Nov 252016

30776011980_253d120eee_zHe 25 November is the International Day against Gender Violence. They are killing us, striking, violating, abusive, exploding… So far this year 2016, 74 men have murdered a 74 women, 2 nenes i 1 nen.

But these are not isolated facts, this is called patriarchy, and is sustained in silence, the laziness and passivity of many people as well as in the neglect of functions of the Institutions that, actively or passively, they carry reinforcing, for hundreds of years, the model of object women, women as possessions of their partners; is based on the exploitative model of the capitalist economy; in the sexist Church, homophobic and racist that does not evolve; in the judiciary granting shared custody imposed even on abusers; in the political class that remains on the sidelines of what is happening, engrossed in their own intrigues and interests.

He 25 of November we want to denounce that, Often, those who wield power and legislate, blame and blame women for existing structural unemployment, of wage differences, of the deficit in the public pension system, of the difference in rights, of the violations, of ill-treatment… they are the ones who act directly or indirectly to prevent our emancipation and empowerment as free women.

We women demand of society and fight for a full model of co-education, for a culture of gender freedom; WE DENOUNCE the lack of ethics of rapists who go so far as to describe assaults as “group sex” without any scruples; we denounce to the media that “inform” of these facts with a false neutrality, normalizing the violence we suffer; we ask the Administration to monitor compliance with its own laws in favor of equality.

We women are fed up with being required to do all the work to report it, solve and end sexist violence. We carry more than 100 years empowered and doing so. That needs to change, when the aggressors will be required to stop killing us?, when the political class will be required to abandon its patriarchal conceptions in what it legislates and approves budget items against violence ?, for when our demand for support for women victims of gender-based violence and feminist training in gender-based violence?, when all the aggressors will be unmasked?, when it will be pointed out to human traffickers and sexual exploitation?

Women want to live in peace, with joy, at large, sense love, without god, without abuse.

We end violence against women for being so!

Against sexist violence, responses of mutual support and anarcho-feminist self-defense.

Confederal Secretariat of Women of the CGT

Nov 232016

cx2srg-xgaaqwmk-jpg-largeOur pensions are neither sold nor traded
Communiqué SP CGT Catalonia

This Thursday 24 in November there will be a meeting between the government, employers' organizations and the CCOO and UGT unions. The point to be made is, as it has transpired, negotiating the “social peace”. Between baby dolls, However, there are more points on the table. Business organizations have already claimed the need for a new labor reform. Equally, large financial and insurance corporations have begun to promote a media campaign to prepare the ground for a new pension reform. They want to deepen what, the agents themselves, they agreed in January of the year 2011 on that occasion under the auspices of the Zapatero government of the PSOE.

Experience tells us that too many times these meetings result in highly harmful agreements for the interests of the working class, of the majority of the population. In the past we have repeatedly seen how under the pretext of social peace we have left rights and conquests in the ditch of history: now companies are free to fire (at most paying smaller and smaller compensations), they can dispose quite freely of part of our working day by making us work overtime, they can make us work on tasks above our contract rating… and a long et cetera.

I, in the name of social peace, we have also seen how it is necessary to work more now than before 6 years to access a full pension and how the extension of the regulatory bases lowers pensions that, at the entrance, they are already among the lowest in the EU. All these concessions made, always, in the name of a social peace that only benefits those at the top, to the owners of the capital.


Permanent Secretariat of the Confederal Committee of the CGT of Catalonia

>> The entire article CGT Catalonia


Oct 092016

NO TTIP act CGT VOThe so-called Transatlantic Trade and Investment Agreement (TTIP in English), they intend to sign between the European Union and the US, and the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA in English), between the European Union and Canada, are two “agreements” who try to sneak us in secret and wanting to go unnoticed, but that would totally transform our reality as workers, and as citizens in our societies.

These two “agreements” they seek to equate the legal frameworks on both sides of the Atlantic to the laws that prioritize profit and theft by multinationals and large economic corporations, with the complicit collaboration of states, governments, intermediaries, companies and other parasites of the capitalist system.

These agreements that they would sign between them, but that in the first place affect us and us, the working class, they are an attack to outline the new panorama that they intend to establish, pretending to argue with the great lie of “economic growth” and the “competitiveness”. In addition to all the areas affected by these treaties, like the ecological, the sanitary, the agrarian, the legal, the politician, The education, etc, obviously sets its sights on the productive system, In the laboral world. If the path to follow is the Yankee labor model, we have it clear.

Attack on labor rights

Regarding labor and trade union rights, keep in mind that harmonization could result in downward equalization. In the United States, labor and union rights are conspicuous by their absence, while in the European Union for now they are guaranteed, but not harmonized, at least formally.

The US has only signed two of the eight agreements of the International Labor Organization (OIT), those opposed to child labor and slave labor, but not those that refer to collective bargaining or the right to organize and associate. Nor has it ratified the International Covenant on Economic Rights (including labor, union and health), social and cultural, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly. In the US there are “facilities to work” (availability for employment or employability), instead of work. The call has been placed Workfare, the acceptance of any job under pressure by the unemployed (From a neoliberal vision, the unemployed are held responsible for their own situation, and not to the socioeconomic context that produces unemployment, poverty and inequality), which is also paradoxically called right to work (right to work). The minimum wage is not established, or safety and health in the workplace.

In addition to all the areas affected by these treaties, we highlight the direct attack that they mean to our rights as workers, already beaten enough for years, but telling that we are still fighting and claiming a world of equal and free people, without flags or borders, without masters or slaves.

Actions against TTIP and CETA

For all this, from the CGT del Vallès Oriental we convene and inform about the actions against the TTIP and the CETA that we will carry out this next Thursday 13 October in Mollet del Vallès, with information tables in the morning and afternoon, reporting on the meaning and scope of these treaties, and how they would affect our lives and that of the planet as a whole. Likewise, he Saturday 15 October a international day of fight against TTIP in all Europe, to which we joined with the screening of an explanatory documentary video and the subsequent debate talk, in Marineta, Saturday 15 October at 6pm.

From the CGT Vallès Oriental we denounce and say NO to these capitalist agreements whose sole objective is to totally dismantle the working class to impose a slave labor market at bargain prices and without any kind of rights..

NO al TTIP, CETA and other free trade agreements!!


CGT Vallès Oriental
c / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallès
Loss: 93 593 1545 / 625 373332
Web / Facebook / Twitter


Sep 262016

img-20160926-wa0000Act to support the fight meats of Osona

This Friday 30 September 2016, has the 19h, will act to support the struggle of fighting Meat, Osona.

The act, with the support of CGT CGT Vallès Oriental and Osona, Today we stand at carrying forward the struggle for months workers of meat industry Osona.

We hope to see everyone!

Friday 30 September, has the 19h

anonymous, c / Ricomà,57

Report (France 24) labor exploitation on the meat industry Osona (subtitled in Catalan)

CGT Vallès Oriental
c / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallès
Loss: 93 593 1545 / 625 373332
Web / Facebook / Twitter

Jul 282016

emailLast Monday, Correos de Lliçà d'Amunt workers gathered in front of the office to report the situation of the postal service in the town. The same was a success as one participated 85% of the delivery staff. For weeks, due to lack of staff,the service is suffering from serious deficiencies.

In the assembly they agreed to have breakfast in the street as a form of protest, not ruling out other more forceful actions but improving the postal service. Likewise, for this Thursday 28 In July, a meeting was arranged with the mayor of Llicà d'Amunt to inform him of the serious shortcomings of the service and to demand that Correos provide a dignified service for the town's citizens..

As we reported in the previous statement, we want to inform users of the conditions in which we carry out our work and of the repercussions that this is having on the quality of the service we provide..

First of all, it should be noted that: we are providing a public service;mail equals all people, regardless of the territorial scope in which it is exercised.

Correos is the operator designated by the State to provide this service and must do so within the parameters established in the Law 43/2010, from 30 of December than in his article 24 picks up: “Deliveries will be made, at least, every working day, from Monday to Friday, except in the case of special circumstances or geographical conditions ”.

Post and Telegraphs S.A., in your income statement for the year 2013, acknowledged having some benefits from 50 million euros. In 2014 these benefits were achieved by the 196 million euros, almost 4 times more. However, the reality we are living in this company is that of a major staff cut, so important that it became commonplace not to be able to finish the daily delivery.

Years ago, just in the summer, the company carried out an experiment that consisted of hiring fewer people than we were on vacation and recharging the entire staff with the work corresponding to these sections that were not covered (a section is the area that distributes a portfolio). According to the company, this was justified by the decline in postal traffic in the summer. The truth is that these experiments came to stay and dubbing, which is anonymous in sections that are not covered by contract staff, are a reality we have all year round, which means that certain areas are systematically distributed on alternate days, a bit of what we are witnesses and protagonists.

This summer is another turn around in this unsustainable situation, and the sections that are uncovered have become 50% of the same. As a result, postmen now have to take over entire distribution sections, which causes that for some places of Lliçà d'Amunt they take weeks without distributing correspondence.

It is scandalous that a company with millionaire profits is so blatantly disregarding its obligations. The consequences are suffered by workers and users: We, because we are subjected to a sustained level of stress over time that undermines our health and living conditions; users, because they suffer the deterioration of a service to which they are entitled.

Trade union section of the CGT in Correos


For more information:
Álvaro Íñigo (union delegate): 666 98 36 85

Jul 062016

Carta a companyes i companys: 11 peak years in prison

Ara que ja és públic, penjo la carta que he enviat a les meves companyes i companys de sindicat un cop hem conegut la petició fiscal pel cas 27 and more. Per si no ho recordeu, fa més d’un any la universitat on treballo, la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, va denunciar junt a una vice-rectora i altres persones a 25 estudiants i 2 workers (un company del PAS i jo mateix) per un seguit de lluites sindicals i socials. Tot plegat ho podeu seguir també al blog de la CGT-UAB.

Companyes/ companys

Des que sóc secretari general de la CGT de Catalunya mai he volgut adreçar-me a vosaltres de manera personal, ja que entenia que l’SP de la CGT de Catalunya som un equip i volem expressar-nos com a tal. No obstant, avui he optat per fer-ho. I us explico el motiu. Com ja sabeu, fa un any i pocs mesos la secció sindical de CGT a la UAB va denunciar que la UAB havia iniciat un procés repressiu, amb denúncia penal inclosa, contra 25 students, un treballador del PAS i jo mateix.

Ara hem rebut l’escrit d’acusació de la fiscalia. En ell, en el que a mi m’afecta, formula les següents peticions per haver participat en una roda de premsa on donàvem, la CGT i altres col·lectius sindicals, recolzament a una ocupació de protesta al rectorat de la UAB:

- Delicte continuat desordres públics: 2 anys i 10 mesos de presó
- Delicte de violació de domicili jurídic: 2 anys i 9 mesos de presó
- Delicte de danys: 2 anys i 10 mesos de presó
- Delicte continuat coaccions : 3 years
- Prohibició d’accés a la UAB (i, as we previously agreed at a CGT affiliate assembly and following the criteria of trying to make it unitary, al meu lloc de treball) durant 5 years

Quan la notícia es faci pública hi haurà un comunicat de la CGT al respecte. Mentre, simplement, us volia en confiança posar en coneixement de la situació que encara no és pública. No cal que us digui que el ministeri fiscal segueix ordres del govern i que l’acusació és un autèntic despropòsit jurídic, segons asseguren els i les nostres advocades. Tenim molt clar que respon a una voluntat política d’atacar la lluita sindical i social contra la privatització de les universitats i els negocis que empreses i alguns professors/es fan amb aquest procés. Tenim molt clar que, Besides, és un atac directe també a la CGT que tant a la UAB, a altres universitats i en molts altres espais protagonitzem una lluita en contra els interessos del capital i del poder.

Tot plegat, ens dóna encara més energia per seguir el camí que hem emprés.

Health, lluita i llibertat

Ermengol Gassiot, Secretari General CGT Catalunya

Jul 062016

arton12021-4102aComunicat de la Confederació General del Treball de Catalunya

Volem informar que ens ha arribat l’escrit d’acusació de la fiscalia per les protestes estudiantils i sindicals a la UAB durant la primavera del 2013, durant les quals es va ocupar l’edifici del rectorat de la UAB l’any 2013. En una successió d’imputacions que qualifiquem de delirants i aberrants, s’acumulen peticions de presó que arriben fins els 11 anys i 5 mesos pel nostre secretari general, el professor Ermengol Gassiot, i peticions semblants per a 25 estudiants i un treballador del PAS (personal d’administració i serveis), delegat al comitè d’empresa del PAS pel sindicat CAU-IAC.

L’Ermengol, com a delegat de la Confederació General del Treball a la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona i membre del Comitè d’Empresa, va donar suport als estudiants que van ocupar el rectorat l’any 2013, que posteriorment es va convertir en una ocupació de tots els col·lectius en lluita de la UAB, així com també a les mobilitzacions universitàries que es van realitzar durant el curs 2012-2013. En totes les ocasions, va mantenir una ferma lluita sindical contra l’anterior equip de rectorat. En la mencionada ocupació, alguns professors i personal d’administració i serveis (NOT) van mostrar la seva solidaritat amb la seva presència a l’edifici, i fent les seves classes al rectorat.

La Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona s’ha personat com a acusació particular del present procediment. Es tracta de la primera vegada des del franquisme que una universitat pública denuncia penalment un professor i un membre del PAS per la seva pràctica político-sindical. I també és una situació quasi inèdita el fet que una universitat pública hagi denunciat penalment els seus propis estudiants.

La UAB no només s’ha personat com a acusació particular, sinó que també ha redactat informes per a la policia i ha perseguit clarament a aquelles persones que van ser contràries a la candidatura de l’anterior rector, Ferran Sancho. Tot plegat ha fet que el present procediment conformi una persecució indiscriminada de la lluita sindical i, as we previously agreed at a CGT affiliate assembly and following the criteria of trying to make it unitary, en una clara vulneració de l’exercici de drets fonamentals.

Aquesta brutal repressió i peticions fiscals basades en la revenja ideològica tenen com a objectiu acoquinar l’estudiantat, la comunitat universitària i la població en general.

Denunciem la persecució ideològica a la UAB contra tota oposició a la política de retallades i agressions a la universitat pública. Denunciem la responsabilitat i instigació de l’equip de Ferran Sancho en aquesta denúncia. Denunciem les mentides i revenges de l’ex-vicerectora Sílvia Carrasco, personada com acusació particular a la causa.

I recordem que a la CGT de Catalunya quan ens toquen a una ens toquen a totes, as we previously agreed at a CGT affiliate assembly and following the criteria of trying to make it unitary, no ens quedarem de braços creuats mirant com actituds feixistes pretenen engarjolar al nostre secretari general i a 26 persones que simplement feien una ocupació en defensa dels drets de totes i tots a una universitat pública, social i de qualitat.

Confederació General del Treball de Catalunya
Permanent Secretariat of the CGT of Catalonia

6 de juliol de 2016

Jun 192016

2016-06-18 Madrid Public Services

May 272016

Comunicat CGT Catalunya

Front el desallotjament del Banc Expropiat, estenem la resposta

El desallotjament del Banc Expropiat ahir al barri de Gràcia de Barcelona ens ha mostrat, de nou, la veritable cara de la política d’estat. Com, entre les bambolines de pomposes declaracions institucionals, el sistema polític continua prioritzant la propietat a les persones. El Banc Expropiat era un edifici buit. Sense cap us. I des de feia pràcticament un any molts col·lectius socials del barri barceloní de Gràcia l’havien reobert. De tal manera que les seves dependències, abans buides i plenes de pols, es van convertir en espais de reunions, debats i múltiples activitats. La reobertura de l’edifici com un espai col·lectiu havia tingut lloc després de que un Banc Expropiat anterior, al mateix barri, hagués estat desallotjat per la policia.

Ahir van tornar. Al matí, durant tot el dia i a la nit la policia, sota les ordres de la Generalitat de Catalunya, va prendre de nou el barri. L’objectiu era eliminar aquest espai de construcció d’alternatives que el propi barri havia construït. Retornar, a la política d’estat, de la propietat privada i del capital, un espai que havia passat a ser de la nostra política. La del poble, la dels precaris i precàries, la dels que bàsicament només posseïm la dignitat i la nostra força de treball.

Ahir al vespre la resposta a aquesta nova agressió va ser multitudinària i es va estendre pels carrers de Gràcia. Avui hi ha convocatòries per mostrar la solidaritat amb el Banc Expropiat, és dir, amb nosaltres mateixes, a molts barris i viles de Catalunya. Des de la CGT de Catalunya fem una crida a participar-hi. A ser part activa de la defensa dels espais alliberats, esgarrapats a l’especulació per a convertir-los en casals i centres socials. Fa poques setmanes va ser a l’Espai pels Somnis d’Igualada. Ara és el Banc Expropiat de Gràcia. I també va ser l’Obrera de Sabadell, assetjada per desenes de neonazis. En totes elles hi hem sigut i hem format part de la seva defensa.

Recordem allò de “Cap desallotjament sense resposta”. Volem continuar sent part de la resposta. Una resposta que la farem al carrer, de manera clara i evident, però que també anem teixint poc a poc als nostres llocs de treball quan deixem de ser illes per organitzar-nos col·lectivament. Una resposta que també mostrem quan optem pel suport mutu i quan refusem sense contemplacions el feixisme. Per tot això, today, estendrem novament la solidaritat, aquest cop amb el Banc Expropiat i cridem a recolzar totes les convocatòries que es vagin fent públiques.

Confederació General del Treball de Catalunya. Secretariat Permanent

Apr 082016

sabadell-antifascistaCommuniqué from the CGT of Sabadell in the face of the fascist attack on the CSA L’OBRERA

Last Wednesday, the Social Center Liberated the Worker suffered an attack by a fascist group. This Social Center, of marked revolutionary character, has been the focus of these fascist groups in recent days, suffering graffiti and threats like Wednesday’s. From the CGT we want to show our rejection of these actions and show our unconditional support to the organized and combative youth of Sabadell in the face of fascist attacks.

>> Full article in the CGT Sabadell

Mar 252016

photo_2016-03-09_14-19-18Des del Secretariat Permanent de CGT Catalunya s’ha estat participant en les reunions i col·laborant en la constitució de la Plataforma d’Afectades per l’ICAM (PAICAM), que té com a objectiu denunciar i lluitar contra les altes injustes de l’ICAM, l’INSS i les Mútues.

A continuació us fem un breu resum dels acords de la darrera Assemblea de la PAICAM del passat 2/03/16 i les properes convocatòries (especialment la del 8 d’abril a les 11h davant la Direcció Provincial de l’INSS Continue reading »

Nov 232015

Juicio Viena, 23 nov 2015Hoy lunes 23 de noviembre se llevó a cabo el proceso judicial de los Estableciments Viena contra la CGT Vallès Oriental y contra los compañeros y compañeras del Comité de Huelga Viena que en junio de este 2015 llevaron adelante la Huelga de cinco días, para la readmisión de los compañeros previamente despedidos en una clara política empresarial de represión sindical contra nuestra organización, argumentando “bajo rendimiento” cuando en realidad lo que les molesta es que haya trabajadores y trabajadoras que se organizan en un sindicato combativo para reclamar condiciones laborales dignas.

Como conclusión del proceso judicial la empresa Viena retiró toda pretendida demanda por “huelga ilegal” contra la CGT y contra el Comité de Huelga, con la explicación de que hubo “defectos formales” en la efectivización de dicha huelga.

Entonces nuestra conclusión, corroborada en el documento emitido por el tribunal, es que la Huelga del Viena Montmeló además de haber sido un éxito por el seguimiento del 95% de la plantilla y la adhesión generalizada de la clientela concurrente al Gran Premio de MotoGP 2015, fue una huelga legal en toda su amplitud. Aceptamos los defectos formales por ser una condición que puso la empresa para retirar la demanda y para cerrar este capítulo, pero desde la CGT seguimos avalando su legitimidad y seguiremos reclamando por los derechos laborales de los trabajadores y trabajadoras. Porque hay algo que nos queda muy claro de todo esto: no nos detendrán en la lucha contra la prepotencia empresarial y por nuestros derechos, seguiremos plantando cara y exigiendo dignidad ante todo.

Donde sí están habiendo «defectos formales» e irregularidades es en el proceso de elecciones sindicales recientes, así como presiones y acoso tanto a huelguistas como a candidatas y candidatos de CGT. Presiones que se están sufriendo aún hoy día por parte de la empresa hacia nuestros compañeros y compañeras.

¡No nos callarán, seguiremos gritando donde siempre nos encontrarán: del lado de los trabajadores y trabajadoras, del lado de los sectores explotados, combatiendo el capitalismo!

¡Salud a los y las que luchan!


CGT Vallès Oriental

Nov 232015

25N They are killing usStatement from the Permanent Secretariat of the CGT Catalunya and Libertarian Women
CGT manifesto against sexist violence. 25 of November 2015: International Day against sexist violence

As every year, the day 25 November we remember that we are doing a macabre count: every month, o every week, a woman is murdered with the complicity of the macho state Continue reading »

Nov 162015

cgt-cat_logoComo consecuencia de una filtración, los medios se han hecho eco de la existencia de un preacuerdo entre los equipos negociadores de CCOO, UGT y patronales de ámbito catalán (Work Promotion, Pimec y Fepime) para una nueva reedición del Acord Interprofesional de Catalunya.

Este documento marca los ejes y guías de actuación en el futuro inmediato tanto de las patronales como de los dos sindicatos antes referenciados en las negociaciones de convenios sectoriales o de empresa. Estos convenios regulan las condiciones laborales de millones de trabajadoras y trabajadores de toda Catalunya. Continue reading »

Oct 302015

arton11560-73bc5Concentraciones de apoyo en Barcelona, Girona, Tarragona, Manresa, El Vendrell, Igualada, Reus, Berga, Valencia, Castelló, Zaragoza, Madrid,…

Procés Embat, el Ateneu Llibertari de Sants, el Grup de Suport a Joaquim y la Assemblea de Barri de Sants participan en una rueda de prensa en respuesta a la operación Pandora Continue reading »