail.com
Web / Facebook / Twitter

Oct 092016

NO TTIP act CGT VOThe so-called Transatlantic Trade and Investment Agreement (TTIP in English), they intend to sign between the European Union and the US, and the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA in English), between the European Union and Canada, are two “agreements” who try to sneak us in secret and wanting to go unnoticed, but that would totally transform our reality as workers, and as citizens in our societies.

These two “agreements” they seek to equate the legal frameworks on both sides of the Atlantic to the laws that prioritize profit and theft by multinationals and large economic corporations, with the complicit collaboration of states, governments, intermediaries, companies and other parasites of the capitalist system.

These agreements that they would sign between them, but that in the first place affect us and us, the working class, they are an attack to outline the new panorama that they intend to establish, pretending to argue with the great lie of “economic growth” and the “competitiveness”. In addition to all the areas affected by these treaties, like the ecological, the sanitary, the agrarian, the legal, the politician, The education, etc, obviously sets its sights on the productive system, In the laboral world. If the path to follow is the Yankee labor model, we have it clear.

Attack on labor rights

Regarding labor and trade union rights, keep in mind that harmonization could result in downward equalization. In the United States, labor and union rights are conspicuous by their absence, while in the European Union for now they are guaranteed, but not harmonized, at least formally.

The US has only signed two of the eight agreements of the International Labor Organization (OIT), those opposed to child labor and slave labor, but not those that refer to collective bargaining or the right to organize and associate. Nor has it ratified the International Covenant on Economic Rights (including labor, union and health), social and cultural, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly. In the US there are “facilities to work” (availability for employment or employability), instead of work. The call has been placed Workfare, the acceptance of any job under pressure by the unemployed (From a neoliberal vision, the unemployed are held responsible for their own situation, and not to the socioeconomic context that produces unemployment, poverty and inequality), which is also paradoxically called right to work (right to work). The minimum wage is not established, or safety and health in the workplace.

In addition to all the areas affected by these treaties, we highlight the direct attack that they mean to our rights as workers, already beaten enough for years, but telling that we are still fighting and claiming a world of equal and free people, without flags or borders, without masters or slaves.

Actions against TTIP and CETA

For all this, from the CGT del Vallès Oriental we convene and inform about the actions against the TTIP and the CETA that we will carry out this next Thursday 13 October in Mollet del Vallès, with information tables in the morning and afternoon, reporting on the meaning and scope of these treaties, and how they would affect our lives and that of the planet as a whole. Likewise, he Saturday 15 October a international day of fight against TTIP in all Europe, to which we joined with the screening of an explanatory documentary video and the subsequent debate talk, in Marineta, Saturday 15 October at 6pm.

From the CGT Vallès Oriental we denounce and say NO to these capitalist agreements whose sole objective is to totally dismantle the working class to impose a slave labor market at bargain prices and without any kind of rights..

NO al TTIP, CETA and other free trade agreements!!


CGT Vallès Oriental
c / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallès
Loss: 93 593 1545 / 625 373332
email: cgt.mollet.vo@gmail.com
Web / Facebook / Twitter


Oct 052016

panrico-la-vaga-mes-llargaTuesday 11 October them 19h book presentation “Panrico, the longest strike”, to the Ronda Collective.

Round classroom, c / Sant Pere Més Alt, 59, Barcelona.

With its authors Isabel Benítez and Homera Rosetti.

Sep 262016

img-20160926-wa0000Act to support the fight meats of Osona

This Friday 30 September 2016, has the 19h, will act to support the struggle of fighting Meat, Osona.

The act, with the support of CGT CGT Vallès Oriental and Osona, Today we stand at carrying forward the struggle for months workers of meat industry Osona.

We hope to see everyone!

Friday 30 September, has the 19h

anonymous, c / Ricomà,57

Report (France 24) labor exploitation on the meat industry Osona (subtitled in Catalan)

CGT Vallès Oriental
c / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallès
Loss: 93 593 1545 / 625 373332
email: cgt.mollet.vo@gmail.com
Web / Facebook / Twitter

Sep 252016

A ruling by the ECJ questions the different compensation between permanent and temporary contracts. Lawyers believe that the decision to force changes in the Workers' Statute.

The judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union (TWENTY) questioning the treatment that is given in the Spanish labor market before the indefinite temporary contracts in the event of termination has caused a reaction of interpretations of social, Governments and law. The ruling by the European Court in Luxembourg which requires a worker interim compensation will reverse much of the Spanish labor legislation. There are clear deadlines for this legislation meets this sentence but, moment and while this does not happen, the arguments used by the European Court allow the plaintiffs to have more legal force to convince the judges.

The ruling dynamite all the way recruitment has been doing that all administrations in Spain, both local, the regional and state, procurement of staff in the administration. Which requires a large-scale policy change, not only of the Workers' Statute, which of course should be modified to reflect this judgment, but also regional standards should be modified.

It is a very important decision, which will mark a before and after, and said that a temporary worker should be compensated like it would be a permanent worker when his contract ends.

0 days per year worked is the compensation received by an employee acting once the employment relationship ends.

12 days per year worked receives compensation as a temporary employee once the employment relationship.

Spanish legislation contains various compensation once the employment relationship ends: 12 days per year worked in labor contracts, 20 days per year in permanent dismissal and with 33 days with the permanent unfair dismissal. the interim, meanwhile, have a temporary contract that does not entitle them to compensation once the employment relationship ends. There are also training contracts, without any compensation after timeout.

>> The entire article CGT Catalonia

Sep 192016

mani-sorpresa-11-14-anys-pressoSome 500 surprise people to the demonstration of the CGT 15 September in Barcelona, from the Paral·lel to Plaça de Sant Jaume, passing by Ramblas and Ferran, in solidarity with the defendants in case 27i + to defend the public university, among them Ermengol Gassiot, General Secretary of CGT Catalunya.

The CGT is manifested by surprise against the cause that affects 27 people from the UAB

The union concentrates almost half a thousand members in the center of Barcelona in defense of the public and quality university

The General Confederation of Labor (CGT) has summoned some 450 affiliates and supporters in a demonstration to denounce the case of @ som27imés. In this summary they are asked 11 years in prison to the general secretary, Ermengol Gassiot and similar penalties to 25 students of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) and a member of the administration and services staff. In total almost 300 years in prison plus accessory sentences.

The anarchist union has taken to the streets without informing Interior. He has done so on a route that has crossed the most touristy Barcelona, from near the Shipyards to Plaça de Sant Jaume, passing by the boulevard. Nearly half a thousand trade unionists have called against the surrounding processions of large firecrackers and firecrackers. There were no incidents or police officers at any time.

>> The entire article CGT Catalonia

Sep 082016

Comrades s,
Assembly is convened affiliates and members of our union.

Day: Saturday 24 of September.
Hour: to 10:00h in the morning.
Place: the union C / Francesc Macià 51.

Order of the day: sent by mail.

CGT Vallès Oriental
c / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallès
Loss: 93 593 1545 / 625 373332
email: cgt.mollet.vo@gmail.com
Web / Facebook / Twitter


Sep 082016

cartellconferencia15s_petitConference of delegates and affiliates of the CGT of Catalonia
Legal update training session: Delegates and Trade Union Sections

Thursday, 15 of September of 2016, from 10:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
In the event room of the Casa del Mar
Social Institute of the Navy
C/ d'Albareda, 1-13 (Barcelona)
Metro: L3 Parallel or Shipyards. buses: 20, 21, 64, D20, H14, 88.

Training session on the regulatory legal framework of Trade Union Sections and Trade Union Delegates, in which aspects related to their rights and guarantees will be discussed, with special reference to the right to information, the business obligation to provide means, and the enjoyment of hourly credit. The activity is of particular interest to new delegates, but it is open to the entire membership.

The conference will be given by the Magistrate of the TSJC and Professor of Criminal Law at the URV Carlos Hugo Preciado Domènech, who has previously collaborated in other training activities with the CGT of Catalonia.

Secretary of Training
Permanent Secretariat of the Confederal Committee of the CGT of Catalonia


If you are interested in attending, you can send us an email to sign up for cgt.mollet.vo@gmail.com indicating the company and the number of attendees.
CGT Vallès Oriental
Sep 072016

Post office strike Lliçà d'AmuntPress release:
The workers of the Lliçà d’Amunt Post Office are calling off the indefinite strike

Last monday 5 September, the workers of the Lliçà d'Amunt post office decided to definitively call off the indefinite strike called last 12 August due to lack of hiring. We want to remember that it remained suspended until the management's plans for this month were known..

At first they told us that they would not hire anyone., fact that motivated that on Friday 2 September it was decided to resume the same.

When the address knows the call for the same, It seems that they reacted and common sense has prevailed and they have hired a partner until the end of the month. With this fact the squad will have 7 effective in september.

If it hadn't been for this fight, this summer Lliçà d'Amunt would have had a postal service lower than one 50% of the template in some stripes of it.

The workers of the lliça post office encourage the group of colleagues from the different post offices to organize among themselves to defend the public service. We cannot allow brutal personnel cuts, We cannot allow there to be bag colleagues who do not call them because they are not hired..

We will remain vigilant so that situations like those of this summer do not occur again., and in any case if they are repeated, We would once again remain firm in mobilization as a tool to defend a universal and quality postal service

Thank you for the support received from the CGT union as well as neighbors, and entities from Lliçà d'Amunt.

If we fight we can lose, If we don't fight we are lost!!!

Post office workers in Lliçà d’Amunt


CGT Vallès Oriental
c / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallès
Loss: 93 593 1545 / 625 373332
email: cgt.mollet.vo@gmail.com
Web / Facebook / Twitter


Aug 122016

With a 80% follow-up on the first day of strike, and the presence at the midday rally of some 40 people, among workers affected, neighbors and comrades of CGT, today's strike has been successful. We concentrated in the Lliçà d’Amunt Town Hall to go to the Post Office and there, comrade Àlvaro explained the situation and the reasons for the strike. When the fight started, the company replied that we forgot to hire anyone. Today, 12 of August, they had already hired 3 people.

This next Tuesday 16 of August, the assembly of workers of Correus de Lliçà d’Amunt will decide what steps to take in the new scenario. It is once again demonstrated that only with the direct action of the workers are we taken into account, it's the only way to make ourselves heard.

By mails, we want more hiring and less exploitation!

CGT Vallès Oriental


Post Strike Uphill, 12 of August

Aug 112016

cgt-postCall for a strike by the distributors of Correos Lliçà d’Amunt for this Friday 12 August of 2016

It looks like the company is right and has announced the hiring of 3 people for the second half of August. Even so, we continue the strike call on Friday 12 August, because until the people are hired, we will not call off the strike. So far this summer, there has been no hiring by the company.

In the CGT we are not kidding: we know that there is a process of degradation of Post Offices, with the complicity and silence of the majority unions. But we follow the example of post offices in Algeciras and Madrid, because we also know and show that the struggle and action of workers for their own interests is a powerful tool that we have.

Correos is solely responsible for the current conflict situation. We insist again that the postal regulations are complied with in the parameters established in the Law 43/2010, from 30 of December, than in his article 24 picks up: “Deliveries will be made, at least, every working day, from Monday to Friday, except in the case of special circumstances or geographical conditions ”.

We invite you all to support your comrades in the fight for the post office, this Friday 12 August of 2016, in front of l’Lliçà d’Amunt City Council () them 12.00h.

The Post Office, we want more recruitment and less exploitation!


CGT Vallès Oriental

For more information, union section CGT Post Office
Alvaro: 666 98 36 85

Aug 042016

Poster CGT elections post office Bages1 2011_1The workers of Correos de repartimiento in Lliçà d’Amunt call an indefinite strike by the 3 last hours from the 12 against the degradation of the postal service

The past 25 In July, the delivery workers of Correos de Lliçà d’Amunt began a series of protests to denounce the degradation of the postal service suffered by the residents of Lliçà d’Amunt. As a result, the City Council asked to meet with us where we explained the shortages of staff suffering from the service. ( 50% Of the template ). Due to this fact, the City Council sent a letter to the company requesting improvements in the service. The only response that Correos has given to our workers ’protests has been to hire a worker until 12 August ( according to them to clean them almost 6000 objects we have a 3 August !) and the coverage of a surplus that will occur from the 3 week of August. Definitely, under these conditions it is impossible to comply with the deliveries established by postal regulations.

Due to this fact, this Monday 1 August the CGT ( with the approval of the assembly of delivery workers ) decided to call an indefinite strike of the 3 last hours from next Friday 12 of August. We don’t like having to make that decision ,but we cannot remain indifferent to the degradation of the postal service. In this way, we want to make a call for the residents of Lliçà d’Amunt to accompany us to the rally that we will convene at 12.00 in front of the City Council.

From now on, Correos will be solely responsible for the conflict situation that occurs in the service. We are once again urging Correos to comply with postal regulations within the parameters established by law 43/2010, from 30 of December than in his article 24 picks up: “Deliveries will be made, at least, every working day, from Monday to Friday, except in the case of special circumstances or geographical conditions ”.

Trade union section of the CGT in Correos de Lliçà d’Amunt

For more information
Alvaro: 666 98 36 85

Jul 282016

emailLast Monday, Correos de Lliçà d'Amunt workers gathered in front of the office to report the situation of the postal service in the town. The same was a success as one participated 85% of the delivery staff. For weeks, due to lack of staff,the service is suffering from serious deficiencies.

In the assembly they agreed to have breakfast in the street as a form of protest, not ruling out other more forceful actions but improving the postal service. Likewise, for this Thursday 28 In July, a meeting was arranged with the mayor of Llicà d'Amunt to inform him of the serious shortcomings of the service and to demand that Correos provide a dignified service for the town's citizens..

As we reported in the previous statement, we want to inform users of the conditions in which we carry out our work and of the repercussions that this is having on the quality of the service we provide..

First of all, it should be noted that: we are providing a public service;mail equals all people, regardless of the territorial scope in which it is exercised.

Correos is the operator designated by the State to provide this service and must do so within the parameters established in the Law 43/2010, from 30 of December than in his article 24 picks up: “Deliveries will be made, at least, every working day, from Monday to Friday, except in the case of special circumstances or geographical conditions ”.

Post and Telegraphs S.A., in your income statement for the year 2013, acknowledged having some benefits from 50 million euros. In 2014 these benefits were achieved by the 196 million euros, almost 4 times more. However, the reality we are living in this company is that of a major staff cut, so important that it became commonplace not to be able to finish the daily delivery.

Years ago, just in the summer, the company carried out an experiment that consisted of hiring fewer people than we were on vacation and recharging the entire staff with the work corresponding to these sections that were not covered (a section is the area that distributes a portfolio). According to the company, this was justified by the decline in postal traffic in the summer. The truth is that these experiments came to stay and dubbing, which is anonymous in sections that are not covered by contract staff, are a reality we have all year round, which means that certain areas are systematically distributed on alternate days, a bit of what we are witnesses and protagonists.

This summer is another turn around in this unsustainable situation, and the sections that are uncovered have become 50% of the same. As a result, postmen now have to take over entire distribution sections, which causes that for some places of Lliçà d'Amunt they take weeks without distributing correspondence.

It is scandalous that a company with millionaire profits is so blatantly disregarding its obligations. The consequences are suffered by workers and users: We, because we are subjected to a sustained level of stress over time that undermines our health and living conditions; users, because they suffer the deterioration of a service to which they are entitled.

Trade union section of the CGT in Correos


For more information:
Álvaro Íñigo (union delegate): 666 98 36 85

Jul 282016

Here all the videos of the conference, We hope you have enjoyed as well as we @ s, and that these days we encourage them to continue the struggle for a more just and egalitarian society, without rich or poor, where you do not have to work to accumulate useless goods, but for the needs of people; where we do not look askance but confidently, solidarity and mutual support; a society without fear of doing or saying something, for fear of police reprisals, military, policies, religious or media… a world without repressors, without police, military, politicians, religions, means the power to control us, repress and nullify.

And from here and build a society for people, everybody.


CGT Vallès Oriental

15 July Exhibition “Libertarian revolution” 19 July Exhibition “Free women”
Jordi Viader debate talk. Pass the documentary “Indomables”
21 July Book presentation “lawlessness 22 July Concert Muyayo RIRs, and
works” con Peter Gelderloos, Author. Skandal Jackson
23 Bio-lentoa July Poetry to the rescue 24 Route collectivization Mollet 1936

Jul 242016

20160724_105053After a week of activities under the Days for the 80th anniversary of the Social Revolution we do in the CGT Vallès Oriental, where not only we remember to honor women and men, with great courage and imagination, They dared to try to change radically the world, but it was also an incentive to continue the fight, recognizing and building on those experiences, and at the same time watching the absolute actuality of these protests, such complaints, Currently in libertarias experiences today, and that momentum to end capitalism and build a new world, truly inclusive, truly united and truly free.

As last activity, today Sunday 24 July we held Walking Libertarian collectivization of Mollet, a tour of factories and emblematic places that were collectivized by the working people of Mollet between 1936 Y 1939.

Libertario mate Juan Garcia began the story of historical memory in doors the Tannery (Modern Tannery Franco Spanish), where they had worked family members, mainly his own mother, during 50 years. The memory of the working people, the memory beaten so often try to silence us, He spoke for itself through our partner, telling what life was like in the tannery, and what it meant for us, workers, take into our hands the self-management of production and see the flight patterns. In this collectivization he had a central role the CNT, our union at that time, which carried forward decisively collectivization of industry and agriculture throughout Catalonia.

After Tenería, We climb down the street Berenguer III (Durruti called during the war) until Can Fàbregas, textile factory with other very different characteristics, also it was collectivized in 1936, where the change is less.

20160724_114036From there we move to the current school Lestonnac (Rambla Balmes, 15), the old one “convent school”, since in that building functioned the Central warehouse collectivized, where all foods of the region were managed for redistribution in times of Social Revolution. There's companion Eva, history teacher, We were also explained the workings of the PRICE (New Unified School Council) and comprehensive transformation of education during the revolutionary period.

We then move to the corner of Berenguer III and Av de Burgos, Can Mulà in the park, where the historian Jordi Viader explained his research on Central Lechera Mollet, Milk Industry Socialized, created specifically in those years at the initiative of the same CNT. It had operated the site where the dairy is far from this point (one of. Jaume I, 205), and did not make much sense to go there since today, with new buildings, there is no trace of it.

20160724_124136From there continue towards an emblematic point because other collectivized nucleated centers at that time, as the textile factory were Can Arderius, Can Serra (the flour) Y Can Meter (the sawmill). Is about the Tabarán, meeting place and fun of working people in Mollet, where the CNT carried out from rallies to dance, theater and all kinds of cultural events. A hundred meters there the other cultural and social center also was, he Athenaeum, where the political class was of those times. The 'stories about carpentry, Can the farinera and closed the tour collectivized Mulà.

The route of collectivization was a pleasant experience, where twenty attendees nourish us popular history, although many pretend to forget hacérnosla. Thanks to Comrade Joan, knowledgeable and memory of the working history of Mollet, who jointly he shared their knowledge with us and we.

Thanks to everyone who participated in these days you, from the organization, lending a hand in the activities, attending them, participating in different ways with your physical and supportive presence. A union we build among all of!


CGT Vallès Oriental
c / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallès
Loss: 93 593 1545 / 625 373332
email: cgt.mollet.vo@gmail.com
Web / Facebook / Twitter

Jul 242016

Central-dairy-calfAfter a week of various activities of the Conference on the 80th anniversary of the Social Revolution, It is Sunday 24 of July to 10:00 h, We started a collectivist path memory through the streets of Mollet, to tour the landmarks of our city where the social revolution made its fundamental economic practice to lay the groundwork for the full and integral transformation of society that had launched: collectivization of industry, first, and other productive sectors of our region.

We will meet in our union CGT Vallès Oriental (c / Francesc Macia, 51, Mollet), to start the route from the site where it was located “the Tannery” (Modern Tannery Franco Spanish), c / Industry, 2 (to the side of the Mollet-Sant Fost station RENFE). Can continue for Fàbregas (c/ Bereguer III. 89), Can you reach for Mulà (Of the Burgos, 15), emblematic textile factories that were collectivized by women workers and workers in the Social Revolution. We finish the tour in other industries, Central Lechera Mollet (Of. Jaume I, 205).

We wait for all and all!

CGT Vallès Oriental


Jul 242016

20160723_184438The poetry of the "Bio-Slow" moved our hearts and fists, positioned us, the ground shook but calm because we know where we step.

On Saturday afternoon he shouted at La Marineta, where more than twenty long people listen with their skin to the torrent of words like lashes that "Bio-Slow" they were tearing us. Unstoppable, we had to almost gag them to continue with the planned activity.

So the documentary «Project A», that we expected from silence and uncertainty, without knowing what we would find, but eager to know what that was about draft in which many of us are involved. There was an expectant silence, attentive to what was said, there was identification with the militant and combative attitude, both in the stories of Athens and in Germany; there was surprise at the appearance of our CGT confederation, but not from its more combative current aspect, but reduced to the historical memory of a glorious past as CNT; there was smile, silence and confusion, with the cooperative narrative about Catalonia and Germany.

And a lively debate was generated around these issues, because if we are looking for something precisely it is to open spaces and times of debate, so necessary to find us, strengthen our bonds of solidarity and transform everything from below.

CGT Vallès Oriental

Jul 232016

ProjektA_Ananzeige14Logos.inddFollowing the Conference on the 80th anniversary of the Social Revolution, It is Saturday 23 of July to 18:00 h, at the Civic Center Marineta (Pl. Church, 7, Mollet del Vallès, a 100 mts of the Old Town Hall), we will have the presentation of the poetry group "Bio-Slow", who present themselves in this way:

THE BIO · SLOW (POETRY TO THE RESCUE) It is a current project that encompasses poets and performers on the Barcelona stage, repeatedly or occasionally, depending on the case. The main purpose is to bring poetry to the street, or present it where it was not expected (thus escape from a closed circle where poets attend acts of poets). We are interested, particularly, be on the barricades, instead of just in the comfortable rear guards of conventional recitals.

«Project A»

Later we will also exclusively pass the documentary «Project A», from Marcel Seehuber & Moritz Springer (2016).

Financial crises and waves of refugees, social inequality and ecological catastrophes, terrorism and wars ... Western civilization is like a bullet train speeding up against a wall. And to the control of the controls, governments that apparently are not capable of solving people's problems. Aren't they even part of the problem?Are there alternatives?

Project A is a documentary that contradicts the typical cliches about anarchism and makes one thing clear: Another world is possible. Be in the Exarchia district in Athens, with its anarchist influences; protest actions against nuclear energy in Germany; CGT, as the world's largest anarcho-syndicalist organization, in Spain; or the projects of the Catalan CIC cooperative or the Kartoffelkombinat group in Munich, also cooperatively organized.

These activists contribute their idea of ​​an independent existence of the State and its structures, based on equal rights and with the objective of a solidarity and community economy.

Project A brings to the table an alternative vision of the world and shows some anarchist ideas of life and joint action. A form of society in which no one should have the power to control knowledge, natural resources, the earth or other people.

Documentary trailer


We wait for all and all!

CGT Vallès Oriental
c / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallès
Loss: 93 593 1545 / 625 373332
email: cgt.mollet.vo@gmail.com
Web / Facebook / Twitter


Saturday 23 de Julio - La Marineta Civic Center
18:00h poetry group "Bio-slow"
18:30h Documental "Projekt A"